1 minute read

Andrew Dalby

Current Role or Occupation: Small Business Owner (RV Storage company)

Formal Education: BS in Biochemistry, Pacific Lutheran; MS in Computer Information Systems, Regis University

Colorado Springs Resident: Native

Skills to be Effective: Decade of Managing Consulting Team, Scientist, Engineer Leadership Tenets: Empower your employees – Tell them what, not how

Crisis Tenets: Avoid Crisis – Most large organizations are addicted to a culture of continuous crisis. Real emergencies are rare.

As a father of six children, I can say with confidence that watching your children grow and mature is one of God’s greatest gifts. Whether it’s watching them take their first step or their first pheasant, it’s worth fighting for. I am a Colorado Springs native and grew up on the east edge of town near Academy Boulevard. For entertainment, we would hunt rabbits on our property way outside the city limits on a tiny dirt road called “Powers”. Dad taught me to drive sitting on his lap while he graded Powers with the old tractor. Half a century later, the old family property is the center of town and the location of a thriving family business. While phenomenal growth has provided the residents of Colorado Springs many new opportunities, it has come with its share of problems as well. Colorado now leads the nation in car thefts and fentanyl deaths. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Most of the challenges facing our city are the result of neglect and political leaders making poor choices. Our parks don’t have to have dead grass and locked, graffiti covered restrooms. We can choose to focus on the three things city government should legitimately concern itself with—Public Safety, Public Works, and Public Parks.

I spent a decade managing a team of consultants fixing problems for clients like the Department of Defense, Honda, Louis Vuitton, the State of Wyoming, and the New Jersey Department of Corrections. When Colorado Springs Utilities implemented their “ERP” system (the system that runs everything), my team was who they chose.

I have a history of solving problems on time and under budget. More than anything, I want my children to have the opportunities I had. To enjoy the outdoor activities that make our area special. To buy an affordable home in a safe neighborhood. To work hard and get ahead. I want every child in Colorado Springs to have those same opportunities.

It has been said that insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different outcome. I believe electing the same group of career politicians and expecting them to solve the problems they allowed to happen, is insane.

We need new ideas and new blood in office to ensure everyone has the opportunities I did, because a government cannot be for the people unless it is of the people.

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