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Celebrate ameriCan Heart montH tHis FebruarY
Shine the light on ways to prevent “SADness” this winter
Physicians weigh in on the health care debate.
Uncovering the comfort food options for diabetics.
Avoid disease with the right diet.
It’s never too late to start your New Year’s resolution over.
New toothbrush provides its own water source.
Find out the latest developments and news at Carteret General, Onslow Memorial and Carolina East Medical.
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Vol. 2, issue # Winter 2009-2010 NCCOAST Health & Wellness is distributed in five counties and other high-traffic sites throughout North Carolina, and is also available by request at Entire contents, ad and graphic design and copyright 2010 by NCCOAST Communications. Reproduction of any portion of this publication or its website without the publisher’s written consent is strictly prohibited. Information found herein is as accurate as possible at presstime but should be solely used as a guide. For more specific advice, please consult your family physician. email:
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Mind Matters Battling the Winter Blues
he winter months can be a tough time for anyone living at least a couple thousand miles away from the equator, but for some, the loss of light has a more direct and severe impact on their emotions and outlook on life. Seasonal Affective Disorder, with the appropriate acronym of SAD, is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year. Symptoms typically start in the fall and continue through the winter months, sapping the energy of those afflicted and putting them in negative moods. While winters along the North Carolina coast are relatively mild, residents here are just as susceptible to SAD, said Dr. Barton Lewis, a psychiatrist of Cape Lookout Psychiatry. “It’s about the intensity of sun light, not the temperature,” Dr. Lewis said.
Symptoms of SAD include depression, hopelessness, anxiety, social withdrawal, oversleeping, weight gain and difficulty concentrating and processing information. It’s normal to feel down on some days, especially during the winter, when it seems we often spend the few precious hours of daylight in an office; however, if those “winter blues” keep you down for days at a time and you can’t seem to get motivated to do activities you normally enjoy, you should see a doctor, according to the website This is particularly important if you notice that
your sleep patterns and appetite have changed or if you feel hopeless, think about suicide, or find yourself turning to alcohol for comfort or relaxation.
Causes The specific cause of SAD is still unknown, though it’s likely a concoction of genetics, age and your body’s natural chemical makeup. A few specific factors that may come into play include:
Biological Clock – The reduced level
of sunlight in the fall and winter may disrupt your body’s clock, which lets you know when you should sleep or be awake.
Melatonin – The change in season can affect your melatonin levels, which play a role in sleep patterns and mood. Taking melatonin supplements may be an option. Serotonin – A drop in serotonin, a brain chemical that also affects mood, might play a role. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin, perhaps leading to depression.
Treatment The change in light patterns has a direct effect on people with SAD, and according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, patients living at different latitudes note that their winter depressions are longer and more profound the farther north they live. As a result, one of the most effective treatments is light therapy. Light boxes are available commercially and use fluorescent lights that are brighter than indoor lights but not as bright as sunlight. The user will place the light box at a specified distance on a desk and use it to read, eat breakfast or work at a computer. WiNTEr 2010
“It sounds hokey but it works,” Dr. Lewis said. It may take as little as three to five days or up to two weeks before the patient responds to the therapy; however, the practice needs to continue even if mood improves, as stopping will likely cause a relapse back into depression. Antidepressants can also effectively treat episodes of depression. Improvement may kick in as soon as a week, or as many as eight weeks. Medication can be used in conduction with light therapy. Counseling may also help treatment. Options include individual counseling, group counseling and family therapy. Those sessions will help detail ways to handle the symptoms of SAD and how to prevent future depressive episodes. In addition, exercising may give you a boost. Being active during the daytime, especially first thing in the morning, may help you have more energy and feel less depressed. The weather outside may be frightful, but you don’t have to feel the same.
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Cameron L. Smith, M.D., FAAD W. Ray Gammon, M.D., FACP, FAAD Richard J. Murphy, M.D., FAAD Mary Helen Allen Hutchinson, M.D., FAAD Richard S. Lewis, M.D., FAAD Christopher B. Mizelle, M.D., FAAD H. Kim Park, M.D., Dermatopathologist Matt Brentjens, M.D. FAAD Eric R. Howell, M.D., FAAD Kirsten Schneider, PA-C Valerie Knight, PA-C John Riggs, PA-C Cheryl Jaros, PA-C
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Doctor’s Orders Health Care Insurance market reforms * In the last 10 years, family premiums Reform Advice from for health insurance have increased 131 percent. Americans need more choices of America’s Doctors affordable health insurance coverage that
s one year ends and another begins, all eyes remain on Congress and the two health bills that will shape the US health system in 2010 and beyond. The American Medical Association has been a regular presence in the health reform debate and has outlined a set of guiding principles for health system reform that will benefit patients and physicians. “Health care reform has been a major focal point for the AMA and Congress for most of this year, and as the year draws to a close we are closer than ever to achieving health care legislation that will benefit all Americans,” says AMA President Dr. J. James Rohack. “We need reform that builds on what works in our system and fixes what doesn’t, and we are committed to staying involved in the process to improve the final legislation for patients and physicians.”
What should be included in health system reform? health insurance coverage for * Expanded all Americans
The uninsured live sicker and die younger than those with health insurance. Fearing big medical bills, they often delay care so an illness that could have been easily treated early on becomes more difficult and costly to treat. Increasing health insurance coverage can lead to more preventive care, better disease management and healthier Americans. 10
can’t be lost because of job loss or denied based on pre-existing conditions.
of the patient-physician * Protection relationship
The patient-physician relationship is the cornerstone of quality health care. Reform efforts must assure that medical decisions and health care choices remain in the hands of patients and their physicians, and are not dictated by insurers or government bureaucrats.
Investment in quality * improvement efforts
Optimizing the safety and quality of health care for America’s patients is an essential component to true health system reform. By making investments in quality improvement efforts that eliminate problems in the system and promote best practices in medicine, physicians can ensure patients are receiving the best care possible.
focus on prevention and * Increased wellness
Seven out of 10 Americans are living with a chronic condition and the cost of treating these conditions accounts for nearly 75 percent of our nation’s overall health care spending. Getting regular, preventive care and living a healthier lifestyle greatly reduces the risk for chronic diseases and allows for conditions to be identified and treated early.
of the broken Medicare * Repeal physician payment formula
Each year this flawed payment formula threatens steep cuts to physicians for the care of seniors and military families. With the baby boomers aging into the Medicare program in just two years,
WiNTEr 2010
a permanent solution is imperative to protect access to care for the millions who rely on Medicare and TRICARE now and those that will in the future.
Medical liability reforms * Our country’s broken medical liability system forces many physicians to order unnecessary tests, scans, consultations and even hospitalization to protect against malpractice suits. Known as defensive medicine, these practices cost our system an estimated $70 billion to $126 billion and drive a wedge between patients and physicians. Medical liability reforms can help curb health care costs and keep physicians practicing solid evidence-based medicine.
