NORTH by Colorado Media Group | AUG-SEP 2022 | Vol. 2 No.4

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A quick note to all our first-year NORTH partners, contributors, and advertisers: Thank you! Because of your strength, dedication, and shared enthusiasm to connect and edify our community through this resource, we have reached this important milestone. As founder, I’m grateful for your trust, for your engagement, and for what each of you brings to our community. Since our launch, we’ve expanded our reach to more than 150K folks and have developed extraordinary partnerships throughout the region with Air Force Athletics, The Colorado Springs Sports Corporation, VisitCOS – our Visitors & Convention Bureau, KKTV11 News, The Pikes Peak YMCA, The Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region, Community Cultural Collaborative – our City Auditorium project), Colorado Springs Airport, and The Tri-Lakes Chamber. All these organizations represent amazing ways to connect to and engage our community whether you’re a business owner, or just looking for a way to plug in to what’s going on. We’re so proud of these organizations and how they serve our region. We are so lucky to have them working hard to make our lives richer, fuller, and more memorable. They also are committed to helping you get the most out of NORTH!

This edition of NORTH marks our first anniversary! One year ago, we set forth to create a substantive, relevant media company that would serve our friends and neighbors in northern Colorado Springs and El Paso County.

Lerohl: DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Jeff Mohrfeld: ADVERTISING, SALES & EVENTS Jenn Strehlow DESIGN & PRODUCTION EDITOR Dirk R. Hobbs, Sheyenne Livingston WEBSITE MANAGERS Sterling McMannis & Angelina Pecoraro LAYOUT & DESIGN Sheyenne Livingston | Livingston Design Co. DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY Don Jones, Studio 9 Photography SENIOR WRITERS Pam Bales, Wayne Heilmen AUGUST/SEPTEMBER WRITERS & CONTRIBUTERS Marquesa Hobbs, Amy Newland Ward, Gillian Rossi, Sues Hess, Chris Wineman, Dirk Hobbs, Pam Bales, Suzanne Tulien, Amy Long, Wayne Pinegar, Greg Balman, Roger Hukle, Carianne Johnson, Charmas Lee and Jason Watson, CPA NORTH PARTNERS KKTV 11 NEWS Visit COS United States Air Force Academy Athletics Colorado Springs Sports Corporation Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce Colorado Springs Airport YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region NORTH is published by and is the exclusive prop erty of Colorado Media Group, LLC- A registered C-Corp in the state of Colorado. The NORTH Compass is property of Colorado Media Group, LLC and may not be used without consent. P.O Box 13395 Voyager Parkway Ste 130 - PMB #746 | Colorado Springs, CO 80921 719-330-7448 | VI SIT US ONLINE ! 4 NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM ®



Speaking of “memorable.” We’re going to introduce you to one of the most prolific entrepreneurs in our region – J.W. Roth. If you live in the Springs, you already know about Boot Barn Hall, Bourbon Brothers and Buttermilk. And those are probably a part of your monthly entertainment regimen. We’ve read about the new Sunset Coliseum in some of the local publications and news. But what you may not know is what makes this visionary tick. A Colorado native, J.W. has truly led one of the successful efforts to advance Colorado Springs from an entertainment desert to an entertainment destination. Fueled by his love for great live music, building fun and interesting entertainment venues, and his love for Colorado Springs, J.W. Roth and his endeavors’ impact are already being felt, and his legacy is well underway. We hope you enjoy this special portrait of a truly gifted individual whose instincts and ability to execute are something to behold. We hope you enjoy NORTH, and all the hard work put in by our partners, artists, writers, photographers, and contributors. Until next time, Dirk R. Hobbs, Founder

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Rather,property.most wealth is built with after-tax dollars. The lever aging of the IRS free loan concept sounds great on paper until you gain perspective on the size of the lever.

During your wage-earning years you might have the ability work a little harder to pay for taxes now. Pick up an extra shift. Close an extra deal. Get a few more tax returns out of the door if you are a tax accountant. Whatever it takes, right? During your retirement years, especially mid-70s or older, you pay taxes with retirement savings (or at least it feels like you


A lot of financial advisors do not like 401k plans because they cannot earn a fee from managing those assets. If they are worth their salt, they will find a way to charge a flat fee or an hourly fee, and you’ll be happy to pay it for sound advice. As such, the second argument is about using the IRS’s money to build additional wealth. You take your $8,640 and do some thing good with it. Yeah, this sort of works. $8,640 annually might not move the needles much on your wealth building strategies. You would need $8,640 x 15 years at 6% rate of return just to afford a down payment on an average rental

Another side argument is completely avoiding state income taxes by reducing your state income and therefore income tax with 401k contributions during your wage-earning years, and then establish residency in a tax-free or a tax-friendly state during retirement. We talk about this in our tax reduc tion strategies blog post.

SUMMER IS TAX PLANNING TIME, AND WE GET A LOT OF QUESTIONS ABOUT SOLO 401K CONTRIBUTIONS, AND WHETHER THEY SHOULD BE ROTH 401K CONTRIBUTIONS OR TRADITIONAL (PRE-TAX) 401K CONTRIBUTIONS. OUR GENERAL ANSWER IS ROTH FOR A FEW REASONS. Before we get into that, let’s review a couple of things. First, when we say Roth 401k, we are not talking about Roth IRAs. We truly are talking about a post-tax contribution to a 401k plan. 401k plans and IRAs are totally different. Next, unlike a Roth IRA, a Roth 401k does not have income limits. So, while you might be phased out based on income from a Roth IRA (modified adjusted gross income cannot exceed $214,000 for the 2022 tax year), you can make a zillion dollars and contribute to a Roth 401k. Wait, there’s more! You can contribute $20,500 for the 2022 tax year into a Roth 401k plus another $6,500 if you are 50 or older. This is in stark contrast to a Roth IRA which is $6,000 + Most$1,000.401k plans, both solo 401k plans and full-blown big-biz 401k plans, have two “accounts.” One for pre-tax or traditional 401k contributions, and another for Roth 401k contributions. Quick recap- Roth 401k contributions have higher limits and do not have any income phaseouts. Let’s not forget about taxfree growth.

By Jason Watson, CPA TAXES


Roth 401K



401K PLAN THEORY Two arguments abound when considering a pre-tax 401k contribution. The argument goes like this- your retirement tax rate will be lower than your wage-earning tax rate. For those in the 32%, 35% or 37% marginal tax brackets, this is likely true. However, those earning big bucks probably con tinue to earn big bucks during retirement from investments, real estate, consulting, etc. The other argument is about the free loan from the IRS. If you contribute $27,000 to your pre-tax 401k and you are in the 32% marginal tax bracket, you just put $8,640 in your pocket ($27,000 x 32%). Sure, at some point the IRS wants it back when you withdraw it during retirement and will tax the orig inal contribution plus whatever you earned on it. But this falls into the let’s worry about next time, next time category.

The theories above make sense; however, we ask a basic question- is it easier to pay taxes during your wage-earning years or during retirement? Sure, it depends how much you withdraw during retirement. Please consider that to spend $150,000 during retirement, you might have to withdraw up wards of $180,000 to account for the income taxes.

For example, if you are a business owner paying yourself $60,000 in salary, you could contribute $20,500 into your Roth 401k and another $15,000 ($60,000 x 25%) into the pretax 401k for a total of $35,500.

Jason Watson, CPA is a Senior Partner of WCG Inc., a business consultation and tax preparation CPA firm located in Colorado Springs, and is the author of Taxpayer’s Comprehensive Guide on LLC’s and S Corps which is available online and from mostly average retailers.

Jason Watson CPA



This is a nice way to get the best of both worlds. Pay taxes now and enjoy tax-free growth on one hand. And on the other hand, get some tax deferrals.

do, depending on your cash sources). Also, keep in mind that your primary objective in life is to build wealth. Your second objective is to save taxes, and what a lot of people forget about is saving taxes is not done in a vacuum or just one year; it is done over your entire lifetime. Here’s another angle to consider- you can delay required minimum distributions (RMDs) with a 401k plan. At the age of 72, you must start withdrawing money from IRAs and “rem nant” 401k plans. However, there is a special rule for 401k plans-1. If you are still working, and 2. Own 5% or less of the company you work for, and 3. The 401k plan is with the company you work for You can delay RMDs. So, you could roll all your retirement accounts into a 401k plan at Wal-Mart, hand out carts and avoid having to take required minimum distributions. This gets tricky when you are self-employed since you would need to substantially work for another company and have your retirement money in their 401k plan (and now have a boss).

Then again, if you have mostly Roth 401k contributions, you don’t really care about avoiding RMDs since this is generally tax-free withdrawals. Keep reading!

Our first recommendation is to always defer to your financial advisor. He or she might have strong opinions one way or another and are also in charge of your financial plan. But if you want our opinion, then here it is- If you are work ing for a company with decent matching, then split your 401k contributions 50%-50% between Roth and pre-tax.

If you are self-employed, then put 100% of your contributions into the Roth component of your 401k plan, and then another 25% of your salary into the pre-tax component as a discre tionary company contribution (sometimes loosely referred to as a profit-sharing contribution).

Your insurance agent is a great resource to learn more about the benefits of insurance, as well as the benefits with your specific coverage. For example, you may have access to emergency roadside service, risk control consulting for businesses, and cash value in your life insurance policy, in addition to many other coverage options and discounts.


Amy Newland Agency LLC 3522 Hartsel Dr, Colorado Springs (719) 686-4216

Providing peace of mind and a financial safety net are both potential outcomes with the right insurance. The purpose of insurance is to help you and your loved ones recover after something bad happens – such as a car accident, lawsuit, or fire. Premiums reduce the risk by transferring it to insurance companies in exchange for the possibility of a much larger Thereloss. are a few things to consider when choosing an insur ance company to work with:


The risk of dying early could put a family in financial hardship with loss of income, debt, funeral expenses, and future edu cation expenses, among other worries. On the other hand, the risk of living (frankly) too long may mean a person uses up all their retirement, also resulting in financial difficulty. Under standing life insurance and how much coverage you may need can help with long-term financial planning. Making plans to help support your family’s financial stability when you pass could help mitigate the stress and burden of an already dif ficult time. Depending on your financial goals and needs, life insurance may be an important part of this plan.

• INSURANCE COVERAGE: Most insurance policy contracts are now customizable, allowing you to select optional coverage endorsements based on your family’s needs. You may also be able to bundle your policies for additional savings!

The Amy Newland Agency offers free consultations; I encour age you to schedule an appointment with me to review your current insurance plan. Let’s chat about what’s important to you and your family and see if the plan you have now still fits with you and your future.

Peace of Mind in a world of uncertainties


By Amy Newland Ward

• FINANCIAL STRENGTH OF THE COMPANY: Look at the AM Best–credit rating to determine the company’s fi nancial strength; it’s important to know the company will be able to pay your claim in the event of a catastrophic event.

When making financial decisions, most people weigh the risk to the uncertainty. The most difficult thing about insurance is paying for something you hope you will never use. Nobody wants something bad to happen to their family, but if it does, suffering a loss without insurance can put a family in a diffi cult financial situation.

• AGENCY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE: Do you pre fer managing your own policies, coverage, and claims or would you like recommendations, assistance, and trusted feedback? Unless you prefer to do it on your own, it’s to your advantage to gain a relationship with your local agent and team. Your agent is an insurance expert with the knowledge to guide you through the insurance process, both while helping you find the best insurance protection and during a claim. Life can change in an instant and anyone can all fall victim to a catastrophic event or accident. This serves as a tough reminder that life is full of uncertainties, making it difficult to make decisions about a future that has yet to be realized, with one exception – life insurance. For example, death is certain, but no one knows when. This uncertainty causes two types of risks – the risk of dying early and the risk of living too long.

