Home body workouts 6 core exercises to do at home that you should probably be doing already
orking out at home instead of the gym may not be ideal, but it can have some advantages. For starters, you can skip the fancy equipment and work on exercises you should probably include in your workouts. I have to confess, I don’t enjoy core
training exercises that only require your body weight. They are HARD! They also further pronounce my own personal weaknesses. With a rich history of hip and back issues, my core is not as resilient as it used to be. By pushing myself to do some of these exercises, I have experi-
enced some improvements in my core strength and feel a bit more balanced. Take a look at these core exercises and choose one or two of them per workout to get started towards a stronger and more resilient core!
Plank reach + leg lift
1. Get into a traditional plank position on your elbows. 2. Keep your spine neutral. Reach your right arm in front, then left arm. 3. Lift your right foot up, then left foot up, extending at the hip.
4. Make sure to not move your hips and lower back through the movement. 5. Do 2-3 sets of 5 reps each arm and leg.
Bird dog holds
1. Get into a quadruped (all fours) position. 2. Reach your right arm in front of your body at the same time you reach your opposite leg/left behind you.
3. Hold for 3-5 seconds while squeezing all of your muscles. 4. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side. 5. Do 2-3 sets of 5-10 reps per side.
Hollow hold and rock 1. Lie down on your back with your arms above your head and legs fully extended. 2. Raise your head, arms, and legs 6-12 inches off the ground while keeping your ribs and lower back down. 3. Rock back and forth maintaining this position. 4. Do 2 sets of 20-30 seconds . There’s more! See home body on page 48