Eliminate waste in the claims process * Administrative burdens weigh down physician offices, adding unnecessary costs and taking away time from patient care. The insurance claims process must be streamlined and standardized so physicians can spend their time doing what they do best - caring for patients. “A new year can symbolize a new beginning, and in 2010 the AMA is looking forward to a new and improved health system that better serves patients and empowers physicians to deliver the highest quality care,” says Dr. Rohack. To learn more about the American Medical Association and its efforts in support of health care reform, visit Courtesy of ARA content
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Ounce of Prevention Managing Diabetes After the Holidays
he winter months can prove to be a tough and tempting time for those dealing with diabetes. First there’s the Thanksgiving feast, followed immediately by the culinary Olympics of Christmas – turkey, stuffing, gravy, cornbread, potatoes, rolls, casseroles and plenty of sweet treats that can cause havoc for people trying to control their blood sugar. And, even once you get through it, the winter months force you inside, where tempting snacks like chips, nuts, chocolate, soda and leftover Christmas sweets are just an arm’s length away. Help is out there. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has a wealth of information about living with diabetes on its website,, and there are several programs along the coast, including one at Carteret General Hospital, that offer guidance for people with diabetes and have great tips for how to get through tempting times. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. As described by the ADA, in type 1, the body does not produce
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WiNTEr 2010
insulin, a hormone which is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for the body. When you eat food, the body breaks down all of the sugars and starch into glucose, which is the body’s basic fuel. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into the cells, it can lead to complications, including kidney damage, blindness and nerve damage, especially in the legs. In type 2 diabetes, which is much more common, either the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. As a result, diet and exercise are crucial to health, and many with diabetes must also take insulin. As with most things, moderation is the key. “As we know, everybody’s going to eat something, but it’s how much of it people eat that gets them into trouble,” said Carey O’Reilly, a registered dietician in Carteret County. Asked for a second opinion, Mary Tuitt, a registered dietician in New Bern, readily agreed. “The big thing I tell people is to watch portion sizes,” she said. “Try to do little tastes of things, not overdo anything too much.” She recommended filling up half of the plate with vegetables, which won’t have a drastic effect on blood sugar levels. She also suggested that those with diabetes keep a record of what they have eaten. “Just writing things down will help you keep track of all the cookies and candy canes that you eat throughout the day,” she said. Also, it can be a good idea to have a little something to eat before a party so you aren’t famished when you arrive, ready to dive into the nearest bowl of potato chips. And, if you drink, remember to eat something first to prevent low blood glucose levels later. Keep it to no more than one drink for women and two drinks for men. If you do overindulge, make sure to get back on track the next day, including extra exercise. Have more questions? Speak to your physician about a diabetes education program in your area. Dieticians such as O’Reilly, who is a certified diabetes educator for a program at Carteret General Hospital, can help people with diabetes make behavioral changes that can be very difficult to do alone. “If you have someone who is overweight, smokes and doesn’t exercise, and a doctor says you’ve got to change all that, it can be pretty overwhelming,” O’Reilly said. Unless people have assistance, too often they don’t follow through, even if diagnosed with diabetes. “We help them through that process,” O’Reilly said.
Nutrition Intention Eating Away at Your Health
he immune system is our body’s protective system, designed to fend off invasion by harmful bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. A weakened immune system loses its ability to fend off infection and malignancy and is also responsible for producing such symptoms as fevers, weight loss, musculosketal pain and fatigue. While it is difficult to enhance a normal functioning immune system, there are things that you can do to protect and strengthen it during times of illness or chronic disease. Three main areas of importance are diet/nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Adequate basic nutrients are important to fuel our bodies. There are a number of nutrients thought to fuel optimal immune function which include amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and pre/probiotics. Amino acids glutamine and arginine are thought to prevent oxidative stress and enhance T-helper cells. Good sources of them include meats, legumes, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy, raw cabbage, beets, nuts, and whole grains. Omega-3 fatty acids act as anti-inflammatory agents and regulate the function of immune cells. Good sources of these include herring, salmon, sardines, farmed rainbow trout, fresh tuna, mackerel, pacific oysters, walnuts, flaxseeds, and canola oil. Vitamins A, C, E, and D are known key players in immunity. Vitamin A stimulates antibody production in response to immune system activation. The highly researched vitamin C most importantly increases the production of interferon, the antibody that coats cell surfaces, which prevents entry of viruses, and is an antioxidant. Vitamin E is also considered an anti-inflammatory and stabilizes membranes of immune cells. Vitamin D is a potent immune system modular and is now being examined for the potential of being an inhibitor of autoimmunity disease development.
Sources of Vitamins Vitamin A Apricots, Peaches, Cantaloupes, Watermelons,
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Greens, Pumpkin
Sweet Red Pepper; Raw Papaya; Orange, Grapefruit, & Pineapple Juices; Broccoli; Hot Green Chili Peppers; Oranges
Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Olives, Mustard Greens, Swiss Chard, Spinach, Papaya, Collard Greens, Kale
Fortified Milk, Egg, Chinook Salmon, Shrimp, Cod, Mackerel, Herring, Trout, Yellowfin Tuna
Vitamin E Vitamin D
Minerals zinc, selenium, and iron prevent the oxidation of lipids in cell membranes, thus reducing oxidative stress affecting immune cells.
Sources of Zinc, Selenium, Iron Calf’s liver, Beef, Lamb, Venison, Crimini Zinc
Mushrooms, Spinach, Asparagus, Swiss Chard
Calf’s liver, Snapper, Halibut, Cod, Yellowfin Tuna, Chinook Salmon, Crimini Mushrooms, Shrimp, Eggs, Brazil Nuts
Beef liver, Canned Sardines, Shrimp, Roast Pork, Lean Beef, Dark Meat Turkey, Chicken, Thyme, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Romaine
Selenium Iron
Sources of Pre & Probiotics Prebiotic Foods Raw: Chicory Root, Jerusalem Artichoke, Garlic,
Leek, Onion, Asparagus, Banana, Flaxseed Cooked: Whole Wheat Flour, Oatmeal, Barley
Sour Cream, Buttermilk, Yogurt, Kefir, Tempeh, Miso, Kim Chi, Sauerkraut – any fermented foods, Inulin
There is nothing more powerful to boost immunity than regular, moderate exercise. Exercising such as brisk walking can motivate the defenses of the immune system, most importantly the antibody and the natural killer (T-cell) responses. Regular stimulation of the system during bouts of exercise expedites the speed at which immune cells travel through the body and are better able to defend against invading bacterias and viruses. After exercise ends, the immune system generally returns to normal within a few hours, but consistent, regular exercise seems to make these changes a bit more long-lasting. Shannon Guthrie, RD, LDN Carteret General Hospital
Vitamin C
Pre and probiotics stimulate growth of helpful intestinal flora bacteria which promotes lymph tissue to produce antibodies to fight pathogens and enhance positive gut function. Prebiotics are foods that promote growth of helpful intestinal flora whereas probiotics are the actual bacteria themselves (common strains are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli).
