MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
2014 VOL. XIV № 5
on the cover
KIRA HANNEMANN from Utah is competing in the Miss America Scholarship Pageant— missamericapageant.org K I R A’S P H OTO G R A P H Y B Y M E G A N H E A P S W I T H V E L L E G R E E N P H OTO G R A P H Y M E G H E A P S @ G MA I L.CO M
Hold on. It’s not what you think. We think mothers are the best (and we’re not just saying that). Mothers do so much for the world so we thought it would be nice to see what famous people around the world had to say about their moms. Prepare to be inspired.
Real courage is something that only happens in fairytales or on some distant battlefield. I mean, sure, you fought that spider in your kitchen bravely, but that’s not real courage, is it? Maybe it’s time we redefined that word and when we do, you’ll find that you’ve got more courage than thought.
Thanks Mom
At Your Finger Tips
Speak to me, listen to me and smell my fragrance, but don’t touch me! So goes the attitude of many, yet research shows this has some heavy consequences. Touch has physical and mental benefits you don’t want to miss out on.
Ten Flowers You Can Eat
This month is all about springtime, and why not? Spring is awesome. The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. It’s a great time to be alive. And just in case you ever wondered which flowers are edible, we’ve got you covered. Flowers can transform a plain salad into a springtime favorite. So, the next time you stop to smell the flowers, you might be able to grab a quick snack too!
6 HEALTHY magazine
Courage—The Forgotten Virtue
Beware: Meaningless Food Labels
Organic, all-natural, trans fat-free, free range; you’ve probably seen all of these on some of your favorite items at the store, but what do they mean? It just so happens, they might not mean anything at all. We’ve got the scoop on what food labels like “organic” and “free-range” really mean so you can shop smarter.
Everyone’s Going Gluten-Free Crazy
Have you been to the grocery store lately? How about a restaurant? Then you’ve probably seen that we have entire grocery store aisles and restaurant menus devoted to gluten-free foods. Have you stopped to wonder why? Is gluten-free just a fad or is cutting out gluten the key to feeling better? Read our article to find out.
“The treatment he chose was perfect.” — Bianca, 15
Whether you’re considering clear aligners, retainers or today’s braces, an orthodontist is the smart choice. Orthodontists are specialists in straightening teeth and aligning your bite. They have two to three years of education beyond dental school. So they’re experts at helping you get a great smile — that feels great, too. Go to www.mylifemysmile.org to find an orthodontist near you or ask your dentist for a referral. © 2013 American Association of Orthodontists.
MAY 2014
MAY 2014
t the north rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona sits a powerful lesson for those who choose to see. Not far from the visitor’s center near a lookout point grows a gnarled, twisted old juniper tree. It’s similar to hundreds of others in the area, so it doesn’t immediately jump out as odd or unique. But it is peculiar when you really look at it. And if you study it long enough you can’t help but marvel— ‘How did this tree come to be?’ You see, this particular tree literally grows out of the side of the rock canyon wall. If you question the naturalist guide you will hear an interesting bit of history connected to this tree. A juniper seed is not a lot different in appearance to a cantaloupe seed. In some improbable fashion one of these unfortunate seeds found it’s way to a crevice near the edge of the canyon wall. It wedged in a cleft of solid rock. That should have been the end of the little seed’s creation since no seed can possibly germinate without soil, not to mention the water scarcity and virtually non-existent sunlight.
VOLUME XV, № 5 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF John A. Anderson | john@healthy-mag.com MEDICAL DIRECTORS Steven N. Gange, M.D. Lane C. Childs, M.D.
Needless to say, the seed had little chance of success.
PUBLISHER Kenneth J. Shepherd | ken@healthy-mag.com MARKETING DIRECTOR Timothy Howden | timothy@healthy-mag.com
But apparently, nobody informed this seed, and the seed was obviously unconcerned with its situation or limitations in life. The seed just did what it had to do to succeed in becoming the best juniper tree it could be.
DESIGN EDITOR Phillip Chadwick | design@healthy-mag.com PHOTOGRAPHER Megan Heaps | megheaps@gmail.com MANAGING EDITOR Michael Richardson | michael@healthy-mag.com
It’s unbelievable, but that little seed germinated, forged roots into solid rock, and began developing. It eventually raised a shoot out of the cleft to seek sunshine and rain. It steadily grew into a full-sized juniper tree. As it did so, it’s roots and trunk steadily put pressure on the outer shelf of rock, until one day the tree’s growth became so much that one entire section of the Grand Canyon wall broke loose and tumbled into a massive heap near the foot of the canyon, nearly one mile straight down. It’s estimated that over forty million tons of rock lay on the canyon floor simply because one little seed didn’t realize it couldn’t grow and because the seed, despite hardships and unfavorable circumstance, refused to quit. Here’s my point: None of us are beaten until we think we’re beaten. Each of us can succeed despite the odds. Sure, our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we’re ultimately responsible for who we become. Each of us gets wedged between a rock and a hard place at times—but if we will find a way, plant roots and reach towards the light, we eventually realize our own improbable miracle.
P H O T O B Y T I F F I N E E D AW N . C O M
8 HEALTHY magazine
ONLINE EDITOR Taylor Smith | taylor.smith@healthy-mag.com DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Lyn Timboe | lyn.timboe@healthy-mag.com CIRCULATION MANAGER Ron Fennell | distribution@healthy-mag.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Angela Silva, Brooke Kittel, David Fotsh, Robynn Zender, Jill Castle, David Joachim, Douglas H. Jones, Robert Jones, Lisa Mathews, Mark Saunders CIRCULATION Healthy Magazine® is distributed widely to more than 800 locations along the Wasatch Front. It is also direct mailed to doctors, dentists, practitioners, health clinics, banks and other businesses along the Wasatch Front.
Healthy Magazine® (866) 884-3258 info@healthy-mag.com www.healthy-mag.com To be included in our free online directory, please e-mail your contact information to directory@healthy-mag.com PLEASE NOTE: The content in this publication is meant to increase reader awareness of developments in the health and medical field and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction on individual health matters, which should be obtained directly from a health professional. The opinions
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Onward and upwards!
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MAY 2014
10 HEALTHY magazine
MAY 2014
Is Thinner Really Better? Body Weight VS Body Composition
“It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you are not.”
12 HEALTHY magazine
he prevailing thought is “the thinner, the better” when it comes to being healthy, right? We compare fashion models’ photoshopped abs to our padded midriffs. The rising panic over the obesity epidemic and plump children with chocolate-ringed mouths leave us thinking that weight loss is the answer. And while there is no doubt that some of us would be healthier if we lost a few pounds, the composition of our body, rather than our body weight, may be of greater importance to our health. Research on weight (measured as Body Mass Index [BMI]) and mortality reveal what some are calling “the obesity paradox.” That is, that people who are a little overweight, rather than on the thin side of normal weight, live longer. It is also true that up to 40% of people who fall into the normal range of BMI have one or more indicators of metabolic syndrome, or pre-diabetes. What’s up with that, if thinner is healthier?
It turns out that the obesity paradox goes away when cardiorespiratory fitness is taken into account. In other words, if you get your heart rate up for 30 minutes or more several times a week, it doesn’t matter so much if you’re a little overweight. But the obesity paradox is concerned with only weight and BMI. Body composition, on the other hand, is a bit more complex. Body composition refers to the distribution of fat within our bodies, and its proportion to every other tissue, usually thought of as fat-free mass, such as muscle and organs. Where fat sits within our bodies has a huge impact on metabolism and inflammation, which are the cornerstones of health over time. Contrary to popular belief, fat is not a couch potato. Rather, fat tissue is a highly active endocrine organ intimately involved with the functioning of our bodies. Fat tissue makes inflammatory proteins and hormones that regulate our appetite and energy level, and motivate us to either clean the house and exercise, or eat cheese puffs in front of the latest
episode of Sherlock. Fat tissue that covers our abdominal organs (such as the liver) is called visceral fat, and is much more active than fat that sits just below the skin or accumulates on our thighs and rear ends (subcutaneous fat). Visceral fat is destructive because it pumps out chemicals that increase inflammation (interleukin-6) and reduces the body’s ability to use hormones (insulin, leptin, ghrelin, and adiponectin) to regulate energy balance. Visceral fat also chops up fat into little pieces and sends them out into the blood stream. Together, these actions of visceral fat cause cholesterol in the blood to rise, a deterioration in the hypothalamus’s (an endocrine gland in the brain) ability to coordinate metabolic activities, and inflammation of blood vessel walls, all of which set the stage for cardiovascular and heart disease, and metabolic syndrome or diabetes. Fat that lies within muscle, and even bone marrow, also behave similarly to gut fat by disrupting metabolism. Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, manages recirculating fat (rather than fat taken in from a recent meal) in an effort to prepare for the coming famine. It’s not so destructive nor active, and actually protects against heart disease and promotes longevity.
Another reason why thinness alone is not necessarily healthier is because weight loss typically accelerates the loss of muscle mass along with losing fat mass. This leaves the proportion of fat to muscle about the same, or sometimes worse. The same may be true for naturally thin individuals—without maintaining muscle mass and strength, unhealthy fat deposition patterns can lead that person of normal weight to show signs of metabolic dysregulation (such as high cholesterol or insulin resistance). So what is the answer?
Sources: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Journal of Obesity, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, Maturitas, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Obesity Reviews: an Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity
Focusing on how our dietary and activity choices affect our metabolism and body composition is a smarter approach for good health than targeting weight alone. Eating negligible amounts of refined sugar, low omega-6 fats (found in meats and dairy), high omega-3 fats (found in nut, seed, olive, and fish oils), high fiber, and eating whole, unprocessed foods improves metabolic efficacy. Regular participation in resistance training and cardiorespiratory exercise will build muscle, shed visceral fat, improve your metabolic profile and just may add healthy years to your life.
MAY 2014
Yourself This month, beginning on Mother’s Day, is National Women’s Health Week. When you think about it, there is a lot to learn about and take care of in just 7 days. We are pretty complicated creatures! So I am going to write about one thing we can do to be healthier and happier:
Be kind to yourself. That sounds pretty simple, right? Well stop for a moment and replay the thoughts you have about yourself every day; and by the way, about 85% of those thoughts you have today are the same thoughts you will have tomorrow. About what percent of those are positive vs. negative? Imagine for a moment that you have a roommate and she is constantly chattering to you about everything that is “wrong” with you. How long would you tolerate this before kicking this roommate to the curb? Exactly. Why do we allow ourselves to treat ourselves like this? The most troubling part about it is that we begin to believe our thoughts and manifest them by the choices we make, how we interact with others, and how we care for ourselves. If you say “I’m fat”, chances are your body will actually hold on to the extra weight because the body follows what the mind says. If you say “I get sick easily”, well you’re right, you probably do and will continue to be sickly.
