2 minute read
Need a shift in attitude?
Music acts as a catalyst promoting a better look at life
My shift happens during my morning workouts, in a nondescript 10X10 place I refer to as my LHL gym. Mornings alone, in a place where the enabling of entering ‘the zone’ can happen. Where does your “shift happen”?
Create the environment where you can reign supreme, where you decide which sail to engage, which direction your ship will sail. Self-improvement begins when you ‘decide,’, never before.
Using the power of visualization to see where you want to go, and where you have been, allows your life to open to new potential. When the universe opens doors, you can know that things happen.
That doubt and uncertainty are just bumps in your road to self-fulfillment. Then and only then will the new you appear. Shift happens!
No one can value your time more than you can. Make your life a priority. Set aside those designated windows of opportunity (time) to do what it takes to propel yourself forward in life and create what you desire and deserve.
The lyrics and songs I listed were all part of my workout this morning. Music is a key to getting it done for me. What is your trigger and your catalyst? Think about it, write it down, tell people, share the mission and message. Make it real. Shift can happen! Try these everyone-
• Embrace the power of visualization
• Ask questions
• Never judge yourself
• Use your energy
• Make good choices
Tom Matt is the host of the “Tom Matt Show,” a radio talk show syndicated in Michigan on the Michigan Talk Network. He can be heard locally Saturday mornings on the ‘Big Talker’ WJIM 1240 AM. For more info please visit www.boomersrock.us