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Winning the Fight A Grandé Cup of Prevention
o we need any more excuses to drink coffee? Do we need any at all? Well, in case your boss is getting on you for taking too many trips to the old Braun drip machine in the break room, now you can tell him you’re doing it for your health. Data recently presented at a conference held by the American Association for Cancer Research revealed that coffee may actually cut the risk of developing lethal and advanced prostate cancer. “Coffee has effects on insulin and glucose metabolism as well as sex hormone levels, all of which play a role in prostate cancer,” said Dr. Kathryn Wilson, a postdoctoral fellow of the Channing Laboratory at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health. Wilson and her colleagues found that men who drank the most coffee in a study had a 60 percent lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer than men who didn’t drink any coffee. However, caffeine, the component most identified with coffee, is not the key factor in this association, according to Wilson, as men who drank decaffeinated coffee also had a reduced risk. In fact, researchers are unsure which components of the beverage are most important, as coffee contains many biologically active compounds like antioxidants and minerals. While researchers are certainly optimistic about the findings, the only thing they seem confident in saying is that more studies are needed, and that coffee at least doesn’t damage your prostate. Anyway, researchers see this as a positive step in the study of cancer. “Very few lifestyle factors have been consistently associated with prostate cancer risk, especially with risk of aggressive disease, so it would be very exciting if the association is confirmed in other studies,” said Wilson. Now that would be news that’s good to the last drop. 1
Tofurkey Breasts Coffee isn’t the only product that might lower the risk of certain types of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, soybeans – the Swiss Army Knife of food – appear to show protective effects against breast and prostate cancer. Also, according to a study recently detailed in the Journal of the American Medical Society, among women with breast cancer or breast cancer survivors, soy food consumption may significantly decrease the risk of recurrence and death. Products containing soy protein appear in just about every section of the supermarket. Traditional foods include tofu, soymilk, soynuts and edamame, but soy protein is used in a whole range of alternative meat and pasta products, from veggie burgers and pastas to tofurkey Italian sausage. The effects of soy are thought to be due to substances called isoflavones, which are sometimes called plant estrogens because they mimic estrogen produced in humans and animals. The outcome of the study goes against the previously conceived notion that the isoflavones in soy were actually bad for women with breast cancer. In the study, which is the largest on the subject carried out so far, women ages 20 to 75 with diagnoses of breast cancer between 2002 and 2006 were recruited and researchers collected data over time, such as their disease progression, treatment and lifestyle exposures. Patients in the group with the highest intake of soy protein had a 29 percent lower risk of death during the study period, and a 32 percent lower risk of breast cancer recurrence compared to the patients with the lowest intake. WiNTEr 2010
“This study suggests that moderate soy food intake is safe and potentially beneficial for women with breast cancer,” the researchers write.
No Changes in Mammography Screenings In November of 2009, a federal advisory panel changed its previous guidelines on breast cancer screening. Shortly thereafter, a political firestorm swept across the nation. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), a panel of medical professionals that receives federal funding, altered its previous recommendation that all women over the age of 40 receive mammography screening on an annual basis. It instead recommended that such a decision for women between the ages of 40 and 50 should be an individual one and take patient context into account. “So what does this mean for women in their 40s? You should talk to your doctor and make an informed decision about whether mammography is right for you based on your family history, general health and personal values,” said Dr. Dianna Petitti, vice chairman of the panel, in a press release. In addition, the panel recommended that women between the ages of 50 and 74 receive screenings every two years, rather than annually, and advised doctors to stop teaching breast self-examination. In the panel’s supporting article, it stated that while there is a small reduction in fatality with annual screening starting at 40, screening biannually at 50 reduces the number of false positives by 50 percent and cuts down on unnecessary biopsies and overtreatment. These recommendations not only went against what the panel previously advised, but what most other groups advise, including the American Cancer Society (ACS).
“With its new recommendations, the USPSTF is essentially telling women that mammography at age 40 to 49 saves lives; just not enough of them,” said Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer for the ACS. “Breast cancer is a serious health problem facing adult women, and mammography is a part of our solution beginning at age 40 for average risk women.” Typically, the U.S. Congress would follow through on the recommendations made by the USPSTF; not this time. During debate on the healthcare reform bill working its way through the US Senate, senators approved an amendment requiring health insurers cover mammograms for women annually starting at the age of 40.
Accelerating Forward A new high-tech cancer fighting machine at Carteret General Hospital will
help hundreds of cancer patients in the county receive faster and more efficient treatment than ever before. The linear accelerator delivers high doses of radiation while at the same time reducing the effects on surrounding healthy tissues, which may reduce side effects, said the hospital’s radiation oncologist, Michael Papigikos. The equipment uses the latest in high energy radiation technology to kill cancer cells in all types of cancers treatable with radiation. It is a new generation of imaging equipment which allows fast and accurate guidance of the treatment to the targeted areas. The new equipment makes it possible for doctors to offer patients Image Guided Radiation Therapy, an extremely precise form of treatment that utilizes multiple imaging and motion management techniques for ultra-accurate tumor targeting. Patients are also offered Intensity w w w . N C C O A S T. c o m
Modulated Radiation Therapy, which is the most technically advanced, most precise method of external beam radiation therapy. It allows radiation oncologists to deliver high doses of radiation directly to the tumors while sparing surrounding tissue. “This state of the art technology will enable us to treat patients with the most advanced radiotherapy techniques, using the most clinically efficient processes in the world,” said Mary Beveridge, the hospital’s director of radiation oncology. “It provides us with tremendous versatility and precision for customizing treatments according to the specifics of each patient’s case.” Beveridge continued, “Carteret General now has the most advanced technology to treat cancer. Patients do not have to spend time traveling when they can receive radiation and chemotherapy here in Carteret County.” 15
Lifestyles New Year’s Resolution: Take Two
f you’re like most people, by the time mid-January rolls around the hope of keeping New Year’s resolutions has been replaced by the embarrassment of having already broken promises that are less than a month old. And as the year goes on, the chances of keeping that resolution start to drop even further. That promise to go to the gym every day dwindles to three days a week, then two days a week, before falling into “whenever I can make it” territory. Diet and weight loss resolutions are among the most common, year after year, which says a lot about what kind of results people are getting from the promises they make to themselves. But it’s never too late to get back to resolutions; you just have to be realistic about the goals you’re trying to set. Think of it this way: would you rather give up and wait a whole year to make the resolution again, or set a new goal for Monday, or the first of next month? That way it’s still reachable and you’re back on track because ultimately, your body doesn’t care what time of year it is, only that it’s healthy. The problem with so many resolutions is that they’re simply too strenuous, too unforgiving and just plain unrealistic. We don’t become superhuman masters of willpower with the turning of the year, nor do our busy schedules change. The best, most effective resolutions, especially for weight loss, are the ones that fit in with the lives we’re already living. Resolutions for weight loss and those for eating better can easily go hand in hand. One key to a positive, effective plan for carrying out these resolutions is to not view food as the enemy - or, at least, not all food. As a first step, start taking a 16
good, hard look at the ingredient list on foods that you buy. You should also be honest with yourself about your eating habits. If you’re a habitual snacker in the mid-afternoon, own up to it. Next, armed with that knowledge, shop smart and stock better-for-you options for your snacks. Many people starting out on new eating regimens buy products that sound “healthy,” but don’t satisfy cravings and can lead to too much snacking.