Here’s how to turn this vicious cycle on its head: 1. Pay attention to your thoughts and ‘re-record’ over the negative ones. Change them to something positive, no matter how insignificant it may seem. 2. Stop being a people pleaser. 3. Don’t be afraid to say “no.” 4. Don’t be afraid to say “yes.” 5. Surround yourself with people and situations that create positivity in your life. 6. Think of at least one beautiful thing about yourself every day and repeat it all day to yourself. 7. When you feel yourself slipping back into negativity, pause, and do something immediately to turn it around. 8. Always treat yourself (and others) with dignity, respect, and love. 9. Don’t beat yourself up for not being “perfect.” No one is, or ever will be.
14 HEALTHY magazine
Now, once you start doing this, pay attention. You will be amazed at the shift that will take place in your life. You will attract positive people and situations. Your life will start moving forward instead of remaining stagnant. You will have more to look forward to. You will have the energy and desire to help others. You will be a better mother, partner, employee, friend, human being. And the list goes on and on. So try it for yourself and let the magic happen.
Laura Collier, RN, PT Fitness Director Treehouse Athletic Club 801-553-0123 TacFitness.com
Laura has been in the fitness industry for over 25 years. Beginning her career as an RN, she quickly realized how important preventative health was. So she began teaching fitness classes and personal training to teach others about healthy lifestyles. She has been at the Treehouse Athletic Club for the past 15 years teaching, training and managing.
MAY 2014
fitness >>
Tai Chi and Qigong are Allies of Our Wellbeing
“Qigong (pronounced Chee Gung) and Tai Chi are internal Chinese meditative practices which use slow gentle movements and controlled breathing techniques that strengthen the mindbody connection, reduce stress, promote serenity and improve circulation thereby enhancing the practitioner’s overall health.”
16 HEALTHY magazine
-Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD
IGONG, which means “energy cultivation,” is a restorative exercise which involves gentle movement and stretching, breathing, self-massage and meditation. Sometimes called Chinese Yoga, the exercise helps to improve the circulation of Chi or Life Energy or the energy that sustains all of life as well as bring balance and harmony to the body, mind and spirit.
The word used for Chi in Western science is bioelectromagnetic energy. In traditional Yoga the term for Chi is Prana.
AI CHI, which means “supreme ultimate balance and harmony,” is a type of Qigong. It is a moving meditation usually performed in a series of movements connected together called a form. Although the movements are the same, this is not to be confused with Tai Chi Chuan which is a form of kung fu or martial art. The restorative, regenerative and re-energizing exercise I am referring to is one of the best ways I know to create extraordinary health and wellness.
"Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force." ~Lao Tzu
The self-care practices of Qigong and Tai Chi are known to trigger numerous health and fitness benefits: 1.
The gentle, easy-to-perform exercises help to improve balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, energy and mobility. It is a great practice for fall prevention.
Tai Chi initiates the “relaxation response,” which is when the mind is freed of its many distractions. This reduces heart rate and blood pressure, dilates the capillaries and optimizes the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the cells.
Tai Chi alters the neurochemistry profile toward accelerated inner healing function. This helps to manage pain and mood, enhance organ function, reduce anxiety or depression and neutralize addictive cravings.
Tai Chi enhances the efficiency of the immune system through increased rate and flow of the lymphatic fluid and activation of immune cells.
Tai Chi increases the efficiency of cell metabolism which can assist with weight loss and management of a healthy weight.
Qigong and Tai Chi coordinate and balance right/ left brain hemisphere dominance promoting deeper sleep, reduced anxiety and mental clarity.
Qigong and Tai Chi induce alpha and, in some cases, theta brain waves which reduce heart rate and blood pressure, facilitating relaxation and mental focus; this optimizes the body’s self-regulative mechanisms by decreasing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (“stress response” or fight or flight).
Qigong and Tai Chi are excellent examples of one of the three types of exercise—RESTORATIVE Exercise. The other two types are ADAPTIVE (strength training or power yoga) and STIMULATING (any type of moderate to difficult levels of cardiovascular exercise). It is the balance of these 3 types of exercise that creates the most healthy and fit body. Consult with a qualified health and fitness professional to help you determine the best balance of these 3 types of exercise for your body.
As a fitness professional for over 20 years, I have tried almost every type of exercise. I have experienced such amazing benefits from Tai Chi and Qigong since I began practicing over 8 years ago—it is the ONE exercise I do every day. The other two forms of exercise are also important: I do 2 days/week of strength training and 2-3 days/week of cardio. This, for
“Tai Chi… might well be called ‘medication in motion.’ There is growing evidence that this mindbody practice has… value in treating or preventing many health problems.” -Harvard Medical School’s Health Publication - May/2009
Scott White, BS, Exercise Sports Science and Health Education www.spabalanz.com In addition to being a Certified Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Teacher, White is a Certified Personal Trainer, and a strength and conditioning specialist. He teaches Qigong and Tai Chi classes every week at Spa Balanz in Salt Lake City.
me, is the ideal balance of the 3 types of exercise.
MAY 2014
fitness >> PILOXING
This innovative form of fitness developed by Swedish dancer Viveca Jensen is all about improving a woman’s self-image. Designed exclusively for women, but usable for all those secure men out there, the program entails a cardio interval workout with focused muscle toning and fat burning exercises. The incorporation of dance moves and weighted gloves maximizes the cardiovascular benefits of the program.
Exhale Spa offers Fusion Pilates classes at several locations across the United States, but now this workout is available to everyone with the at home workout DVD. There five mini workouts that target abs, arms, and glutes. The program developed by Fred Devito and Elizabeth Halfpapp is perfect for those new to Pilates and the more experienced.
This is a fun and exciting way to get moving and increase your fitness level. Dancers from the show lead routines that include hip-hop, contemporary, and disco dance moves. The routines will help you find your rhythm and are awesome to do alongside friends and family. The whole point is to get classic cardio conditioning while getting in touch with your groovy side.
Just released in December 2013, this is an excellent option for those looking for something a little different and relaxing, while still getting the benefits of a full body workout. The instructor leads the routines in different locations that are reminiscent of your favorite relaxing beach or calming waterfront. By providing the greatest opportunity for meditation and relaxation, you can work on bringing your fitness to a new level.
Not only can you read what Bob Harper has written in his book The Skinny Rules, you can couple that with his specialized workouts. The five disc workout series targets different muscle groups and brings intensity and effectiveness right to your living room. The series includes cardio, core, strength, abs, and yoga. Available to be purchased as a series or sold separately, it is a sure way to challenge your fitness ability, boost your metabolism, and get you looking great for summer.
18 HEALTHY magazine
BICYCLE MONTH Remember the joy and freedom you had as a kid riding your bike around town? Well, it’s possible to regain that feeling as an adult, and May is the perfect month to get started.
he League of American Bicyclists has established the month of May as National Bike Month to celebrate and encourage the use of bicycles for commuting and recreation. There are plenty of good reasons to ride more, and since you have to go to work anyway, why not consider bicycle commuting?
The bicycle offers many advantages over the single occupant vehicle when it comes to commuting. It’s healthy, ecological, fashionable and fun! Obviously more bicycles equal smaller carbon footprints compared to cars, which are the single largest source of pollution in most U.S. cities. When you substitute a bicycle for a car in short trips around town you are reducing pollutants by 3.6 pounds per mile. And get this; ten bicycles can be parked in the space one car takes up!
Studies continue to show that the percentage of U.S. adults who are overweight or obese is increasing. Two-thirds of the population is considered overweight, and roughly half of them are obese. Our fat is costing us $68 billion a year in medical and personal expenses. The simplest solution is to move more and bicycles are a great, low-impact way to get some exercise. Moderate exercise 30 minutes a day, three days a week has been shown to reduce heart disease, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and improve overall cardio-vascular fitness. Employers love this because their employees miss fewer days of work and are more productive when they are there.
Bicycle commuting can save you money. Consider that you won’t have to pay for parking, or parking tickets. Your fuel and auto maintenance costs will be lower as you drive less. And you can use your commuting time for fitness time, reducing the need to have a gym membership. Celebrate all things cycling at Utah Bike Month May 10-17. Learn more at www.utahbikemonth.org.
©Diego Cervo | Dreamstime.com
KUDOS TO SALT LAKE CITY’S DOWNTOWN ALLIANCE: Looking for a great date idea? Salt Lake City’s fun ‘Bike Share’ program makes highquality bicycles available in an urban setting for riders to get from point A to point B. Bikes are docked at stations that instantly make them available for other members instead of being chained or tucked away in an office. Shared bikes are either being ridden or are available for someone else. The system benefits visitors, commuters and residents in the downtown area.
First, let’s overcome some of the excuses people give for not commuting to work: 1. I’M OUT OF SHAPE. •
Ride at an easy pace; in time you’ll get into better shape.
Ride your route on a weekend to find the easiest way to work.
The average bicycle commuter travels at 10 mph. The more you ride the faster you’ll become.
Trips of less than three miles are actually quicker on a bike.
Trips of 5 – 7 miles take about the same time as by car.
Most commuters don’t shower at work. Keep the pace easy to stay cool and dry.
Ride home at a faster pace for a workout and shower there.
Keep multiple sets of clothes at work; rotate them on the days you drive.
Have your clothes cleaned near your workplace for easy access.
Obey traffic signals, ride on the right WITH traffic, signal turns and stop at lights.
Wear bright colored clothing.
Wear a helmet every time you ride.
Be aware of your environment.
BONUS TIP: Google Maps now supports searches for bicycle routes based on traffic patterns and where there are bicycle lanes and paths. maps.google.com
MAY 2014
Thanks, Mom!
““My mom and I have always been really close. She’s always been the friend that was always there. There were times when, in middle school and junior high, I didn’t have a lot of friends. But my mom was always my friend. Always.” ~Taylor Swift
“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.” Jill Churchill, author
“You transition as a mother from literally just pulling a booger out of that person’s nose whenever you see one until at some point they assert: “No, I’m a person. You can’t fix my underpants on the subway.” ~Tina Fey, comedian
“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” Tenneva Jordan
“Love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own mark…to have been loved so deeply will give us some protection forever.” ~J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” Honore de Balzac, author
“My mom came to a taping of ‘American Idol’ and she pulled me aside and told me she thought it was totally improper that I was chewing gum. And on TV, too! Of course, I threw it away immediately. The contestants have to listen to me and I still listen to my mother.” ~Simon Cowell
“My mom was really strong around me. Having me at 16 had to have been a big responsibility. My mom gave up everything for me, had three jobs, supported me, sacrificed her life for me.” ~Selena Gomez
“The one thing that stays with me is her saying: ‘If you want to be in this business, you gotta be tough. You gotta have a thick skin and don’t worry about what people say and just do all the beautiful things I know you can do.’ I think she’s been very encouraging to me in that way.” ~ Jennifer Lopez
“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” Abraham Lincoln
“Before I had my child, I thought I knew all the boundaries of myself, that I understood the limits of my heart. It’s extraordinary to have all those limits thrown out, to realize your love is inexhaustible.” ~Uma Thurman, actor
“My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her.” George Washington
20 HEALTHY magazine
Facial Masks Uncovered W RITTEN BY MEG AN MO O R E Facial masks are like the ninjas of the skin care world. They pack a punch and get results fast because they contain super concentrated formulas designed for targeted treatment of specific skin issues. Because of that, they aren’t one-size-fits-all either. To get the best results, pick a facial mask that is made for the treatment of your single biggest skin concern—trying to combat them ALL won’t do your skin any favors and your pocket book won’t be happy either. Below are my recommended picks for the five major skin issues most people deal with, I hope one of these little ninjas finds its way into your routine!