Finding Solutions to Protect Future.YourInvestmentsYour&Family’sAmyNewland Agency LLC 3522 Hartsel Dr., Colorado Springs | 719.686.4216

When Dan Hamilton relocated to Colorado and purchased a small computer business customers kept coming in com plaining of slow computers. However, upon further investi gation, many who came didn’t have slow computers, rather, most were experiencing slow internet. This lackluster con nectivity was common in the Tri-Lakes area, and it didn’t take long for Dan to spot the more viable business model, and two other partners, Geoff Cannon, and a former partner, to take a chance on their own start up – Force Broadband. After some careful management of a challenging three-way partnership and some arm-wrestling regard ing ownership to protect the business from a rogue business partner, Geoff and Dan contin ued as owners. A retired U.S. Army helicopter pilot, Dan a studied microbi ology in school. But his love of computers and gaming met with fate when he moved to Monument and a local computer shop fell in his lap. Geoff, came to the part nership with robust technology sales experience through Verizon, Qwest, and CenturyLink. He jokingly shares, “I worked for the big gorillas in the market, now we’re the little chimpanzee wrestling them for business and Thewinning.”larger entities gave Geoff the useful perspective of how a smaller organization can be more nimble and more accom modating to customer requirements than corporate provid ers. “We can solve problems without going through three departments and fifteen signatures from corporate managers who’ve never been in the field. Further, customers will always have a live, local representative take each call, instead of a call center that puts customers through ten minutes of phone tree hoops. This helps customers get prompt, one-of-a-kind service by those who have intimate knowledge of this specific market network. The larger groups simply cannot provide Withthis.”




Force Broadband First in Region with 10G Speeds to Area Neighborhoods Internet Company Stronghold in Monument/Tri-Lakes Region


For us, communication is central to our business model,” Set ting clear expectations is key for both individual customers as well as, developers in the area, who have also come to reply on Force as a strong solutions provider for their projects. At the end of the day, our customer experience drives a lot of our decisions, Geoff concludes.

northern El Paso County continuing to grow, Force Broadband is keeping up with local demand, with up to 30 employees and sub-contractors working at any given time. On the technical proficiency side, Force, like the technology, is always evolving. First to bring Monument customers 10GB speeds to the home and always scout ing for better technical upgrades to deliver faster speeds, greater reliability, and customer service solutions.Customers are responding well to Force. They hold a strong Five-Star review on Google. Dan states, “There are still pockets out there where strong internet is needed. It’s very rewarding to have your crew report that res idents give them a big hug at the end of an installation. We see res idents who were once considering relocating because there is no service in their area. It’s cool to see them learn that we can provide the connectivity they need to meet their work and lifestyle demands and are able to remain in their homes.”

2022 EVENTS MONUMENT ART HOP 3rd Thursday of the Month May-Sept • 5pm-8pm Downtown Monument Merchants FARMER’S MARKET Every Saturday May 21-Oct 8 • 8am-2pm 66 Jefferson St., BINES & BREWS Sept 17 • 1pm Limbach TRI-LAKES 4TH OF JULY Festivities include a pancake breakfast, fun run, parade, street fair, beer garden, and live Don’t Miss This FundraiserConcertforMonument’sParks! Saturday, July 16 17360 Jackson Creek Pkwy. (In the field north of YMCA) Beer garden, food trucks & concert Get tickets CONCERTS IN THE PARK Wednesdays June 8 through August 17 Limbach July 4th Plus, these other community events!

1. BRANDING IS NOT MARKETING , and it is NOT your logo. Let me explain. The act of branding is the act of assigning meaning to an entity (your business and the experience it promises). Marketing is the act of disseminating the message of your brand’s prom ise, offerings, and deliverables. Your logo is simply a graphic symbol that, over time, comes to represent the meaning of the experience your business delivers.

By Suzanne Tulien, Brand Ascension

Many business owners I meet have a misunderstanding of what the act of “branding” really entails. So here are some fundamental tenets to help you better understand the construct of a true branding initiative:

3. YOUR BRAND EXISTS WHETHER YOU ARE CONSCIOUS OF IT OR NOT. Whether you’ve defined it or not. Whether you’ve trained your em ployees on it or not. Remember, your brand is a set of perceptions and your customers formulate these perceptions within the first seven seconds of doing business with you. Good, bad, or indifferent. The real question is: Are you in control of the percep tions your business is creating in the minds of your market?


If you want to learn more about the Brand DNA process and its benefits for your business, book a complimentary brand assessment with Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, Brand

4. CONSCIOUS BRANDING IS THE INTENTIONAL ACT of identifying, defining, and aligning to a specific set of attributes that perpetuate a desired set of per ceptions consistently, strategically and deliberately, starting deep inside the core of the business and infused into the systems, processes, and leadership of that business.

2. YOUR BRAND IS SIMPLY A SET OF PERCEPTIONS. That is all. Those perceptions are gleaned by the people you serve, communities you operate in, and the employees who work for you, through their experience of the gestalt of your actions and behaviors.


Suzanne Tulien, Brand Clarity Expert, is Principal + Founder of Brand Ascension, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO. She is co-pioneer of the Brand DNA methodology and author of three books.


With the current level of change and uncertainty, some feel that they should sit out until this “blows over”. Yes, this is a season when you as a homebuyer need to be actively engaged in the conversation and push yourself to learn the variables associated with our current economic climate and your purchase. It’s not prudent to simply look at interest rates and base your entire purchasing decision on that marker alone.

Currently, there is still a housing shortage in much of the U.S., including here in El Paso County. Additionally, materials continue to get more expensive, and there is still a shortage in the labor force. We have also made major adjustments with more employers allowing alternative working arrangements such as working from home; and many have redefined priori ties of what is important to have as part of a “home.”.



If you listen to the headlines, there is quite a bit of discouraging news about our economy. However, if you know how to read and interpret what is happening, along with what it means for your specific situation, you may find that this may not yet be the season to put your real estate goals on hold. Let’s clarify some key indicators:

Now, to be clear, if you need to terminate a contract and you’re dealing with solid financial issues, job transition, then of course, do what is in your best interest. However, if you are reacting to economic news merely in a fearful way, here’s the time to press pause and get a good understanding of what all this information really means for your situation. You don’t want paralysis to set in for lack of understanding of what these variables mean for you. There’s a lot of misleading in formation out there, and this can be a very emotional process. However, it’s important to also have a fact-based confidence in the financial aspect of your purchase.


Employing Facts to Provide Clarity to the Adjusting Real Estate Market

Rick Sharga says, “Mortgage rates should stay relatively steady over the next few months with rates on the 30-year mortgage ranging between 5 ¾% and 6%, and rates on a 15-year hovering around 5%.” Sharga is in-line with other leading real estate experts in saying is that they see the top end of this market right now being in the 6s, for the 30-year fixed “Whatmortgage.aboutinflation?”

Another significant headline: The cancellation rate for resi dential builders at the end of June was 14½%. To put this in perspective, cancellations at the beginning of the pandemic April of 2020 was 16½%. We are reapproaching that mile Therestone. is a lot of change in the U.S. housing market that has led to fear about the market. True, it’s not nearly as advanta geous as it was a few years ago. However, it is not likely that housing prices are going to go down; there is still a tremen dous amount of demand, especially in the Pikes Peak area.

By Marquesa Hobbs, Realtor CNE & MRP


During the week of July 11, Freddie Mac showed the aver age 30-year fixed mortgage to be 5.5%. This change affects affordability; it costs more to buy a home now than over the past few years. This came as a surprise to newer home owners and homebuyers, as their home budget may have decreased with the combined factors of rising prices and the rise in interest rates. For more seasoned buyers, this marker was not nearly as high as in years past, like in 2008 or the late 80s.


We all heard The Fed will be rais ing the rate by 75-basis points. Your realtor and lender will explain to you that isn’t the mortgage rate. One basis point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, or 0.01%. When you understand this,

it’s not heart-stopping news. No rise in interest rates is ever great news for consumers, but it’s not the time to stop your home purchase necessarily. “I’m seeing price reductions in my market.” You are correct. There are numerous price reductions on the market. How ever, you probably recall how prices rose astronomically for almost a year. In all, there should be a net gain for the year as far as for what homes on the market ultimately sell.


“SHOULD I RENT?” states that rent in the top 50 metro areas reached $1,849 per month for a two-bedroom apartment. That’s 15 ½% higher than this time last year – and a new rent record for the 15th month in a row. Inflation is hitting the rental market in a big way. Inflation is impacting rental mar ket in a big way. Compare this to the average mortgage payment in this country at $1,842 per month. You might think, “I can’t buy anything in my market for that” in Colorado Springs; however, the point here is rent is not necessarily less expensive than a mortgage. Also remember home ownership has additional benefits like the interest deduction and building equity. It is still cheaper in this scenario than renting a two-bedroom apartment on average. If you were to look in January of 2022 at a home selling at $400,000, which over the last several years represents an appreciation of 10%. Now, that same home in June is selling for $390,000. What we’re seeing is price adjustments off that appreciation.


The net of the year will be that home prices have appreciated since the beginning. We’ve seen this kind of trajectory in pric es and certainly we’re seeing some price reductions. In the end, the net effect of pricing for the year will be positive. In fact, industry experts project that Home Prices will keep appreciating for the next several years. However, it will be at a more normal rate which is welcome news for Buyers. Now that we are moving into a more balanced, pre-covid market, it is also helpful to compare the local Real Estate Market from the 2nd quarter of 2022 to that of 2021. You will see that sales for the quarter are down only 3.9% from a year ago.

As we return to a more normal market AND we have addition al variables at play, there are numerous factors to consider when buying/selling real estate. Clearly, the experience and commitment to understanding the economics surrounding your purchase does matter. If you’re in this season, let’s have a conversation about the variables, math, and your specific goals and objectives to sort through the evolving and unique market we are in.

Your perfect Colorado home, brought to you buy ... Marquesa Hobbs Realtor® CNE & MRP ERA Shields’ Top Producer & Listing

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As I sit in my living room writing this article, the day is ending, the last lighting of the day is gently painting over my space. The cedar plank walls with high their usual high contrast has now transformed to a muted hue with a softer texture. With each plank of wood I installed, I remember how sore my arms and hands became. I removed several splinters from my calloused hands by the time that project was complete. But I didn’t mind. I put my own vision and sweat into it, and I loved the end result. It wasn’t something the previous homeowner did. I created it. That wall is now personal “to me.”


Great Homes tell your story,Trends Don’t

Carriann Johnson, Interior Designer, TV Personality, Spokesperson

My home’s rustic decor tells the story of my life journeys thus far. Every piece of artwork and decor is either one I personally made, purchased at a store, found, or inherited in some unique way. I recall the moment I decided to purchase the buffalo sculpture that serves as a centerpiece on my sofa table. I remember the very spot at Lake Pueblo I grabbed the creative pieces of driftwood to go into an oversized bread bowl on my kitchen table. Our homes are usually our biggest financial investment we make in life. I believe they are an extension of who we are as people. And if we are all different (and no two of us are alike) … then shouldn’t our homes ALL be original? Why do copycat spaces exist?! No dining room should look just like our neighbor’s, and certainly no spaces in our homes should mirror that of page 37 of the Pottery Barn catalog! The beauty of making a house a home is valuing its positioning as the backdrop to our lives. One of my favorite joys I receive as an interior designer is helping my clients, friends, and families create a home that tells their story. And it doesn’t matter if it’s 800 square feet or 8,000 square feet. Home is wherever you say it is!

Trends are trends for a reason. They come and go. One year turquoise is the hot accent color, the next year subway tile is leaving the home scene. Who can keep us with all this? Certainly not my pocketbook…or my sanity! It’s quite easy to choose timeless styles in our homes and only ‘splashes’ of trends. Choose trendy items in the less pricey of items. Things like flooring, countertops, vanities, tile, bathtubs, windows, and even your home’s floor plan are all bigger ticket items to transform. Those are things you can still appreciate in ten to even 20 years ‘if’ you choose time less designs. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with loving some of the current home trends and wanting to bring them into your home. What I am saying is don’t lose the story and charm of your home at the expense of transforming it to accom modate every current trend. My challenge to you is to let your home tell “your story.” Walk your home and ob serve the way each space makes you feel. Do you love it, or do you hate it? What’s missing? What can you add? I realize not everyone has an eye for great design. But I have found most people know what they like and don’t like. Remove the items you don’t love. If you don’t appreciate them, they don’t deserve to be there any more. Need a more personal touch? Bring out some of those items from storage or old photos in a box and find creative ways to display them. The internet and DIY websites are full of great ways to gain inspiration! And hopefully with a few small changes, you’ll find yourself having a whole new love affair with your home!

