Healthy Directions Winter Edition 2018

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and Beet Rosé Sauce

with Chef Aimée Wimbush-Bourque




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TIRED OF BEING TIRED? Do you suffer from any of the following? Fatigue and lack of appetite Pale skin & dark circles under eyes Difficulty concentrating Chills or catch colds easily Brittle hair or fingernails that chip easily

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Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 1:41 PM Page 3

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HEALTHY DIRECTIONS WINTER 2018 Vol. 19 No. 1 Your compass for natural health, wellness and outdoor adventure. Publisher

Charleen Wyman 1-877-276-1849 519-823-5404 Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Contributors Rosanna Lee, RD, MS, MHSc, PHEc, Laurel Sterling, MA, RD, CDN, Anna O’Byrne, Carol Crenna, Richard Bejnar, BSc, Armin A. Zadeh, MD, PhD, Angela Wallace, MSc, RD, Nadia Lamanna, ND, Aimée Wimbush-Bourque, Alicia Tobin, R.H.N. and Alyssa Robertson, Jamie Kennedy, Susan Ratz, and Livia Tiba

Distribution Jon Cousins 519-823-5404


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Have a Wintertude Winter is here and all indicators are it’s going to be an above-average snowy season for Ontario. Winter sports enthusiasts rejoice! However, the flocculent environment isn’t necessarily celebrated by all. So, this edition also features some ways to stay ahead of the avalanche of winter health conditions that can leave you feeling a little snowed under.

Having a positive “wintertude” means taking on the snow in top form. Featured in this edition is Olympics hopeful Baily McDonald from the Canadian Snowboard Big Air team who shares how she stays in peak condition and resilient. No matter what your fitness level is I hope you find some great winter outings in this edition to keep you winter inspired, outdoors and moving.

Never been on skis or a board before? Or, looking to save a few dollars? The day to hit the hills for a few lessons might be National Ski & Snowboard Day. It’s being held on January 27th for 2018! Many resorts across Canada offer 50% off lift ticket pricing that day. I’ve also shared some outdoor winter hot spots including the top Ontario winter festivals and other great things to see and do in Toronto this edition.

Share your “wintertude.” Catch your neighbour snowblowing your driveway on your phone. Is your dad digging his car out of three feet of snow with a snowbrush? Take a picture then buy him a snowshovel for Valentine’s Day. Has your aunt recently made a new toque for your cat? Take a snap and then share your “wintertude” photos and stories at #Wintertude on Twitter at HealthyDirections@CharleenWyman for the chance to win a Flite+ Tentsile Tree Tent ($457.00 value) for your next winter outdoor adventure. Also enter to win at:

For February, we’ve also included the top heart healthiest foods and supplements plus advice on how love benefits your heart from Cardiologist Armin A. Zadeh, MD, PhD.

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Charleen Wyman, BA Journalism and Communications, BA English Publisher, Healthy Directions Healthy Directions is an independent journal produced by Cousins Publishing, four times a year in Canada. Printed in Canada. All content is copyrighted by Cousins Publishing. ISSN 1714-5791

IMPORTANT: Always seek the opinion of your medical or naturopathic doctor before starting any complementary health program. Any information contained herein is intended towards that purpose; thus “Healthy Directions” and its contributing writers will not be held liable should this advice not be followed.


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[contents] WINTER HEALTH Snow Flurry Fortitude 6



MAKE WINTER A SMOOTHER RIDE WITH OMEGA-3S For Immune System Support, Mood and Joints


WINTER DO YOUR WORST, I’M PROTECTED Positive Mindset and Immunity

Which foods are the top 8 heart healthiest? HEART HEALTH Moving to the Beat 18


Is it Capable of Prevention and Interventional Therapy?

Resilience and Strength 16


Interview with Baily McDonald from the Canadian Snowboard Team

FOOD PASSIONS Nourish to Flourish 26


Apple Almond Galette


Classic Chicken Noodle Soup

Maple Roasted Squash and Apple Soup


Root and Goji Berries



HEALTHY STARTS A Pathway to Better Health 13


And Why it Matters



Bringing the Sea Shore to Your Bedroom.

WINTER EVENTS What’s On in TO and Ontario 32


Free Organics Research Presentation

Naturopathic Advice 24


Foods that Help Keep the Beat

Spaghetti with Beet Rosé Sauce Coconut, Chicken, Green Curry Soup


Social Relationships and the Heart

WARMING WINTER FARE Roast Chicken with Bay Leaf and Barley




Light Shows, Winter Festivals, Winter Skating and Hiking

27 4 34 37

Editor’s Note Hot Off the Shelf Classifieds & Training


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Winter Deluge Health Survival By Rosanna Lee, RD, MS, MHSc, PHEc.


Along with the deluge of snow, a flurry of health issues can face Canadians over the wintertime. The colder weather brings with it an increase in cold and flu occurrence, dryer skin and air, more painful joints, as well as an increased risk for heart attacks and strokes, and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Rosanna Lee, RD, MS, MHSc, PHEc., is a Canadian and USA trained registered dietitian, professional home economist and health communications specialist currently practicing in Toronto. Her diverse interests include community nutrition education, public health advocacy, research, cooking, social entrepreneurship, media and social media, and mobile application technologies. Get in touch with Rosanna via LinkedIn: m/in/rosanna-lee1b379b23

The months after the holidays are always the hardest to get by. Dreary and dark days brought on by the onslaught of snow and fluctuating temperature drops make winter a tough one to navigate. The key to staying on top is to have a manageable healthy routine that’s right for you.

Cold and Flu Season

Other than to arm your own immune system against this year’s nasty strain, you can also do your part by reducing the spread and contamination to others by getting a flu shot. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), those particularly vulnerable to sickness include children under 5 years of age, adults 65 years and older, pregnant women, individuals living in long-term care facilities or nursing homes, and those who are immune compromised (e.g. HIV or AIDS, cancer, and those on chronic steroids). Studies show that flu vaccinations can help reduce the risk of illness by between 40-60% among the


overall population during seasons when flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine.

However, the effectiveness of such vaccines can vary for each person. Therefore, it is important to adopt other healthy habits as well. Get into the practice of washing your hands. Handwashing will help prevent the spread of germs and viruses.

Some research has pointed to the beneficial effects of supplementation with vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea for boosting immunity. Or, you can invest in good quality food right from your local grocery store. Fresh is always best when it comes to vegetables and fruits, but frozen ones also offer comparable quality when it comes to nutrition. Whole foods naturally contain macro and micronutrients that work symbiotically to help your body maintain a healthy immune system. Eat a rainbow of vegetables and fruits and choose dark green, orange, and purplebased veggies and fruits more

often. Whole and raw foods contain less sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats (trans, saturated) that also help with weight maintenance. The more colourful your diet, the better.

However, if you find that you have a small appetite and generally eat very little, speak to your dietitian to discuss the possibility of tweaking your meals. Your healthcare practitioner may suggest the addition of snacks or a dietary supplement to boost your daily nutrition.

In addition, adopting healthy living strategies like not smoking (or quitting), committing to a regular exercise routine (at least 30 minutes per day), maintaining a healthy weight (within BMI of 18.5-24.9), moderating alcohol consumption (maximum 2 standard drinks per day for women and 3 standard drinks per day for men), getting adequate sleep (6-8 hours per night) and managing stress all play important roles to keep your immune system in top shape. uuu

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Give your immune system a fighting chance. Get your immune system into shape with Bell’s Immune TM Defence natural formulation. It will help protect your health and well-being from life’s little jabs and bigger punches. Available in select health food stores all across Canada.* Our formulation includes: Cat’s claw extract, Maitake mushroom extract , Red marine algae, Goldenseal extract, Wood betony extract, Passionflower extract, and Bunge’s prickly ash extract. * Results may vary.


HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | healthydirections.caSummer Autumn2017 2017 77

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Dry Skin

Your skin is the largest organ and it does so much to protect you. The skin provides a barrier from microbes and the elements, it helps regulate your body temperature, and it also allows you to feel sensation. Your body naturally loses up to 600 mL of fluid per day (slightly over 2 cups) through the lungs, skin, and respiratory tract. To maintain healthy skin, it is important to keep hydrated inside and out.

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Aim for 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids and choose water, milk or dairy-alternatives where possible. If your mouth is dry and parched, chances are you are already dehydrated. Keep a water bottle on your desk as a cue to drink throughout the day. It is also a great idea to invest in a moisturizing lotion and apply immediately after a shower or bath so the moisture is retained in your skin.

When it comes to diet, choose foods high in vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, and E. Sweet potatoes, dark, leafy vegetables, and carrots are great sources of vitamin A and help with skin maintenance and repair. Whole grains, eggs and bananas contain biotin, which is an important element for skin cells and for anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, leafy greens and in bell peppers and helps with collagen production – an essential component to skin elasticity and texture.

Lastly, nuts, spinach, whole grains, and olives contain vitamin E, which helps your skin feel soft and supple. Vitamin E oils, which are often found in body lotion and hand creams, can also help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars. If you wash your hands often, remember to reapply moisture using lotion made with vitamin E, glycerin, shea butter, and, or coconut oil.

Painful Joints

If you experience more stiffness and joint pain at this time of year, it is important to visit your doctor first. Your physician will determine the cause of your symptoms and be able to offer the right support for you.

Often, joint pain is managed by a combination of medication, diet, supplements and exercise. Many studies have found that the Mediterranean Diet provides healthful benefits and some symptom relief that mimics the effects of common antiinflammatory drugs. A diet high in plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds is also highly recommended in this diet. It also includes the use of monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil) and polyunsaturated fats (corn oil, flax seed oil, hemp seed oils), which are healthy fats your body needs. In addition, the Mediterranean Diet includes the use of less salt and encourages individuals to eat more fish and lean poultry over red meats.

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Aim for 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids and choose water, milk or dairy-alternatives where possible.


Popular supplements are chondroitin and glucosamine for joint pain. If you choose to use them be aware they may interact with anti-coagulants (e.g. Warfarin). Inform your doctor, naturopath and dietitian, if you are taking supplements.

Respiratory Infections

It appears vitamin D may do more than just help with calcium absorption. A recent meta-analysis study published in the British Medical Journal found that vitamin D may also be protective against the cold and the flu. A global analysis of 25 randomized controlled trials showed that daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation provided the greatest benefit for individuals with significant vitamin D deficiency (blood levels that were below 10 mg/dL). Supplementation had also cut the risk of respiratory infections by half. Such deficiencies may stem from chronic diseases that hinder the body’s ability to absorb the vitamin, nutrient-drug interactions, long-term inadequate diet, or malnutrition.

For most adults between 18-54 years of age, intakes of 600 IU (15 mcg) are considered safe and acceptable for health maintenance. Those between 55-70 years can aim for 600 IU (15 mcg), and those greater than 70 years can take up to 800 IU (20 mcg) daily. Just as it is important to have adequate intakes, it is also important not to exceed tolerable levels. Adults aged 19-50 years should have no more than 2,500 mg per day, and those greater than 51 years of age should have no more than 2,000 mg each day.

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Hearing music you enjoy may also be an effective strategy and tool for seasonal affective disorder.

Heart Attack and Stroke Risk



If you have a family or personal history of heart attacks or strokes, it is important to connect with your family doctor or cardiologist on the regular. Your dietitian may recommend a heart healthy diet for you to follow. You may be asked to reduce your sodium intake to less than 2,000 mg per day (roughly 1 teaspoon of salt), limit processed foods to reduce trans and saturated fat, and include a daily 30-minute exercise regimen with moderate to vigorous physical activity.

Research on some supplements like omega-3 fatty acids (a major component in fish oils, hemp seeds and flax seeds), have been found to be protective against cardiovascular diseases due to their anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. If you are thinking of taking omega-3 supplements, consult your dietitian to determine the right amount for you.

Of equal importance to health, individuals should also consider achieving a healthy weight range, BMI, and waist circumference. Studies have found that males with waist circumferences greater than 102 cm (40 inches) and women with circumferences greater than 88 cm (35 inches) are at higher risk for health problems like heart disease, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. Be proactive and invest in a pedometer or an activity tracker to help you move more. Each little step counts towards your goal of achieving a healthier body!

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder is a particular type of major depression suffered by many during fall and winter. However, its symptoms are unique to each person. If you think you may have it, be mindful of how it affects your daily routine. Note any significant changes to your appetite, sleep patterns, energy, sex drive, memory, concentration, self-esteem, or personal thoughts. These will be important pieces of information your doctor will need to determine the best medical approach.

Your doctor may recommend light therapy in addition to medication to help regulate your body clock and synchronize your sleep and wake patterns. Some individuals have also benefitted from choosing brighter colours through clothes or household decor to boost mood. Hearing music you enjoy may also be an effective strategy and tool. In addition to the physical benefits of exercise, research has also found that it also helps improve one’s mood and reduces anxiety.t

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Make Winter a Smoother Ride with Omega-3s During these longer, colder winter months, we typically need some extra protection as our immune systems, moods, and joints are taxed. By Laurel Sterling, MA, RD, CDN

Issues with depression can be intensified, and those suffering from arthritis can have more aggravation, pain, and stiffness. Fish oil is the only naturally occurring major source of omega-3s EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA are very well-known, researched, and documented for supporting cardiovascular, brain, nerve, immune, joint, and skin health.

Most of us consume very low amounts of omega-3s through diet alone. The typical Canadian diet is higher in saturated fats from meat products and low in beneficial PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) from foods like fish. As a result, the average person consumes an inadequate amount of EPA and DHA. Two 3.5-ounce servings of salmon contain approximately 500 mg each of EPA and DHA. Since most of us don’t eat the suggested amount, a fish oil supplement is a great option.

Our diets also often supply too many omega6 fats. Too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3s has been associated with numerous health issues. Unhealthy omega-6 sources typically come from convenience foods and fast-food. They typically include: corn, canola, soy, and cottonseed oils. Unhealthy omega-6s are major contributors to increased inflammation levels in our bodies and many disease states.

Omega-3s and Joint Heath

Omega-3s are a great addition to your current joint health regimen. Clinical studies have shown the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which compete with arachidonic acid for the enzymes responsible for producing anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Arthritis (“arth” meaning joint; “itis” meaning inflammation) is a condition that affects millions of people

worldwide. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which is considered the “wear and tear” form. A study done in 2015 in Thailand looked at the efficacy and safety of fish oil in treating knee osteoarthritis. Seventy-five participants were studied to find the efficacy of taking 1,000 mg and 2,000 mg of fish oil (400 mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA in 1,000 mg of fish oil) once a day for 8 weeks. Fish oil supplementation of 1,000-2,000 mg daily was found to have significant efficacy over the control group to improve knee performance and pain, and also was found to be safe in mild to moderate stages of knee osteoarthritic patients.

Mood and Omega-3s

With regards to omega-3s and brain health during the darker seasons, a double-blind, randomized, controlled, 8-week, parallelgroup trial was conducted October 17, 2005 through January 30, 2009 in eight Canadian academic and psychiatric clinics. This trial looked at the short-term efficacy of omega-3 supplementation in reducing depressive symptoms in patients experiencing a major depressive episode (MDE). Researchers looked at 432 adult outpatients, including 40.3% who were already taking antidepressants. They were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of 1,050 mg/d of EPA and 150 mg/d of DHA or matched sunflower oil placebo (2% fish oil). There was a clear benefit of omega-3 supplementation among patients with MDE.