BEST FOR CLARIFYING: Freeman PeelOff Cucumber Mask ($3.99, Target) It’s hard to believe the price point on this tube of goodness, but Freeman just knows how to make great stuff without a high price tag. If your skin is feeling dull and less than radiant, it may be time for a peeling mask that will open up pores and give you a clean slate. This cucumber formula is energizing and a must-have when you are transitioning from heavier makeup in the cold months to lightweight coverage in the warmer months. Rid the skin of the buildup and uncover the fresh face you know is hiding under there! BEST FOR HYDRATING: Boscia Tsubaki Deep Hydration Sleeping Mask ($34, Sephora) When your face is dehydrated no amount of makeup will fix it, that’s a fact. Sunken eyes and drooping jowls don’t stand a chance with this moisture rich mask. Its Tsubaki Oil and Japanese Sea Kelp formula go to work plumping up the skin’s cells, and the amino acids in the mask draw water into the face from the atmosphere surrounding it. You’ll wake up looking like you drank a gallon of water in your sleep and your subsequent products and makeup will apply that much better.
BEST FOR ANTI-AGING: Manuka Doctor Rejuvenating Face Mask ($85, Sephora) There’s been recent buzz (pun intended) about Manuka Honey and its amazing qualities for the treatment and care of your skin. This raw honey from a special breed of honey bee found only in New Zealand offers skin nourishment and hydration like no one’s business. It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, so it works wonders for those with red acneic skin. This formula combines the brilliance of Manuka Honey with the natural venom found in the bees’ stingers, which gives the skin a plumping effect that some have termed “nature’s Botox.” It’s pricey, sure—but the quality and potency of the ingredients are worth the splurge when you’re looking for serious results. And don’t worry, not a single bee is hurt in the name of beauty- they just share a little of their magic then fly happily on their way! BEST FOR BLEMISHED/OILY SKIN: Botanics Ionic Clay Mask ($9.99, Target) Clay masks are designed to draw out impurities that are buried deep in the pores of the face. As the formula dries it pulls oil and sebum from the face much like a vacuum and the result is a squeaky clean complexion. This particular formula uses the ingredient of willow bark which is responsible for the previously mentioned oil sucking, but it doesn’t leave the face parched or tight feeling. It’s a gentle enough formula that those with normal skin can use it for a deeper cleanse, but it’s aggressive enough that major sufferers of acne will also love the results on their quest to clear skin. BEST FOR BRIGHTENING: Korres Wild Rose + Vitamin C Brightening Overnight Sleeping Facial ($48, HSN.com) Nature seems to get it right most of the time, and this little jar harnesses the power of both the rose and the orange. These two super ingredients work together to lighten dark spots and uneven pigment in the skin, leaving you with a brighter, more radiant complexion. The power of Vitamin C has long been known in the land of beauty, but this formula has been perfected to resurface the skin while you sleep. Next, the oil found in rose petals goes to work to soften the skin and leave it plumped, hydrated, and refined. It’s almost good enough to eat.
Megan Moore
Megan has been in the beauty industry over 11 years and owns the Salt Lake City salon Moore Hair Design. Her beauty blog TheBeautySnoop.com offers beauty advice, tips & tricks and expert product reviews to a beauty savvy audience around the world.
MAY 2014
o M Why wanting to be a mom is nothing to be ashamed of 22 HEALTHY magazine
s u o i r lo
G erhood: h t o W R I T T E N B Y A N G E L A S I LVA
Some feel mocked. Others feel flat out embarrassed. When it comes to admitting their desire to become mothers, women often treat it like revealing a dirty secret. Why must wanting to become a mother be so shameful? Why do women feel so judged for wanting to become mothers? Society hasn’t exactly made motherhood the most prestigious of career paths. Fewer women are becoming mothers these days compared to 20 years ago. In fact, the national birthrate has gone down 20% since 1990. In addition, the average age of firsttime mothers has increased, which correlates with women getting married at an older age and attaining more education.
These statistics, along with the increased presence of women in the workforce, put a lot of pressure on a woman to become accomplished in her education and career. Perhaps it is these reasons that cause women to lower their heads when they admit they want to be mothers, as if being a mother were less of an accomplishment than landing a dream career or attaining a PhD. What is it about motherhood that makes it seem so much less deserving of pride than other careers? If a mother were paid for all of her many job titles, she would make far more money than she would in most other careers. Let’s look at a few of the responsibilities of a mother and what she would be paid if she received salary for them:
That’s barely scratching the surface. We could also include CFO, secretary, judge, hair stylist, teacher, repairwoman, lifeguard, doctor, wardrobe stylist, special events coordinator, story teller, seamstress, and bodyguard, to name a few. In addition to all of these responsibilities, mothers must work holidays and weekends without vacation time. Most importantly, they do it all so willingly and happily with an attitude of love as they try to make the best life they can for their children. No, they aren’t paid salary, but moms are paid with nighttime routines filled with “I-love-yous” and reading the same book four times in a row with the same excited reaction each time. They are paid with seeing the wonder in their child’s eyes as they spend 10 entire minutes watching a bird hop around the yard. They are paid with being the only trusted comforter in the world when their child gets a scraped knee. They are paid with the sweet smell of baby skin as they snuggle their sleepy baby before bedtime. No, they aren’t paid salary, because mothers are invaluable.
Money cannot buy all of the priceless acts of love mothers do for their children. No matter what they have or have not accomplished career wise, there is no greater accomplishment than trying to raise good children to be good adults. Next time you’re faced with the question of whether or not you want to have children, don’t be ashamed. Hold your head high and proudly proclaim your desire to get the best job in the world. No matter what society says, you matter, Mama!
COMPARABLE ANNUAL SALARIES Laundry machine operator: Janitor: Taxi driver: Housekeeper: Facebook.com/HealthyMag
$20,100 $20,700 $31,600 $19,700
Computer Operator: $31,300 Chef: $27,300 Daycare provider: $26,700 Family therapist: $74,000 CEO: $210,700
MAY 2014
r u o Y t A
Every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back. ~Maya Angelou
24 HEALTHY magazine
The underutilized power of
Touching makes you a better communicator, deepens your relationships and provides a bevy of physical benefits. It’s all at your fingertips.
ouch is the red-headed step child of our senses when it comes to human interaction. Look at me, hear me speak, smell my fragrance, but don’t you dare touch me. Blame our litigious habits, our increasingly electronic communication or our girthy American personal bubbles—whatever the case, this touch deprivation is quietly robbing us of a better life, researchers say.
Why Touch Matters
A child benefits from an approving pat on the shoulder. The sad know the value of a gentle touch on the arm. But quantifying and confirming the real benefits of touch is somewhat difficult, though researchers are now confident in a number of things.
TO U C H …
• Lowers stress levels. It reduces the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn translates to lower blood pressure, lower heart rate and an immune system boost.
• Increases levels of feel-good hormones, like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. • Can turn off our fear responses. • Decreases pain levels. • Soothes depression. • Deepens relationships. • Generates cooperation. Lack of touch seriously impacts one’s life, according to developmental psychologist and nonverbal communication expert Matthew J. Hertenstein, PhD, of DePauw University. “Touch in our lives is incredibly important, on par with the ingestion of fruits and vegetables,” he says. “Can one get through life without fruits and vegetables? Yes, but one’s diet would not be complete and healthy. In the same way, a lack of touch leads to nonoptimal health.” Researchers have investigated many different facets of non-sexual touch. A French psychologist found that when teachers pat their students in a friendly way, those students are three times as likely to speak
up in class. And, interestingly, NBA teams who touch each other more win more games, are more efficient and better performers, one study found. One field of medicine that has grasped on to the importance of touch is pregnancy and infant care. Many trained in dealing with pregnancy, delivery and newborn care are trained to use touch. In one landmark study, preterm infants who received touch therapy gained nearly 50 percent more weight than premature infants who received standard treatment.
The physical benefits of touch are coupled with touch’s incredible powers of communication, be it a pat on the back or a touch on the arm. These touches “are our primary language of compassion, and a primary means for spreading compassion,” writes Dacher Keltner, social interaction expert at UC Berkeley. Dacher and his graduate student conducted a study where they had two strangers separated from each other by a barrier. One person stuck his or her arm through a barrier and waited. The other person was given a list of emotions, and was told to convey those emotions by touching the arm of the other person. The odds of guessing the emotion being conveyed were one in eight. But nearly sixty percent of the time, the person being touched guessed correctly. The emotions conveyed were things like gratitude, anger, love and fear. Keltner says studies on facial and vocal communication have revealed touch to be more accurate when it comes to people being able to differentiate between emotions being expressed. In fact, he calls touch our richest means of communication.
Getting More Touch
If touch is so beneficial to our wellbeing, it seems like we would simply seek touch more. Apparently, that’s easier said than done. In fact, a word of caution—Don’t go touch crazy after you finish reading this article. Nobody likes a space-invader. The benefits of touch are increasingly undeniable, says Keltner, but everyone is different.
Continued on page 28>>>
MAY 2014
I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug ten people at a time. ~Drew Barrymore
>>>Continued from page 27 “While most people like some amount of touch in their social lives,” he says, “there are those (I’d estimate 10-15%) who don’t and there are those who are less touchy. So like any kind of language, it’s important that we adapt our style of touch to the person receiving it. For those who like touch less, tone it down. Instead of fist bumps and high fives, shift to nice handshakes. Instead of the bear hug shift to the pat on the back.” When touch is done with care and respect, Keltner says, it is almost always good for trust, collaboration and good will. Marcia Baczynski took this idea to the next level. A relationship coach and sex educator in New York City, Baczynski wanted to provide an outlet for nonsexual touch, in recognition of its importance. She organized the first Cuddle Party, a place of nourishment, shared affection and communication, without sex. Now Cuddle Party is an international organization, with branches in Australia, Canada,
England and Denmark. It’s an outlet that allows touch to be about a “human being who cares about other human beings,” their website says. If a cuddle party doesn’t sound like your scene, try a massage. Most of the physical benefits of touch can come from a massage, an effect that is well documented. Try to get about 10-15 minutes of touch a day, researchers say. This may seem daunting to some, but touch can be an integral and appropriate part of so many activities. One person may use a hug to communicate compassion, while another uses a pat to communicate approval. Touching is intimidating because many of us don’t naturally do it, and we often don’t know how. Family and friends are a great place to turn for the amazing benefits of touch, yet too often we don’t utilize that resource. Touching makes you a better communicator, deepens your relationships and provides a bevy of physical benefits. It’s all at your fingertips.