“let your home tell your story”

Parade of Homes Save the Date | September 9 - 25, 2022 Tickets go on sale late August! 18 homes ranging from the mid $500,000’s to more than $3,500,000 plus 2 additional homes in the Virtual Parade! Visit our website at Images: Villagree Luxry Homes, All About Home Design, Murphy’s Custom Homes | 2021 Parade

Tom Stewart, Owner “We want our clients to be pleased with the overall experi ence, from the craftsmanship to the process to the people,” Tom begins. “So, for us, it’s a continual process of self-eval uation, education, and training in an effort to improve, to minimize the outliers that are so prevalent.”

Tom continues, “If you really asked me what we do for a living, we are problem solvers and psychologists. Remodel ing is problem solving, which is appealing to those of us who like challenges, learning, and variation. And when you work in someone’s home while they are living there, a relational aspect is prevalent, so we must be able to navigate people.”


Prior to starting any of the actual physical work, the client and contractor must understand each other and have the same goals in mind. This is even more imperative if the client is living out of state or traveling. “Our design phase is the critical step in our entire process and includes a design cen ter where clients can make their selections. We started the design/build process more than eight years ago and haven’t looked back. Our designers don’t just help clients select pret ty things, they understand construction, they are required to create working drawings like electrical plans for our trades. Design/build has become a catchphrase in our industry, but few companies emphasize the design aspect like we do.”

“There is a cost, but it also saves money while producing far superior results. We’ve tried remodeling every which way we could think of the design/build approach has proven to give us the best chance to produce the results we and our clients desire.”

FOR TOM STEWART AND HIS TEAM – REMODELING IS THEIR PASSION. face to face, and even then, there are work arounds.”

“For those who reside somewhere other than their home during a remodel, or travel, technology has made this more feasible. “In the past several years, we’ve had clients who lived in Germany, South Africa, Chicago, Virginia, a boat in the Atlantic, and others have taken extended trips.” Stewart continues. “We have become more dependent on a software program that is a platform for information like scheduling, photos, communication, we can even execute financial trans actions through it. Outside of seeing selections in person, there really isn’t any facet of the process that must be done Remodeling has become top of mind for many homeowners caused by recent adjustments to the housing market. Interest rates are no longer at near free-money levels, although they’re still below historical averages, and the inventory level is adjusting. While the overall housing market is relatively strong compared to past seasons of economic slowdown, the regional market remains one of the stronger markets in the country.


Tom continues, “Remodeling is such a unique industry. Every job is unlike any other, we work in a different home, built by a different builder during a different era using different building codes, in a different part of town, using a different set of plans, installing different materials while using a different combination of staff and trades, working for different clients who have their own unique personality traits, life experiences, and expectations. We aren’t manufacturing widgets!”

“For the client, they make all their decisions before any work begins, reducing surprises. For our company, we get to know the job in detail prior to starting the work, including finan cially. By the end of our design process, decisions have been finalized and everyone is on the same page.” Tom continues.

One of the largest and most reputable remodelers in the re gion, Stewart Remodel Design Build can help modernize and reinstitute that sense of newness and joy for the homeowner. And in some cases, vastly improve the overall value of the home.

Achieving Superior Results For Your Remodel

Most remodels are invasive to some degree, but the larger projects are downright intrusive and can be overwhelming for anyone, especially if someone hasn’t remodeled before. “This is one of the first questions we ask, if someone has remodeled before,” Tom explains. “When people haven’t lived through an extensive remodel, they may not know what they’re in for. Living without a kitchen for a few months, there’s nothing easy about it.”

The financial part is always an integral part of any project, how do you approach that topic?

“It’s also one of the first topics for discussion. We want to help our clients make the best decisions, so we research the value of their home, need to know a budget, and how long they plan to live in their home.” Tom explains. “If someone says they are going to live in their home until they take their final breath, then they will make decisions differently than someone who will be moving soon. It’s rare that you’ll recoup the investment from a larger professional remodel if you sell your home in a few years, so we’ll recommend focusing on cost effective upgrades instead.”

“For those who can live in another location during a larger remodel, or travel, it is certainly something to consider,” Tom expands. “For the client, it’s so much less stressful to not live in the construction zone during a large project, bottom line.”

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Hurry Up and Wait: Many Americans are now playing the waiting game as supply-chain slowdowns and a lack of labor are adding more months to the build process (USA Today) And The Waiting Room is Getting Crowded: There’s a lack of lumber, appliances, cabinetry, electrical transformer equipment, land to build on, and workers (Nat’l Assn of Home Builders) Opportunity Awaits: It is estimated that some 2.2 million new construction workers are needed within the next three years to help meet housing demand (Home Builders Institute) Some Opportunity Lost: About 18 million households (or 15% of all households) who could have qualified for a mortgage at the beginning of this year can no longer do so because of current, higher rates (Nat’l Assn of Realtors) Deceleration Not Depreciation Projected: Cumulatively over the next five years, economists are projecting home price appreciation to be over 25% (average of around 5% per year) (Zillow/ Pulsenomics) Don’t Expect Home Prices to Fall: Since 1980, home prices have appreciated in 4 of the last 6 recessions and fell only twice (minimally in the early 90’s and nearly 20% during the recession of 2008). Today’s housing market is nothing like it was in 2008 (Corelogic) NATIONAL

Statewide Real Estate Snapshot: May, 2022 compared to May, 2021: Median Price up 15.2% (to $599,000), Average Days on Market down 15.4% (to 22) , Months Supply up 22.2% (to 1.1), Percent of List Price Received down 0.7% (to 103.7%). (Co. Assn of Realtors) Let the Sun Shine: Our real estate market is still steady, appreciating, and healthy…it’s just moved from red-hot to a warm, orange glow (Colorado Assn of Realtors) It’s Good To Be Us: While nationwide, the average American homeowner gained around $64,000 in equity over the past 12 Colorado, that number was around $92,000 (Keeping Current Matters) We’re Number 2: Of the top 25 expanding housing markets in America, 20 are located in the west…with Denver rated as being number 2 in the country (Smart Asset) Get in Line: While the average State population between 2010 and 2020 grew by 7.4%...Colorado’s population increase was almost 15%...due in part to our growing technology and telecom sectors (CBS Denver Affiliate) Indicators We’re Not in a Housing Bubble Foreclosures at all time low, equity at all time high, savings at an all time high, homes continuing to appreciate, housing inventory still not close to keeping up with demand…and that’s just in Denver! (USAJ Realty) COLORADO Local Real Estate Snapshot: May, 2022 Compared to May, 2021: Median Price up 14.8 % (to $480,000), Average Days On Market down 15.4% (11 days), Percent of List Price Received down 0.3% at 103.3%. (CO. Assn of Realtors) We’re Still a Bargain: The difference in average home prices between El Paso County and Douglas County (where home prices are much higher) was almost $350,000 in May (CO Assn of Realtors) It’s a Heat Wave: Colorado Springs is projected to be among the top 15 hottest real estate markets in the country through 2022. The highest home appreciation and sales growth were projected to be in Salt Lake City, Utah and Boise, Idaho ( What’s Not to Love? Even though the Covid pandemic has not ended, the Colorado Springs housing market continues to break all records…due to high demand and a scarcity of homes (Norada) If You Build it, They Will Come: In a recent analysis of 150 metro areas in the United States, Colorado Springs was rated as the second best place overall to live (first in the country where people wanted to live), and also first in the state compared to other Colorado cities (U.S. News) Average is Becoming Harder To Find: If you are renting an average priced, two-bedroom apartment in Colorado Springs, your annual income should be around $70,680 or higher. Approximately 24% of all apartments in the Springs cost over $2,000 per month to rent ( EL PASO COUNTY

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Matt grew up feeling like a misfit. He was born in America in 1988 but grew up in England; as a result, he didn’t feel a strong sense of belonging on either side of the Atlantic.

“I was never really a part of my dad’s new family, and back in England I always felt like the black sheep,” he says. “Either way, I was the black sheep.”

Matt tried to clean up when he moved to Colorado at age 21. He went to school, started a family and worked at a car dealership. But soon he was addicted to meth, and his hope for a good life began slipping away. After suffering Bell’s palsy from meth use, and then losing his job, Matt became homeless and depressed. “I was going to kill myself,” he says. “I was just done. I had screwed up my face, couldn’t get a job, didn’t see my kids. There wasn’t any point anymore. I was Butready.”God wouldn’t have it. “I had been to church a few times before and I remembered this message that you had to die for Christ and he’d give you life,” he says. “So I got on my knees that night to say a prayer. I told God that I’d give it two weeks.” In those two weeks, Matt got high for the last time, then joined the New Life Program (men’s residential addiction recovery) at Springs Rescue Mission. Over the next year, Matt worked diligently to improve his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. His faith deepened and his wounds healed. While in the program, Matt interned for Mission Catering (a social enterprise of Springs Rescue Mission). And he excelled. Since his graduation from the program in May 2020, Matt’s life has undergone a miraculous transformation. He was hired as a catering chef and now manages all of Springs Rescue Mission’s culinary programs. He is also remarried and has enjoyed rebuilding relationships with his children.

As a teenager, Matt discovered rave culture — and the drugs that came with it. He began DJing at parties and finally felt accepted by a community, no matter how hollow. But as the rave days fell away, his addiction only grew.

“I feel like what I’m doing now is what God had always been preparing me for,” he says. “I really love what I do and the people I work with…and the people we serve.”


AS STRANGE AS IT SEEMS, HE SEES THINGS BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. Standing in a field, which less than a decade ago was a working cattle ranch, J.W. Roth turns to a group of bankers and says, “Imagine, if you will…” Roth goes on to describe, in excruciating detail, his vision for The Sunset Music Colosseum as if it’s already been constructed. Roth describes The Sunset as the “most luxurious outdoor amphitheater” in the country, set to be built in northern Colorado Springs with unparalleled views of Pikes Peak. Roth’s ability to envision opportunities before they exist is what has separated him from other entrepreneurs over his entire career.

By this time next year, Roth, a fifth-generation Colorado native, plans to be sitting by a fire pit watching a band perform for a crowd of thousands. He’ll have a rare bourbon in one hand, a forkful of medium-rare steak in the other, and a view of the sun setting over Pikes Peak behind the stage. And he’ll be doing all that at The Sunset, the 8,000-person, state-of-the-art, open-air amphitheater that the veteran entrepreneur is currently in the process of developing in northern Colorado Springs. “Today, you have to drive to Red Rocks to see the type of acts we’re going to be bringing to Colorado Springs,” says OnceRoth.thelast encore is over, he’ll return to running his burgeoning live-en tertainment empire, Notes Live. Notes Live is the parent company to Roth’s other concepts Boot Barn Hall and Bourbon Brothers Smokehouse & Tavern. Boot Barn Hall, which he built in 2018, was Roth’s first foray into live music.

Boot Barn Hall is an intimate indoor music venue with capacity to hold 1,440 concert goers for a general admission show. There are a handful of indoor music venues throughout the Front Range with similar capacity, but there is only one with a naming-rights agreement with a New York Stock Exchange–traded company. Well before the first ticket was ever sold, Roth inked a six-figure per year, multi-year deal with Boot Barn (NYSE: BOOT) to be the official naming-rights sponsor of the venue. The naming-rights deal with Boot Barn is a tangible example of the boldness with which Roth aggressively pursues business. “With him, the idea is never to just build a nice little music venue and try to iron out the kinks over the first 10 years or so. With Boot Barn Hall, as an example, the idea was ‘let’s build the greatest indoor music venue in the country, get a national naming-rights sponsor a year before we start con struction, and let’s book Easton Corbin to open the place up back-to-back nights in front of 1,440-person capacity crowds,’” said J.W.’s son Mitchell, remembering the opening of Boot Barn Hall in January 2019. Since inception, Boot Barn Hall has hosted some of the top touring country music acts of today as well as country music and classic rock headliners from the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s. “I TRULY BELIEVE THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE ON EARTH THAN RIGHT HERE IN COLORADO SPRINGS.”

