12 minute read
Time to look as young as you feel

What will your face, neck, and hands reveal about you this win- DR. HANDLER OFFERS TELEDERMATOLOGY lines. Dr. Handler is the only dermatologist in northwest Ohio performing ter? When you are enjoying yourself Dr. Handler has been providing virtual dermatology for patients over several years. Due to the viral pandemic, this may be this procedure. with friends and family, will the fine of interest to his present and prospective patients. Go to Dr. Handler’s website at drharveyhandler.com and scroll to the Are you aware that Dr. Handler lines, brown spots (age spots), and bottom. On the right you’ll find a link to your care. You will receive a diagnosis and treatment program within 24 hours. personally performs laser sagging jowls and neck not portray procedures for removal of body your true age but make you appear hair anywhere hair grows? Yes, this tired and withered? Why not consider a painless and no-downtime treatment, results are seen before leaving the office. Continued minimally painful laser destroys hairs around the chin, jawline, cosmetic procedure to reduce your aging, sun-damaged, and sag- tightening and lifting of sagging skin occurs over a 6-month time upper lip, underarms, ears, nose, bikini line, etc. And this laser is ging facial skin and eliminate brown spots? Allow Dr. Handler to period with results lasting 3-4 years! There is NO downtime and not just for women. Many men have this laser performed to perevaluate and personally recommend a skin-rejuvenation program NO pain. The NEW Thermage CPT Deep Tip system has been manently remove chest and back hair as well as beard hair that for you to reduce the signs of aging. Look as young as you feel utilized by Dr. Handler for many years with excellent results and grows down onto the neck. when gathering with friends and family. very satisfied patients. Most patients see results at the completion Dr. Handler also utilizes the latest in lasers for removal of
Whenever aged and spotted sun-damaged skin is discussed, of the procedure. “age spots” (sun spots really) anywhere on the body. This laser the term used is rejuvenation. Wait! What about “pre-juvenation”? For lines between the eyes (worry lines, 11’s, ski slopes), works especially well for the tops of hands covered with those Prevent and reduce the signs of future aging and sun damage crow’s feet, and the “sleepy and tired look with droopy eyelids,” “age spots.” Finally, Dr. Handler also performs laser removal of with a skin-care program designed for the Millennial and prior- the use of Botox or Dysport works well to improve these areas. unwanted blood vessels that grow on your face and enlarge with tanning-booth generation. Be proactive before the lines and age The results are diminished lines and a more “wide-awake” and heat, stress, and the intake of alcohol. Again, pain and downtime spots appear. Speak with the staff at Dr. Handler’s office to inquire less tired appearance. are minimal with this laser. about specials for cosmetic procedures and topical products to EXCESSIVE UNDERARM SWEATING? Anti-aging and cosmetic enhancements are not for any reduce the signs of aging and fade and eliminate “age spots.” Most cosmetically-oriented patients know that Botox and specific gender. Male cosmetic enhancement and anti-aging
Dr. Handler personally performs many anti-aging procedures Dysport are used to reduce the signs of aging. However, procedures have increased almost 300% in the past 5 years for that are “non-invasive” with minimal discomfort or downtime. You Dr. Handler has utilized these products over many years for sagging skin, darkening under the eyes with the “hollow” look, can minimize under-eye darkening and wrinkling, raise those excessive sweating of the underarms. This excess sweating is and brown spots. The utilization of fillers, such as Restylane and droopy eyelids, shrink pores, lift sagging jowl areas, and appear known as hyperhidrosis and is associated with embarrassment its family of fillers, Juvederm, Radiesse, etc., is excellent for as youthful as you feel. Call Dr. Handler’s office for a personal and anxiety. Most patients require injections twice a year to re- deep smile lines and the “sad and tired look” as evidenced with evaluation with treatment recommendations designed specifically duce sweating 80% or more! The procedure is associated with sagging at the corners of the mouth, hollow cheeks, and aging of for your aging skin. minimal pain and no downtime. the hands. And, of course, the use of Dysport/Botox to reduce