If you’re not a snacker, you can still apply those ideas to your main meals. Be sure to choose main dishes that are made with natural ingredients and give yourself some flavor varieties. To eat more slowly – and pay attention to what and how much you’re eating – turn off the TV, step away from the computer and have a sitdown meal with the family or a friend. If you add in simple exercise, like going for walks on your work breaks, you’ll be taking an extra step toward a healthier lifestyle, without having to turn your world upside down. Remember to include fun and enjoyment in your resolution, because that is the best way to keep it going all year long. Here are some suggestions to start your wellness resolution off on the right foot:
Incorporate your exercise program into activities you’re already doing. For example, if you drive to work every day, instead of parking as close to the door as you can, try parking a long distance away or, better yet, Look for products that you know you bike to work. Once at work, instead of like, but find versions that incorporate e-mailing or calling a coworker to discuss natural ingredients or offer lower fat opsomething, get up and walk over to her tions. For example, if you crave potato chips, Cape Cod Potato Chips are a good desk and have an in-person conversation. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. option. The ingredient list on their 40 percent reduced fat kettle-cooked chips is Dance to the radio while brushing your refreshingly simple: potatoes, canola oil teeth at home and salt. - anything When those hunger pangs come to inaround, take a no-nonsense approach crease the with yourself. Limit your intake by putamount ting what you’re eating in a small bowl, you are which automatically helps you stop moving eating, or look at the nutritional label without and stick to the serving size listed on changing your the product. And eat slowly - you’ll feel entire routine. full on a smaller amount of food if you don’t rush it. If you’ve got a sweet tooth, If you already cook, skip the candy bars and find some dark go online, purchase a chocolate that you can break off in small new cookbook or sign pieces. Let one piece melt on your tongue up for a cooking class and you’ll cut the craving with a minimal intake of calories.
Cont. on page 18
WiNTEr 2010
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Cont. from page 16
and find some new healthy recipes. If you don’t cook, consider learning how. You can challenge yourself to learn one new recipe every week, or turn your learning into a social event by inviting friends over for one of your meals.
Relax with a cup of tea. Natural tea can help you reduce body fat and increase your metabolism rate. Studies have shown that Oolong tea leaves contain rich amino acids and cellulose, which lowers cholesterol and boosts metabolism. Green tea leaves contain vitamins C and E, as well as high fiber. And black tea leaves help with digestion. Having a cup of hot tea – without sugar or cream – after each meal will help you slowly dissolve fat in your body.
Try a new physical game or activity. Sign up with a team to play basketball or volleyball. Challenge a friend to a racquetball tournament. Or prepare yourself for a marathon. Whatever the event, make sure it is an activity you enjoy, and set a realistic goal to ensure you stay with the activity throughout the entire year. In the struggle to keep your resolution going or to start again, remember that it’s OK to ask a friend or family member to join you in your resolution so you can hold each other accountable. With these simple adjustments this can be the year that your resolution finally lasts through the whole year … even if you had to start over again in February. NCCOAST Health & Wellness/ARA Content
Tech Tonic Say No to H2O
out. Also, the liquid doesn’t contain some of the toxic chemiNew York-based company is cals that regular hoping to revolutionize the way paste does, so it isn’t people brush their teeth, with a harmful if swalnew product hitting streets that neither lowed. uses conventional paste nor water. The inventors, The Aquafree Toothbrush, made by Todd Cinelli and United Treatment Centers, resembles an electric toothbrush with a fat handle and Frank Ottaviani, aimed to address head, but that’s really where the similariboth environmenties end. Instead of a motor the handle tal and hygienic holds a cartridge filled with a liquid concerns with the toothpaste. A push of a button pumps product. The the liquid to the bristles and as you normal tooth-brushbrush, the liquid foams and turns into ing process wastes mouthwash. Unlike the regular brushing experience, gallons of water, especially if the faucet is left on during rinsing isn’t necessary. According to the the process. Also, water in many parts of company’s website, aquafreetoothbrush. the planet is not safe to consume. Cinelli com, the product activates the salivary experienced that himself when he fell ill glands, helping the user spit the liquid during a trip to Mexico after brushing his
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teeth with water from the faucet. “By eliminating the need for water, our dental products save millions of gallons of water annually, and present a safe guarantee to dental hygiene in unsanitary conditions,” states the product’s website. While the Aquafree’s appeal will likely spread to those who want to conserve water, in conserving water, the company has also seen interest from cancer hospitals, amputees, arthritis sufferers and the military, according to reports. The company is also involved in negotiations with distributors to place it both in domestic and international markets.
Back to Back Chiropractor or Masseuse:
mechanical in nature – joint mechanics that are altered, which could deal with muscle pain, ligament pain and/or nerve irritation,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “Our angle is to see if someone has a mechanical back here are all kinds of back pain: nag- issue. We typically would treat one to ging knots, throbbing tweaks and irritating pinches. In rare cases back two weeks. If they respond favorably pain requires immediate medical attention, such as back pain that includes the we would continue to work with that case to ensure following: fever, an intensity that may have woken you up in the middle of the full healing. If not, we obtain imaging such as MRI or CAT night, leg pain or bowel incontinence. But when symptoms are less severe, who SCANS or second opinions should you call? A chiropractor or a mas- from orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons or neurologists. But seuse? The main difference between the two your typical case of neck pain, mid back pain, lower back pain therapies is that one solves skeletal and and cases involving arm pain joint problems, while the other focuses or leg pain would certainly do on muscular discomfort. Unfortunately, knowing which system is causing the pain well with an initial chiropractic isn’t always clear. For that reason, Patrick evaluation.” Because chiropractic therapy is the McLaughlin, D.C., of the McLaughlin treatment of spine mechanics, which afChiropractic Center, suggests getting fect the nervous system, the likelihood of an assessment through a chiropractor to determine whether or not muscle pain is nerve irritation decreases with each treatthe result of spinal problems that can’t be ment. With this decrease comes a better chance of finding long-term results in the corrected with a masseuse. “Our philosophy is, most back pain is search for decreased back pain. “From doing this 18 years, coupled with research studies, this is the most effective thing you can do for general spine pain,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “If they see a family practitioner, the patient typically will receive a prescription for medication which may include anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers and pain killers. Chiropractic adjustments are a more conservative approach than medicine, injections and surgical intervention.” However, deciding on whether or not to try a masseuse or a chiropractor for back pain isn’t always an “either/or” decision. Sometimes it’s both. “I’ve been massaging for 12 years and I have worked for two chiropractors,” said Marika Carey, owner of Taylors Creek Massage in Beaufort. “The experience I
Relieving Tension with the Right Therapy for You