Similar to Roth’s approach in building Boot Barn Hall, when Roth set out to build The Sunset in Colorado Springs, he didn’t want to simply dip his toe in the water. He began im mediately soliciting advice from industry veterans and hired the best people in the space, from architects to sound design ers to sightline and branding experts, to create a premium entertainment experience. To that end, the company has contracted architectural firm BCA Studios who has assembled the best lighting, sound, and design firms across the country, and has helped design iconic live entertainment venues like the Beacon Theater in New York, Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, and Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago as well as worked in sports arenas and stadiums for sports teams across the country. “I want it to sound like it does in my car. I want it to sound like it does on my patio at home,” he says. “I want everything to be perfect, and I want that perfection translated in all we do.”

By the time he was 18, he was working for a Colorado compa ny called Universal Foods, and soon after that for the insur ance and brokerage firm Pru-Bache. Knowing he wanted to fly his own flag, it was not long until he joined the team of five that founded the veterinary diagnostic company AspenBio which went public in 2000, giving him the wherewithal to focus on investing in the agricultural space. His journey eventually led to his biggest success yet: Roth Industries. Based in northern Colorado Springs, Roth Industries is one of the fastest-growing CPG prepared foods companies in America, producing fully cooked, prepared meals and proteins with distribution in over 12,000 grocery stores nationwide. He started the company with his son Mitchell, who he calls “one of the best financial minds I’ve ever been around.” While Roth Industries started just shy of 10 years ago, the two have been working together for much longer than that. “When Mitchell was a kid, like 9 or 10 years old, I was building Aspen Bio and was spending a lot of time in New York City raising capital for our clinical trials. Back in those days I would bring him to New York with me and he would run meetings with me from breakfast to dinner with five or six investor meetings in between — I would tell him to sit, listen, and learn — which he did.”

But Roth recently stepped down as CEO of Roth Industries and named Mitchell, who had served as president of the com pany since its inception, as CEO in fall 2021. J.W. remains the chairman of Roth Industries’ board of directors.

Roth Industries quickly grew from a father-and-son operation to one of the fastest-growing companies in the perimeter of grocery stores across the nation. The Roth Industries plant is currently in the midst of its fourth expansion, includes more than 60,000 square feet of production, features stateof-the-art cooking, chilling, and packaging equipment with capacity to produce nearly 500 tons of prepared foods per week, and employs more than 250 people across its Colorado Springs plant and headquarters as well as its satellite offices in Bentonville, AR, and Chicago, IL. When you visit a grocery store anywhere in the country, you’ll likely find Roth Indus tries products throughout the meat and deli departments. “We service almost every major grocery store in the United States,” Roth says, “all from right here in our home town of Colorado Springs.”


Growing up working on his family’s small ranch in Larkspur, Roth started his first business when he was only 15, selling firewood to his neighbors. “Back in those days, you could drive when you were 15 if it was work related and you got an agricultural exemption on your license,” Roth recalls. “My younger brother was my first employee and we cleared a lot of lumber off properties surrounding the ranch, which turned into a pretty good business for me cutting, selling, and deliv ering firewood all across the county.”


While the immediate direction has been set for Notes Live, it’s hard to predict exactly what Roth will dream up next. When asked how he finds inspiration for new projects, Roth says, “I do my best thinking at 80 mph on my bike,” referencing his vintage Indian motorcycle.

Regardless of how far his entertainment empire spreads, Roth remains a Colorado boy at heart. He proudly traces his local roots back five generations and jokes that Roths tend to stick around: his great aunt is 101 and still going strong. Her mother made it to 110, and her mother to 111. His family settled here before Colorado was even a state. Denver’s Henry Roth House, on the National Historic Register, was named after his great-grandfather, a barrel cooper in the first part of the 20th century. Pferdesteller Park, meanwhile, is named after his great-grandmother on his mother’s side, a political activist in Denver for many years, starting in the late 1800s. With all he has going on across the nation, he is not planning on going anywhere. “I am a Colorado Springs guy, I love our city and my feet will always be planted right here,” he says. “I truly believe there is no better place on earth than right here in Colorado Springs.”


Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers is one of Notes Live’s champions. “Notes Live has brought a lot of things already to the community, but one thing we’re missing that you always had to go to Denver for was outdoor concerts,” he says. “With The Sunset amphitheater, we’re going to have that in Colo rado Springs. Top-notch entertainment, summer concerts looking at Pikes Peaks, watching the sun set, it’s a tremendous contribution to our community.” Governor Jared Polis, for his part, recently tweeted that he “can’t wait to attend a concert” at The Sunset. In just 18 months from now, all six of Roth’s new entertain ment and hospitality venues will be open and operational, but Roth has no plans on stopping there. “There are 30 or more completely obvious locations around the country for Notes Live campuses. I have mayors and economic development people from just about every growing metro in the country calling me and wanting me to build in their cities,” said Roth about the growth plans for Notes Live. The veteran entre preneur, who is no stranger to taking companies public, is planning to file to take Notes Live public in the fourth quarter 2022 or early 2023. “We’re going to go public, which is going to give us the platform and infrastructure to put jet fuel to our growth. We have a business with incredible returns, yearover-year growth that is off the charts, and an enormous amount of blue sky in front of us to be filled…being a public company will allow us to get there the fastest,” says Roth, when discussing his plans for taking the company public.

8,000 Person Capacity Attracting A List Acts to Colorado Springs 50+ Concerts Per Year Outdoor Venue focused on Luxury 5 Star Top-ShelfRestaurantsRooftopBarUnparalleledViewsComing2023 THE AMPHITHEATERSUNSET“I DO MY BEST THINKING AT 80 MPH ON MY BIKE”



The event featured a silent auction, which included memorabilia from a family friend who is an astronaut. The money raised from the auction will go back into the


“MY SON WAS POISONED TO DEATH ON MARCH 12, 2021,” states George Gerchow. “Xavier was not a drug addict, so it was not an overdose. He took what he thought was a half of a Percocet after an intense workout and basketball practice.” Unfortunately, that half pill turned out to be 99% fentanyl and 1% cocaine. A lethal dose of fentanyl can be as little as two milligrams, the size of two grains of salt. It killed Xavier in minutes. A tragedy of the worst kind for any parent, Xavier’s death is not unique, which is the scariest part of this story. This type of poisoning happens across the US at an alarming rate. The number one cause of death in the U.S. for people between the ages of 18 and 45 is now fentanyl poisoning; each day 175 Americans die from it (, May 2022). “There is definitely a stigma out there and people think it’s just semantics with the words ‘overdose,’ ‘addiction’ and ‘poisoning.’ There are differences. Those differences need to be explained to help educate the public about what is happening in our communities,” emphasizes Gerchow. To say the family was devastated is an understatement. But, like many others, Xavier’s family wanted to honor his memory and help ensure that no other parent experienced such a senseless loss. Affectionately called “X” by family and friends, he was just 17 years old when he died.

“It stopped us all in our tracks,” says Gerchow. “Me, Xavier’s mother, Christine, and especially his older sister, Madison. She was always her little brother’s protector. Calling her was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”

Gerchow and his daughter launched the X Foundation at The Brass Tap in Colorado Springs on June 5, 2022. “The event was packed,” says Gerchow. “The X Foundation was created by all of us who loved Xavier, to help spread awareness about Fentanyl, to help our communities see brighter days,” says Gerchow. “I’m seeing the spark come back into my daughter’s eyes as we grow the foundation.”

As this father embarks on his journey to educate communities about fentanyl, he is meeting other groups working to honor their children’s memories as well. “We are working to facilitate more partnerships so that we can cast a wider net, faster,” he says. Gerchow believes in education, and that includes promoting the availability of over-thecounter naloxone (like police officers carry) and test strips for kids to see if there is fentanyl in any type of drug.

“Parents and schools need to talk about this crisis – not sweep it under the rug,” says Gerchow. “That’s why the X Foundation lets kids talk with other kids.” Gerchow said he was stunned at the lack of conversation at X’s school. “Madison and X went through the same school system their entire academic career. Instead of compassion and openness to discussing this epidemic, the schools shut us out,” comments a frustrated Gerchow. “Parents of suicide often experience similar situations,” he notes.

X Foundation is planning more events in the future with family festivals, celebrations of life for those who have lost family members to this insidious drug, and more educational events. The creators of one of the most popular video games in the world reached out to talk with Gerchow about supporting the X Foundation. “We hope the medical community and police want to partner with us as well, because they see this heartbreak on a daily basis now,” he says. There is also new legislation recently passed in Colorado increasing criminal penalties for dealing fentanyl. “I remember the first time I really heard about fentanyl was when Prince died. Then there were more high profile deaths, Tom Petty, Mac Miller, and more. I thought, well, they probably just took their ‘drugs’ too far. After losing my child to this poisoning, I know that may very well not have been the case,” says this father on a mission. “Let’s judge less and communicate more to save people – especially our teens.”

For more information about the X Foundation, please visit and for more information about fentanyl, visit

“He was a musician from the moment he could sit up and always found passion in everything basketball. But, most importantly, his heart of gold made everyone feel welcome, no matter who you were,” expresses his father. “X was an incredible human, son, brother and friend who made an impact on everyone fortunate enough to have met him.”

community through donations to youth basketball as well as instruments or lessons for young musicians in need of financial help, all in honor of X.


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The Sunset is a state of the art open-air amphitheater in the entertainment rich Polaris Pointe development in Colorado Springs. Backed with $40 million in financing and due to open in 2023, The Sunset will host the largest touring acts in the country in style and comfort on the same campus as the company’s current mid-sized music venue Boot Barn Hall.


Designed by industry renowned architects, The Sunset will offer an unparalleled view of the sun setting over Pikes Peak, America’s mountain, right behind the stage as each concert capacity for concerts is 8,000, comprised of premium stadium-style seats nearest to the stage, VIP Fire Pit seats, and a spacious lawn sloping up to the top of the property to create a coliseum effect. The premium stadiumstyle seats will be akin to seats commonly found in the club level of pro sports venues, which are designed for comfort, slightly wider than non-premium seats, and feature a substantial amount of leg room. The VIP suite seats will be known as the Fire Box Suites. The Fire Box Suites are located on a private concourse above the premium stadium-style seats. Each Fire Box Suite will feature a natural gas-powered fire pit and eight seats with abundant room for food and beverages to make for an exceptional environment to take in a show. The amenity-rich Fire Box Suites offer incredible views of the stage. To elevate the experience even further, they will include waitstaff service for food and beverage before and during the show.

Waddington explains. NCL volunteers are regulars at the Thursday morning gardening sessions in the Hummingbird Garden at Starsmore Visitor & Nature Center. They also assist with periodic trail maintenance and annual park events, including the Hummingbird Festival in May, the Halloween Festival, and the Canya Cañon race in November.

Nestled against the mountains in southwest Colorado Springs, North Cheyenne Cañon Park brings together two of Colorado Springs’ greatest assets: jaw-dropping scenery and committed, compassionate people. Friends of Cheyenne Cañon (FOCC) is a group of volunteers dedicated to maintaining and improving this much-loved city park; the organization turns 30 years old this year. At its peak, FOCC drew more than 200 members. Since the pandemic, the nonprofit organization has been building back and looking for new Northvolunteers.Cheyenne Cañon Park is one of the city’s oldest parks, created when Colorado Springs residents voted to buy 640 acres in the canyon in 1885. City founder General William Jackson Palmer donated more land, and the park now spans 1600 acres, featuring stunning forests and waterfalls. Each year an estimated 450,000 visitors come to explore the landmarks, which include Silver Cascade Falls and Helen Hunt Falls, and to hike, bike, and ride horses along the scenic Volunteeringtrails.

. FOCC is one of many local philanthropic organizations supported by the non-profit mother-daughter volunteer organization, National Charity League. The 150 members of the Colorado Springs Chapter have donated 6,322 volunteer hours in the past three years. Visit for membership information.

For more information on joining, or volunteering with, Friends of Cheyenne Cañon, go to

with FOCC has become a favorite activity for the mothers and daughters of National Charity League (NCL), organized by liaison Elizabeth Waddington. “It’s a great way to do volunteer work and be outside. It’s a special place, right in our backyard in Colorado Springs…it’s beautiful,”

“North Cheyenne Cañon rivals state and national parks for the natural beauty, quality of facilities, and historical significance,” said Rob Lucey, FOCC treasurer. “This is a free city park. We are really lucky to live here, and it’s a pleasure to be able to do our little part to maintain and improve the park for everyone to enjoy.”