Remember, 80% of the signs of aging are due to prior sun The use of fillers, such as Restylane, Restylane Lyft, forehead “worry lines” is superb. exposure and subsequent skin damage. All the brown spots (“age Juvederm, Radiesse, and others, to “fill” deep smile lines and All of these cosmetic enhancements are performed entirely spots”), broken blood vessels on the face, fine lines, and sagging the marionette lines (the sad look) from the corners of the mouth by Dr. Handler. To view before-and-after photographs of patients skin are caused almost entirely by sun! This is something young produces immediate results lasting 12-15 months! Don’t look tired who have had these procedures performed by Dr. Handler, people should be aware of since we get 80% of our lifetime sun or sad when you are not! Since these products are combined with visit www.drharveyhandler.com. For more detailed information exposure by the time we are 18-20 years of age. a numbing agent, the pain is minimal. Now, Dr. Handler utilizes the about the above-mentioned procedures or products, please call
What about the “worry lines” between your eyes, deep smile injection of new fillers called “Restylane Silk” and “Restylane Dr. Handler’s office at 419-885-3400. Also, remember to inquire lines, upper lip lines (lipstick runs uphill), and your sagging jowls Refyne and Defyne.” These products markedly improve upper and about special pricing available on many cosmetic procedures and and neck? These unfortunate changes caused by prior sun lower lip lines (lipstick lines). Restylane Silk and Kysse also products to diminish the signs of aging and obtain a more vibrant exposure and aging can be improved dramatically with pain-free, volumize your lips and restore their natural curve while looking and youthful appearance of your skin. Look as young as you feel. non-invasive cosmetic procedures performed entirely by attractive and natural. There is no downtime with these noninvasive HAIR LOSS IN MEN AND WOMEN Dr. Handler. procedures. These products also improve the “tear trough” Are you losing hair from surgery, anesthesia, illnesses,
The NEW Thermage CPT Deep Tip procedure painlessly depression and hollowness under your eyes and cause darkening pregnancy, medications, stress, genetics, or “normal” hair loss heats damaged collagen under your skin to tighten and lift sag- to be much less obvious. secondary to aging or low blood levels of nutrients? There are ging areas of the neck, jowls, and upper arms, and wrinkling of Do you want to reduce fine lines, acne scars, and age spots many causes of hair loss in men and women. Most are not simply the skin on the abdomen. The NEW Thermage CPT Deep Tip (brown spots from sun exposure) and shrink pores? Then the due to age or family history, and most are treatable. Now these procedure utilizes radiofrequency energy (not laser). This pro- non-invasive Clear and Brilliant laser is for you. When the Clear problems of hair loss can be evaluated and there is hope for cedure also encourages a natural repair process that results in and Brilliant laser is combined with Thermage CPT Deep Tip, reducing your hair loss and stimulating new growth. Dr. Harvey further tightening, lifting, and younger-looking skin. With only ONE the results are ideal for patients who desire no downtime or pain Handler, board-certified dermatologist of Sylvania, Ohio, has a and predictable results of lifting sagging skin and smoothing fine medical treatment for decreasing your hair loss and increasing growth in many patients!www.drharveyhandler.com Pediatric skin disease diagnosis and treatment is one of Dr. Handler’s special fields in general Dermatology. Age of the
Reduce lines, fade sun spots child is not relevant since Dr. Handler diagnoses and treats ecze-
Smoother, tighter, younger-looking skin on face, arms, and chest ma, hemangiomas, contact and allergic dermatitis, and clear + brilliant laser No surgery. No injections. No downtime. general “lumps and bumps” that children and infants develop. What about “birth marks,” scalp and body “ringworm,” body and head lice, scabies, psoriasis? ADULT, Harvey L. HandLer, m.d., f.a.a.d. If there is a lesion or spot on the skin, Dr. Handler is trained to PEDIATRIC, dipLomate and feLLow of tHe american Board of dermatoLogy examine, diagnose, and treat appropriately. & COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY HAIR & NAILS 5300 Harroun Rd., Suite 126 (in the Medical Office Building on the campus of Flower Hospital) 419.885.3400 Also, everyone should have a yearly full body exam to check for skin cancer, changing moles, and new growths that develop on our bodies. This comprehensive exam should be conducted solely by a board-certified dermatologist. ❦
Healthy Living News offers the residents of northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan a monthly guide to news and information about healthy life styles, health care, sports and fitness, and other issues related to physical, mental and emotional quality of life. The publication promises to be an attractive, interesting and entertaining source of valuable information for all ages, especially those 35 to 50. Healthy Living News is locally owned, committed to quality, and dedicated to serving our great community.
