therapy spotlight
Stay Calm, Help is Coming by Conrad Welsing
ife is volatile, yet we attempt to control the uncontrollable. With COVID-19, there is no instant fix and we are burdened with “COVID Stress Syndrome”, a recognized condition. The public needs to be put back into this public health issue. Mental health advocate Katie Reed says, “Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.” The pressure over the next few months will be trying for even those that appear strong and in control. Self-care, including meditation and self-hypnosis, can help reframe our thoughts and ground us. There are several active, self-care actions we can take now to cope well and have positivity for the future. The first is making a rational assessment of risk. Vaccines are being administered around us, but it’s not a quick fix. Store closings and mask-wearing will
continue for months. We need to address the anxiety and fear with factual information and personal responsibility. There are proven steps we can do, including testing, isolating, keeping safe and focusing on things that bring positivity to our disrupted lives. We need to address how sensitive we are to anxiety and how intolerant we are of uncertainty. These feelings are real. They do not need to dominate our lives. Here are some practical steps for self-care. Move around. Go for a brisk walk for a change of scenery outside. Our bodies are meant to move, and exercise is a great natural detoxifier. If we can’t get out, do yoga at home; there are local yogis with video sessions. We can surround ourselves with indoor plants, bringing nature indoors. Take a hot bath or shower. Visualize washing away the frustration and stress, as well as the anger and hurt that’s swirling around inside. Take a break from the internet. We realize how misinformation spreads like a virus. The democratization of information enables everyone to publish their thoughts, even if they’re totally made up. And surrounding ourselves with the worldwide web is not the same as a hug. Stay safe, keeping our elderly relatives and friends at a distance. Save the hugs for later. Conrad Welsing is a professional hypnotic consultant based in Ann Arbor. For more information, visit See ad page 37.
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