OX Y TO C I N Oxytocin: The Bonding Hormone This hormone and neurotransmitter, once thought to be crucial only for babies and mothers, is now believed to be a super hormone that helps with everything from illness recovery, life length, addiction recovery, depression recovery and anxiety prevention. Some say it is essential for love. How do we get it? Oxytocin is released through touch: hand holding, hugs, massage, etc. Hertenstein says this hormone lays the biological foundation and structure for connecting to others. SOURCES: Greatergood.berkeley.edu Tactile Communication, Cooperation and Performance: An Ethological Study of the NBA
The American Bubble Walking with your arm around someone’s shoulder in America often signifies a pair, a romantic relationship, but not so in other countries. Consider the study by one researcher who observed the amount of times friends touched each other at a café. This is how many times friends touched, by country, in one hour:
England - 0 America - 2 France -110 Puerto Rico -180
26 HEALTHY magazine
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MAY 2014
The Simpler
Steps to Simplify
One of the easiest ways to de-stress and find more time for yourself and the things that really matter is to learn to say one simple word: No. It’s easier said than done, of course, but you don’t need to give a lengthy explanation for your response; a simple “I would love to, but I just don’t have the time right now” will do. Does that leave you feeling guilty? Try saying “No, but…” and offer an alternative that works better for you.
28 HEALTHY magazine
We’ve all lost countless minutes searching for our keys or that favorite pair of black pumps, inevitably when we’re already late for work and trying to rush out the door. Create a place for your keys — put a hook by the door, for example, or a small silver tray in the foyer — and put your shoes back in their proper place in the closet after you wear them. Do the same with those other things that always seem to vanish. Your life will run much more smoothly.
Buy yourself time and energy each month by signing up for automatic bill payments. It works best with utility bills such as your cable and telephone bill, which are about the same amount every month (and therefore unlikely to cause unpleasant surprises to your bottom line). You won’t have to write checks or buy stamps, and your bills will always be paid on time. A bonus: It’s good for the environment too, because you won’t use the resources needed to mail a check.
Next time you get home from the gym, throw your sweaty clothes into the laundry hamper right away and put a clean set into your gym bag. You’ll have one less excuse not to go to Pilates or spin class!
The average person spends about seven hours a week on e-mail. Needless to say, not all of that time is spent wisely. If your job allows for it, turn off your e-mail alerts and check e-mail only a few times a day. Second, create an e-mail account that is solely for your subscriptions (such as sales notifications, frequent-flyer updates, newsletters, and so on) so they won’t clutter your in-box.
Do a clean sweep of your closet twice a year: at the start of spring and fall. Be as ruthless as possible, removing everything you haven’t worn for two years or longer. Donate old work clothes to Dress for Success or the Salvation Army. When your closet is less cluttered, you’ll spend less time searching for your skinny black pants, and getting dressed every morning will be that much easier.
Compact fluorescent lightbulbs, which use up to 75 percent less energy than regular incandescent bulbs, aren’t just better for the environment and your bank account — they also make your life easier. How? They last as much as ten times longer than incandescent bulbs, so you’ll spend less time running to the store for replacement bulbs — and you’ll never get caught in the dark.
Save the numbers of your favorite take-out restaurants in your cell phone. You can order on your way home from work or the gym so your dinner will be ready for pickup when you get there. It’s a good idea to store all your important phone numbers in your cell, including those you call infrequently, like your doctor, dentist, and hair stylist. You won’t waste time looking them up again. Just make sure you have those numbers recorded at home too, in case you lose your phone.
Next time you’re leaving your hair salon or doctor’s office, why not schedule your next appointment? It will be one less call you’ll need to make a few weeks down the line, and you’ll get a prime time slot. Always ask for an appointment at the beginning of the day or after the office’s lunch break so you’ll be less likely to spend time cooling your heels in the waiting room. Enter the appointment straight into your PDA or onto your calendar.
Keep extras of basic supplies in your desk at work so that if the need arises, you won’t be caught off-guard. Stock up on hand lotion, tampons, pantyhose, contact lenses, snacks, and pain medication.
Throw out old gum wrappers, grocery lists, and other trash from your purse on a weekly basis. Designate a safe place in your wallet for receipts, in case you need them later. A clean, lighter purse makes it easier for you to find your keys, lipstick, and other essentials and will save your shoulder from excess strain.
Although it’s a natural inclination to attempt to do everything on your own, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good thing. When trying to complete an office project, delegate parts to co-workers or team members. You may be pleasantly surprised at how excited they are to help out. On the home front, you may find it’s helpful, if your budget allows, to hire someone to do the work for you — for example, send your clothing to a laundromat, hire a monthly housekeeper, or have an accountant do your taxes. If you have a hard time making it to the gym, enlist a trainer to help get you there.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~Albert Einstein
MAY 2014
Finding the best way through healthcare reform is our job. So you can do yours. The health reform law is big, confusing and headed your way. And though we didn’t make the law, we can help you make sense of it. At SelectHealth, we have clear answers—without government-speak or insurance jargon. We can also tell you if your small business qualifies for a tax credit. To find out more, call or visit us online. Get clear answers. 855-442-0220 • selecthealth.org/reform
30 HEALTHY magazine
Healthcare Reform. We don’t make the laws. But we do make sense of them.
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MAY 2014
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32 HEALTHY magazine
SUMMER CAMPS Send your kid soaring this Summer
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ACTIVITIES 1-2 hrs. of Gymnastics, 12 Dance Dance Revolution boards, Volleyball, Badminton, Active Games, Crafts, 15-30 min. of reading per day, Snack Time & Field Trip Fridays.
One Week $160.00* ( $32.00/day) One month $560.00* ($140.00/wk.) Daily Rate $50.00* Entire Summer $1500.00* (125.00/week) 9 am - 1 pm *Not including Ticket price for Field Trip Fridays. Call to reserve your space today.
Space is limited and filling up fast.
MAY 2014
A light citrus flavor makes these backyard superstars an excellent addition to a fresh salad, and they’re often used as a substitute for saffron. Marigolds contain antioxidants that are known to protect against eye disease and some types of cancer.
Ten Flowers You Can Eat When it comes to your flower garden, there is more than meets the eye. Roses are more than simply beautiful, and dandelions are more than an obnoxious weed; they are also both nutritious and delicious. W R I T T E N B Y A L LY S O N G O R D O N
34 HEALTHY magazine
This unlikely delicacy adds flavor to sorbet or your favorite family stew. Flavors range from a relishing nutmeg to a lemon zest. If you’ve had a stressful day or have a headache, dish up a bowl of geranium ice cream, it will help ease the chaos.
This springtime favorite is slightly citrus flavored and is excellent when used in a cold water infusion. To do this, collect lilacs and soak them in water for at least an hour. Strain the lilacs out of the water and enjoy. Also, try adding to salads or use as garnish for desserts.
ROSEMARY Fresh or dried blossoms are used to enhance the flavor of Mediterranean seafood and meat dishes. Contains a variety of vitamins and minerals but is mostly used to add distinct flavor.
For best results, harvest unopened buds and steam like artichokes. To eat flower petals, briefly steam to decrease bitterness, then add to salad or use as desired. The flavor is strong but adds distinct flavor.
Don’t be fooled by the name, pansies are anything but when it comes to eating. Different colors have slightly different flavors, but flavor is generally similar to fresh grape with undertones of wintergreen. Surprisingly they add great flavor and aesthetic appeal to shortbreads, cakes, and cookies. Pansies contain something called salicylates that act as an anti-inflammatory, which could help with arthritis and related conditions.
Dried flowers are used most commonly in hibiscus tea. The taste suggests cranberry with a hint of citrus flavor and is best in small quantities. When consumed safely over a long period of time, this tropical diva flower helps maintain normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Before spraying the weed killer on these yellow beauties, think about adding them to your dinner dish. They can be used to garnish salads, added to spreads such as honey, or blended up in fruit smoothies to add a boost of antioxidants and vitamin A.
This flavor commonly mimics strawberries, green apples, mint, or spice. Darker flowers produce more pronounced flavor. The petals are harvested to create syrup, jelly, honey, butter, and sweet spreads. The petals contain vitamin C and could help ease symptoms of digestive disorders.
Satisfying with both savory and sweet, try making lavender salt, honey, jelly, or spread. Simply adding lavender can help with problems ranging from anxiety, depression, and digestive problems to day to day headaches and stress.
**Before eating flowers from home, make sure you know what it is and that is hasn’t been treated with chemical pesticides. Many flowers are edible, but not all of them, so be sure to research it before consuming. Also, prior to making changes to your diet, check with your doctor about risks and benefits.
MAY 2014
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. ~C.S. Lewis
The Forgotten Virtue “Courage is about doing what you’re afraid to do.There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
36 HEALTHY magazine
Courage is something we often think resides only in fairy tale stories about brave knights or soldiers on some distant, foreign battlefield. Or perhaps courage is standing up for what is right in the face of overwhelming odds and a myriad of voices clamoring for the contrary. Whatever it is, it’s not us. At least that’s what we tell ourselves. The truth is we’re much more than that and it bears repeating. Maybe even on a daily basis. Here are a few qualities of courage to remind you that you’re much more courageous than you think.
FEELING FEAR BUT CHOOSING TO ACT “Courage is about doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” —
FOLLOWING YOUR HEART “To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.” — Soren Kierkegaard It takes courage to follow your heart. For some of us, following our hearts means we give up any aspiration of wealth or fame to get something that’s more important to us. For some of us, it’s finding the courage to see through that “million-dollar-idea” or get in and perform in front of a group. Whatever it is, do it. It’s worth it. Following your heart means being true to yourself, and like courage, that’s something the world needs more of these days.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Well said, Oliver. While the folks at the Oxford English Dictionary generally know what they’re talking about, this is one instance where I believe they’re dead wrong. Courage isn’t about never feeling fear—it’s about finding a way to conquer it. So, the next time you’re feeling you wouldn’t recognize courage if it came up and smacked you in the face, odds are you’re wrong. We do lots of things on a daily basis that require courage. Mothers face days full of constant stress and people who rely on them for food, clothing, schoolwork, and much more. Facing that task day after day with a smile on your face (ok, maybe not always) and love in your heart is no small feat. That’s real courage.