Help for Raynaud’s Syndrome

Another condition that is exacerbated in the colder temperatures is known as Raynaud’s disease/ syndrome/or phenomenon. With Raynaud's, smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin constrict excessively in response to cold. This limits blood supply to the affected area, which typically involves the fingers, toes, ears, and tip of the nose.


Numbness, pain, and changes in the color of the skin typically occurs. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 1989 looked at determining if omega-3 fatty acids could benefit patients with Raynaud's. Thirty-two patients with primary or secondary Raynaud's were randomly assigned to oliveoil placebo or fish-oil groups. Patients ingested 12 fish oil soft gels daily containing a total of 3.96 g EPA and 2.64 g DHA or 12 olive-oil capsules and were evaluated at baseline and after 6, 12, and 17 weeks. They concluded that the ingestion of fish oil improves tolerance to cold exposure and delays the onset of vasospasm in patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon.

When choosing a fish oil, be sure to look for companies that source their fish from cold, deep waters using sustainable methods. Be sure to also check that the product is independently tested by an FDA-registered laboratory. The product should also be IFOS rated. IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards program) is the only third-party testing and certification program exclusively for fish oils. It tests for purity, potency, and freshness of fish oils.

With today’s purification methods, fish oils taste great right off the spoon or can be drizzled into a smoothie, yogurt, guacamole, hummus or other favorite foods such as popcorn, peanut butter and jelly, and pizza.t References:

1) Peanpadungrat P, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand. J Med Assoc Thai 2015; 98 (Suppl. 3): S110S114

2) The efficacy of omega-3 supplementation for major depression: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry [15 Jun 2010, 72(8):1054-1062] 3) Fish-oil dietary supplementation in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon: A double-blind, controlled, prospective study, The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 86, Issue 2, 1989, Pages 158-164

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The Best Omega-3 Some of our awards include:

The Carlson Omega-3 Difference ✔ Professional-Strength Omega-3s ✔ Superior Purity & Potency ✔ Ultimate Freshness ✔ Award-Winning Taste To ensure maximum freshness, The Very Finest Fish Oil™ is closely managed from sea to store. We source the highest quality, deep, coldwater fish using traditional, sustainable methods. The Very Finest Fish Oil is bottled with a touch of natural vitamin E and is given a nitrogen flush to remove oxygen and help prevent oxidation. Each teaspoon of The Very Finest Fish Oil provides 1,600 mg of omega-3s, including EPA and DHA, which help support cognitive health. Like all Carlson omega-3s freshness, potency, and purity are guaranteed.

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WHY CALMFUL SLEEP? While original Natural Calm promotes sleep through natural relaxation, Calmful Sleep was developed specifically for times when we need extra sleep support. Calmful Sleep is a delicious nighttime drink formulated and licensed for sleep. Along with Natural Calm magnesium, it features a blend of calming, sleep-enhancing natural ingredients. NATURAL CALM MAGNESIUM CITRATE (150 MG): “The Better Magnesium”, Natural Calm’s ionic formula is one of the most absorbable forms available. Known as the anti-stress mineral, it works fast to quiet a racing mind, relax muscles and help normalize the heart rate. GABA (100 mg): Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a non-protein amino acid that calms the nervous system, promoting relaxation and downgrading anxiety. GABA also appears to play a role in synthesizing melatonin, the sleep hormone. Suntheanine® (50 mg): A patented premium form of L-theanine, Suntheanine ® is a calm-enhancing amino acid. It promotes relaxation and reduces nervous tension by stimulating alpha wave activity in the brain. Magnesium glycinate (70 mg): A combination of magnesium with the amino acid glycine, magnesium glycinate is a form of chelated magnesium. Like Natural Calm magnesium citrate, it promotes relaxation. Melatonin (5 mg): Melatonin is a natural hormone that helps ease the body into restful sleep and increase total sleep time. While melatonin is spontaneously secreted by the brain, some people produce too little, whether because of jet lag, exposure to light or age-related deficiency


Just add water (preferably hot), let it fizz, drink—and then... zzzzzzzzzzz. 12 Winter 2018 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |


Linda Bolton, Founder and CEO NATURAL CALM CANADA

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What We Really Know About Magnesium Absorption (and why it matters!) When it comes to hot supplements, magnesium ranks with collagen, probiotics and vitamin D3. It’s one of the most popular natural products, and there are good reasons why. By Anna O’Byrne

Magnesium is a multi-tasker. It helps with: ● Sleep ● Energy ● Pain, including migraines and headaches ● Stress, anxiety and mood ● Heart health ● Diabetes and more.

The trouble is, most people simply don’t eat enough magnesium-rich foods! It’s hard.

You’d have to eat approximately 12 cups of raw spinach to get the low end of your daily requirement: about 300 mg.

You’d have to eat approximately 12 cups of raw spinach to get the low end of your daily requirement: about 300 mg. And depending on your lifestyle, you may need more. Stress, sugar, sweat, caffeine, alcohol and many medications drain magnesium stores. No wonder so many people are choosing to supplement. But are they choosing the right magnesium?

Absorbability is King

Magnesium comes in a dizzying variety of forms. There are tablets, capsules, gels, powders and even transdermal magnesium. To make matters more confusing, many brands slap a “more absorbable” claim on their label. But aren’t all supplements absorbable? Unfortunately, no. There are

wide differences in the absorbability of all kinds of supplements. Just because a label says, “more absorbable” doesn’t necessarily mean it is.

Absorbability is one of those terms that isn’t tightly regulated. And yet, absorption is important. A supplement that can be absorbed is ‘bioavailable’. That means it can reach the bloodstream and go to work across the cells and systems of your body.

If it Dissolves, It Probably Absorbs

The body prefers its magnesium well dissolved. If a magnesium supplement dissolves well, it can be absorbed.1 That’s why many experts suggest magnesium drinks over magnesium tablets. The most soluble types of magnesium are organic magnesium salts and chelates.2, 3, 4 That’s not very helpful when you’re skimming labels, granted.

Instead, look for forms like these: ● Mg Citrate ● Mg Malate ● Mg Lactate ● Mg Glycinate ● Mg Pidolate ● Mg Taurate ● Mg Threonate

Is One Form Better Than Others?

Magnesium citrate and glycinate vie for most-popular status. Is one better than the other? Despite what you may hear in marketing claims, there’s very little research comparing the two. An as-of-yetunpublished 2017 study may change all that, however. When a magnesium citrate drink was compared with two leading Canadian magnesium glycinate drinks, only magnesium citrate increased magnesium levels in human subjects.5

Listen to Your Body

The best way to tell if your magnesium is working is by paying attention to how you feel. Are you less tense and irritable? Do you sleep better at night? Are you more regular? (Yes, that’s a sign!) If you have pain, is it improving? If you can say “yes” to any of these, chances are, your magnesium supplement is working.t References:

1. Coudray et al. Magnesium Research 2005;18(4):215-23

2. 22 Lindberg et al. J Amer Col of Nutrition 1990;9(1):48-55

3. 23 Firoz and Graber. Magnesium Research 2001;14(4):257-262 4. 24 Coudray et al. Magnesium Research 2005;18(4):215-23

Steer clear of magnesium oxide, though. It’s a common form, because inexpensive, but as an inorganic magnesium salt, it isn’t very absorbable.2, 3, 4

5. Nutrasource, 2017 (Guelph, Ontario). Summary available at


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Winter Do Your Worst, I’m Protected Like every winter, flu and colds are doing their rounds. Why do some people turn into watery-eyed, sniveling wrecks that can’t drag themselves out of bed, while others remain seemingly unaffected? By Carol Crenna Those having a successful season may take precautions, vigilantly washing hands after outings and packing their fridge with nutritional protection, but they probably also keep their sunny disposition even during a torrential downpour. Why? A positive mindset plays a role in immunity.

