4 minute read
Control in the chaos
Ideas on how to stay the course when times get confusing
September is usually filled with the excitement of new back to school clothes, crisp morning air and a return to routine for many families. These days, what the heck is a routine?! Whether your kids are able to return to school, you are homeschooling, or they are doing an online learning option, routine sure looks a lot different.
Are you going in to work and finding child care for your family? Are you struggling to work from home with all the chaos inside the same four walls? Even if you don’t have kids at home, most people reading this have some sort of disruption to their
“normal” and are struggling to find routine. As a result, many people are dealing with much higher stress levels. Raise your hand if I am talking about you!
How do we fight back? We need to take control of whatever we can, even if it is just in tiny little ways. We all operate differently, so what works for one is not feasible for someone else. We all have different work situations, child care situations, school situations, relationship situations etc. This is a good time for me to insert my reminder to just BE KIND in these crazy times. You never know what the person next to you is going through, so please don’t judge their decisions!
With that being said, hopefully you find something in the following suggestions that can help you.
Take back your mornings!
What time does your family wake up, at the earliest? Set your alarm for an hour before that. This is where you can sneak in your workout, enjoy your coffee and newspaper, or hey, watch an episode of your show if that is what you need to start the day on the right foot! Everyone is different, and as a result everyone needs something different in order to feel in control and at peace. However, one thing is true for most of us. If you wake up too late with a foot in your face, have to rush around and start your day running behind, it’s a recipe for a stressful day.
Sunday (or whatever day) prep day
Before you go to bed Sunday night, set yourself up for success. Do some light meal prep and have some lunch food prepared in individual containers. Make sure everyone’s bag is packed, or tables are set if you are learning from home. Have the calendar for the week written out so you know ahead of time what needs to be done, and when. Wash your masks (and replace them in your car and bags), pre-set the coffee pot, lay out outfits, I am talking every possible little thing you can do to give yourself an edge when that alarm goes off Monday morning. Take Monday from straight chaos to organized chaos.
Keep lists
Often stress comes from just knowing there is lots to do, let alone the actual doing of things. Write it all down, get it out of your head, onto paper and free up some space in that beautiful brain of yours. My suggestion is to keep multiple lists. Make a daily list with columns for Monday - Sunday, one with some easy things to cross off, and divide some of the overwhelming week load. If you see these things down on paper and spread out throughout the week, it may keep it from seeming so overwhelming. Also keep an ongoing list for things that have no end date, but are always creeping over your shoulder in the back of your mind. You know the things I am talking about…. make that call to Grandma to check in, organize the very scary linen closet, rearrange your freezer so things don’t fly out every time, etc.
Try to move every single day
You may not get in a 10 mile run, or a 60 minute class, but move your body. Even a brisk walk on a 15 minute break can do wonders for your attitude. Add this to that daily list. Write down what you would like to do for movement each day. Schedule it. You wouldn’t skip a doctor’s appointment or a work meeting, so don’t skip this meeting. You can’t take care of everyone and everything else if you don’t take care of you.
Best of luck to you all this month! Remember that even though stress doesn’t look the same on everyone, most likely everyone is experiencing a piece of what you are. So be kind, to yourself as well as others, smile with your eyes, and try to take some deep breaths.
Molly Nevins, ACSM HSF, is a longtime contributor to Healthy & Fit Magazine. Check out her Facebook page at: facebook.com/molly.fit