PERSEVERING IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY “A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
How many of us simply give up when things start getting rough? When we hit that speed bump while starting a business or we lose heart when learning how to play an instrument is harder than we thought it would be, what do we do? It takes courage to push through the barriers or overcome the obstacles but it’s important that we remember we can do hard things. More often than not, the hard things are the only things worth doing, so keep at it!
EXPANDING YOUR HORIZONS “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” — Lord Chesterfield
We miss out on numerous opportunities to enrich our lives because we’re simply too scared to try something new. Fear of the unfamiliar or unknown is natural— it’s a defense mechanism. It’s part of our instincts and it keeps us safe. Being safe has its time and place, but don’t let the fear of something new keep you from an opportunity to make yourself better.
FACING SUFFERING WITH DIGNITY AND FAITH “The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.” — Aristotle This one is easier said than done, make no mistake about it. But it’s something we all do. Adversity happens. Disappointment happens. Sadness and pain happen. Sometimes it’s the consequence of our own actions; other times it’s completely out of our control. The only thing we do have control over is how we respond to the inevitable hardships of life.
MAY 2014
fitness >>
10-minute of energy boos
38 HEALTHY magazine
We’ve all been there. Sitting at our desk tired, lethargic and far from motivated. From caffeinedriven blood sugar crashes to non-sustaining, fat-laden fast food lunches to a fundamental lack of quality sleep, America’s workforce is in desperate need of a quick and sustainable pick-me-up.
“By taking just ten minutes from your busy work day, you can rejuvenate, revive, and make the rest of your day more productive and satisfying,” notes naturopathic physician Dr. Britta Zimmer. Pick any one or more of these quick energy enhancing strategies and enjoy the mid work day boost:
1. Take a quick walk There is nothing better than a brisk walk to get the blood pumping to your heart and brain. Natural endorphins are produced during exercise and, if walking outdoors, the sun's rays activate Vitamin D in your body giving you a mood and energy boost. You could also go to the office staircase and step up and down the bottom step (like step aerobics). Once you are on your feet and on the go, you will not regret it.
3. Stand and stretch You could also stand up and stretch your muscles. Don’t forget your neck and wrists. Massage your own head and shoulders. Find trigger points of tension in the shoulders, jaw, and base of the skull. Hold pressure for 6-10 seconds. Take two steps back from your desk and lean forward until you’re in an angled pushup position against the edge of your desk. (This will also work against a wall.) Do a couple quick sets of incline push-ups. Or, close your door and shadow box for a few minutes. Try to imagine a stressor while you’re punching.
3. Supplement your diet for enhanced concentration & stamina All natural, non-addictive dietary supplements, may not only support memory, concentration and overall cognitive performance, but may also help the body sustain energy levels and improve stamina without peaks and crashes. Talk to a nutritionist about which supplements may be right for you. May provide stress and anxiety relief for overall emotional well being.
4. Eat a protein rich snack
ffice sters
When you are hungry and looking for some energy, don't reach for sugar! Sugar's empty calories will give you a temporary "sugar high" but follow it with a "sugar low." This roller coaster of blood sugar levels will leave you more tired than you were before that candy bar. Instead, look to eat a snack that is balanced with protein and complex carbohydrates. Examples include: One slice of whole-wheat toast with almond butter, a handful of nuts with a piece of fresh fruit, yogurt with granola or hummus and olives.
5. Drink water It is recommended that, for optimal health, you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water per day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, 80 oz of water will keep you properly hydrated. Remember, the solution to your pollution is dilution.
6. Breathe Deeply When we are stressed and fatigued, we tend to take short, shallow breaths. Just a few deep breaths will make a big difference in your energy level. Start by taking a nice deep inhale through your nose. Hold your breath for one second and then slowly, deliberately exhale through pursed lips to regulate the release of air. Try to make your exhale last from 7 to 10 seconds. Breathe normally for a few moments and then repeat.
MAY 2014
Things Parents Do Wrong with
40 HEALTHY magazine
“Just take another bite, sweetie, then you can get down from the table.” With the best of intentions, parents try to get their kids to eat a little bit more. What they don’t realize is pushing more may lead to weight problems. According to a 2007 study in Appetite, 85 percent of parents tried to get their kindergarten children to eat more using words of praise, or pressure. Parents were successful with 83% of children eating more than they might otherwise have. Yes, you guessed it, kids were eating beyond their appetite. INSTEAD: Let your child stop eating when he’s full.
It’s hard to waste an ounce of formula or a spoonful of baby food. Some parents push those last swigs and spoons to mark a successful feeding. A 2009 article in Advances in Pediatrics noted that “emptying the bottle” and serving larger volumes of formula at feedings were associated with excess weight gain in the first six months of life. This is a vulnerable time, as growth is rapid and cells grow and change, possibly affecting the way energy is stored in the body and influencing obesity development. INSTEAD: Be careful to read baby’s feeding cues and respond appropriately.
Using food, particularly desserts to reward children for their eating performance may have a surprising effect. We like to think it helps children develop good eating habits, but research tells us rewarding with sweets in particular, shifts a child’s food value system to sweets. A 2007 review article on the influence of parents on eating behavior in children found that using food as reward increased preschool-age children’s preferences for those foods, having an unintended consequence of promoting food preferences for high calorie, unhealthy fare. INSTEAD: Don’t tie sweets and other tasty foods to what or how much your child eats. Balance sweets every day and make eating a non-condition for enjoying them.
Plating food seems like a good idea– you can control what goes on the plate, and how much is offered. But, when children receive a plated meal (to which they haven’t had input), it may open Pandora’s box. “I don’t like this!” “I didn’t want that.” “Ew, it’s touching—I’m not eating it.” Servings may be too much for the child, leaving a partially eaten plate. In the end, parent and child expectations aren’t met …and you know where that goes. INSTEAD: Let children serve themselves and have a say about what goes on their plate.
Some parents do the nutrition education thing too early and too much. Hands-on learning (cooking) is most effective with school-age kids, and answering their questions, as they come up, is appropriate— providing a nutrition lecture on heart disease is not. Save the deep, hardcore nutrition lessons for the older teen (again, when they ask is best), and remember many adults still find nutrition confusing. INSTEAD: Provide plenty of options for your child to be hands-on in the kitchen and your teen freedom to experiment with food. Answer nutrition questions when they come up.
Parents are busier than ever and use feeding “helpers” like bottle holders, sippy cups, high chairs, pacifiers clipped to the shirt, and more. While these make life easier, they may take away from the opportunity to connect and attach with your child. Experts are clear on the developmental task of infancy: attachment. Researchers find that little ones with insecure attachment to their caregiver may have difficulty regulating their food intake. And some of these “harmless” helpers may not be a good idea. INSTEAD: Be the human influence you were meant to be and care for your child’s needs in a hands-on way.
Recently, a mom asked me how to control what and how much her daughter ate at school. According to a 2011 study from Johns Hopkins University, parents have little influence over what their kids eat, especially as they get older. In fact, the outside environment (school, church, and peers) has more sway than parents! Kids tend to want what they cannot have, so tight control over food choice and quantity in or outside the home may have unwanted effects like out-of-control eating, and choosing unhealthy items. INSTEAD: Have a home environment that is balanced with mostly nutritious foods, a little bit of “Fun” food, and let your child be in charge of their eating.
Today’s parents love clean kids, in clean clothes, playing in their clean house. But when it comes to food and learning to eat, little kids need the freedom to get down and dirty with food. Getting messy with food allows taste, texture, smell, and hand-tomouth manipulation—a great way for baby to learn about food and how to eat. INSTEAD: Let your baby and toddler learn about food with all his senses—even if it’s messy.
Some parents make back-up meals for their family members. “Catering” to food requests (or demands) on a regular basis not only encourages picky eating, according to a 2009 study in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, kids miss out on nutritious foods like fruits, veggies, and dairy products. INSTEAD: Make one meal for the whole family.
“I’m not worried about what he eats because he’s on the skinny side,” or “She’s an athlete, so she can eat whatever she wants—she burns it all off!” While this is probably true for now, parents need to remember that children are developing flavor preferences and eating habits. Eating behaviors from childhood are hard to shake later on when the body has stopped growing and exercise isn’t as frequent or intense. INSTEAD: Teach your child to eat for a lifetime with nutritious foods and a healthy food balance.
A sip of momma’s latte, daddy’s soda or Grammy’s ice cream— what’s the harm in a little taste for baby and toddler? Infants are born pre-wired to prefer the flavor of sweet and fat. Salt preference comes around six months. For all three, the more exposure (read: tastes, sips, bites), the stronger the preference for these flavors. INSTEAD: Hold off on sweets, fried and salty foods until after age two and then offer them occasionally. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Jill Castle, MS, RN, LDN Jill is a child nutrition expert with more than 20 years of experience in the field of pediatric nutrition. In addition, she is a mother of four and a business owner, making her advice both accurate and practical for parents all over the country. She is dedicated to helping parents be the best feeders and supporters they can be, and uses her blog justtherightbyte.com to share knowledge. Her blog is recognized as one of the best when it comes to child nutrition.
MAY 2014
ACETAMINOPHEN in pregnancy linked to ‘ADHD-like behaviors’
cetaminophen, the active agent in drugs like Tylenol, is the most common drug ingredient in America. It is found in more than 600 over-the-counter and prescription medications including pain relievers, fever reducers, sleep aids, and even allergy medicines.
described their children’s behavior, after which the researchers looked at databases to determine how many prescriptions for ADHD drugs were written and how many children received a diagnosis of a severe form of ADHD called hyperkinetic disorder, or HKD.
A new study from researchers in Denmark indicates that the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy could be linked to ADHD-like behavioral problems in children.
The researchers were quick to point out that their findings only point to an increased risk, and as of yet more research needs to be done. They agree with many of their detractors that their findings do not prove a causeand-effect relationship between acetaminophen and these ADHD-like behaviors. But their findings, coupled with a recent editorial published in the same journal, do have people thinking twice about what we still don’t understand about prenatal development and possible side effects. If nothing else, the study highlights the need to be cautious when it comes to taking medicine and drug safety for granted.