Carol Crenna has been a national health journalist for 20 years, and a certified holistic nutritionist for over 10 years. She has written features for Reader’s Digest, Best Health, MORE and Canadian Living, and conducted seminars for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Association, Stroke Recovery Association, GF Strong Amputee Recovery, Inspire Health, Capilano University and Langara College.

Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and your body certainly will contract the virus if it doesn’t recognize it (if you’ve never had it before) and build immunity to it. However, you only succumb when your immune system is compromised.

When you have a healthy immune system, symptoms are either mild, like being tired or achy for a few days, or are hard and fast, meaning that it’s quickly resolved in a day or two. If it lingers for weeks or you’re down for the count or bedridden, your immune system could be stronger.1 Therefore, it’s not that some people don’t get sick when exposed to a virus, it’s in how well your body deals with it.


Stressed? Depressed? Suppressed?

Your immune system becomes suppressed when you’re upset, anxious or feeling stressed. This is due to your innate “fight or flight” response that is helpful in certain circumstances, but can reduce protection against invading viruses.

Chronic stress not only suppresses the immune system’s protective effects, but it can exacerbate “pathological immune response” that causes illness symptoms of all kinds.2 Even persistently feeling low due to winter darkness is now thought to play havoc with your immunity.

When Stress Saps Your Health

Your negative response to stress (and remember, you can take a positive approach to any stressor occurring in your life) triggers changes in hormones and even your genes. Epinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters and cortisol and other hormones are produced by your pituitary and

adrenal glands. When immune cells bind with these, it can interfere with their function, reducing your defenses. And this can affect your cells’ DNA, which leads to premature aging.

Feeling Blue? Try Painting Yourself a Different Colour!

If you often feel tension, anxiety, anger or depression, learn simple tricks to uplift your mood:

1. Smile. A gentle smile (think Mona Lisa or Buddha) relaxes facial muscles, and in turn, the entire body’s muscles. 2. Ask for a hug. Physical contact even for a few seconds is proven to calm, and boost immunity. 3. Go for a walk. Swinging your arms while walking uses both sides of the brain; this triggers creative thinking and problem solving. 5. Eat right. Whole vegetables, grains and lean protein balance blood sugar to keep you on an even keel. 6. Laugh. It’s the quickest and most innate stress reliever.

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Allies in Your Flu Fight

When you need extra help, immune-boosting botanicals can be a lifesaver. The woody mushroom Ganoderma lucidum or reishi has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Reishi has antiviral and immune-strengthening properties and it aids the adrenal glands to calm you and lessen negative reactions to stress. A 2015 study found that just two weeks of taking reishi mushroom significantly reduced the effects of the flu by stimulating all types of immune cells, resulting in a “lower viral load.”4

Certain herbs can stoke your internal flame when you’re feeling cold and miserable. True to its Italian roots, oregano oil heats things up — you simply have to take a drop under your tongue to feel its intense warmth. Many studies show that it’s much more than an ingredient in marinara sauce! Concentrated wild oil of oregano extract acts as a potent antiviral. Research from 2016 found that it does this by helping to create a stronger immune barrier within your intestines. This immune cell barrier reduces inflammation, wards off bad bacteria, and protects against viruses and diseases.5 Some seeds are also powerful protectors. Black seeds (also called Nigella sativa or black cumin seed), a seasoning in Middle Eastern cooking, contains over 100 healthy compounds. Two of them, crystalline nigellone and thymoquinone, have been found to knock out invading viruses and bacteria. A 2014 study found that it reduced throat viral infection by 80%!6 Black seeds were found in King Tut’s tomb, and used by ancient physicians, yet are well-researched by modern science, with 500 medical papers published on them. t

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1. Dr. Bryce Wylde, health and wellness expert for CityTV and CityLine, Toronto, ON., 2005 interview, Vista Magazine, “You Probably Don’t Have the Flu.” 2. Dhabhar FS, “Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful.” Immunol Res. 2014 May;58(2-3):193-210. doi: 10.1007/s12026-014-8517-0. 3. David A. Padgett, Ronald Glaser, “How stress influences the immune response,” Trends in Immunology, Volume 24, Issue 8, p444–448, August 2003 4. Vaclac Vetvicka, Jana Vetvickova, “Glucan supplementation enhances the immune response against an influenza challenge in mice,” Ann Transl Med, 2015 Feb; 3(2): 22. 5. Yi Zou, Quanhang Xiang, “Oregano Essential Oil Improves Intestinal Morphology and Expression of Tight Junction Proteins Associated with Modulation of Selected Intestinal Bacteria and Immune Status…” Biomed Res Int. 2016; 2016: 5436738. May 29. doi: 10.1155/2016/5436738 6. Fatemeh Forouzanfar, Bibi Sedigheh Fazly Bazzaz, “Black cumin (Nigella sativa) and its constituent (thymoquinone): a review on antimicrobial effects,” Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2014 Dec; 17(12): 929–938.






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National Team: Slopestyle / Big Air National Team Nicknames: “Bails” or “Bai” Age: 20 Hometown: Barrie, ON Residence: Barrie, ON Sponsors: Roxy, Smith Optics, TimeBomb Trading Inc, Muskoka Woods, Tropical North, Union Bindings

Catch Air with Baily Ever since she learned how to board, snowboarding has served as an avenue for Baily to achieve what she didn’t think was possible. Her accomplishments for the 2016/ 2017

season include a 1st in slopestyle in the Sport Chek Air Nation Nationals at Mount St. Louis Moonstone and a 1st place at the Sport Chek Air Nation event at Sun Peaks, as well as a 3rd place in the US Revolution Tour.

Snowboarding has also motivated Baily to try and inspire others to reach new heights by believing in themselves. “They might surprise themselves of what they can accomplish,” says McDonald.

The Rise of Superman is one of her favourite reads as this book describes the powerful feeling of “flow state” the same state Baily can relate to when she is snowboarding. When she is not on the mountain she is often with friends and family, skateboarding, surfing or dirt biking. She is always looking to learn new tricks with emphasis on style, keeping her riding fun as she looks to take on the 2017/2018 season. 16 Winter 2018 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

Reaching New Heights 1st, Sport Chek Air Nation Nationals, 2017 1st, Sport Chek Air Nation Sun Peaks, 2017 3rd, US Revolution Tour, 2017 6th Winter Youth Olympics, 2016

I hope to inspire others by encouraging them to find and continue to believe in themselves and never to give up what their dreams, goals and aspirations are.

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:22 PM Page 17

Try and push your boundaries everyday and look past your fears. . .





Baily's magic isn't just in the air but also in her desire to inspire others.

I hope to inspire others by encouraging them to find and continue to believe in themselves and never to give up on what their dreams, goals and aspirations are. Also, something I practice daily, and encourage others to do is positive self-motivation. Try and push your boundaries everyday and look past your fears. Once you do that, then you’re doing more of what you love.

“The Rise of Superman” is one of your favourite reads. This book describes the powerful feeling of “flow state” you’ve said you relate to when snowboarding. What’s that like and how do you stay mentally strong in the face of competitions and in day to day life?

When I’m competing, I get a different feeling then when I am just riding in the park with my friends, or any other “training” day. It’s almost like my whole body goes into focus mode. When it’s time to do my run, and I’m waiting for them to let me drop, I visualize what I’m doing on each feature and breathe. Once I get the go-ahead to drop in, its like everything around me gets blocked out and I’m only focused on what’s in front of me. I can’t even hear my music in my ears after I drop in, it’s so crazy. Staying mentally strong in contests and everyday life is kind of similar. If you think negative thoughts, you’re going to have a negative outcome. So, staying positive and having self-positive talk is really important for me.

