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Healthy Idaho / Summer 2018

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Editor’s Note
You want to know one of the best things about summer? Less TV time. I love that our TV is not on as often because there’s just too much life to live outside. And let's face it: reruns. Talk about a waste of time. As summer winds down, it's time to really drink it up— metaphorically.
some of whom are close colleagues of mine,but the ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ philosophy createsa negative persuasion that I don’t miss at allduring the summer. And instead of hanging outwith the likes of Donald ‘You’re fired!’ Trump,Simon ‘That was pathetic’ Cowell, and thoseannoying hosts of Dancing With the Stars, I’vefound so much more time to chat and interactwith neighbors, friends and family. And nobody’sbeen fired or voted off! Instead, I’m able toconvert the extra hours of daylight into biking,hiking and a variety of sports and games mykids and their friends make up.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | PUBLISHER John A. Anderson | john@healthy-mag.com
CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Kenneth J. Shepherd | ken@healthy-mag.com
SALES & MARKETING Julie Guyer 208.371.4533 Steve Wallace 208.850.4983 sales@healthy-idaho.com
DESIGN EDITOR Phillip Chadwick | design@healthy-mag.com
MANAGING EDITOR Michael Richardson | michael@healthy-mag.com
ONLINE EDITOR Chelsa Mackay | chelsa@healthy-mag.com
ASSISTANT DESIGNER Krista Bowen | krista.bowen@stardocs.com
The interesting thing is that I’ve found I am much more optimistic during the summer months. I wonder if it has something to do with less TV. Sure, I know about the effect of shorter versus longer days on our dispositions, and that surely plays a part. I love longer days. I enjoy tossing a ball or taking a stroll through the purple dust of twilight. But I keep coming back to that ‘no time for TV’ thing. And there’s really something to it.
When I begin to think of the images, messages and meaninglessness that is so prevalent on television, I view turning the TV off as a sort of mental detoxification. Clearing the clutter. No offense to the television gurus,
(OK, I'll come clean....I watch DWTS, and Julianne Hough is an engaging host.)
I’ve you’ve ever said to yourself that you’d getmore active if you had more time, well, in a way,during summer, you have more time. Clearly,a lot more daylight time, so turn off the tubeand go try something new. If you’re scratchingyour head about what to do, you’re in luck. Thismonth’s magazine is full of great ideas, tips, andencouragements to get out there and improveyour health. In our fitness section, we even havea ready-to-go ab workout that you can tear outand put on your wall! We even have a list ofthe cool nutrition apps that are out there thatwill make being healthy that much easier. Essentially,this month we’re full to the gills witheverything summer. We’re debunking summerhealth myths, studying the sun and we’re lookingat staying healthy abroad. And if you’ve everwondered what the top 5 foods for women andmen are, we’ve got them.
DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Allyson Long | allyson.long@healthy-mag.com
CONTRIBUTING & STAFF WRITERS Caitlin Schille, Angela Silva, Megan Moore, David Joachim
Healthy Idaho Magazine is printed monthly and delivered extensively throughout Boise and surrounding areas—direct mailed to doctors, dentists, practitioners, health clinics, banks and other businesses and subscribers and is made available for pick up at hundreds of locations. If you would like to have Healthy Idaho Magazine delivered for distribution in your place of business, please contact us.
HEALTHY IDAHO MAGAZINE info@healthy-mag.com
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PLEASE NOTE: The content in this publication is meant to increase reader awareness of developments in the health and medical field and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction on individual health matters, which should be obtained directly from a health professional. The opinions expressed by the authors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher. Call for reprint permission. All photography courtesy of Shutterstock.com unless otherwise noted.
THE POINT IS SIMPLE: IT’S SUMMER. It's timeto celebrate and enjoy our freedoms. So, usethe time positively. Use it to make a healthychange. Use it to recharge your life and yourrelationships. But by all means, turn off the tubeand step outside and create your own hot fun in
published by leadfront.io Copyright © 2018 LeadFront. All rights reserved. info@leadfront.io www.leadfront.io
the summertime!
To discuss LeadFront creative, design, writing,
websites, online marketing services, or even creating
(pictured with my wife, Marlo - who did NOT
your custom publication, call us at 801.369.6139.
know about or approve this picture!)

