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Fitness newbies

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Healthcare today

Tips to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle, and how to succeed



The most important thing is to start a workout program and develop the habit of moving. After that, you can get a little more specific. Here are 5 tips for fitness beginners:

Don’t do too much too fast

It is exciting to start a new fitness adventure. In your head, you are thinking that 6-7 days per week will be better than three days per week. Research shows that most first time exercisers quit after the first month due to time constraints. Instead of setting the bar too high, make it a goal to work out two days per week for the first two weeks. If you do more than that, great. Then, add one workout a week that lasts at least 30 minutes until you reach five days per week. This avoids burnout and helps you stick to the habit .

Try a variety of fitness activities

Finding what kind of exercise interests you may take some time. For the first month, pick a few different workout modalities instead of one. For example, if you are working out three days a week, choose a strength training session, a yoga class, and a spinning class. See what you like. The next week, mix some other forms of exercise, like walking or a boot camp. After about three months of trying new things, you will figure out what works best for your schedule, body, and mind.

Include some form of strength training

Strength training is for everyone. Strength training is the most effective form of exercise to improve bone density, reduce body fat, improve strength and power, reduce the risk of injury, and build muscle tissue. If you decided that you like to do yoga, Zumba, running, or cycling, that is awesome. Adding strength training as little as 20-30 minutes a day will only help your performance in those activities.

Remember to fuel your workouts

Make sure that you are properly hydrated before, during and after a workout. You also must get the proper ratio of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and calories in order to have the energy to work out and recover from a gruelling session. Eat three balanced meals a day, drink 60-100 ounces of water a day (depending on body weight), reduce processed foods, and consume a small pre- and post-workout snack when needed.

Hire a coach or grab a training partner

Research shows that people are more successful at sticking with a workout routine when they work out with a coach, friend, or in a group setting. Having a coach or trainer will keep you accountable, not to mention help you perform exercises correctly and safely. Working out with a friend can also create a bond and partnership that motivates you to stick with it. Working out in a group setting pushes you to work a little harder and also encourages you to help others.

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