How has food and a healthy lifestyle made a difference in your performance? What's your favourite winter comfort food?

Good food and having a healthy lifestyle has really made me a better snowboarder in many ways. Having a good gym plan and following it, is also especially important for my performance. With slope style and big air, snowboarders don’t always land perfectly. So, following a strength and conditioning program really helps when you land awkwardly and can help you recover from it faster than someone who isn’t staying strong and doing workouts. I go to the gym to be a better snowboarder, plain and simple. Eating healthy foods with the combination of staying active in the gym and snowboarding results in me being a stronger person physically and emotionally. So dealing with stress, and fighting illness becomes easier than if I was to just eat junk food and not go to the gym. I think my favourite winter comfort food is classic, chicken noodle soup.

What are your hopes for the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics?

I am more focused on the 2022 Olympics, and if the opportunity arises for 2018 then I’ll be excited to take the opportunity to learn and gather more experience. My sights are set to be at my peak for 2022.t HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | Winter 2018 17

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LYCOPENE Smooth Flow For Arterial Health

New research is showing that lycopene, the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their bright red colour is being heralded as a super antioxidant!

But, is it also capable of prevention and interventional therapy for a vast list of chronic diseases and conditions?

By Richard Bejnar, BSc.

Lycopene is usually associated with prostate health in men, but its benefits are far more reaching. Several recent studies have shown that having a high level of lycopene in your blood increases arterial health by 53% in cardiovascular disease patients!1

Also a Finnish study2 showed that participants with the highest levels of lycopene in their blood had a 55% less chance of having any kind of stroke. The lycopene connection was even stronger


when it came to protecting against strokes due to blood clots (the most common kind) with a 59% decrease in stroke probability!

Even Arthersclerosis Journal, one of the most trusted medical journals read by cardiologists, recently concluded that "the available evidence on the effects of lycopene supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors supports the view that increasing the intake of these has positive effects on blood lipids, blood pressure and endothelial function."

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:22 PM Page 19

The Stroke and Dementia Connection

A worldwide call to action, spearheaded by Western University researcher Dr. Vladimir Hachinski, is now calling for more attention to the link between reducing strokes and preventing dementia. Approximately 747,000 Canadians live with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, which represents 14.9 per cent of Canadians 65 and older. If no action is taken, that number is expected to increase to 1.4 million Canadians by 2031. His research has concluded that after suffering a stroke, the risk for developing dementia more than doubles! It only makes sense to add lycopene supplementation to your diet for a drastic reduction in your chance of suffering a stroke, and therefore dementia risk as well.


(1) Effects of oral lycopene supplementation on vascular function in patients with cardiovascular diseases and healthy volunteers: A randomized controlled trial. Parag R., Gajendragagkar., Hubsch A., Kaisa M., PetajaM., Wilkinson Ian B., Cheriyan J. PLOSONE 9(6): e99070, (2014) (2) Serum lycopene decreases the risk of stroke in men A population-based follow-up study Jouni Karppi, PhD, Jari A. Laukkanen, MD, PhD, Juhani Sivenius, MD, PhD, Kimmo Ronkainen, MSc and Sudhir Kurl, MD Neurology October 9, 2012 vol. 79 no. 15 1540-1547 (3) Tomato and Lycopene supplementation and cardiovascular risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis Ho Ming Chen, Georgios Koutsidis, John K. Lodge, Ammar Ashor, Mario Siervo, Jose Lara, Atherosclerosis Journal, February 2017, Vol. 257, pgs 100-108 (4) Inhibitory Effect of Lycopene on Amyloid-β-Induced Apoptosis in Neuronal Cells Sinwoo Hwang, Joo Weon Lim and Hyeyoung Kim, Nutrients (MDPI) August 16, 2017, 9, 883

Even more exciting is an August 2017 study from Korea that examined the link between oxidative stress and neurodegeneration. Lycopene has the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier where its antioxidant effects can help prevent the formation of amyloid plaques (the leading suspect in Alzheimer's disease). The study concluded "lycopene has the potential to be developed as a nutrient supplement for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease clinically!"4 Not all lycopene supplements are created equal! A British biotech company at Cambridge University patented a new formulation of lycopene called lactolycopene, now available in Canada as ATERONON "The Tomato Pill."

Ateronon is a highly bio-available form of lycopene. One capsule a day is equivalent to eating a kilogram of cooked tomatoes, an amount that provides the optimal level of lycopene required to potentially help prevent an ever growing list of chronic diseases and conditions.

With so much new evidence and ongoing studies into its preventative health effects – lycopene is definitely proving itself as a most potent antioxidant that is going to play a key role in helping Canadians live longer, healthier, disease free lives!t


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Finding the Forgotten Art of Love By Armin A. Zadeh, MD, PhD

An analysis of studies involving hundreds of thousands of people suggests that maintaining good social relationships is associated with lower mortality.

Conversely, social isolation ranks among the most significant physical and lifestyle risk factors for mortality, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cigarette smoking.

We can’t tell whether the boost to longevity comes from the relationship itself or from other factors associated with a relationship. For example, it is conceivable that being married contributes to better health by encouraging better diet or hygiene. It is also possible that healthier people or those with fewer unhealthy habits, such as drug or alcohol abuse, may be more likely to get married in the first place, thus skewing the analysis. Yet, studies that controlled for these factors have shown similar results for lower mortality in happily married people.

On the other hand, unhappiness is associated with many types of organ dysfunction and disease. Even brief angry outbursts have now been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks. One study of immunity among socially isolated people showed that they had poorer immune function and greater stress levels than those with many social contacts.

In the extreme case, stress can lead to health crises. We have recently learned that acute emotional stress can lead to actual heart failure — a serious illness known as broken heart syndrome, which is now regularly identified in medical centers around the world. While the exact mechanisms leading to weakening of the heart muscle remain unclear, we know that high levels of certain stress hormones, which are released in

In The Forgotten Art of Love Cardiologist Armin A. Zadeh explores the relationship between heart disease and the state of the mind. Love not only helps us live more happily but also helps us live longer. response to a devastating breakup or personal loss, or extreme fear or anxiety, may trigger the syndrome. Fortunately, many patients recover after a few weeks.

A large body of evidence suggests that love has a direct effect on a vast array of biological functions. A loving relationship fosters the release of the hormone oxytocin, the “love hormone.” Oxytocin has a variety of purposes and is probably best known for its release after childbirth to foster bonding between mother and baby. Oxytocin is also implicated in attachment during relationships and many other human interactions. It has antidepressive effects that are being investigated for clinical use. Of particular interest is the discovery that oxytocin may decrease the levels of the hormone cortisol. Changes in cortisol levels are associated with sleep deprivation and physical and emotional stress, and cortisol has a well-known weakening effect on our immune system. It may, therefore, not be surprising that happy relationships are associated with lower rates of sickness.

Emotional Health “Workouts”

Good emotional health leads to good physical health. And just as good physical health requires us to exercise, acquiring good emotional health also requires training. Emotional health “workouts” may include regular, conscious efforts to focus on love and relationships while deemphasizing material or career goals. As with physical exercise, it may take months or years of devoted practice to get into good emotional shape. This is because less healthy thinking patterns acquired early in life tend to be reinforced over years or even decades, making them difficult to reverse.