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had, we always used massage therapy, especially with whiplash. Trigger points need to be worked out manually and this is what a massage therapist would do. They complement each other. Sometimes one without the other is not as effective. In my opinion, the two together is perfect. I recommend to a lot of people, that if you’re tight in the upper area, I can adjust but you need bone tension release. I can’t do that. “But at the same time, you can release all the bone in the world, and if you don’t work on the muscle, it can pull your bone right back out of balance,” she said. For some, deciding between the two therapies may be as simple as choosing between three weeks of spinal adjustment or a massage that lasts a few minutes. “As far as what feels better, a 30-minute massage or a 2-minute adjustment, I won’t argue that,” said Dr. McLaughlin. “Massage therapy has its place, certainly. Massage therapy does not address the underlying joint mechanics directly and most chiropractic techniques do not address muscle problems directly. Although there are chiropractic techniques that do address muscular issues directly, most affect the spinal mechanics by adjusting the specific spinal misalignments.” At the same time, it is not uncommon for people suffering back pain to have mixed results from chiropractors before finding relief from a massage and vice versa. “I’ve had people see a chiropractor for so long and they came to me and I could immediately release their problem area,” said Carey. “It was a tissue problem, not a bone issue. If you get results, where you get a combination of all that works, that would be the perfect scenario.” 19
To the Beat Tell it to Your Heart
eart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It is responsible for more hospitalizations than all cancers combined and roughly one person dies every minute from the disease. Worldwide, it causes 12 million deaths each year, according to the World Health Organization. To help bring attention to this silent killer, Congress has required the president proclaim February as American Heart Month every year since 1963, and 2010 is no different. During this time, the American Heart Association (AHA) gets volunteers to go out and collect donations for education purposes and research into heart disease. One event being sponsored in this area by the AHA is the Coastal Carolina Gala, a black tie event held at the New Bern Riverfront Convention Center on Feb. 20. The heart really is an amazing organ. It
beats about 100,000 times a day, or about 2.5 billion times during an average lifetime, and circulates the six quarts of blood in your body three times every minute. In one day, the blood travels a total of 12,000 miles. That’s like going to China and back. Heart disease gradually builds up over time and early symptoms can be barely noticeable. It comes in a number of forms, but the most common is coronary artery disease, which alone is the No. 1 killer in the country. The disease results in the accumulation of plaque within the walls of the coronary arteries that supply the muscle of the heart with oxygen and nutrients. This is a long time in the making. According to, fat builds up along vessel walls before our teen years, and as it accumulates over time, it injures those walls. In an attempt to heal itself, the fatty tissue releases chemicals to promote the healing process, but makes the inner walls sticky. Along come proteins, calcium particles and other detritus that travel in our blood stream and they get stuck, becoming a substance called plaque. That
WiNTEr 2010
plaque narrows the flow of blood in the artery, and during times of increased exertion or stress, the body may not be able to supply enough blood to the heart muscle, or the clot may totally block the blood supply, causing heart damage or even a heart attack. Another potentially deadly cardiovascular disease is stroke, which is the nation’s third deadliest killer. A stroke occurs when blood flow to a region of the brain is obstructed and may result in death of brain tissue.
Full service dentistry for the entire family The best weapons to fight against heart disease are within our grasp. Here are five recommendations from the Mayo Clinic:
Don’t smoke or use tobacco products. Tobacco smoke contains 4,800 chemicals and many can damage the heart and blood vessels, making them more vulnerable to narrowing. Also, smoking increases heart rate and blood pressure. On a good note, the risk of heart disease drops just a year after quitting.
• Preventive Care/Cleanings • Partials/Dentures • Extractions • Tooth-Colored Fillings • Gum Disease Therapy • Crowns, Bridges, Implants • Emergency Treatment • Tooth Sealants
Get active. Regular participation in moderately vigorous physical activity helps control your weight, reduce blood pressure and high cholesterol and cuts down on your chances of developing diabetes. Guidelines recommend getting 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days, but anything is better than nothing. Activities like walking the dog, housekeeping and gardening all count toward that total.
Watch what you eat. Consume foods
low in fat, cholesterol and salt and eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lowfat dairy products. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in some fish as well as supplements, are also a great way to cut your risk. And, if you drink, do so in moderation. That means no more than two drinks a day for a man and one drink a day for a woman.
Maintain a healthy weight. Weight gain increases the chances of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Get regular health screenings. High blood pressure and cholesterol are easy to detect, but without testing, you won’t know whether you have these conditions. If you’ve recently suffered a heart attack or been diagnosed with heart failure, your doctor likely wants you to reduce your sodium intake because heart failure causes the body to retain sodium. Extra sodium can cause fluid to build up in your body, and extra fluid makes your heart work harder – not a good thing for a muscle already under strain. Ways to cut down on sodium include losing the salt shaker, choosing low-sodium versions of favorite foods and learning how to read food labels, which will tell you if a product is high in salt. NCCOAST Health & Wellness/ARA Content
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w w w . N C C O A S T. c o m
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General Hospital Carteret general
Carteret Home Health Named Top Home Health Care Provider Carteret General Hospital proudly Hospital Accredited in Computed announced that Carteret Home Health Tomography (CT) Services Services has been named to the 2009 Seven technologists with a combined 100 years of experience working in Carteret HomeCare Elite, a compilation of the topperforming home health agencies in the General’s CT department helped earn the United States. This annual review identifies hospital a three-year accreditation in Comthe top 25 percent of agencies and further puted Tomography (CT) Services by the highlights the top 100 and top 500 agenAmerican College of Radiology (ACR). These highly skilled technicians using the cies overall. In North Carolina 30 agencies were among this group, with Carteret Home CT (a 64-slice Toshiba Acquillion for adult Health being the only representative from and pediatric patients) are Robin Terry, Kaour local community. Winners are ranked tie Pearsall, Cory Forbes, Amber Vanetten, by an analysis of performance measures in Nancy Yarborough, Darice Defoggi and quality outcomes, quality improvement, and Melanie Stewart. financial performance. The ACR, headquartered in Reston, Va., “The 2009 HomeCare Elite winners awards accreditation to facilities for the achievement of high practice standards after demonstrate a commitment to providing their patients with the best possible care a peer review evaluation of the practice. Evaluations are conducted by board-certified while performing at the highest level,” said Nancy Buller, senior director of marketing physicians and medical physicists who are communications at OCS HomeCare. “We experts in the field. They access the qualificongratulate Carteret Home Health on becations of the personnel and the adequacy ing one of the top home care agencies in the of facility equipment. The surveyors report country.” their findings to the ACR’s Committee on “We are proud to be recognized for our Accreditation, which subsequently provides commitment to quality home health care,” the practice with a comprehensive report. In addition to CT, Carteret General is also said Penny Carr, director of Carteret Home Health and Hospice. “Our entire staff, workACR accredited in MRI and Digital Maming as a team, has contributed to this honor. mography.