Study author Dr. Beate Ritz, professor and chair of the epidemiology department at the University of California, Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health, recently told CNN, “(Pregnant women) shouldn’t worry at this point…But if I were a woman who was pregnant...I would try to avoid taking painkillers as much as I can until we know more about this.” Published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics, the study analyzed data from more than 64,000 children enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort study between 1996 and 2002. Mothers who participated in the cohort study
42 HEALTHY magazine
In similar news, the FDA recently warned of the liver failure-
acetaminophen connection. Apparently this was missed by many physicians, pharmacists and patients, so the drug agency, in an unusual move, is reminding doctors: Stop writing prescriptions for, stop dispensing prescriptions for, and stop taking medications containing more than 325 mg. of acetaminophen. Your liver will thank you, since acetaminophen overdose has overtaken viral hepatitis infection as the most common cause of acute liver failure. It is now the second most common cause of liver failure requiring transplantation in the United States. “These products are no longer considered safe by FDA and have been voluntarily withdrawn” by the manufacturers, the FDA said. And yet, still pharmacy shelves remain stocked with “extra-strength” over-the-counter acetaminophen for pain relief, and many surgeons and dentists continue to recommend it.
Acetaminophen has become a workhorse of our home medicine chests, and an ingredient contained in many combination medications, including the opiate painrelievers Percocet and Vicodin and in such over-the-counter stalwarts as Benadryl, Excedrin, Nyquil, Robitussin, Theraflu and Vicks. As explained by Harvard Medical School’s Family Health Guide, most acetaminophen is broken down into harmless substances that are removed from the body in urine. “But a small percentage is rendered into a compound that’s extremely harmful to cells,” the guide says. The compound is known by the acronym NAPQI, and it’s combined with an antioxidant called glutathione to make it safe to ingest. But in the case of an overdose, there’s “not enough glutathione to sop up NAPQI,” making liver damage a threat.
MAY 2014
umors are accepted as truth by millions of people, and this holds true with medical conspiracy theories. Researchers from the University of Chicago conducted a national survey on the matter, and found that about half of all Americans subscribe to some medical conspiracy theory, be it cancer and cell phones, vaccines and autism, or another rumor-backed science-lacking idea.The research, which was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, looked at six conspiracy theories in particular. Here are the results:
1 The FDA (Food and Drug
3 Cellphones have been found to cause
Administration) is under pressure from pharmaceutical companies to suppress natural cures for cancer and other diseases.
cancer, but the government has bowed to large corporations, and won’t do anything about it. 20%-Endorse 40%-Neither agree or disagree
37%-Endorse 31%-Neither agree or disagree
4 Genetically modified foods have been
2 Physicians and the government
still want to vaccinate children even though they know these vaccines cause autism and other psychological disorders. 20%-Endorse 36%-Neither agree or disagree
widely disseminated by Monsanto Inc. as part of a secret program to shrink the world’s population. 12%-Endorse
5 The CIA deliberately infected African
Americans with the HIV virus under the guise of a hepatitis inoculation program. 12%-Endorse
A significant portion of the US population sides with medical conspiracy theories, and this is correlated with certain behavior, the researchers found. They found that the more conspiracy theories a person endorsed, the more likely that person was to take vitamin and herbal supplements. Those who believe these conspiracies are also more likely to buy organic. It seems that believers are also more health conscious in general, as they are more likely to get annual physicals, wear sunscreen and get a flu shot. Those who side with the ideas above shouldn’t be considered delusional or paranoid, researchers wrote. They are simply normal people trying to find explanations for complicated events and trends. Source: LAtimes.com
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MAY 2014
nfortunately, many people have become desensitized from their natural hunger and satiety cues because of emotional eating. This often leads to overeating and weight gain. It is all too easy to grab a sweet treat for a pick-me-up when we’re feeling down, regardless of if we’re truly, physically hungry. So how can we realize if we are emotional eaters? It’s all about nailing down the “why” of our snack or meal: are you eating to feel better, or to fill your stomach? It is important to be able to recognize the physical symptoms of hunger. The next time you reach for a sweet treat, stop and ask yourself, “Am I actually hungry?” Realizing that hunger is a physical response is the first step to realizing if we tend to eat for emotional purposes. Another way to become aware of our emotional eating habits is to listen to our bodies as we eat. With portion sizes getting larger and larger, it can be easy to ignore our body’s signals and simply make ourselves eat whatever amount is in front of us. Especially when we are dealing with stressful emotions, mindlessly eating more than our bodies need and until we are uncomfortably full can be a problem. The next time you sit down to eat, let your body be the judge of how much you eat. Give yourself a small portion, and after eating it ask you “Am I still hungry?” If you are still hungry, give yourself permission to eat more. Repeat this process until you notice the physical feelings of hunger have disappeared. If food is your common outlet for stress, sadness or other emotions, it is a tall order to just stop the habit. You’ll need to find other outlets. Remember that food can’t actually solve your problems in most cases. It is just a distraction that may actually contribute to the problem once your unnecessary food frenzy is ended.
Enjoying Food, or Eating Emotionally? There is an abundance of delicious food all around us, especially here in Utah. We all have our go-to favorites when it comes to comfort food. But at what point does consuming our favorite foods turn into a coping mechanism for our stress or emotions? W RITTEN BY ANG EL A SI LVA
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1. It comes all at once. 2. It usually demands specific foods. 3. It isn’t satisfied once you’re full.
Once emotional eating habits are assessed, then it is time to identify and deal with the underlying emotions that trigger the overeating or eating beyond satiation. Sometimes food can be an appropriate way to deal with our emotions, but excessive emotional eating can cause adverse health effects not only from overeating, but from the stress of those emotions as well. Dealing with those underlying issues head-on probably extends beyond the realm of food. Ultimately, erasing those triggers that cause the unnecessary eating will let you be in charge of not just your diet, but your life as well.
BEWARE: Meaningless Food Labels
s a health conscious people, checking food labels is commonplace when we go to the grocery store. We are bombarded with terms such as “organic,” “all-natural,” “trans-fat free,” and have an idea of what to look for on the label—calories, calories from fat, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium, and the list goes on. We want to think that we know what foods are healthy and what foods are not, but the food industry is making it trickier than ever to discern the good from the bad.
For example, Greek yogurt is a very popular health food right now. Its package claims that it’s all natural, nonfat, and includes real fruit. For most people, those are reasons enough to believe it’s a healthy option. What most people don’t realize is that the ingredients list tells a different story. Sure, you may skim the ingredients list for terms such as “sugar,” “high fructose corn syrup,” and the other common terms for sugar,
and delightfully choose the product when you discover none of those terms. But what you don’t notice is the term “evaporated cane juice” listed on that label. Evaporated cane juice is nothing more than sugar. If you check the label, you’ll notice there’s 19 grams of it in that Greek yogurt. Many companies have been facing lawsuits for their deceiving ingredients lists. So how can you tell if what you think is healthy is indeed healthy? Here is a list of common food labels and their actual meanings.
ORGANIC: These are products that are free of antibiotics, preservatives, growth hormones, and trans fat. These are regulated by the USDA and must have the USDA ORGANIC seal on the packaging. There are 3 levels of organic, including “100% Organic,” “organic,” meaning it contains at least 95% organic ingredients, and “made with organic ingredients,” which means it must contain a minimum of 70% organic ingredients. TRANS FAT FREE: These products must have less than 1% of total fat or no more than 0.5g of trans fat per serving.
NATURAL FOOD: Natural usually
CHOLESTEROL FREE: These products must have no more than 2 grams of saturated fat.
LOW CALORIE: These products must have no more than 40 calories per serving.
UNREGULATED TERMS: In addition to the above terms, there are a lot of terms that are just completely unregulated. These terms include “Free Range,” “Hormone Free,” and “Sustainably Harvested.”
means minimally processed, however there is not a legal meaning for this term. The USDA and FDA guidelines say it must not have anything artificial or synthetic, including flavors or colors.
MAY 2014
With a full range of
grain, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and even a bit of cheese for dairy, this salad is really an entire meal
Pear, Parsley and Fennel Salad
One of my many favorite things about spring—right up there with sunshine and the earthy flower-scent that wafts in the air—is the abundance of fresh leafy greens that crops up every year. April is still a little early for most greens, so while I’m waiting for staples such as arugula, spinach and all sorts of lettuces to reach their peak, I reach for the remaining winter-hardy herbs, including parsley. This particular salad is a great way to introduce even the most reluctant consumer of greens to the value of parsley. The tang of lemons, shallots and vinegar brightens the entire dish and brings out parsley’s subtle peppery notes. A salty feta sets off the lightly sweet fennel and pears, and the toasted hazelnuts round everything out with their rich flavor. If this recipe seems like a lot of work for a salad, you’re probably right. But this isn’t your supper’s side salad. With a full range of grain, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and even a bit of cheese for dairy, this salad is really an entire meal for four. By itself, this salad is both elegant and satisfying—a light spring meal that can easily impress, even if you’re expecting company. But if you do want to dress it up, it would pair wonderfully with a grilled filet of fish or chicken.
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NUTRITION INFORMATION Pear, Parsley and Fennel Salad Salad:
1 cup 1/4 tsp 1 tsp 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cup 2 2 cups 3 cups
barley salt walnut oil chopped hazelnuts fennel bulb, very thinly sliced feta pears, sliced parsley (see the “Secret Ingredient”), chopped with stems removed Romaine lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
SALAD Calories: 370 Total Fat: 11.7 g Cholesterol: 17 mg Sodium: 414 mg Total Carbohydrates: 59.8 g Dietary Fiber: 15.4 g Sugars: 12.9 g Protein: 12.4 g Vitamins: A 59%, C 88%, Iron 27%, Calcium 21%
DRESSING Calories: 80 Total Fat: 8.7 g Cholesterol: 1 mg Sodium: 98 mg Total Carbohydrates: 1 g Protein: .2 g
Directions: Bring the barley and 3 cups water to a boil with the salt, a dash of pepper and a bay leaf, if desired. Let simmer until the water is completely absorbed, about 45 minutes. Begin preparing the dressing (see below) while the barley cooks. Heat the oil in a separate pan, then add the hazelnuts. Stir to coat the nuts with the oil, and continue to toast the nuts until they begin absorb the oil, about 5 to 7 minutes. Add the fennel and sauté, stirring occasionally, until the fennel begins to color. Cooking time will vary according the size and width of your fennel slices. When finished, the oil should be completely absorbed. Remove both pans from heat and allow the nuts, fennel and barley to cool slightly before serving. Wash and prepare the parsley and lettuce, then mix greens together. Spoon the barley out onto serving plates and mound the mix of greens onto the barley. Sprinkle with nuts, fennel, feta and pear slices.
For the dressing:
2 small shallots, minced 1 clove garlic, minced Grated zest of one lemon, plus 1 tbs lemon juice 2 tbs white wine vinegar 1/4 tsp salt Dash black pepper 1 tbs Dijon mustard 2 tbs cream 1/3 cup olive oil In a small bowl, combine the shallots, garlic, lemon zest and juice. Add the vinegar, salt and a generous dash of pepper, then whisk the mixture together and let sit 15-30 minutes at room temperature. Finish the dressing by whisking in the Dijon mustard, cream and olive oil.