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Confidence Project
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Healthy Magazine’s
No gym required, and no fitness fanaticism; it’s simple. Quit watching the trendsetters and be one yourself.
*This calendar is for those in decent physical condition who are looking to feel better and weigh a little less. As always, please consult your physician before you begin any new fitness or food plan.
24 HEALTHY IDAHO Healthy-Idaho.com
NO SODA 2. At least three workouts every Monday–Friday, even if the days get mixed up. 3. If you must replace a calendar meal with something else, eat some combination of foods included in the rest of the calendar.
Obviously it will be hard to follow this calendar exactly. Maybe you loathe boiled eggs, or you just forget to buy some stuff on the list, or you just don’t want to throw a baseball. If you don’t like a food, replace it with something else you see on the calendar. If you don’t like a workout, replace it with something else you see on the calendar, or some equivalent exercise. Of course this calendar doesn’t capture the broad scope of healthy foods and activities, so if you like rock climbing, do that instead of running, and if you love Asian food, eat a healthy curry instead of chicken and rice. The point of this calendar is to provide simple options that anyone can use for an entire month.
(*This calendar is for those in decent physical condition who are looking to feel better and weight a little less. Any weight loss endeavor should begin with a consultation with your doctor.)
1 SundayBreakfast: Oats, honey, berries, milk
Lunch: Roasted/baked squash with garlic, butter, bread
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Rest
Snack: Dried mango
8 SundayBreakfast: Vegetable and cheese omelet, orange juice, toast
Lunch: Tomato soup, bread, celery
Dinner: Pork chops, potatoes, asparagus
Workout: RestSnack: Cheat snack! Brownies
15 SundayBreakfast: Fried potatoes, eggs, bacon, orange slices
Lunch: Salad with nuts and cheese.
Dinner: Salmon, rice, lemon, squash
Workout: Rest
Snack: Mixed nuts, plus something chocolate (you deserve it)
22 SundayBreakfast: Eggs, toast, sausage, orange juice
Lunch: Tomato soup, bread, celery
Dinner: Salmon, rice, lemon, squash
Workout: Rest
Snack: Cheat snack! Ice cream
29 SundayBreakfast: Eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice
Lunch: Tomato soup, celery, bread
Dinner: Fried/grilled chicken salad, tomatoes
Workout: RestSnack: Hummus and pita bread
2 MondayBreakfast: Granola, milk, grapefruit
Lunch: Hummus, pita bread, carrots
Dinner: Pork chops, potatoes, asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×10 Run: 1.5 miles Plank: 3×40 seconds
Snack: Apple sauce
9 MondayBreakfast: Yogurt, granola
Lunch: PB&J sandwich on wheat bread, banana
Dinner: Chicken and asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×12 Run: 2 miles Plank: 3×50 seconds
Snack: Almonds, dried apples
16 MondayBreakfast: Cream of wheat, blueberries, milk
Lunch: Tomato soup, celery and bread
Dinner: Chicken, potatoes, asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×15 Run: 2.5 miles Plank: 3×60 seconds
Snack: Cashews and dried pineapple
23 MondayBreakfast: Cream of wheat, blackberries, milk
Lunch: Carrots, fruit, hummus, pita bread
Dinner: Chicken and asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×20 Run: 3 miles Plank: 3×70 seconds
Snack: Banana, cashews
30 MondayBreakfast: Oats, honey, blueberries, milk
Lunch: PB&J sandwich on wheat bread, banana
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Pushups: 3×25 Run: 4 miles Plank: 3×90 seconds
Snack: Crackers, cheese, dried fruit
3 TuesdayBreakfast: Cream of wheat, berries, milk
Lunch: Cheat day! Eat out, but make sure you’re getting something from multiple food groups
Dinner: Fried/grilled chicken salad, vinaigrette dressing
Workout: Play catch with a friend
Snack: Dried apricots
10 TuesdayBreakfast: Cream of wheat, berries, milk
Lunch: Squash, butter, milk, wheat bread
Dinner: Shrimp, pasta, red sauce
Workout: Go to a park and play (soccer, frisbee, jungle gym, swings, etc.)