FOCC fundraisers and volunteer labor supported the creation of seven miles of new trails in the park recently, as well as the construction of the Helen Hunt Falls Visitor Center, completed in 2012. Additional volunteer opportunities include helping with educational programs at the park’s visitor centers and serving as roving interpreters on the trails –pointing out interesting natural and historical highlights in the park and answering visitors’ questions.


FriendsCOLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM of Cheyenne Cañon making a beloved landscape even better

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My friends and I all have a lot of dreams and I’d say a very positive outlook on life. I realize, right now, it’s confusing out there with all the arguing and global problems. But it’s the same old politicians each year saying the same stuff. I think we need some younger people in politics who can give a fresh perspective and maybe help end this craziness. This year, I’m excited, because I get to take college-level courses and earn college credits. That’s a very cool feature about TCA. When you graduate from middle school, you can continue the standard curriculum which is very good, or you can choose a more rigorous program called College Pathways. I opted for that. My mom was always my biggest encourager. She was always a great source of inspiration that I could do whatever I set my mind to. And here, now, I’m doing it! I’m taking my first steps of living out my dream of someday becoming a fulltime animator for a company like Pixar or Disney. Of course, my father is an incredible source of inspiration as well. He’s a loving and amazing person with incredible strength. I’m happy to say, he’s even found love again, and I am so happy for him. I know mom would be too!

In Her Own Words

My mom, Teri Lee, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in November of 2019. She had the disease longer apparently, but it wasn’t formally diagnosed until then. She passed away a short time later, just as I was going into my freshman year. It was a really hard time, as you can imagine. Freshman year is the year that you start to figure out high school and how to do things and especially at this school since everything is a little harder. Subsequently, I needed more time to figure stuff out while managing the demands of high school. Some days, I just couldn’t concentrate, and my grades began to suffer. But the teachers were very supportive and gave me a lot of grace while I moved through the process of grieving and holding my school life together. Fortunately, I was able to start turning the corner, but of course, it’s never the same. All those “firsts” that I would normally share with both my parents…now without Mom. It was different without her there. So, we took some time to try and figure things out. But not too long after, I noticed that we tried to get busy, to distract ourselves from what happened. I remember Christmas of 2020 we didn’t really want to be home at all. That morning, we spent 30 minutes at our house, then we left and spent the rest of the day elsewhere. Those family friends were amazing and each of them welcomed us right in. This really helped us through Ieverything.remember the kids at the church were extremely supportive, did meal trains, and checked in to make sure that I was doing okay. They did a lot of praying for me and my family. Over time, I began to pick myself up and learn how to keep on going with the rest of my family, just without my mom. I’ve made some really good friends through shared interests in art and our “dad-jokes” sense of humor. It’s goofy, but it’s fun and we just click. They may not know this, but they have been a great source of strength for me since the time of my mom’s passing. Art has been something of a constant in my life. I’ve always enjoyed doodling and painting. It turns out, I’m pretty good at it too. At first, all my drawings were of my family. I have a picture I drew of my grandmother, and looking at it now, she looks like a potato with little stick arms and legs!

Teen talks about grief, healing, and art

My friends and I like to get “nerdy” and talk about Marvel (Marvel Comics). It’s where I get my inspiration for my comics – there and from Pixar animation films. I love to draw, paint, illustrate and create stories! I really enjoy creating each character who has a unique personality, many with complex back stories, and unique skills and powers. There’s some good versus evil in there. But lately, the villain is kind of my main character. But it’s this whole character arc that eventually leads him to a different outcome in the end.

This fall, Kenzie Gonzalez will resume her schooling at The Classical Academy (TCA), this year as a junior. From kindergarten through eighth grade, Kenzie was a straight-A student at TCA, and an active participant in their church and church groups. Then life threw a harsh blow to the Gonzalez family – Kenzie; her father; her sister Teagan (10), and her brother Logan (6). This is Kenzie’s account of dealing with her grief, in her own words, while traversing the uncertain terrain of a teenager. Text has been edited for length.

I’m putting my work out there for consideration. I also use Pinterest for inspiration and ideas, but in terms of keeping up with friends, we usually just talk in person or on the phone. I have found social media to be a “time-suck.” I limit my own time to one hour a day, if that.


NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM 49 Art has goodout,painting.doodlingalwaysmyasomethingbeenofconstantinlife.I’veenjoyedandItturnsI’mprettyatittoo.“

Blues on the Mesa Returns to the Springs Event Organizer Amy Whitesell

raffle items will be offered including an autographed guitar featuring the signatures of the artists who will be performing at this event, and of course, memorabilia and t-shirts.

Ever the community organizer, Amy continued gathering great acts from around the country and invite them to one of the must-attend blues festivals in Colorado – Blues on the Mesa, at Gold Hills Mesa Park – hosted by Amy’s company. “I’ve spent the past 12 years producing concerts for Gold Hill Mesa. When Covid Pandemic hit, I felt I’d better stay busy, because I dislike being bored. So, I laid out the idea for a Blues festival at the park. The leadership at Gold Hill Mesa liked the idea and immediately became the title sponsor,” Whitesell says. “The development is starting to put in their business district now too. Part of it is going to be an amphitheater. At that point we might attract 1,000 to 2,000 music lovers.”

Welcomes Blues Fans to Gold Hill Mesa


Born and raised in New York City, a short time in Miami for high school, then finally to Colorado Springs starting in 1981, is a quick summation of the placed Amy Whitesell has called home. Her first show, The Ed Sullivan Show at Radio City Music Hall, was a hallmark moment for young Amy. That first show opened a whole new world to her. “I was hooked from that moment on. For whatever reason, music just it moves me. It makes me want to get up and dance, makes my toes tap, you know,” Whitesell begins.

In 2003, Amy’s keen affinity for music of all kinds, and her dedication to creating great events started to take shape in the form of promoter and event coordinator. “That first year, we had a great festival located on Delmonico up in Rockrimmon. It was roomful of Blues headliners and we raised about $10,000. I resigned the next day because I had already started my business as a promoter and called it simply, A Music Company. It was largely to prove to myself that I could do a festival,” Amy reflects. Since, she has been at the center of creating memorable, long-standing events, including Blues Under the Bridge, Meadow Grass Music Festival, Mountain of the Sun, and Juneteenth Festival to name a few. She also started a concert series at First & Main, the N’orwood development along the Powers Blvd corridor, and Paint the Town Blue for the Pikes Peak Blues Community. “When my husband, George and I got together - he is a musician - he was playing Blues at that point in his journey. He had a band called George Whitesell & His All Stars. Had he been playing country this might be a country Jamboree. But he was playing Blues and I kind of got immersed. The first time I heard him, I told him the music was terrible. Since, he’s learned if he’s going to ask me a question, I’m going to give him a straight answer,” Amy laughs. “Anyway, together we worked to bring acts into Colorado Springs like Edgar Winter, Muddy Waters’ son Morgan Shield, Tinsley Ellis, Tommy Castro, the late Cooper Taylor, Kenny Neal and even Kim Wilson from the Fabulous Thunderbirds, for example.

This year’s early autumn festival will include a local student band, Glenway, from the Palmer Lake area. One of several acts leading up to the headliner – Bob Margolin and the Delta Sonics, Hazel Miller & The Collective, Lionel Young Band, and Mojomama. This year’s headliner will feature a 24-yearold Blues musician from Harlem, New York - King Solomon Hicks, who has gained a tremendous following around the nation. His HARLEM, an 11-song salute, produced by multiple Grammy Award winner Kirk Yano (Miles Davis, Public Enemy, and Mariah Carey), showcases Hicks as a writer, player, and interpreter. In addition to the great music, the daytime festival will also feature a health fair and in the same breath, Whitesell lists, “Three breweries, two distilleries, a cidery, and multiple food trucks from around the region offering keto, gluten-free options, vegan as well as, traditional food fare such as BBQ, burgers, etcetera. And for those who really enjoy handmade and/or homemade items, we’ll have several vendors around the venue to find that unique gift offering for a friend or Severalfamily.”


B O B M A R G O L I BN O B M A R G O L I BN O B M A R G O L I N W I T H T H E D E L T A S O N I C WS I T H T H E D E L T A S O N I C WS I T H T H E D E L T A S O N I C S H A Z E L M I L L E R & T H E C O L L E C T I V HE A Z E L M I L L E R & T H E C O L L E C T I V HE A Z E L M I L L E R & T H E C O L L E C T I V E L I O N E L Y O U N G B A N LD I O N E L Y O U N G B A N LD I O N E L Y O U N G B A N D M O J O M A M MA O J O M A M MA O J O M A M A K i n g S o l o m o n H i c k Ks i n g S o l o m o n H i c k Ks i n g S o l o m o n H i c k s Saturday, October S1st aturday, October 1st W W W . B L U E S O N T H E M E S A . O R G J. A. AXELRAD

NORTH: What is your take on the point system displayed in liquor stores and on menus? Brown: I don’t focus too much on points and scores. There is some play in the overall system, but what it does is give consumers a baseline. For example, if a wine scores a 93 from multiple critics, chances are, that label will appeal to more people who happen to know and enjoy that varietal. More importantly, it’s an opportunity for individuals to try these wines and see if they agree.

Brown: (gentle laugh) A lot of people related to the movie Sideways, and in particular, where Paul Giamatti’s character Miles says in a moment of duress, “I am NOT drinking any ******* merlot!.” That being said, I have tried some pretty good merlot. The film industry’s portrayal of the wine business tends to be very polished, with romantic notions of owning a vineyard with lavish villas and storylines; when in fact, it’s very hard work, dirty [in the vineyards], and, among those in the industry, very unpretentious. It’s a passion and an in-depth process. No one cares what you wear or how you look when working in the winery; just get in there and make the best possible product that people will enjoy.



NORTH: How difficult is it to decipher whether or not a label has a place at Vine & Wheel? Brown: With so many wines on the market, my goal is to find fun and interesting wines for our menu that will appeal When you hear the word sommelier, it’s easy to imagine the satirized cartoon character of a snobbish guy in a tuxedo letting you know how much he knows – and how little you know – about wine. Trystan Brown, sommelier at Altitude Hospitality Group’s Vine & Wheel on Tejon Street, wants to change that. Originally from Sydney, Australia, Brown discusses wine in a manner that is anything but pretentious or off-putting. NORTH sat down with him to learn more about his role for the unique wine, cheese, and small plate venue located in downtown Colorado Springs. to both classic wine drinkers, and those looking to be more experimental.

NORTH: How do you share your passion and expertise with guests who know what they like but don’t feel they really know wine? Brown: Two words I use quite a bit are “objective” and “subjective.” With my background in winemaking, objectivity plays a large role in creating balanced wines with specific textures, flavors, and aroma profiles. As soon as that wine is bottled and later opened by consumers, it becomes a matter of subjectivity and whether that wine resonates with personal taste. If you like what you are tasting, great! If you’re not a fan of one wine or another, that also helps me redirect you to explore varietals you will enjoy.

NORTH: Have any Hollywood films accurately portrayed the wine enthusiast culture?


NORTH: How do you help patrons understand what constitutes a good wine selection? Brown: Some guests have a pretty good idea of what they like, and I do my best to match their tastes with our offerings. Others want to become more knowledgeable about wines and pairing wines with various cheeses, meats, and small plates both in the restaurant, as well as when they entertain at home. Regardless of where people fall on that spectrum, I’m here to ensure they have a wonderful experience, with some of the finest wines available.

NORTH: You spent five years studying wine science, in addition to your formal sommelier training; how does that experience inform your work at Vine & Wheel? Brown: I think having worked in the fields – hand-picking the grapes, crushing them, and moving them into production – has helped me gain a better appreciation and deeper knowledge for the overall process and the scientific manner and care in which top winemakers produce a desirable wine. This has allowed me to appreciate everything involved in winemaking and translate this into an interesting experience for our guests. I want to make our customers extremely comfortable and happy with their experience here. It’s a privilege to share my acquired knowledge so guests can, perhaps, enjoy wine as much as I do.