The Secret Ingredient: Parsley Even among leafy green vegetables, parsley is a nutrition star. It’s exceptional where water-soluble vitamins are concerned: 1/2 cup of parsley leaves contains significantly more vitamin K than your body will ever know what to do with (try upwards of 500% of the recommended daily value for most people). It’s also high in vitamins A and C—it should get you to about half your daily goal for those nutrients—and it contains a good helping of iron as well. It features some unlikely nutrients as well. Parsley is high in omega-6 fatty acids, one of the important fats that are missing from most American’s diets, and its amino acid profile is nearly complete, making it a good source of vegetarian protein. And did I mention that it does all this for a mere 10 calories?
Bonus tip:
Unfortunately, we often relegate parsley to a supporting role as a seasoning, or even just as a garnish to be picked off and set aside. But it has a fresh, peppery, slightly bitter flavor that pairs well with other greens and herbs, making it an ideal candidate for salads.
If you have leftovers, pack this salad up for lunch the next day. By swapping the barley out for a wholewheat flat bread or pita, you can turn this salad into a light, flavorful wrap or sandwich. Simply stuff or role the greens, fennel, pears, nuts, and parsley into the flatbread of your choice. Be extra generous with the fennel and pears if you can. To avoid making the bread soggy, assemble the salad and drizzle the dressing over the greens at the last possible moment.
There are several varieties of parsley, two of which are common in the U.S. Curly-leaf parsley features the frilly, clustered leaves that show up—and often remain—on our plates as a garnish. Flat-leaf parsley, also called Italian parsley in some stores, lacks the pretty curled leaves of the more common variety, but has a stronger flavor and a more pleasing texture, making it ideal for eating in larger quantities. I have successfully pulled this salad together with both varieties, but if it’s available, flat-leaf parsley will blend in with other salad greens more effectively.
MAY 2014
Salmon &Kale Quinoa Salad Serves about 6. Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: About 15 minutes Ingredients:
Nutritional information per 1/2 cup: Calories: 312 Fat: 12.2 grams Carbohydrates: 30.1 grams Fiber: 5 grams Protein: 16 grams Weight Watchers Points: 7
For the salad: 8.5 ounces salmon filet, cooked and shredded 4 cups kale leaves 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp olive oil 1 can artichoke hearts, chopped (14.5 ounces) 1 cup dry quinoa 2 cups water 3 tbsp toasted pine nuts 1/2 cup parmesan cheese
Tip from Claire:
For the dressing: 1/3 cup white wine vinegar 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp honey Salt and pepper
Directions: 1. Bring the four cups of water to a boil. Add quinoa. Lower heat and cover and cook for about 15 – 20 minutes, stirring sporadically, until all of the liquid has been absorbed. 2. Meanwhile, heat olive oil. Add garlic and cook until slightly fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add kale leaves and cook until wilted, about 2 more minutes. Remove from heat and stir into the quinoa. Add fish, chopped artichokes, pine nuts and cheese, stir to combine.
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The great thing about this salad is that you can sub in whatever you want in place of what I have. If you don’t like salmon, add tuna or shrimp. Replace the kale with any other vegetable. It really doesn’t matter. No matter how you eat it, it’ll taste amazing.
Claire Gallam
To make the dressing, whisk the vinegar, olive oil, honey and salt and pepper. Pour over the salad and mix to combine. Serve immediately.
“Before I was a blogger, a writer and a recipe creator,” writes Claire, “I was just a chubby kid who loved food.” She calls food her first true love, and her blog The Realistic Nutritionist (nutritionfor.us) is spreading that love to thousands (she has more than 16,000 Facebook followers, if that’s any indication). What started as a nutrition blog is now thriving resource for low-fat, gluten-free, vegan and Weight Watcher eating. We love this blog because Claire truly does grasp the reality of healthy dining, making her a peer rather than someone to envy. She admits she usually eats dessert first and that she fights the weight yo-yo battle, but she believes in balance. “I believe, with everything in me, in moderation,” she writes. “Life’s too short to live without the occasional doughnut and jumbo slice.”
luten-free is everywhere, including restaurants, grocery stores, and now even Girl Scout cookies. But are the health benefits of this craze just a giant placebo effect? Or is there more to it than that?
Gluten is a protein found in grains, including barley, rye, and wheat; it gives us the texture we love in our baked goods. And for some people, it can cause serious medical issues.
Celiac disease, a reaction to gluten in which the body attacks the small intestine and makes it difficult to absorb nutrients, is a real condition. That being said, it’s not all that common; only an estimated one-percent of our population have the disease. So does this mean that everyone else buying up the ever-growing number of gluten-free products is crazy? Not necessarily.
A 2012 Italian study found that about one-third of it’s participants touting gluten intolerance were indeed sensitive to gluten. An estimated 6% of Americans have difficulty digesting gluten as well. Gluten intolerance can be very uncomfortable, causing everything from stomach pains to pounding headaches. Again, real conditions. But wait, what about the others in the study who thought they were gluten intolerant? Exactly. Two-thirds of the participants claiming to be sensitive to gluten really weren’t. This finding brings into perspective the growing number of Americans going gluten-free.
An estimated one third of Americans are trying to cut back on gluten, but less than ten percent of Americans actually have gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
Market researcher Harry Balzer estimates that almost one-third of Americans are trying to cut back on gluten. This is a big jump from the less than 10% that have gluten intolerance or celiac disease. So does this mean that almost a fifth of our population are operating under some sort of placebo effect? Again, not necessarily. There are benefits to cutting out gluten that have nothing to do with allergies or intolerances. When someone goes “glutenfree,” they unwittingly cut out a lot of processed foods; that would make anyone feel better. Sources: The New York Times, Slate, WebMD, Celiac Central, US News, and Women’s Health
The term gluten-free is generally used to indicate a supposed harmless level of gluten rather than a complete absence. The exact level at which gluten is harmless is uncertain and controversial. A recent systematic review tentatively concluded that consumption of less than 10 mg of gluten per day is unlikely to cause histological abnormalities, although it noted that few reliable studies had been done.
MAY 2014
“You could see my jaw line again!”
ne of my patients graciously shared her face lift surgery experience with us. It is important to know that there are many kinds of facial procedures available, and even many kinds of face lifts. There are full, mid face, and lower face lifts. There is even a neck lift, which can be done separate or in concert with a face lift. Any of those can be combined with eye lid surgery or a brow lift—or not. The right combination of procedures for you will depend on your needs and your specific goals. It is important to find a board certified plastic surgeon who will listen to you and create a plan that fits your needs. Facial surgery is not a one size fits all proposition. Thank you Christine for sharing you journey with us: “I had thought about having my double chin sucked out with liposuction for a long time. My Dad had a double chin and I think I must have inherited it from him. But it’s not all about genetics. I gained far too much weight with the birth of each of my ten children. Even though I always seemed to lose my baby weight, my neck continued to grow. With age it got worse and worse. This was not a diet and exercise issue. I had heard you should wait as long as possible to get facial surgery done. It turns back the clock, but it doesn’t stop the clock. At age 60 I couldn’t stand it any longer. So I started researching out a good plastic surgeon. After going to a few initial
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consultation visits with other surgeons, I zeroed in on Dr. Petersen’s office. I really felt good about Dr. Petersen. I felt he was concerned with understanding my issues and not with trying to sell me more procedures to get my money. I felt like he thought of me as a medical patient and was concerned for my welfare. He wasn’t trying to sell me on how great he was going to make me look. He wasn’t about the vanity of it all and so he didn’t make me feel vain. Dr. Petersen just knew what I wanted and knew how to get me there. So I had the surgery, which included a lower face lift as well as liposuction of my neck. I was so excited to finally be able to lay back and tuck my face down and not have it sink into my neck. My neck wasn’t swallowing my chin anymore. You could see my jaw line again! The surgery went really well. The hardest part of the whole procedure was hiding out for two weeks. They call it social down time—when you are feeling okay, but you don’t really want anyone to see you yet. I decided there was no such thing as hiding out for two full weeks as hard as you try. Not being able to exercise for a while was difficult too. But I could walk so that helped. I was so very pleased with the outcome. Dr. Petersen was so careful and concerned. With each of my office visits
he covered all his bases and made things go as smoothly as possible. He wanted to make sure I understood every step of the process. I loved how caring he was and I felt like he really valued me as a person and wanted the best for me. It has been 9 months and all is well. I had some numbness after surgery, but all has gone away. Of course I love my new look. People tell me all the time how young I look. I feel good about myself, and I am really glad I had it done. My double chin is gone. My saggy face is gone. Before the surgery I felt selfconscious. Now I feel younger and more confident. I am perfectly pleased and so glad I took the plunge. “
Dr. Dayne Petersen
NuVista Plastic Surgery nuvistaplasticsurgery.com Dr. Petersen is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. He was a faculty member teaching plastic surgery at the University of Oklahoma. He also runs The Breast Oasis, where women can donate new and gently used bras to women in need.
-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT
Why don’t we use antibiotics to treat sinusitis anymore? Because they make the problem
Sinus Irritation?
llergy-irritated sinuses can block-off allowing opportunistic fungus and bacteria to cause a sinus infection. We all have bacteria and fungus in our sinuses, it’s in the air that we breathe. Normally, our immune system can keep them in-check. But when the conditions are right, these pathogens can multiply at a greater rate than we can suppress. Don’t resort to antibiotics. You will only kill the easy bacteria leaving only the robust ones for next time and requiring more damaging antibiotics. What’s more, antibiotics won’t kill fungus. What you need is an enhanced aqueous silver colloid that will kill both fungus and bacteria. Then, you need to spray it in your nose (don’t drink it) regularly in order to kill them faster than they can grow. Since bacteria and fungus can double in numbers every 20 to 30 minutes, you must spray at least every 20 to 30 minutes to get ahead of them. The mucosal flow will clear away what you sprayed in a short time.
Try the products recommended by ENT specialists! Sinus Relief – eliminate bacteria & fungus Sinus Support – relax, moisturize & heal damaged nasal tissues Congestion Relief – clear congestion & relax inflamed membranes Super Neti Juice – deep antimicrobial cleaning Herbal Neti Soother – soothe & restore the sinus tissues
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We get calls every day from sinus sufferers like you thanking us for bringing them our fine products. Nothing makes us happier than hearing our customers proclaim, “I can breathe again”. Checkout our website & see all of the wonderful products that we offer to help you maintain your health naturally. Here at Nature’s Rite, we’re ridding the world of sinusitis… one nose at a time. Why don’t we heal yours next?