Group Meetings Held at Carteret General Hospital
January 2010
Look Good Feel Better for Female Cancer Patients: 2pm, Jan. 11 – Learn tips for hairstyling, skin & nail care and makeup. Regular meetings on second Monday of Jan., March, May, July, Sept., and Nov. in the hospital. Call 808-6642. Stroke Support Group: 2:30pm., Jan. 11 – Meets monthly on the second Monday at CGH Learning Center, 3601 Bridges St. Call 808-6487. Better Breathers: 3pm, Jan. 19 – Meets third Tuesday in Jan., May, Sept. and Nov. in Meeting Room B. Call 808-6616. Sleep Disorders Support Group: 6:30pm, Jan. 21 – Meets third Thursday of Jan., April, July & Oct. in Meeting Room A. Call 808-6615.
February 2010
Leukemia/Lymphoma/Myeloma Support Group: noon, Feb. 8 – Meets second Tuesday of Feb., May, Aug. and Nov. in the hospital. Lunch is provided. Call 808-6642 to register.
March 2010
Hospital Gala: March 20 – Volunteers are needed now for CGH Foundation’s Hospital Gala at the Dunes Club. All proceeds benefit cancer care in Carteret County. Call 8086647 to request an invitation or sponsorship information.
WiNTEr 2010
setting it up, and it is a significant challenge for them,” he said, citing technical, logistical, legal and administrative issues. “Almost universally, hospitals have stepped up to do this because they appreciate what military families do for us.” The first step to setting up a video conference with a deployed service member is to contact the Freedom Calls Foundation at 516-277-2210. If a conference is possible, Freedom Calls will then work with the hospital or family to set it up. Strickland suggests pregnant spouses contact the foundation at least a month in advance of the baby’s due date. For more information about the Freedom Calls Foundation, visit
By Heather M. Owens communication surrounding “milestone events,” though opportunities to talk at other times are also available. The birth of a child is a milestone event in any family’s life, and both Onslow Memorial Hospital and Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune (NHCL) work with Freedom Calls to provide video conferences between new moms, their babies and the deployed service member. Tim Strickland, spokesperson for Onslow Memorial, said the Freedom Calls Foundation approached the hospital about three years ago regarding the opportunity. “Our very first Freedom Call was basically a video conference the day after delivery,” he said. “Earlier this year, for the first time, we facilitated a video conference during active labor.” Cheryl Bunker, Marine spouse and registered nurse for Onslow Memorial’s labor and delivery department, said the opportunity makes for better bonding between the parents and their new baby. onsloW memorial “It makes all the difference in the world to the deployed member to see their child The Miracle of Life from Miles Away for the first time,” said Cmdr. Jane French, “It is technologically and economically department head of NHCL’s maternal child feasible now to have a war fighter ‘come infant nursing unit. She added that it is often a stress reliever for the new dad to see home’ each night and tuck his children with his own eyes that everything is OK into bed, and we are trying to establish that with his wife and baby. paradigm,” said John Harlow, founder of Since its inception, Freedom Calls has Freedom Calls, an organization which facilitates satellite video conferencing between brought families together to celebrate births, marriages, graduations, and even facilitated deployed service members and their loved one Marine’s “presence” at his wife’s in vitro ones back home. The nonprofit Freedom Calls Foundation fertilization. The service has also helped service members say goodbye to terminally uses corporate donations to buy satellite ill loved ones back home. time and coordinates with military comAs for the labor and post-birth video conmands in the field to provide opportunities ferences, Strickland said he appreciates the for service members to visit with their famisupport of the participating hospitals. lies. Due to the high cost of satellite time, “We couldn’t do this without the hospital’s Freedom Calls typically focuses on providing We want to continue to be the provider of choice in home health and hospice care in Carteret County by providing the community with the care and support needed in the places they call home.” For more information visit or call 252.808.6081. Gail Russell of Raab Cancer Clinic Recognized for Excellence Gail Russell, social worker in Carteret General Hospital’s Raab Cancer Clinic, received the Case Management Social Work Excellence Award on Oct. 22. The award recognizes the impact and importance of case management and social work on patient care. Russell was one of many individuals nominated from all the case managers and social workers at Carteret General. She was not only nominated by her director, but also by her co-workers in nursing, filing, pharmacy, patient registration, coding, patient scheduling and food services.
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Hospital Acquires Advanced Radiation Technology CarolinaEast Health System announced in October that it was adding the Varian Medical Systems Clinac IX with an onboard imaging system to its life saving radiation therapy cancer treatment technologies. The On-Board Imager makes it possible for doctors to offer patients image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), an extremely precise form of treatment that utilizes multiple imaging and motion management techniques for ultra-accurate tumor targeting. “This state-of-the-art technology will enable us to treat patients with the most advanced radiotherapy techniques, using the most clinically efficient processes available,” said Rick Fisher, CarolinaEast’s director of imaging. “It provides us with tremendous versatility and precision for customizing treatments according to the specifics of each patient’s case. Varian’s robotic On-Board Imager, which is capable of real-time tumor tracking and automated patient positioning, enables clinicians to concentrate radiation doses on the tumor while protecting surrounding healthy tissue. This means that high doses of radiation can be delivered quickly and with enhanced precision, which translates into fast treatments, greater patient comfort, and the potential for better outcomes. “Radiation therapy is used today in more than half of all cancer treatments due to its unique clinical advantages,” explained Fisher. “Using this latest technology, we have the potential to substantially improve treatment outcomes by doing a better job of protecting healthy tissue while delivering more powerful doses to cancerous tumors.”