NORTH: Vine & Wheel’s founder, Mitchell Yellen, has invested in a very sophisticated, climate-controlled distribution system for the wine inventory. Can you explain it? Brown: This is a great system which minimizes waste. Whereas, prior, an open bottle of red might have a lifespan of a few days after uncorking; this system allows us to get upwards of 20-days for some bottles. Furthermore, we can do flights of two-ounce pours to a standard sixounce pour, allowing us to provide as many options as possible to our guests, without incurring a lot of waste. One has to come see the unit holding 40 unique wines and they’ll understand immediately.

NORTH: Have you ever experienced a 100-point wine?

Brown: I have tried a few and they were delicious. But among my personal favorites are a few that happen to score between 94 to 99 points. I have one label I’m working to get onto our shelves from Tasmania, it’s a pinot noir that scores a 99; it’s a great wine that seldom gets seen in the States.

Derien is right at that point where a hobby becomes a career opportunity. As of right now, Latimer is a principle at one of the Springs’ schools and does BBQ catering with his family during holidays, weekends, and the summer. But he’s ready to make the shift to full time grill master. His dilemma is trading in his planning papers for making delicious BBQ. “We’re in that space where we can make it a full-time thing, or just keep it to our little network and word of mouth, which is great, but I’m ready for more. This is what I love to do. I’ve decided, I really want to go for it,” Derien says with that leap of faith look every great story has.

After college and football Derien started a family with his wife Pelinda in Eugene, OR. After a several invitations to his in-laws, and some very average BBQ, Derien asked for the coveted mittens and tongs and a crack at the grill. “I remem ber, it was a chicken recipe of my own design, where I had my first break through,” Latimer says with a big laugh. “Sometime after that first good meal, family members and friends began to ask me to bring that recipe to the potluck.”

“One of my love languages is service,” Derien continues. “I love feeding people as a form of service. I really enjoy seeing all kinds of people: friends, family, even strangers – enjoy delicious food. What better way to connect with people, than over a great meal, right? It was spring of 2007, when La timer finally ventured out and took an order from an actual customer. “It was a wedding, and of course, they were from Texas. Talk about high expectations and pressure! To my own amazement, folks started coming back for seconds. My brisket was a hit! And after some genuine complements and feedback from this event, Latimer’s Kitchen and Catering was Today,born.”

But much like the regions suggest, there are some similarities in BBQ offerings in certain parts of the world and variations within each that somewhat define what BBQ means for those areas. Is there one that stands out as what could be deemed Colorado BBQ? Maybe. For one local grill-master, that is one of the goals. To help shape the identity of Colorado BBQ! A graduate from Oregon University – yes, he’s an Oregon Duck – a yes, he wore the cool helmets and jersey of an Ore gon Duck football player. In fact, it was his senior year at OU that those initial florescent uniforms came out. Latimer says, “My senior team were the first that wore those first-gener ation uniforms with the wild colors and unique helmets. It was cool though. I remember, morale was kind of flat, and this was just the right move at the right time for those jolting colors to come out. It doesn’t hurt that our outfitters – Nike, is Headquartered was just up the road in Beaverton, OR. All the sudden, Oregon was in the discussion for more than just being a good football team. It was fun.”

If you’re a BBQ fan at any level, you no doubt have something to say about what is the best kind. Perhaps like bourbon, no two opinions will match. What constitutes good BBQ is the kind you like. Of course, there’s overall style: Korean, Texas, Santa Maria, St. Louis, Georgia, Memphis, Carolina, Tandoori and so on. Then there are the nearly countless elements of sauce or dry-rub, bark, natural, tomato base, mustard, Worcestershire, mayo base, and the list goes on.



Latimer got his taste for great BBQ from lots of practice in the kitchen and a bit of proper mothering from a woman who made sure her kiddos contributed to the daily cooking duties. “I was in my teens when Mom said, “I’m not going to cook for everyone every single day after my own long and busy day.”, Latimer recalls. “You’re of age now, that you’re gonna cook twice a week, and your sister is going to cook twice a week. If you want something good to eat you better start learning” she said to her children. “That’s where it began. I fed my family, and it was a great feeling.”

Latimer’s Kitchen & Catering Driven by a Love of Service & Unusually Good BBQ

NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM 55 Lat’s bbq Latimer’sphilosophykitchen& Catering • LOW & REALLY SLOW - You can not rush good BBQ • NO DRY FOOD • NO SAUCE NEEDED – We believe BBQ/smoked meats should stand on their own – We do offer BBQ sauce upon request • Events up to 500, larger groups/ event can be accommodated with advanced notice • MEATS: Beef Brisket, Pulled Pork, Spareribs, Baby Back Ribs, Smoked Chicken, Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Fried Chicken • SIDES: Mac & Cheese, Collard Greens, BBQ Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw, Corn with Leeks & Bacon lat’s kitchen chicken rub • 3 Tablespoons creole seasoning (we like Tony Chachere’s) • 1 Tablespoon garlic powder • 2 Teaspoon onion powder • 1 Tablespoon dry thyme leaves lat’s kitchen coleslaw • 1 head cabbage, shredded • 1 head cauliflower, broken into pieces • 1 lb. bacon, cooked & Crumbled • 1 white onion, chopped • ¼ cup fresh parmesan, shreds • 2 cups (good) mayo • Layer all ingredients (in order), enjoy or refrigerate for later (719)info@latskitchen.comLatskitchen.com339-6400 If you yougoodsomethingwanttoeat learningstartbetter ” she said to children.her


NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | Sunday, September 4th | 9:00am Registration NOW OPEN! C O L O R A D O PACKET PICKUP Pickup at Orangetheory Fitness 7469 N Academy Blvd, COS. CO 80920 Thursday, September 1st 11am 7pm Saturday, September 3rd 12pm 3pm REGISTER TODAY! $25 per person *early bird special* $30 July 15 September 1 $35 same day registration

by Charmas B. Lee, performance coach, author, speaker

According to C.S. Lewis, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

The trials you’ve encountered so far in life have introduced you to your strengths. Life is 95% physiological and 5% psychological – but the 5 controls the 95. By learning to apply the 5/95 rule, you will become more focused, optimistic, persistent and resilient, and are there fore more likely to achieve positive out comes. Here are four simple tips to help strengthen and condition your mind for success:


Charmas Lee is a certified exercise physiologist and strength and conditioning coach who is qualified to coach athletes at the Olympic level. He is the co-owner of Believe and Perform Like Champions, a business that specializes in creating winning organizations and cultures. He has published seven books and been featured in the national publication for USA Track and Field. Lee has been featured on several podcasts and Tedx talks.

4. Socialize — Research shows that socializing is a brain-building ac tivity! The prefrontal cortex, where judgment and decision-making occur, is strengthened as a result of personal human interaction. A more robust prefrontal cortex can de crease the amount of activity in the emotional centers of the brain. That means a challenging situation will be processed longer and stronger in the judgment areas of your brain instead of the emotional centers. By supporting the prefrontal cortex, you are less likely to see crises as insur mountable problems and accept that change is a normal part of life. That is resilience in action. Once you understand how to make your brain more resilient, and strengthen and condition your mind for success, you are more likely to engage in positive reappraisal, find meaning, and benefit from the adversities of your daily life. Wishing you the best of everything.

1. Take decisive action — You develop a more resilient brain by taking more decisive actions, rather than letting problems languish. Practice consis tently moving towards your goals, making even the small accomplish ments count. Consistently nurture a positive view of yourself and practice gratitude regularly; according to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon and author of Keep Sharp: How to Build a Better Brain at Any Age, “It is very hard to cripple a brain that is deci sive and views itself favorably.”

3. Exercise — Many of us are familiar with the benefits of exercise as it relates to physical conditioning, strength, and weight loss. However, research is clear that exercise, specifically interval training, enhances various aspects of brain function including motor learning, cognition, emotional regulation and more.

2. Get some sleep — Sleep refreshes and replenishes tissues and cells, including those of the brain and immune system. Scientists believe that sleep allows the brain to clear waste, and organize and strengthen memories. After a good night’s sleep (eight hours), you wake with a smart er body and sharper mind, improv ing your ability to deal with the day’s stressors.

by Joel Rauser, D.C. Cornerstone Chiropractic If you’re like me, you value your sleep. You have purchased the nice bedding, exper imented with your pillows, and stopped drinking caffeine in the evening. Despite all your efforts, you still feel that you could sleep better. Or you’re tired of being tired and you can’t remember the last time you woke up rested. Maybe you got a Fitbit, or smart watch, or some other amazing technology that reported that you just had the best sleep of your life. But did you?

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) issues are very common in the U.S., affecting a large part of the population, yet most sleep issues go largely undiagnosed. Try this right now: stop breathing. Pause your breath for 10 seconds. How did that feel? Probably pretty uncomfortable. SDB creates these moments throughout the night, waking you up, fragmenting your sleep, and reducing your restorative deep sleep. In my case, I would experience this more than 30 times an hour!

However, it’s difficult to gather accurate and cost-effective sleep data. The standard is an in-clinic sleep study to assess your sleep, brain wave activity, heart rate variability, breathing and movement. This required a lot of equipment and expense; until now.


Enter the Sleep Ring by SleepImage. You can now get a very accurate picture of your sleep from a medical device approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) — and it’s a simple ring on your finger. Getting accurate information is the first step in changing your sleep for the better. After testing, I was able to incorporate simple, cost-effective treatments to help my sleep. And it changed my life.


getting a better night’s sleep


60 NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation | #230558 12105 Ambassador Drive | Colorado Springs, CO 80921 At Liberty Heights, our innovative programs, fine dining and beautiful decor provide an ideal setting to thrive in senior living. We offer a continuum of care, so whether you’re an independent senior looking for connection and engagement or you or your loved one needs a helping hand with tasks of daily living or compassionate memory care, we’re here to support you. With a long history of hospitality, tenured staff and a commitment to resident safety, it’s senior living that’s a step above. Come meet the team! Call 719-354-2597 to schedule a personalized tour. Senior living built around service WWW.SENIORLIFESTYLE.COM

AdriAnn Bossie Independent Insurance Agent

There are many plan options available to Medicare beneficiaries. Choosing the right one to fit each person’s needs both medically and for their lifestyle is what I do best. For almost everyone Medicare is the only insurance option once you retire and leave employer health coverage. This is why understanding all aspects of it is so vitally im portant. In future editions of North, I will delve into the nitty gritty of Medicare. I will explain enrollment periods, Medicare supplements, Medicare advantage plans, why drug coverage is so important and much more. Today I just wanted to introduce myself to you and tell you why I love doing what I do!

My mother was a critical care nurse her entire career and one of the smartest people I ever knew on any subject. As she aged and moved from traditional employer insurance into the Medicare system, she struggled to figure out how it worked. I realized if my mother couldn’t figure out how to navigate the world of Medicare there was a good possibility that the average person wasn’t able to either.

Senior Insurance Solutions

As an insurance agent, my job is to walk consumers through the process in a way that helps them understand what Medicare is, how it works, what options there are and what types of plans are available no matter how many visits or phone calls that takes. Building trust with people and educating not “selling” them is my goal.

So why am I telling you about all of the “teaching” I have done in my life when this article is about my career as a Medicare Insurance Advi sor? This is why…

I had always wanted to get back into healthcare in some fashion but knew ICU wasn’t for me anymore. When I was introduced to the Medi care Insurance career field, I realized this was my calling. All those years of teaching and caring for others had made this a perfect career for Movingme. from what most consider traditional employer insurance into Medicare is scary and daunting for almost everyone. And it typically comes at a time in life when we are retiring from what we have known most of our adult lives and are dealing with “what’s next for me”. The massive amounts of mail and phone calls everyone turning 65 gets certainly doesn’t help either!


I always thought I would be a teacher. Third grade was my favorite year in school. My teacher was the kindest, most compassionate and caring person and so at nine years old I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to help kids like she helped my class. I spent hours “playing” school at home. Then I got older and realized there was no money for teaching. So, I followed in my parent’s footsteps and went into the medical field. I was a respiratory therapist for 20 years and spent a lot of that time teaching people how to take breathing treatments and how to breathe and cough correctly. I was moved into a supervisory role pretty quick ly where I spent many hours teaching new employees the right way to take care of their patients. During my time as an RT, I also became a parent of three. We all know parenting is nothing but teaching! When my kids went off to school, I followed another childhood wish and became a real estate agent. When you are in this line of work and helping people make the biggest financial decision of their lifetime it’s all about teaching!