Choosing Love

At any given moment we have the choice of allowing our thoughts and actions to be moved by impulses such as anger, frustration, jealousy, and boredom, or overcoming these impulses and acting out of love. If we choose love, we immediately feel a sensation of calm and peace, and things seem different. It works instantly and predictably. It is ironic that our society yearns for instant gratification and pursues various strategies for achieving instant wealth and fame — which essentially never work — while the immediate reward of a happy mind is instantly available to everybody but often not recognized.

Life is about balance. While we cannot control our genes or all the things that happen to us, we can help ourselves a lot by nurturing both our mind and our body and by placing a stronger emphasis on love. This undertaking requires focus and devotion, but the results are impressive. Devoting time to the art of love is a smart investment. Not only do we directly foster our own happiness, but we also support our health and chances of a longer, better life.t Armin A. Zadeh, MD, PhD, is the author of The Forgotten Art of Love. He is a professor at Johns Hopkins University with doctoral degrees in medicine and philosophy as well as a master’s degree in public health. As a cardiologist and a scientist, Dr. Zadeh knows, from first-hand experience, about the close relationship between heart disease and the state of the mind. Visit him online at

Excerpted from the book “The Forgotten Art of Love: What Love Means and Why It Matters.” Copyright ©2017 by Armin A. Zadeh. Printed with permission from New World Library —

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:46 PM Page 21

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Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:46 PM Page 22

The Top 8 Heart Healthy Foods

By Angela Wallace, MSc, RD


Our heart pumps blood throughout our bodies, supplying us with oxygen, nutrients, and removing carbon dioxide and waste. Keeping your heart healthy is really important. Having a healthy diet can help keep your heart healthy and ultimately reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Angela Wallace is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Family Food Expert. She runs a private practice (Eat Right Feel Right) that offers various nutrition and exercise programs. In addition, she works as a health educator and project coordinator with the Guelph Family Health Study.

1. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna.

Fatty fish are amazing sources of omega-3s. Omega-3s are healthy fats found naturally in some food products like fish, they can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease by lowering inflammation in the body.

Recommendation: eat 1-2 servings (3-4 oz.) fatty fish each week.


2. Flax, Hemp, Chia Seeds

Flax seeds, hemp seeds and chia seeds are all pretty incredible. Each of these seeds are great sources of protein, healthy fats (like omega-3s) and fibre. The combination of healthy fats (omega-3s) and fibre help promote heart health and reduce inflammation in the body.

Uses: can serve on top of cereals, oatmeal, salads, yogurt, in baked goods, smoothies etc.

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3. Almonds and Walnuts

A ¼ cup of nuts each day will help keep your heart healthy. They are a great source of healthy fats and protein, which also help you feel full throughout the day.

Uses: can serve on top of cereals, oatmeal, salads, yogurt, in baked goods, or with a fruit as a snack.

4. Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens contain large amounts of fibre, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and other important nutrients and minerals.

Uses: offer a s a side with your fatty fish, beans or lean meats, great addition to pasta, stews, sandwiches etc.

Tip: aim to fill half your plate with dark leafy greens 3-4 times each week.

5. Berries

Berries are full of antioxidants and fibre, both of which are important to heart health and the prevention of chronic disease.

Uses: can serve with cereals, oatmeal, use in smoothies, or as a snack with a side of nut butter, seeds, and or veggies. Tip: buy frozen veggies to reduce waste and for easy use in smoothies, cereal, oatmeal etc.

6. Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans)

Legumes are a great source of fibre, complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, and other important nutrients and minerals such as iron and potassium. They are a great plant based option that can be used as a substitute for meat.

Uses: chili, stews, salads, bean burritos/tacos etc.

7. Avocado

Avocados are nutrient dense, meaning they are packed with important vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, E, Bvitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and potassium. They are also a natural source of plant sterols, which have been associated with maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Eating healthy fats like avocados can help support both heart and skin health.

Uses: in salads, on toast, with eggs etc.




8. Oatmeal

Oatmeal along with whole grains are great sources of complex carbohydrates and fibre. Complex carbohydrates help fuel your body for the day and fibre has many heart health benefits.

Including some of these foods in your diet regularly can provide your body with important nutrients needed to boost heart health. t



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Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:46 PM Page 26




This best-loved chicken dinner never fails to make the house smell intoxicating. During the roasting time, the barley becomes soft and risotto-like while the chicken skin crisps up nicely. It’s the best of both worlds: a braise and a roast. Don’t skip the resting time; the drippings from the chicken are the finishing touch to the dish.

Spatchcocked simply means a split and flattened whole chicken. Ask your butcher to do this for you, or do it yourself. Use a sharp, sturdy knife or kitchen shears, and cut down the backbone on both sides to remove it entirely. Open the chicken, lay it on a cutting board skin side up and press gently between the breasts to flatten the bird.


GET YOUR SMOOTHIE ON! Enhance every smoothie with powerful superfoods

1 teaspoon (5 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1 cup (250 mL) pearl barley 1 small leek, white and pale green part only, washed and chopped ½ teaspoon (2 mL) sea salt, divided 1⁄₃ cup (75 mL) dry white wine 2 2⁄3 cups (650 mL) water 1 small organic chicken (about 4 pounds/1.8 kg), spatchcocked ¼ teaspoon (1 mL) freshly ground black pepper 5 dried bay leaves Cranberry Compote with Port and Pepper for serving


1) Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Brush a 13- × 9-inch (3.5 L) roasting pan with the olive oil.

2) Sprinkle the barley evenly in the pan. Top with chopped leeks and a sprinkling of salt. Pour the white wine and water over the barley.

3) Trim excess fat from the chicken. Place the chicken skin side up on the barley. Season the chicken with the remaining salt and the pepper. Tuck a bay leaf under the skin of each thigh and each breast. Nestle the remaining bay leaf in the barley.

4) Cover the pan tightly with foil and bake for 45 minutes. Remove the foil and roast for an additional 45 minutes, until the liquid is reduced and the chicken is lightly browned. Remove from the oven and cover loosely with foil again. Let chicken rest for 10 minutes. Serve with Cranberry Compote with Port and Pepper.t

Available at your favourite health food store. Visit


Excerpted from “The Simple Bites Kitchen: Nourishing Whole Food Recipes for Every Day.” Copyright © 2017 by Aimée Wimbush-Bourque. Photos copyright © Tim and Angela Chin. Published by Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random HouseCanada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher.

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:46 PM Page 27


1 pound (450 g) puff pastry, thawed overnight in the refrigerator 1⁄₃ cup unsalted butter, softened 2⁄3 cup raw cane sugar, divided, plus 1 tablespoon for sprinkling 2 medium eggs ½ cup ground almonds 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 4 large Granny Smith or Russet apples ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted 2 tablespoons sliced almonds, for garnish

7) Brush the apples with the melted butter. Lightly beat the remaining egg and brush it over the puff pastry. Sprinkle everything with the remaining 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake for 50 to 55 minutes, until the pastry is golden and the apples are soft when poked with a fork. Cool slightly, then sprinkle with sliced almonds and serve warm. The galette is best enjoyed on the same day made.t Excerpted from “The Simple Bites Kitchen: Nourishing Whole Food Recipes for Every Day.” Copyright © 2017 by AiméeWimbush-Bourque. Photos copyright © Tim and Angela Chin. Published by Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random HouseCanada Limited. All rights reserved.


1) Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.

2) On a lightly floured counter, roll puff pastry into a roughly 11- × 16-inch (28 × 40 cm) rectangle approximately ⅛ inch (3 mm) thick. Transfer to the baking sheet and place in the freezer while you prepare the filling.

3) In a medium bowl, cream together the softened butter and 1⁄₃ cup of the sugar. Add 1 egg and beat until smooth. Stir in the ground almonds and flour until a smooth paste forms. This frangipane may be made up to 3 days in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

4) Peel and core the apples, then cut into quarters and slice into ¼-inch wedges. Tumble the apples into a medium bowl and toss with another 1⁄₃ cup sugar and the nutmeg.