Snack: Carrots, banana
17 TuesdayBreakfast: Vegetable and cheese omelet, orange juice, toast
Lunch: PB&J sandwich on wheat bread, banana
Dinner: Chicken, rice, green beans
Workout: Play catch for 30 minutes
Snack: Edamame peas
24 TuesdayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, bananas, peanut butter, honey, milk
Lunch: Salsa and corn chips, some fruit
Dinner: Fried/grilled shrimp salad, tomatoes
Workout: Toss a Frisbee
Snack: Bell pepper
4 WednesdayBreakfast: Vegetable and cheese omelet, orange juice, toast
Lunch: Crackers and cheese, plus some fruit
Dinner: Shrimp, pasta, red sauce, peas
Workout: Body squats: 3×15 Jump rope: 10 minutes
Snack: Edamame peas
11 WednesdayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, raspberries, honey, milk
Lunch: Cheat day! Eat out, but make sure the meal is balanced
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Body squats: 3×20 Jump rope: 15 minutes Plank: 3×50 seconds
Snack: Bell pepper
18 WednesdayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, mangos, honey, milk
Lunch: Couscous, chicken, lemon, peas
Dinner: Shrimp, pasta, red sauce
Workout: Body squats: 3×25 Jump rope: 15 minutes Plank: 3×60 seconds
Snack: Almonds, orange
25 WednesdayBreakfast: Oats, honey, blueberries, milk
Lunch: Couscous, chicken, lemon, vegetables
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Body squats: 3×25 Jump rope: 20 minutes Plank: 3×70 seconds
Snack: Dried apricots and mixed nuts
BREAKFAST: 1 gal. Orange Juice 10 c. Oats 2 lbs. Granola 1 box Cream of Wheat Honey 4 Bananas 4 Oranges 2 Grapefruits 1 lb. Blueberries/raspberries/blackberries/ raspberries/strawberries
1 lb. Mangos (frozen) 4 gal. Milk ½ gal. Apple sauce 2 lbs. Potatoes 2 loaves wheat bread 1–2 dozen eggs
5 ThursdayBreakfast: Yogurt, granola
Lunch: Squash, butter, milk, wheat bread
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Go for a 20-minute walk
Snack: Mixed nuts
12 ThursdayBreakfast: Boiled eggs, toast, orange juice
Lunch: Crackers and cheese
Dinner: Fried/grilled chicken salad
Workout: Shoot hoops on a basketball court
Snack: Edamame peas
19 ThursdayBreakfast: Yogurt, granola
Lunch: Cheat day! Eat out, but not fast food.
Dinner: Fried/grilled chicken salad
Workout: Soccer or badminton at the park
Snack: Apple sauce
26 ThursdayBreakfast: Vegetable and cheese omelet, grapefruit, toast
Lunch: PB&J sandwich on wheat bread, banana
Dinner: Pork chops, potatoes, asparagus
Workout: Go for a walk
Snack: Edamame peas and an orange
LUNCH: Squash (spaghetti, acorn or yellow) Tomato soup Corn chips (preferably low fat/ sodium content)
Salsa Celery Jelly Peanut butter Crackers (preferably whole grain) ½ lb. Cheese (preferably low fat/ sodium content)
6 FridayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, mango, honey, milk
Lunch: Salsa and corn chips
Dinner: Couscous, chicken, lemon, asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×10 Run: 1.5 miles Plank: 3×40 seconds
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Snack: Carrots
13 FridayBreakfast: Oats, honey, berries, milk
Lunch: Squash, butter, milk, wheat bread
Dinner: Salmon, rice, asparagus
Workout: Pushups: 3×12 Run: 2.5 miles
Snack: Apple sauces
20 FridayBreakfast: Boiled eggs, toast, grapefruit
Lunch: Tomato soup, celery, bread
Dinner: Chicken, rice, squash
Workout: Pushups: 3×15 Run: 3 miles
Snack: Salsa and corn chips
27 FridayBreakfast: Yogurt, granola
Lunch: Cheat meal! Go out to eat, but not to a burger joint.