62 NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM Nothing is more important than staying connected to the people you love. Here at A Better Hearing Center, we’re proud to do this everyday for our patients, and we’re ready to do the same for you. Jim Stobaugh, HAD, HAS, NBC-HIS, BA • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aid Repair • Tinnitus Management • Custom ProtectionHearing • Assistive Listening Devices • Ear Wax Management Monument, CO | Phone: 719-900-5599 |

Connected Health Center (CHC) is a different kind of chiro practic clinic. Attention to detail is a defining characteristic of the facility itself and with each individual patient. When pressed on how his offices are different from other chiro practic offices, Dr. Osama Kassab, D.C. responds, “We have a great deal of respect for every patient and what they are go ing through. We focus on each individual and their goals. It’s not about us and what we want to do. It’s about the patient and their goals. We want to help them change and improve their lives. What sets us apart is our level of focused care and working to improve a patient’s function, beyond just getting out of pain, and moving on to a better quality of life.”


It is common for patients to experience some relief after a visit to a chiropractic office; however, that pain can and often does return. This is largely because patients will inadvertent ly slip back into old habits and patterns. Like a good rehab regimen after orthopedic surgery, patients at CHC are treated differently than in most chiropractic offices.


by Osama Kassab, D.C. M.S. their provider and ask detailed questions in private. “We are very conscientious of each patient’s privacy, and their need to be heard and understood. Our practice is open to patients of all ages. We present who we are to them, and then patients decide if we are the right fit for them in their journey,” Kassab concludes.


• Master of Science - Exercise Physiology - Colorado State University (2005)

CHC has a unique advantage in Dr. Kassab’s training and experience. “First, my sports and orthopedic background is a level above most other chiropractors,” he explains. Our Nurse Practitioner Tammy Williams and our amazing therapists provide a team dedicated to that patient. We are all working together to find the best plan of action and using all our skills and knowledge in concert with one another to achieve the desired outcome. This includes chiropractic adjustments, dry needling, cupping, functional rehabilitation, massage, hor mone therapy, trigger point injections, and stem cell injec tions and so much more. Surgery and pain medication are the old way of thinking and treating pain in many cases. We are at the forefront of new treatments and therapies, and they are not cost prohibitive,” he says. CHC incorporates other modalities into practice including massage, stretching, rehabilitation, and non-narcotic, nonsteroid based western medicine. They also offer Evexipel bio-identical hormone therapy for both men and women. In addition, patients are treated to a very elegant facility, and private consultation areas where the patients can get to know

• Certified Dry Needling Specialist (2020)

“We look at the whole patient and help them see how their patterns and habits may be contributing to their pain. Yes, we can make adjustments but, after treatment, if the patient is not aware of how to make changes in their habits and patterns between sessions, they can often end up back where they started,” Dr. Kassab says. “If they comply with recom mendations, this can prolong their relief until their next appointment, and this can dramatically change that patient’s quality of life.”


• Certified Athletic trainer (18+ years)

Osama Kassab, DC, MS

• Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic - San Jose (2017)

I will lose my independence by moving to Assisted Living. Another common misconception about Living in Assisted Living is you will lose your independence; this is not the case. We want you to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. Here at Liberty Heights, our nurse will complete an assessment with a new resident to determine what assistance they require in completing daily tasks but more importantly what they are able to do independently. This independence keeps you or your loved one stronger, longer. Also, Assisted Living residents are free to come and go as they please, including traveling and vacationing with family. Assisted Living is expensive. Making your home more accessible for you to live in safely, such as widening doorways, renovating bathrooms and hiring caregivers, is costly and after all that, in most cases stairs in the home cannot be avoided. Senior Living communities like Liberty Heights take care of all the outside maintenance, utilities and taxes, leaving you to be able to sit back and enjoy your days making meaningful connections with fellow peers and staff members. Best of all, our apartments and common spaces are all on one ground level so navigating stairs is no longer an issue. There is no privacy in Assisted Living, and I will have to live with a roommate. While it is true that care staff will be by to see if you need anything, they will never enter with out knocking and announcing themselves first. Your apartment is your home and anytime staff enter they will do so with your approval and knowledge. Our Assisted Living has only private apartments and you will only have a roommate if desired. I have spouses, significant others, best friends, and siblings live together, however that is certainly out of the norm. We offer a variety of floorplans from small one-bedroom efficiencies to spacious two-bedroom units. You are welcome to have people stay the night with you in your apartment or they can rent the on-site guest suites we offer. I will be required to stick to a schedule. Let’s face it, even today we have schedules or routines that we tend to stick to. Perhaps that is waking early and having a cup of coffee or tea to get the morning started. We want that to continue. When our nurse completes a new residents specialized assessment they will ask about your daily schedule or routine and we will accommodate that as much as possible. That includes when you prefer to take showers, go to bed, or rise in the morning. This place is your home with a little care assistance on the side. I will be bored in Assisted Living.

By Brent Thompson Director of Sales and Marketing

Liberty Heights is a full continuum of care, and I cannot move there because I don’t live in Independent Living.


Residents are encouraged to eat in the dining room with their peers, participate in social gatherings such as happy hours, join social clubs like knitting or walking and if games are your thing, you can join the game groups who play every single day. The reality is, you could be as bored or as active as you wish.

While some continuing care retirement communities require residents in higher levels of care first live independently, Liberty Heights does not require that. I have many residents that make the transition through all levels of care or come from their home right into Assisted Living. Each of you are unique individuals therefore each case is unique and specialized to you and your needs. In our full continuum of care offered here at Liberty Heights, Assisted Living is one of the more active areas of the community offering residents the comfort and security knowing someone is there when you need assistance balanced with independence. As the only true full continuum of care in northern Colorado Springs, Liberty Heights gated community offers a truly unique style of Living keeping you healthy, safe, and socially engaged. Feel free to contact me directly at 719-481-5009 to schedule your own personalized tour of our beautiful community.


Making the move to Assisted Living, whether it is for yourself or a loved one, it can oftentimes feel like a monumental task. As the Director of sales and marketing I find there are often many misconceptions about what Assisted Living is and the care that we provide. Senior Living communities have changed vastly in the last thirty years. However, as humans, we only remember what we saw and are fearful those past experiences are found to be true today. This article explores the common questions I encounter daily allowing you to have a better understanding of Assisted Living. Assisted Living and nursing homes is the same thing. Many people often confuse Assisted Living and long-term care, however, the differences between the two are vast. Assisted Living residents are Assisted in completing daily Living tasks such as bathing, dressing and medication management. In our Assisted Living, residents are provided all meals restaurant style, weekly housekeeping and laundry services, and transportation to medical appointments. Assisted Living is overseen by a licensed nurse; but we do not have around the clock nurses to assist with care like that found in long term care. Long term nursing care provides specialized care to residents that are dealing with chronic health conditions that require 24 hour care from nursing professionals.

I often hear from prospective residents that they are afraid they will just be bored and will not have anything to do because we do everything for them. While we do assist with daily Living activities, there is little time to be bored socially.




Sponsored content from Visit Colorado Springs he summer tourism season is in full swing in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region. 2022 promises to be a successful year for Olympic City USA. In February, the community collaborated to make the most of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games with a special ad campaign and a myriad of events at the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum. During the Games, Visit Colorado Springs debuted the Colorado Springs episode of Samantha Brown’s Places to Love that aired nationally and is still available to watch on

Tremendous growth in the north area of Colorado Springs is exciting and just as important as downtown development. Restoration of the U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel continues, the new Gateway Visitor Center at USAFA will break ground this summer and plans are underway to build a world-class outdoor amphitheater called Sunset that will treat concert goers to westfacing views as stunning as the entertainment on stage.

The mission of Visit Colorado Springs is to

By Doug Price, President & CEO - Visit Colorado Springs



Visit Colorado Springs works for you. Community engagement is a top priority for our organization so we can support what is important to you. You have a passion for this community and so do we. We have a commitment to strengthen its economic position and vitality to provide opportunities for all residents. We seek to tell the story of our destination, history, culture, community and people with enthusiasm and inclusiveness. Let’s open a dialogue so we may work together to develop our city into the leading U.S. destination for experiential travel, inspired by the majesty of Pikes Peak; iconic, accessible natural wonders; and the Olympic spirit. Let us know your thoughts at

Most of us who live here are originally from somewhere else. Someone once shared Colorado Springs with you. Here is how you can share it with others: Order a free Vacation Planner at for yourself as well as friends and family Follow us on social media, share our posts and tag us with @VisitCOS, #VisitCOS and Like#OlympicCityUSA


When marketing the region, we use an inclusive strategy that targets cities with non-stop and one-stop flights to Colorado Springs Airport, people who are likely to drive to the region and key markets in Texas. We also have our eye on sustainability so that our stunning natural attractions are just as beautiful for future generations as they are when William Palmer founded Colorado Springs in 1871.

In 2021, 23.6 million people (about the population of New York) visited Olympic City USA and surrounding cities, spending $2.6 billion (about $7 per person in the U.S.) on vacations, weddings, reunions, meetings, trade shows, motorcoach tours, cultural happenings and sporting events.

Invite friends and family to visit and suggest they stay in one of our excellent hotels, cabins or SuggestB&Bs that your organization hold a meeting or conference in Colorado Springs – VisitCOS offers free assistance to find the perfect venue Offer to plan a family wedding or reunion in Colorado Springs – we will help make it easy for Practiceyou! the sustainability principles of Leave No Trace and share them with your guests Find these items and more at

SHARE THE LOVE 1 456732 •Destination Master Plan •Initiative Priorities •2022 Operating Budget •2021 Annual Report •Key Performance Indicators •Board Meeting Minutes


In our 10-year Destination Master Plan, our goal is to double the amount of money spent by visitors by 2028 while increasing the number of people by only 25%. Encouraging visitors to book longer stays will have a more positive impact on our destination than simply focusing on quantity.

“I Love Colorado Springs” on Facebook to learn about all that’s going on in our great city

Details are everything when it comes to planning the perfect party. At Cravings 5-Star Events, part of the Picnic Basket Catering Collective, we have more than 33 years of practice and we love helping clients with the details! Our top four tips for creating the perfect event are below and are guaranteed to have you and your guests enjoying every moment together.

2.MUSIC SETS THE MOOD After you select a theme, it’s time to create a mood for your event. This can be done ahead of time by planning your music. Create a playlist that lasts the expected duration of your party so your guests aren’t listening to any repeated songs. Depending on your event, switch up the atmosphere with instrumental music during dinner to allow for easy conversation. Later, move to more contemporary music to

TIPS FOR CREATING THE PERFECT PARTY how to get the wow factor elevate the energy and get guests dancing. Think about the mood you want for your guests, the tone you want to set, and have fun with music to achieve it!

4.SATISFY YOUR CRAVINGS At Cravings 5-Star Events, we make it easy to create the right atmosphere and menu for your next event. Our knowledgeable team members walk you through our different menu options and create a unique, custom menu and setting. Our field chefs and bartending partners will supply the “WOW” factor for you and your guests. If you aren’t sure of your vision, let us remove the stress and handle the details for you. Our years of experience and a capable and creative crew will make your next event spectacular!

Another critical element to create a mood for your special event is lighting. An elegant dinner party practically begs for lit candles across a landscaped lawn, while trendy string lights in backyard trees could illuminate an evening of dancing. Remember that the party continues even after the sun goes down. Plan to have enough lighting for guest safety and for vendors to adequately perform their jobs. Use your imagination, and don’t be afraid to be creative with what you already have.


By The Picnic Basket Catering Collective


1.BRING MEANING TO THE MOMENT Are you hosting a backyard wedding, a VIP fundraiser, or a sophisticated dinner party? Each event has a different guest list and a different theme. A rustic, romantic backyard wedding with roses, candles, and a custom, chef-inspired menu is very different from an intimate dinner party with cocktails, black tablecloths, wine pairings, and multiple courses. The theme of your event sets the tone for everything else – décor, music, food, bar, and mood. It is the starting point for giving guests an immersive experience they won’t forget.





shot glasses.

