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Climate Warriors Unite Now, for the first time in history, it is possible for anyone to study the most sacred and ancient knowledge. This knowledge is profound, nearly incomprehensible, and ultimately only useful when made practical in one’s daily life. Live it, and the truth will be made starkly evident. Learn more at
Experience is better than belief.
A Call to Action by Sandra Yeyati
n November 2018, one and protest. “Greta gave perWe are the of the worst fires in Calones we’ve been mission to students all around ifornia history overtook the world to make their voices waiting for. the town of Paradise and heard,” she says of the Swedish surrounding communities, ~Solemi Hernandez teenager whose school strike killing 88 people and destroyinitiative—Fridays for Fuing more than 18,000 buildings. Alexandria ture—has become a worldwide phenomenon. Villaseñor, who was visiting family 100 miles On December 14, 2018, Villaseñor away in her hometown of Davis, experienced began her own Friday vigils outside the the suffocating effects of the smoke: Every U.N.—sometimes alone, other times with breath was difficult for the asthmatic teen friends she’s inspired to take action; she also who is now 14 and lives in New York City. helped organize the 2019 Global Climate The fire changed Villaseñor’s life. “I Strike in New York City, attended by more was very upset, and I wanted to understand than 300,000 people, and founded Earth why these fires were happening,” she says. Uprising, a nonprofit global youth move“I started to research climate change and ment. She’s one of 16 youngsters, along with wildfires, and began to see the scientific Thunberg, that filed a legal complaint with connection between the two.” the U.N. demanding that France, Germany, Awakened by personal concerns and Brazil, Argentina and Turkey curb their ignited by emerging role models, activists of carbon emissions. all ages are learning how to become effective “There are so many ways that young climate warriors. Watching Greta Thunberg people can get involved,” says Villaseñor. speak soon after the California disaster to “They can give presentations about climate world leaders at COP 24, the United Nations change in their classes and communities. Climate Change Conference in Poland, Go out with a sign and protest, or lobby empowered Villaseñor to take to the streets politicians. Have clear demands of what you
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