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2 Time to look as young as you feel! 4 Breastfeeding: benefits abound for mom and
Baby by Dennis Bova 9 Seven tips to keep your teen driver safe this winter 10 Considerations for holiday travel during
COVID-19 12 The primary care doctor: your healthcare QB 17 The full scoop on safe snow shoveling 18 Five common fitness mistakes that undermine motivation 25 CBD and tinnitus by Shelly Horvat, AuD, CCC-A 26 You’re never too old for Super Slow Training 28 Healthy body, healthy pocketbook 30 Eating well – Healthy holiday eating by Laurie Syring, RD/LD 34 Quitting smoking doesn’t have to expand your waistline
12 Health Crossword Puzzle 14 A Walk in the Park – The Sunbelt Tour, part 2 by LeMoyne Mercer 20 Spiritually Speaking – We are the light of the world by Sister Mary Thill 21 How to help de-stress the holiday season
December 2020 • Vol. 25, Issue 12 Your Monthly Guide to Healthy Living
22 It’s never too early to set your New Year’s fitness resolutions by Amanda Manthey plus Dave’s Races 24 The Devil and Mrs. Jones, part 8 – Holidays and
COVID-19 by Megan Benner Senecal 24 Healthy aging, part 3 by Daniel J. Jachimiak, BA 31 Anxiety—there is always a “why” by Tom Duvall,
LISW-S 32 Nobody’s Perfect – There’s an (accessible) app for that by Sister Karen Zielinski, OSF 33 ‘Tis the season…for seafood?
6 Sunset affiliates with Otterbein, bids fond farewell to retiring CEO 7 Toledo Clinic Foundation helps cancer patients defray non-medical expenses 8 Laurels outdoor therapy course prepares clients for real-world challenges 23 Elizabeth Scott earns national honor 29 Cancer Connection in Our Community – How to support the grieving during the holidays by Jean Schoen 29 “You Play – Pets Win” raffle to support Planned
Pethood 31 Elizabeth Scott builds nature trail for residents 35 Senior Living Guide
Dear Readers, holiday season, be sure to read “Con-
Thank you for picking up the De- siderations for Holiday Travel During cember issue of Healthy Living News. COVID-19” (p. 10), which is chock As of this writing, there’s both bad full of helpful advice on the topic of news and good news on traveling and socializing the coronavirus front. during the pandemic The bad news is, the rate from Dr. Joan Duggan, of infection is current- an internal medicine ly ratcheting upward and infectious disease in Ohio and across the specialist at UTMC. country. The good news Also in this month’s is, an effective vaccine Adam and Chet Welch issue, you’ll find insights appears to be very close on the many benefits of on the horizon. We urge HLN readers breastfeeding from lactation consulto continue taking all appropriate tant Meghan Gazarek (p. 4); an expert precautions to protect themselves perspective on the vital role of primary and their families from the virus while care in maintaining good health from we await distribution of the vaccine. Dr. Cathy Cantor, Chief Medical Of-
One of those precautions is to stay ficer of Mercy Health Physicians (p. home and limit your contact with peo- 12); timely tips on healthy holiday ple outside your immediate household eating from Eating Well columnist to the extent possible. However, if you Laurie Syring (p. 30); suggestions must travel to be with loved ones this on how to support grieving loved ones during the holidays from Jean Schoen, founder and president of Cancer Connection of Northwest Ohio (p. 29); thoughtful answers to the question “Why are you anxious?” from social worker Tom Duvall of The Willow Center (p. 31); and much, much more.
On behalf of everyone here at Welch Publishing, we’d like to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. Soon we’ll bid farewell to 2020—let’s hope and pray that 2021 turns out to be a much better year!
Until next month, stay safe and healthy, and, as always, whenever you choose any of our advertisers’ products or services, be sure to let them know you “saw it in Healthy Living News.”