5) Spread the almond frangipane over the puff pastry, leaving at least a 3-inch border on all sides. Arrange the apple slices over the frangipane, overlapping and tucking them in close together.

6) Fold the sides of the puff pastry up and over the apples in an easy, free-form way, making an edge of at least 2 inches. The beauty of a galette is that it doesn’t have to look perfect. Pinch the pastry folds firmly together to seal them. HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | Winter 2018 27


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Roasted beets are a staple in my kitchen during the winter months. I regularly transform them into purée in my food processor to have on hand for favourite recipes. Puréed beets freeze very well, with almost no change in texture, so definitely roast and purée a big batch to stash.


Makes 4 Servings

3 tablespoons (45 mL) salted butter 1 small onion, diced 1 bay leaf 1 cup (250 mL) beet purée (about 3 cooked medium red beets) ½ cup (125 mL) tomato sauce ½ cup (125 mL) heavy (35%) cream ½ teaspoon (2 mL) fine sea salt ¾ pound (340 g) whole wheat spaghetti 1 tablespoon (15 mL) chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley, for garnish Freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish


1) Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. When it is bubbling, tumble in the onion and stir to coat. Add bay leaf and cook for a minute or so, until the onions soften slightly. Add the beet purée, tomato sauce and cream. Stir well. Reduce heat to low and simmer the sauce, uncovered and stirring occasionally, for 40 minutes. It should bubble slightly around the edges.

2) Meanwhile, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. When the sauce is nearly finished, tip the spaghetti into the boiling water and cook according to package directions until al dente.

3) Reserve ½ cup (125 mL) of the pasta water, then drain the spaghetti and return it to the pot. Pour the beet sauce and the reserved pasta water over the spaghetti and stir well to coat. Serve immediately garnished with chopped parsley and freshly grated Parmesan.t

Excerpted from “The Simple Bites Kitchen: Nourishing Whole Food Recipes for Every Day.” Copyright © 2017 by AiméeWimbush-Bourque. Photos copyright © Tim and Angela Chin. Published by Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Canada, a division of Penguin Random HouseCanada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved.

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Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 2:46 PM Page 29

Taste the Difference Award winning Fair Trade DME® Virgin Organic Coconut Oil is hand pressed at the growing site by indigenous farmers from wild crafted coconuts within 90 minutes of husking the nut. It is the freshest coconut oil you can buy.


By Alicia Tobin, R.H.N. and Alyssa Robertson

This Coconut Chicken Green Curry Soup is the perfect pick for something creamy without being heavy, and although it’s a soup, can also be served over rice. The vegetables are added in the last few minutes of cooking to keep their crunch and maximum flavour.


2 tbsp. DME Coconut Oil 2 tbsp. green curry paste 1 tsp. minced ginger 1 organic chicken breast – sliced in thin strips 1 can organic coconut milk 2½ cups organic chicken broth 4 large mushrooms, chopped large 2 tomatoes, chopped ½ cup broccoli, chopped small Handful bean sprouts Small bunch of cilantro, chopped Juice of 1 lime Salt to taste

Taste the flavours! Flavoured DME® Virgin Organic Coconut Oil is perfect for cooking, smoothies, and for oil pulling. PEPPERMINT




Warm coconut oil in large pot on medium heat. Add your green curry paste and ginger; mix until smooth. Add your chicken, ensure all sides are coated with paste and let cook for 2 minutes. Mix in coconut milk and chicken broth. Bring to a light simmer and cover. Allow to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the mushrooms, tomatoes and broccoli. Allow to cook for another 2 minutes. Add the beans sprouts, cilantro (save a little for garnish) and lime juice. Stir into soup just long enough for it to be warmed, about 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit 5 minutes before serving. Garnish with a bit of your cilantro and enjoy!t Alpha DME Coconut Oil is not only healthy, it’s versatile too! For more warming recipes using Alpha products go to HEALTHY DIRECTIONS | Winter 2018 29


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Serves 6

By Jamie Kennedy, Chef and Owner, Jamie Kennedy Kitchens, Hillier, ON

Chicken soup carries a strong message of healing and restorative power. Grandmothers and chefs alike know that it is medicine for the soul and body and have been treating their families and guests with this elixir for centuries.


1 whole chicken (about 5 lb), trimmed of excess fat 12 cups chicken stock (approx.) 2 carrots, peeled and finely chopped 2 stalks celery, finely chopped 1 leek (light green and white part only), finely chopped 3 sprigs thyme 1 tsp whole black peppercorns 3 whole cloves 4 oz linguine noodles Salt and pepper to taste 2 green onions, thinly sliced diagonally (optional)

Winter Edition 2018.qxp_August/Sept 2015 2017-12-23 3:17 PM Page 31


1) Place the chicken in a large, deep pot and add the chicken stock. The chicken should be covered by the stock so add more stock if necessary. Slowly bring to a boil over mediumhigh heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, partially covered, for 2 hours.


and feel the difference

2) Remove the chicken from the pot, reserving the stock in the pot. Set the chicken aside to cool.

3) When the chicken is cool enough to handle, break it up, discarding the skin. Shred the breast and leg meat and set aside for later.

4) Put the carcass and chicken bones back into the pot. Bring the stock back to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, for 2 hours. Strain the stock through a fine-mesh sieve, discarding the bones and carcass.


5) Pour the stock back into the pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Add the reserved shredded chicken meat, the carrots, celery, leek, thyme, pepper- corns and cloves to the pot. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, until the vegetables are tender, about 20 minutes.

6) Add the noodles and simmer, uncovered, until they are tender, about 8 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

7) Ladle the soup into warm bowls and garnish with a drift of chopped green onions (if using).t

Join Jamie Kennedy for an Icewine Dinner at Windows by Jamie Kennedy Fresh Grill & Wine Bar on Friday, January 19, 2018. For details visit:

Excerpted from “The Soup Sisters Family Cookbook: More Than 100 Family-Friendly Recipes to Make and Share With Kids of All Ages” edited by Sharon Hapton with Gwendolyn Richards. Copyright © 2017 Sharon Hapton. Illustrations © 2017 Dean Stanton. Published by Appetite by Random House®, a division of Penguin Random House Canada Limited. Reproduced by arrangement with the Publisher. All rights reserved.

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Learn Current Organics Research By Susan Ratz

Over 40 different workshops will be held at this year’s Guelph Organic Conference & Trade Show 2018. Join Kate McMurray and guest speakers Jocelyn Pitcher and Telesphore Marie for a free lecture on the latest organics research.

We need proof. And we have it! For the last 60 years the organic sector has worked hard to promote an alternative to the chemical and conventional agricultural system. In spite of it being the way we grew food for centuries, there was very little research and science to prove its advantages.

Two in three Canadians (66%) are spending at least some of their weekly grocery budget on organic items, up a staggering 10 points from 56% in 2016, according to a September 2017 report from the Canada Organic Trade Association.

“Information these days is delivered and digested in quick takeaways and bullet points,” says presenter Kate McMurray, Outreach Coordinator at The Big Carrot in Toronto. 32 Winter 2018 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

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“It’s important to open up the conversation with consumers beyond how does organics impact ‘me’ to the value of the broader organic system that is providing positive economic, social, nutritional and environmental impact.”

This workshop will summarize and explain some of the most recent and relevant research on organics including the areas of nutrition, economics, social and environmental impact.

This is a free workshop so there is no need to register – just check in the registration room to confirm the location then pop by.

Kate McMurray, Outreach Coordinator at The Big Carrot will be joined by speakers:

Jocelyn Pitcher, M.Sc. Candidate Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph

If you plan on attending one of the other 40+ workshops the conference offers be sure to register.