Take a Paws Slimming Down Fat Cats and Portly Pups
o his owners, Moby, a 4-year-old Australian Shepherd, was a very healthy, spry dog, so when his veterinarian told them that beneath his thick, reddish-brown coat he had a weight problem, they were a bit shocked. Apparently, all that baby food licked off the floor, and the lack of activity that came with the two toddlers who had recently joined the family, added about 10 extra pounds on a normally 65-pound dog. The good news is the veterinarian was able to put Moby on a program of diet and exercise, and he was back in perfect shape within a year. Studies show that pet obesity is an epidemic in this country. According to a 2005 study, approximately 35 percent of American dogs and cats are obese or overweight, and some veterinarians report that they see even higher percentages now. “I would say that probably more than 50 percent of the animals that we see are
overweight,” says Dr. Larry R. Corry, a companion animal practitioner in Georgia and president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). “We say that people are ‘killing their pets with caring.’ They want to give too much food, table scraps and too many treats. They simply don’t realize how unhealthy that can be.” Obesity can cause a number of health problems, including diabetes and heart problems. Diabetes in animals can be treated successfully with diet and insulin, but treatments are expensive and difficult to undertake successfully with cats. Diabetes treatments require animals to eat on a consistent basis, and cats don’t often enjoy following a schedule. Treating obesity before the animal becomes diabetic is a far simpler solution, Dr. Corry says. “If we can get pet owners to comply with weight-loss plans, usually we don’t have any problem getting the animal’s weight under control,” Corry says. “Weight-loss diets generally involve specially formulated pet foods or simply a reduction of the amount of food the animal receives. “Every member of the family has to
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be in agreement, because if one person is slipping the dog scraps under the table, the program won’t work,” he continues. For dogs and cats on a diet, one little treat can truly be a diet buster. For example, giving a cat one potato chip may not seem like an extravagant snack, but it’s equivalent to giving an adult human half a cheeseburger or half a candy bar. And giving your cat an ounce of milk is equivalent to eating four and a half cheeseburgers. Giving your pet pooch one hot dog is equivalent to you eating two cheeseburgers. Needless to say, giving a pet table scraps is a sure ticket to pet obesity. The AVMA has partnered with Hill’s Pet Nutrition Inc. to combat obesity by sponsoring the Alliance for Healthier Pets - Obesity Awareness and Prevention Program. The initiative’s primary goal is to educate the public on how to recognize obesity and to suggest simple solutions. Visit to see examples of how common pet treats translate into major calories. For more information about animal health, visit avma. Courtesy of ARA content
Fit to Read country’s health care system is a reflection of the history, By T. R. Reid politics, economy and national values of that country. n his book The Healing of America, T.R. According to Reid, the French Reid examines how other industrialized have outstanding health care countries provide health care for their in a system based on private citizens and then explores how the US fares doctors and nonprofit health in comparison. insurance. The Germans have a Reid, a correspondent for the Washinghigh quality system and strictly control ton Post and commentator for NPR, states payments to doctors. The Japanese are the that our country ranks 54th in the world healthiest people on earth but go to the in fairness of health care systems. An apdoctor more than other nationalities. In pendix in the back of this book offers other Britain, the government owns the hospitals, statistical comparisons of the rank of care pays the doctors and covers all the bills. here compared to the rest of the economiThe Canadians have universal coverage but cally advanced world. The opening chapter often have long waits for treatments. offers a personal story about a girl who dies Reid writes that there is a paradox when because her health insurance is cancelled, the health care system of the United States an emotional way to being such a rational is compared to the others. We have the best approach as this. equipped hospitals, the leading laboratories For his research the author went to and the best-educated doctors and nurses, France, Germany, Japan, Canada and Great yet we lag behind the other countries in so Britain, interviewing doctors and health many areas, such as universal coverage. He care officials. He points out that each
The Healing of America
observes that some Americans get the best care in the world, but most of the people in our country do not receive the level of care available in the other countries studied. The Healing of America has become become a bestselling book as the subject is of so much interest in the United States today. His systems do not lead to socialized medicine and they do not ration care. One of the most interesting myths he seeks to debunk is that health insurance companies have to be cruel in order to make a profit. His premise is that we can bring about fundamental change in health care in this country by borrowing the best from other nations. For those who want to be informed as our politicians debate what to do about the way we provide medical care in our country, this is a very worthwhile read. Curt Finch Emerald Isle Books
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Yoga New Year’s Resolution or Intention? By Cheryl LeClair The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it. – Marcus Aurelius Yoga is frequently thought of as a physical practice in the Western world. However, one that has studied and practiced yoga knows that its benefits go far beyond just the physical. “Yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj” or “to yoke.” Through the practice of yoga we yoke the body to the breath and intellect, or to the universal power or life force. The changes one may experience through the practice of yoga occur over time, yet they can be profound. Physical changes may include increased cardiac and circulatory function, decreased weight, and increased muscle tone, strength and flexibility. Mentally, we may find ourselves able to handle stressful situations with ease, and experience increased focus. Yoga also promotes self-acceptance and a positive outlook. Finally, yoga builds awareness of yourself and others, promoting a
feeling of oneness with the world. We experience yoga at its best when the pose is steady, the breath is deep and even, and the mind is at ease. We then take this same steadiness and ease of mind into our lives on a daily basis. In yoga, our practice grows through setting intentions. We may set an intention for our daily yoga practice to be aware of our breath. We may also set longer term intentions, such as to be mindful of our actions as to how they affect others. It is through the power of intention that many of these changes occur through the practice of yoga. Yoga is not a goal; we have not achieved perfection when we do a perfect downward facing dog. The practice of yoga encourages us to look within and notice our breath as we hold the pose. Is the breath steady and even? What is our mental state while holding the pose? Are we at ease, or is our mind turbulent and unsteady? An intention differs from a resolution. An intention involves a constant state of mindfulness that brings the intended outcome to fruition. This differs from a resolution in that a resolution might state “I am going to lose 20 pounds.” When our weight has dropped only one pound after two weeks and we only make it to the gym three days in the two weeks, we feel as if we’ve already failed and we give up. With the yogic practice of setting an intention, one may set an intention to live in a more healthful lifestyle in the coming year. When we bring this intention to mind daily, it informs our choices in selecting foods and we become more physically active, knowing we need to participate in daily physical activity. The intention helps develop a constant state of mindfulness that leads to lasting changes in one’s habits and the desired result. Take a gentle approach to making a positive lasting change in your life. Quiet your mind and look within, set an intention and watch the transformation. Cheryl LeClair is a yoga instructor and trained iRest Integrative Restoration teacher. Cheryl teaches at various locations along the Crystal Coast, and can most frequently be found teaching at Yoga for You in Morehead City.
WiNTEr 2010
Parenting Must-Haves for ‘Green’ Moms
t’s not enough anymore to just teach your kids to look both ways before crossing the street, pick up after themselves and play nicely together. Modern moms need to teach children lessons on how to help preserve the environment for years to come. “The best way to teach is to lead by example, so if you want your children to grow up to be eco-minded adults, show them how to do it by ‘greening’ your own habits now,” says Emily Smith, vice president of the Disney Online Mom and Family Portfolio. “ offers easy, everyday advice and tips for eco-conscious moms. Fortunately, plenty of inexpensive products and resources can help your family live a more environmentally responsible lifestyle.” Here’s a list of the top six “green” products that can easily be incorporated into your everyday family routine.
Reusable water bottles - You want
your kids to drink plenty of water because it’s good for them, but you’re concerned that all those plastic bottles ending up in landfills aren’t good for the environment. The solution? Reusable water bottles. Easily available in stores, reusable water bottles like those used by cyclists and hikers are a great alternative to disposable bottles. By using them, you help reduce the waste stream and save money on more expensive bottled water. To really go eco-friendly, try a stainless steel bottle that is naturally durable and BPA free.
Reusable razors - Did you know that
about 2 billion plastic razors end up in landfills each year? That’s the estimate by the Environmental Protection Agency. So replace your limited use disposable razors with a reusable one that allows you to keep the handle and only switch the blades. You’ll reduce the amount of trash going into the waste stream and your legs may thank you since reusable razors are often better quality than disposable ones.
Reusable shopping bags - Plastic
bags wind up in waterways and harm wildlife, or end their life in landfills where they’ll remain forever. Paper Composting machine - Turn your bags are biodegradable but resources leftover table scraps into compost and are required to make them. Reusable you will rank as the “Queen of Green” cloth shopping bags are better for the in your children’s eyes. A composting environment. And you can make your machine makes the job super easy, own fashion statement by choosing but you can also make compost with fun, funky or fashionable totes to a simple composting barrel, available function as your shopping bag. in any home improvement or garden Compact fluorescent light bulbs store. - Not only do CFLs consume much less energy than conventional incandescent bulbs, they last longer too. You’ll save money on your energy bill – not to mention your annual household light bulb budget – by replacing the incandescent bulbs in your home with these energy-saving alternatives.