Dinner: Chicken, rice, zucchini
Workout: Pushups: 3×20 Run: 3.5 miles
Snack: Almonds, dried apples
DINNER: 8-10 lbs. Chicken 2 lbs. Shrimp 2 lbs. Salmon 3 lbs. Pork 3 Zucchinis 2 Bell peppers 2 lbs. Rice 1 qt. Red sauce 2 Lemons 1 lb. Couscous 1 lb. Asparagus 1 lb. Peas/green beans (frozen) 2 Tomatoes Pasta Lettuce/spinach Vinaigrette dressing
7 SaturdayBreakfast: Boiled eggs, toast, orange juice
Lunch: Cheat meal! Pizza, but try one that isn’t from a chain
Dinner: Salmon, rice, lemon, peas
Workout: Go hiking, minimum of 2 miles
Snack: Popcorn (easy on the salt and butter)
14 SaturdayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, raspberries, honey, milk
Lunch: Cheat weekend! Hamburger, but easy on the greasy fries
Dinner: Pork chops, potatoes, zucchini
Workout: Go bike riding, minimum of 6 miles
Snack: Salsa, corn chips
21 SaturdayBreakfast: Smoothie: oats, berries, honey, milk
Lunch: Couscous, chicken, lemon, vegetables
Dinner: Pork chops, potatoes, green beans
Workout: Go swimming, minimum of 8 laps.
Snack: Dried apples and Wheat Thins
28 SaturdayBreakfast: Oats, honey, strawberries, milk
Lunch: Salad with nuts and cheese.
Dinner: Shrimp, pasta, red sauce, asparagus
Workout: Go hiking, minimum of 4 miles
Snack: Popcorn
*This is not a one-trip shopping list. Perishables will need to be purchased in increments every week. These are all the foods you’ll consume this month.
SNACKS: Carrots Apple sauce 2 lbs. Mixed nuts/almonds/ cashews
½lb. Dried apricots ½lb. Dried mango ¼ lb. Dried pineapple 1 lb. Dried apples Hummus Pita bread Edamame peas Popcorn

To do and
when first starting an exercise program.
not do
1 2 3
DON'T wait for the "perfect" time.
There will never be a perfect time. Learn a few of the
basics and start as soon as you can. Putting it off is agreat way to have nothing change.DO take it slow when you begin.
Rushing into an intensive training program when
you are just starting out is sure to be overwhelming.You'll have a much greater chance of sticking with itif you work into it gradually.DON'T change everything at once.
Think of how traumatic it would be if you suddenly
went from relative inactivity and poor eatingto a high-powered program and a strict diet. Irecommend you start with an exercise program.Keep at it for 3 weeks consistently then think aboutgradually modifying your nutritional habits.DO make a committment.
One of the keys to establishing exercise as a habit
is to make a committment to it. If you go in withthe attitude that you'll do it when it's convenient orwhen you feel like it, your chances of sticking to yourexercise program decrease.5 6 7
8 9
DON'T expect infomercial results.
I'm not going to say you won't see great results—you
will. Just don't expect it to happen in 2 weeks.DO learn as much as you can.
Knowledge is very important. If you don't know what
to do, take a little time and learn first. The rewards willbe huge!DON'T think you must exercise 2 hours a day to see results.
You don't have to exercise nearly that long. You can see
results with as little as 20 to 30 minutes done 3 timesper week.DO ask questions.
I will readily admit I don’t know everything about
exercise and fitness, even though I have a collegedegree in that subject.DON'T work your muscles too hard.
You will most likely make yourself so sore and you
won't want to train anymore. Take it fairly easy for thefirst few session then gradually increase your intensity.26 HEALTHY IDAHO Healthy-Idaho.com

DON'T feel you need to buy all the latest equipment.
You can exercise without any equipment at all!Walking doesn't cost a dime and bodyweightexercises such as push-ups are completely free too!
DO tell people your goals.
One of the best ways to ensure you keep your promiseto exercise is to tell your friends and family whatyou're doing. This way, you make yourself accountableto people other than just yourself.
DO stretch and warm-up.
Stretching during and after your workouts promotesflexibility. Warming up prepares your muscles formore strenuous work to come.
DON'T give up your favorite foods all at once.
A great way to make yourself focus on a certain foodis to quit eating it. For example, if you love chocolatecake and tell yourself you can never have it again, areyou going to be thinking about chocolate cake a lot?Chances are, yes. Treat yourself now and again. It willkeep you from stressing and binging later.
©Diego Cervo, Eduard Stelmakh, Piksel | Dreamstime.com
Nick Nilsson has a degree in Physical Education and Psychology and is the author of a number of bodybuilding eBooks including “Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss,” “The Best Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of,” “Gluteus to the Maximus “ and “The Best Abdominal Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of”.
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