Kate McMurray, CNP is a holistic nutritionist and girl on a mission to get you back in the kitchen! She believes a clean pantry, a little culinary flare, and a healthy attitude can go a long way.

Kate encourages people to invest in their health and happiness by getting excited about quality food. Kate provides realistic and personalized solutions to meet your dietary needs, instill culinary confidence and please your taste buds.

She consults privately and at The Big Carrot and does workshops, lectures and cooking classes throughout the city.


Jocelyn is currently researching cover crop mixtures on a low input farm.

Telesphore Marie, M.Sc. Candidate Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph

Telosphore Marie is currently researching the stress physiology of the greenhouse tomato.





Today, more than ever before, human beings want “green lifestyles”. We want to eat better, work better, rest better; in short to live longer and stronger. We also want to be better stewards of our planet so life here can continue. All of this however only addresses the physical aspects of life when in fact we are spiritual beings first and foremost. The work titled “In the Light of Truth − the Grail Message” teaches us about the cosmic laws that not only govern nature but all of Creation and our place and responsibility as we journey through life. This “green book” reveals the true meaning of life and opens the door to true happiness and lasting inner peace.

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uPacked with therapeutic levels of 31 vitamins, minerals and advanced antioxidants like NAC and resveratrol, Immuno Multi is designed to help you maintain peak health. It's the last multivitamin you'll need. Call: (888) 226-7733. Visit:


Win! a Flite+ Tentsile Tree Tent

uTentsile Tree Tents are tree houses you can take anywhere – from camping to festivals and backyard adventures. The Flite+ is a lightweight two-person model. A cross between a hammock and a tent, this suspended sleeper attaches to three trees for stargazing. Priced from $457 Canadian. Enter to win at: Visit:

Orange Naturals for Kids

uChoose Orange Naturals gentle and effective remedies for kids. With tinctures, nutrient dense shakes, D3 Drops, probiotics plus over 20 homeopathics custom formulated for kids from baby to school age, the choice is an easy one. Call: (888) 226-7733. Visit:


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uCanPrev magnesium is designed with you in mind. Choose from Gentle, Extra Gentle, Ultra Gentle, Sleep, Cardio, Malate and ElectroMag formulas. All pure, eminently absorbable and remarkably gentle. Call: (888) 226-7733 Visit: 34 Winter 2018 HEALTHY DIRECTIONS |

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Salt Therapy for Sinus Infection Bring the Seashore to Your Bedroom. By Livia Tiba

While some suffer from chronic sinusitis, leaving individuals with awful symptoms almost constantly, even acute sinus infections can last up to a few weeks. These infections not only lead to your typical cold symptoms, often leaving you unable to breathe, but also come with that extra thick mucus and congestion, and not to mention the excruciating pressure felt behind your eyes and/or cheeks.

Sinus infections are in no way enjoyable, with a wide variety of treatment options to help relieve the symptoms. While antibiotics are a treatment option, they are only beneficial if you are suffering from bacterial sinusitis. The remaining treatment options available are for the sole purpose of relieving symptoms, and not actually facilitating recovery. Very extreme cases can even lead to surgery in order to remove blockages and/or enlarge sinus passages.

SINUS PAIN SOLUTIONS In addition, this therapy keeps your mucus fluid, humidifies the entire respiratory system and keeps the respiratory system well able to expel pathogens or allergens.

Sinusitis is quite common, with few treatment options that are actually aimed at recovery. Salt therapy, a natural, safe treatment for sinus infections is the best long-term option. It relieves many symptoms while working to make you better faster. It also helps prevent future infections.t Find more about salt therapy that you can use at home by visiting or call 1-519-641-7258.

Salt therapy works on the basis of exposure to high concentrations of microscopic salt particles that are released into the air you breathe, like seashore aerosol. As the salt micro-particles enter and line your nasal cavity, they draw more water towards the lining, breaking and loosening up congestion and fluidizing secretions.

This ultimately helps the body expel the built up mucus, easily clearing the sinuses channels. It helps also in removing any pathogens from the nasal cavities and easing breathing. The salt has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, helping in fighting the invading pathogens in the sinus cavities and throughout the respiratory system. Additionally, salt has natural anti-inflammatory effects, helping further to relieve symptoms.

Not only is salt therapy a great treatment option for sinus infections, but is very effective as a preventative measure for almost any respiratory infection. The way salt therapy works preventatively is that it helps the body to detoxify the respiratory system from toxins and pollutants we breathe in everyday, clearing and reducing our exposure to what can irritate our sinuses and our entire respiratory system.



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Outdoor Winter Fun, Hot Spots When you’re ready to take on winter in the great outdoors, here are some fun places to go and things to try to get you movement motivated. Take in Winter Brightening Outdoor Art in T.O.

Toronto is lighting up winter nights with illuminating works of outdoor art. New this year at Ontario Place is the Winter Light Exhibition. After taking in the sights, take on other winterthemed activities at the Place like skating. It is free to attend from December 8, 2017 to March 18, 2018.

The Toronto Light Fest creatively brightens the Distillery Historic District from January 19 to March 11, 2018 and features works by Canadian and international light artists.

Along the Toronto waterfront January 19 to February 25, 2018 catch sight of Ice Breakers a series of large art installations along lakeside west of Yonge Street. It runs February 19 to April 1, 2018.

Tie on Some Skates

Bentway Skate Trail’s Official Opening is on January 6, 2018 under the Gardiner Expressway. The opening weekend will also host the Mayor’s Skate Party on Sunday, January 7 from 1-4pm with Mayor Tory and members of Toronto City Council. Complimentary skate rentals and hot chocolate will be available during the fun, family event.

The inaugural Winter Season at The Bentway will run from January 6 – mid-March, 2018 (weather permitting). Ongoing winter programming will include free Monday night skate rentals and Beats and Bents Friday night skate parties with a rotating cast of DJs.

Savour Unique Flavours

Winterlicious is held January 26 to February 8, 2018, where you can indulge in creative cuisine from around the world at great prix fixe value.

The Winter Village at Evergreen Brick Works features a Street Food Market. The farmer’s market continues winter long with many other outdoor activities. Try your hand at street curling. Take a walk through the Don Valley nature trails or take on the trials on a fat bike ride (on bikes with wide tires made for cycling the snowy trails). Children can join in winter themed fun in the Children’s Garden.

Take a Winter Hike or Snowshoe

Top winter hiking trails in Toronto are typically low on snow, but high in scenic beauty offering the opportunity for serenity. Favourites are the Sun Valley Loop (Crothers Woods), High Park Trails, Leslie Street Spit, Cedarvale Ravine and Belt Line and Moore Park Ravine, and Don Valley Brick Works.

For snowshoeing, some quick and easy options to reach are Bronte Coronation and Battery Park Trail, King’s Mill Park Trail, Edwards Garden Trail and the 10 km of trails in the Christie Lake Conservation Area.

Take in Some Early Sights of Spring

The Canada Blooms & National Home show is the largest flower and garden festival in the country. With acres of indoor creative gardens in a dazzling display of colour, texture and fragrance, be inspired and get your first taste of Spring. It is held March 9-18, 2018. Visit: t


Winter Festivals in Ontario Hamilton

Winterfest February 3-19, 2018 festivals-events/2018hamilton-winterfest


Winterlude February 2-19, 2018

Sault Sainte Marie Carnival Bon Soo February, 2018


Fire and Ice Festival January 27, 2018


Stratford Winterfest January 19-21, 2018


Snofest Winter Carnival January 6-29, 2018

Niagara Falls

Ontario Power Generation Festival of Lights November, 2017 to January 31, 2018

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Crafted in Canada

Designed by Naturopathic Doctors

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