1 minute read
Weekday Morning Online Meditation – Mon-Fri. 7:30-8am. Insight Meditation Ann Arbor offers a 30-min online group sitting via Zoom. Free, donations gratefully accepted. InsightMeditationAnn Arbor.org.
Beginner Tai Chi – 10-11:15am. A series of postures linked together in fluid manner. Focuses on relaxation in motion, balance and the mind/body connection. Can attend one or both sessions per week (Mon morning &/or Thurs evening). $195. Peaceful Dragon School, 1945 Pauline Blvd, Ste B, Ann Arbor. 734-741-0695. PeacefulDragonSchool.com.
Meaningful Mondays – 8pm. SevaLight Retreat Centre warmly welcomes everyone, of all faiths, meditation practices and traditions, to join us virtually. Will gather on video conference sharing in song/ chants and inspiring readings from Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharmaji’s writings, followed by Pure Meditation and silent prayer. Free. Email by 10am any Monday to receive the info about how to join by video: Info@SelfRealizationCentreMichigan.org.