This October, arts and culture will take center stage throughout Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region as our creative community celebrates Arts Month 2022! Orchestrated annually by the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region, Arts Month elevates the visibility of arts and culture across El Paso and Teller counties by showcasing local talent, providing opportunities for arts advocacy, supporting innovative cross-sector community collaborations, and creating new avenues for arts engagement and cultural enrichment. Our local Arts Month initiative coincides with National Arts & Humanities Month, which was established in 1993 and is observed every October throughout the United States. This national program was initiated to encourage Americans to explore new facets of the arts and humanities in their lives, and to begin a lifelong habit of participation. Over the years, it has become the nation’s largest collective annual celebration of the arts. Our 9th annual Arts Month celebration is already shaping-up to be one of our biggest and best ever. I invite you to enjoy the amazing talent and diversity of our creative community, and encourage you to seek out one new cultural experience with family or friends this October. Learn more at, and be part of this year’s celebration! ARTS By Andy Vick, Executive Director wine melon. until smooth. Add grapes, mint, honey, and Pulse until smooth. Pour into If desired, add a dot of chili oil on top for extra zing.

vinegar and

CHILLED WHITE GAZPACHO SOUP SHOOTERS By Picnic Basket Catering Collective DirectionsIngredients ; 4 lbs honeydew melon- peeled and cut into cubes ; 1/2 lb green grapes ; 16 oz honey ; 2 cucumbers- peeled and cut into chunks ; 1 cup rice wine vinegar ; 1/2 oz mint leaves ; Splash of lemon juice ; Dash of salt In a blender, add rice


lemon juice.



Principle 3 – Dispose of Waste Properly. Both of those actions set an excellent example for other trail users and make you an ultra-steward!


Remember, it takes all of us. Until next time, enjoy your world and Leave No Trace.

By Gillian Rossi, Leave No Trace State Advocate for Colorado

LOCAL LEAVE NO TRACE How to Make an Impact by Not Leaving One

Greetings from your local Leave No Trace state advocate! Have you talked with your friends and family about plogging? It’s nothing trashy and could litter-ally reduce the amount of waste you see on your favorite trail or neighborhood walk. Okay, enough with the puns.

Whether you are convincing your friends to go plogging with you or remember ing to secure your trash while on the trail, you are partaking in Leave No Trace

In its official definition, “plogging” refers to the activity of picking up trash while jogging. The term was invented in 2016 by an environmentally conscious Swed ish jogger and the trend has gone transcontinental. While originally intended for runners, anyone who enjoys exercising in outdoor spaces can take part in this eco-friendly activity. Simply grab a trash bag (and some gloves, if available!) and pick up trash you see along your run, walk, or ride. Removing litter from an area decreases the chance of someone else intentionally leaving their own trash behind because “litter breeds litter.”

Although it may seem intentional, most trash left behind is not the result of a malicious attack on our natural areas. Items can be left behind without the owner evening knowing, including micro-trash (ex. the corner of a granola bar wrapper) and unsecured garbage in a day pack. A good way to prevent leaving a trail while on the trail is to secure all trash items inside your backpack instead of using the open side pockets. This is especially true for tissues, wet wipes, and wrappers of any kind. Lightweight items in the bed of a truck can easily turn into mini-kites on a windy day; be aware of loose items and make a habit of con taining them properly.

RESOURCES -Leave No Trace website with additional information about Principle 3. • -Additionalproperly/•

• COLOR: Saddle Brown Leather

By adding a brand new charred American white oak stave to each bottle and then sealing it, we keep the angel’s share inside the bottle captur ing all the finer flavor components. We Make The Angels ThirstyTM! Best paired with good company. Serve on the rocks, neat, in a cocktail or however you drink your bourbon – Big Stick Bourbon starts smooth on the palate with flavorful notes of cinnamon and clove. It has a very robust and rich aroma. A nice finish with hints of oak, caramel, and vanilla from the in-bottle oak staves. What constantly impresses customers is how incredibly smooth it Wetastes.Proof to 95o as a symbol of our promise to donate 5% of our profits to organizations that support our military and their families.

Big Stick Bourbon Big Tastes – Big Heart TAKING TRADITION & HITTING IT WITH A STICK

• PALATE: Black currant, vanilla wafers, rai sins, caramel toffee, and glazed honey

• FINISH: Well-balanced, integrated sea soned oak, blueberries, blackberries, stone ground crackers, and a mix of citrus. A MISSION TO HONOR ALL WHO SERVED Our drive for creating a great bourbon is only matched for our devotion to giving back to the military community. We are blessed to live in the greatest country in the world and recognize the many sacrificed members of the military have made to allow us to peruse our live of making great whiskey. To help direct support to service members, Big Stick Bourbon will dedicate 5% of our profits to military organizations. Ask your local liquor store to carry Semper Fi Brands - Big Stick Bourbon! Semper Fi – it’s not just a name, it’s a way of life.

• NOSE: Fresh cut oak, spearmint, clove, and a touch of cigar box


5. Invite a representative from the Human Trafficking Task Force ( or Reclaiming Hope ( to give a presentation to a group you belong to. Both need volunteers, as well!

Is there anything you can do to stop trafficking? What can you do to protect yourself, your family and friends?

Trafficking takes several forms but here’s a simple definition: trafficking is when one person persuades another person through force, fraud or coercion to work or kill or sell their body for in-person sexual acts or pornography.

1. If you live in a home with children, spend time with them and listen to them. Get to know their friends, both young and old, in person and online. Children who don’t have caring adults in their lives are most vulner able. Those with mental health concerns, and unstable housing are targeted. Kids who experience loneliness, self-esteem issues, fear and anxiety are more easily tar geted than those who don’t struggle with these issues.

2. Social media accounts – yours and those of the children you supervise – should be set on high security. Traffickers look for photos that say “Do you think I’m pretty?” and find out all they can to recruit, manipulate and control.


That is an invitation most adults might recognize as a trap, but not so for many teens. And the pressure on teens to comply with peer pressure is often irresistible. After all, “everyone’s doing it!”

Today there are more people, teens included, being lured into sexual trafficking than ever before in world history.

3. Learn all you can about trafficking from trusted websites, such as the Homeland Security/The Blue Campaign, the Polaris Project and Shared Hope. Attend a monthly meeting of the Southern Colorado Human Trafficking Task Force, on the second Tuesday each month at 5:45 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs.


4. Report suspicious behavior: a. National Hotline: (888) 373-7888 b. Colorado state Hotline: (866) 455-5075 c. Colorado Springs Human Trafficking Law Enforcement Task Force: (719) 444-7512

“It’s only a photo. There’s no harm in sending a photo!”

All that happens somewhere else, far away, right? Truth is, it’s happening everywhere, including right here in Colorado –even in our neighborhoods and trusted institutions.


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NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM Please very palate. From fresh, casual cuisine to sizzling hot Santa Maria BBQ and VIP custom menus, Picnic Basket Catering Collective has you catered. 1701toCallpbcatering.com719-635-0200bookyoureventtoday!S.8thStreet,ColoradoSprings, CO View menus


Over the past many months, our team and trade partners have been working alongside the designers in evaluating cost, constructability, and sequencing of activities to best execute the work. Our attention has been focused on two complex aspects: what is the best approach to underpin and support existing foundation elements while bracing exterior walls; and how best to construct three new floors of steel and concrete while not removing the main roof for access. Essentially this is building a building within a building. We will be adding nearly 40,000 square feet of new space within the existing auditorium and building a four-story, 31,500-square-foot addition to the south. Careful planning of the logistics in maneuvering heavy equipment, materials, and workers safely in and out of a 100-year-old building certainly gets the blood pumping for our team. Our general superintendent Bill Bialek and his team are working through the concept of constructing the new floors within the auditorium in reverse of traditional construction. In other words, building top down: we will erect the three floors and finish on the ground level as we work ourselves out of the building. We continue our pre-construction efforts with local trade partners to price and plan the work.

On behalf of our entire Saunders Norwood Construction team, we are grateful for the opportunity to bring life back to this historic building.

The Restoration of City Auditorium

This type of project doesn’t come along very often and, as builders, these are the ones we run to. At some level it’s like a rallying cry for the builders, architects and engineers to come together, bring our expertise to the table and create solutions to complex challenges. In contrast to a green field site with ground-up construction, where the dependency of builder to designer is much less, this project demands interaction, input, and sharing of ideas. Building a building within a building makes me think of the old nesting dolls my grandmother had on her credenza that I found so intriguing to unstack, wondering what lay beneath each layer. Similarly, I can hardly wait for the community to see the new masterpiece that this talented team will reveal.

by Greg Morgan, Sr. Preconstruction Manager, Saunders Norwood Saunders Norwood Construction Company is honored to have been named general contractor to restore the City Auditorium in downtown Colorado Springs. The City Auditorium project is a great example of our mission to build what matters within the Pikes Peak region. It was not long after joining the team of Linda Weise/CCC and Semple Brown Architects that we knew this magnificent landmark within our city could not be in better hands. The vision, passion and work ethic of this group is contagious and undoubtedly will be seen as a great service to our city.


I could see someone walking though the 100-year-old building and declaring, “demolish this old thing.” And many would say she has seen better days. But this is a structure that will impact lives and unite our community: this is the vision. An accomplished team of architects and engineers that revel in peeling back the work of a century ago will meticulously engineer the integration of the old and new: that’s the passion. And to realize the team’s effort and focus over a span of years is impressive: this is the work ethic. Restoring historic buildings is a way we builders pay respect to good craftsmanship and timeless designs. We have an opportunity to preserve, enhance and restore a building that will be a place to connect and grow as a community. Transforming this “grand old lady” to serve as the place where people can develop their talents as we all enjoy the gift of the performing arts will certainly feed our souls.

NORTH BY COLORADO MEDIA GROUP | COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM 77 OCTOBER IS ARTS MONTH Mark your calendars... LEARN MORE AT I can hardly wait for the community to see the masterpiecenewthat this talented team will reveal. “

COLORADOMEDIAGROUP.COM Thank you to each and every advertiser listed herein. You are greatly appreciated and are why Colorado Springs is an amazing Community. Thank you! Air Force Sports Amy Ward Agency Better Hearing Center Blues on the Mesa Boot Barn Hall Brand YMCAWCGVineTriTrainwreckSpringsSmileShopsPinePinePicnicPerkinsOrangeNationalLibertyKKTVHarleyFlyingForceCOSCOSCityCentennialCenturaAscensionHealthRadonAuditoriumAirportSportsCorpBroadbandHorseRealtyDavidsonNEWSHeightsCharityLeagueTheoryColoradoMotorsBasketCateringCollectiveCreekDentalCreekVisionClinicatBriargateDentistryRescueLakesChamberofCommerce&WheelAccountingofthePikesPeakRegion NORTH Advertiser Index AUG/SEPT 2022 – IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Do You Know A Next Generation Leader? NOMINATE THEM! Each month, NORTH features an individual or team from one of our many schools in Districts 20 and 38. Nominees are vetted by our editorial team and selected base on merit that looks at the combined picture of academic achievement, athletic and/or the arts achievement, community service, significant contribution to society, special accomplishments and their overall, optimistic outlook on life. Simply send an email to info@, attention EDITOR, and provide a brief description of why your nominee should be featured in NORTH. Our profiles to-date have inspired many to step forward and nominate their child or a child they know. We’d love to share their story and help generate some enthusiasm for young individuals and groups who are making significant strides forward as they enter the next phase of life. Nominees must be 12 years or older. Parents are welcome to remain present during the interview process. Next Generation Leaders Copyright © 2022 | Colorado Media Group. All Rights Reserved.


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Centura Health does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, religion, creed, ancestry, sexual orientation, and marital status in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services and activities, or in employment. For further information about this policy contact Centura Health’s Office of the General Counsel at 1-303-673-8166 (TTY: 711). Copyright © Centura Health, 2021. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-303-643-1000 (TTY: 711). CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn. Gọi số 1-303-643-1000 (TTY: 711).

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