All-natural cleaning products
- Long gone are the days when “natural cleaner” meant “good for the environment, but not so good for cleaning.” Today, a plethora of products made from natural ingredients are gentler on the environment than harsh chemicals, but as powerful at cleaning as common chemical cleansers. You can find everything from laundry detergent and dish soap to window cleaner and even degreasers – all made from natural products. Courtesy of ARA Content
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Your World Live Healthier and Better … It’s the Law
makers decided we couldn’t do both, implementing a law that makes it illegal to text or read any emails while driving. Violations could cost drivers hundreds of dollars in fines.
he world in which we live is changing. Technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, the economy is becoming more global and health issues are a growing concern to many. As a result, state and federal politicians implemented or are in the process of addressing a number of laws, in some cases as the result of new information, in others the result of a shifting perception. Below is a synopsis of some of the The law comes on the heels of several ways our world is changing. high profile accidents involving text messaging and fatalities, as well as a Breathe Easy startling report from the Virginia Tech State legislators, to the chagrin of Transportation Institute which found some, succeeded in passing a tobacco that when drivers texted, their collision ban forcing smokers out of restaurants risk was 23 times greater than when not and bars when they want to light up. texting – far surpassing the dangers of North Carolina is now one of the more other driving distractions. The study than 30 states that have such a law; also discovered that in the moments behowever, this state’s ban is particularly fore a crash or near crash, drivers typinoteworthy as North Carolina is the cally spend 4.6 seconds with their eyes leading producer of tobacco in the off the road texting – long enough for a country. vehicle operating at highway speeds to The law authorizes fines of travel the length of a football field. up to $50 for people who While some in the federal governsmoke after being asked ment are pushing for a nationwide ban, to stop, and up to President Barack Obama has already $200 for managers of taken some action, banning all federal establishments who employees from texting while driving in have twice been warned a government-owned vehicle or using to enforce the law. Supporters say a government-owned cell phone while it will protect people from the ad- driving. verse health effects of second-hand Among the high profile crashes smoke, which according to the involving text messaging was a train U.S. Surgeon General, is responaccident in California that killed 25 sible for over 50,000 deaths in the passengers. The driver of the train was nation annually. apparently texting shortly before the Critics of the ban say it infringes crash. on personal rights, as well those of the business owners running bars Ban the Bottle and restaurants. On the environmental end, the state enacted a law in October of 2009 banCommunication Breakdown ning plastic bottles, motor oil filters To send a text message, we need to and wooden pallets from landfills. use our hands, eyes and concentration Instead, the Department of Environ– three functions pivotal when operatmental and Natural Resources wants ing a motor vehicle. In 2009, state law- to see recycling programs boosted and 28
WiNTEr 2010
is encouraging businesses that generate a high quantity of those products to do so. Enforcement of the disposal bans will chiefly be applied at disposal facilities, such as landfills and transfer stations, and is unlikely to take place at individual businesses. The new law coincides with Clear Path Recycling, partly owned by Shaw Industries Group, creating the largest PET recycling plant in the country in North Carolina. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is identified by the number “1” inside a recycling symbol and is the plastic of choice for most soda and water bottles. The product can be recycled into polyester and used for goods such as carpets, which Shaw’s manufactures.
Tit for Tat
There appears to be a growing political will in the US to increase free trade agreements with an assortment of other nations. Free trade is a policy that authorizes traders to act and transact without governmental interference, allowing for the allocations of goods and services to truly reflect supply and demand. This differs from other forms of trade policy, where governments intervene by adjusting prices and restricting supply. The US is currently negotiating entry into the Transpacific Partnership free trade pact, which currently includes New Zealand, Chile, Singapore and Brunei. According to press reports, the US wants to build the TPP to include all the major economies of the region. Republican congressional leaders are also urging the president to work on approving long-stalled free trade pacts with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, possibly some time this year.
Business Index atHlete’s Foot ................................... 9 252-756-7267 or 252-637-7770 Cape Carteret aquatiC & Wellness........................ 25 300 Taylor Notion road, Cape Carteret 252-393-1000 Carolina east HealtH sYstem .................. baCk Cover 2000 Neuse Blvd., New Bern 252-633-815 Carolina pHYsiCal tHerapY ...................... 12, 13 252-726-9777 Carteret FamilY praCtiCe ................ 11 208-A Penny Lane, Morehead City, 252-2 7-5177
Coastal eYe CliniC .......................... 31 802 McCarthy Blvd., New Bern 252-633- 183 350 Bridges St., Morehead City 252-726-106 Coastal Foot Center ...................... 21 3221 Henderson Drive, Jacksonville 910-3 7-1211 CommunitY pHarmaCY ................... 11 3302 Bridges St., #A, Morehead City 252-726-7787 tHe dental Care Center .................. 21 202 WB McLean Drive, Cape Carteret 252-393-8168 eastern dermatologY...................... 9 251 Arendell St., Suite A, Morehead City 252-2 0-3531
indulgenCe spa ................................. 5 6 Arendell St., Morehead City 252-2 7-9729 Jon douglas lesan FamilY dentistrY .............................. 11 123 Cobia Court, Jacksonville 910-938-6000 mClaugHlin CHiropraCtiC ............. 17 5039 Executive Drive, Morehead City 252-808-2888 sanborn ortHodontiCs................ 25 251 Arendell St. # F, Morehead City 252-727-0020 sCHilskY CHiropraCtiC ................... 17 312 Dolphin Drive, Jacksonville 910-3 7- 033 soundside HealtH Care .................... 6 3106 Arendell St., Morehead City 252-808-2500
Carteret general Hospital .............. 3 3500 Arendell St., Morehead City 252-808-6000
eCim .................................................. 30 906 W.B. McLean road, Cape Carteret 252-393-9007
Carteret mediCal speCialist ........... 30 300 Penny Lane, Morehead City 252-726- 000
Farm bureau insuranCe .................. 7 370-6 Arendell St., Morehead City 252-726- 779
Carteret surgiCal tHerapY .............. 2 53 N 35th St. Ste. D, Morehead City 252-726-1802
FrogleY CHiropraCtiC .................... 17 2113 Glenburnie rd., Suite H, New Bern 252-658-6222
Willis, vanek, ball & FisCHer ........... 2 Locations in Morehead City, Havelock and Jacksonville
CHerrYl davis, dds .......................... 31 316 Commerce Ave., Morehead City 252-2 7- 900
Hearing solutions........................... 5 3110 Arendell St., No. 8, Morehead City 252-726-8578
Yoga For You ................................. 26 2900 Arendell St., # 16, Morehead City 252-2 7-YOGA
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sports Center ................................... 5 701N 35th St., Morehead City 252-726-7070
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