The most beautiful aspect of quelling a sinus infection in this manner is that since the spray is without harm or side-effects to you, it can be done as a preventative treatment. You can get on top of that sinus infection when it first appears. You don’t have to wait until it’s bad enough to get a prescription from your doctor. You can maintain your health pro-actively.
Steve Frank
Nature’s Rite 1-800-991-7088 MyNaturesRite.com Steve Frank is an Herbalist with many years of experience in treating health issues using indigenous plants and herbs. He has studied the actions of these natural remedies in the clinic and the laboratory so that he can combine the best that science and ancient wisdom have to offer. Mr. Frank can be reached with questions at stevef@ NaturesRiteRemedies.com His blog can be found on www. MyNaturesRite.com
MAY 2014
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Catching Oral Cancer Early is Key to Survival
tudents at Roseman University’s College of Dental Medicine recently hosted the first-ever Oral Cancer Awareness Run/Walk in Utah to highlight the importance of oral cancer screenings and prevention. There are about 43,000 new diagnoses for oral or pharyngeal cancer in the U.S. every year, and about 8,000 people will die from these diseases annually. Oral cancer five-year survival rates are only at 57 percent, which is markedly lower than survival rates for diseases like breast cancer (85 percent) or prostate cancer (close to 100 percent). Despite significant advances in cancer treatments and therapies, the five-year survival rate for oral cancer has remained the same for decades because many people do not discover the cancer until very late in the development, when it has metastasized to another area of the body (often the lymph nodes in the neck). RISK FACTORS FOR ORAL CANCER It’s important to understand the risk factors for oral cancer so you know whether you should get to the dentist for regular screenings. The most common risk factors for developing oral cancers include: • Age – individuals over 40 are at a higher risk of developing this disease. • Smoking or using smokeless tobacco – smokeless tobacco is not a safer alternative to smoking, and both put you at risk for oral cancer. • Excessive alcohol consumption – this risk is increased for individuals who combine heavy alcohol consumption with tobacco use. • Frequent or prolonged exposure to sun without proper protection – this can lead to cancers in the lip area, although these are declining with the increased awareness of the dangers of ultraviolet rays. • Previous diagnosis of oral cancer or other cancers.
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In recent years doctors have seen an increase in the number of younger people diagnosed with the disease, and research has revealed it is likely due to human papilloma virus number 16 (HPV16), a disease transmitted through sexual contact. Getting oral cancer from HPV16 is particularly dangerous because it often affects the back of the mouth, such as oropharynx, tonsils, or the back of the tongue, and doesn’t produce some of the same telltale signs of disease (visible lesions, discoloration) that can lead to early diagnosis. GETTING SCREENED FOR THE DISEASE Part of the danger with oral cancer is that there are not a lot of really obvious signs of the disease in its early stages. The best way to lower your risk is to visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups, at the recommended six-month intervals. Dentists can often see some of the early changes in the tissues in your mouth, or even feel the tumor while it is still very small.
TREATING ORAL CANCER Treatment for oral cancer may involve a mix of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy depending on the stage at diagnosis. These methods are most effective when you can catch the cancer early. If you have not been screened recently for oral cancer and you have some warning signs or risk factors, it’s important to see a dentist right away. The Dental Clinic at Roseman University offers an affordable option for dental care if you don’t have a dentist or don’t have dental insurance. Early diagnosis and treatment offer the best chance for survival when it comes to oral cancer.
William Carroll, DDS Roseman University of Health Sciences South Jordan Campus rosemandental.com
Some other signs of oral cancer include a white or red patch of tissue in the mouth, a canker sore that doesn’t heal after more than two weeks, or unexplained and persistent bleeding in the mouth. If you can feel an obvious lump or bump, you have difficulty swallowing, a persistent earache on one side, or hoarseness that doesn’t heal for a long time, it’s a good idea to have these things checked by your dentist. Often the dentist will order a biopsy of suspiciouslooking areas to determine for sure whether it is cancer.
Dr. Carroll is Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine in South Jordan, Utah. He graduated from the UCSF School of Dentistry, completed a two-year AEGD residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD and recently retired from the US Navy after more than 30 years of service.
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Sensitive Teeth? Your dental hygienist just told you that you have receding gums-
Gum recession refers to the loss of gum tissue along the gumline. This occurs as a result of periodontal disease (gum disease), the natural aging process, aggressive tooth brushing habits and teeth clenching or grinding.
When gum recession occurs, the root structure of the tooth becomes exposed. This means that tooth decay and other problems can affect the teeth along the gumline and beneath it. Since healthy gums are essential for a healthy mouth, treating gum recession is important for lasting dental health.
Yes. Many studies show greater than 50 percent of adults have some degree of receding gums. Most people don’t know they have gum recession because it occurs gradually and is often painless. Generally, the first signs of gum recession are tooth sensitivity, a tooth looks longer than normal, or often a notch can be felt near the gum line.
If the gum recession is treated early when the problem is minor, changing oral hygiene methods like aggressive tooth brushing habits or getting a special cleaning called scaling and root planing at the dentist’s office may be all that is needed. However, if the gum recession is more advanced, then the dentist will often recommend a gum tissue grafting procedure known as a connective tissue graft or a free gingival graft to correct the
problem. In a gum graft surgery a piece of tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth and grafted (stitched) over the teeth with gum recession.
Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation™ or the Pinhole Surgical Technique™ (PST) is a new and patented procedure developed by Dr. John Chao that offers significant advantages over traditional gum grafting techniques to repair receding gums. First, it is less invasive because it doesn’t require any cutting or stitching—no tissue is cut out of the roof of the mouth. Second, healing time is much shorter. With PST most patients need only one day of healing compared to traditional gum grafting which usually takes about three weeks to heal and being on a very restricted soft or liquid diet. Third, treatment time is much shorter. With Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation 4-6 teeth can be treated in the same time it would take to do one tooth with traditional grafting. This means less time in the dental chair, saving you time and money. Fourth, Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation is effective. The natural thought would be that it must not be as effective as traditional grafting if it takes less time and heals faster. Not so! PST has proven itself to be just as effective, if not more so.
Dr. Ryan S. McNeil, D.D.S Midvale Family Dental Dr. Ryan S. McNeil, D.D.S., at Midvale Family Dental PC, was the first dentist certified trained and licensed in Utah to perform the Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation™ procedure. If you would like to learn more about this procedure or find out if you are a candidate, please visit our website www. utahsmiledocs.com or call to schedule a Free Consultation at www.pinholegumrejuvenationutah. com
MAY 2014
-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT
When the flowers bloom, do your allergies as well?
Top 10
worst plants for allergies
pring allergies are here! When the flowers bloom, do your allergies bloom as well? The watery eyes and stuffy nose are most often due to pollen from the beautiful plants and trees gracing your yard or neighborhood. Here are some of the most common allergy-causing plants and trees, and some tips on how to spot them.
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Fields, riverbanks, roadsides, rural areas. PEAK TIME: Summer and fall. About 75% of Americans who have plant allergies are sensitive to ragweed, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
Mountain cedar
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Mountainous areas (hence the name). PEAK TIME: Spring.
Ryegrass/Timothy/Orchard/ Kentucky Bluegrass
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Dry, cool lawns, meadows, pastures. PEAK TIME: Spring and summer. Grasses as a whole are potent to allergy sufferers. There’s no allergy-free grass. And if you mow it, you pick up mold as well as pollen.
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WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Along streams, woods. PEAK TIME: Early spring. Ash-leaf maple produces potent allergens and is found throughout the United States. Other, more moderate maples that trigger allergies are the red, silver, and sugar varieties.
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Cultivated, wetland habitats. PEAK TIME: Spring (American Dutch elm); fall (lace bark elm) Dutch elm disease killed an estimated 100 million elm trees between 1930 and 1980. However, the trees made a comeback in the late 1990s.
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Woods, river valleys. PEAK TIME: Winter to summer Flowering plants don’t usually produce the most potent allergens. If it’s pretty—think cherry and crabapple trees in blossom—it’s probably “not” causing your misery. However, the mulberry has been known to contribute to hay fever.
Also, don’t forget that your pets can track all of the pollens and mold spores into the house as well.
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Woods, orchards. PEAK TIME: Spring Pecans may taste great in pie, but in areas with lots of pecan trees, the pollen is second only to ragweed as a source of severe allergies.
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Woods. PEAK TIME: Spring. Oak produces less potent pollen but very large quantities. Oak trees often produce the most pollen for the longest season.
Douglas H. Jones, MD
Pigweed/ tumbleweed
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Lawns, roadsides. PEAK TIME: Spring to fall. Other weed allergens in the West include Russian thistle and kochia.
Arizona cypress
WHERE YOU’LL SEE IT: Welldrained soils. PEAK TIME: Spring. In warm climates, this tree can cause pollen problems for six to seven months out of every year.
OK, we know, it’s not a plant (it’s a fungus). But, it is worth mentioning. If your allergies act up in spring and fall, it may not be due to pollen circulating in the air, but mold levels that rise in those times.
Rocky Mountain Allergy, Asthma & Immunology rockymountainallergy.com Dr. Jones specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions relating to allergies, asthma and immune system disorders. He is board certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology and the American Board of Internal Medicine. He earned his MD from Penn State University and completed his specialty training at Creighton University.ars.
-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT
infertility Infertility is generally defined as the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. It is a very common problem affecting approximately 10% of couples worldwide. For many people, this results in great anxiety and puts a tremendous amount of stress on their relationship.
he God-given desire and ability to reproduce is one of life’s greatest joys and rewards. “Children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” When this ability is hindered, it can set off years of heartache and frustration. Luckily, the vast majority of infertile or sub-fertile couples can conceive with patience and medical intervention. The classic evaluation for infertility consists of 5 basic steps or tests. They are: • • • • •
The post-coital test is generally not performed any longer and is of very limited value. The first two tests can be performed quickly and at very minimal cost. Ovulation kits are now readily available at most drug or grocery stores at very low cost. They simply demonstrate when there is surge in the hormone that causes ovulation to occur. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to wait for ovulation to occur prior to having intercourse. The reason for this is that the egg, the largest cell in the body and the only cell you can see with the naked eye, only lives for 12 to 24 hours once it is released. The sperm, on the other hand, which are so small that over 60 million can be found in 1 ml of seminal fluid, can actually live up to 5 or 6 days in the female genital tract. Therefore it is generally best to start having sex 4 or 5 days prior to ovulation. Keeping track of several cycles can help you predict when your chances of conception will be the greatest and to see if you are indeed ovulating
on a regular basis. In fact, the most frequent cause of infertility is generally considered to be polycystic ovary syndrome, in which a woman fails to ovulate on a regular basis. This can typically be remedied by prescribing a fairly simple and low cost medication called Clomid. Prior to embarking on clomiphene therapy, however, you should have some simple blood tests. These might include a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), a luteinizing hormone (LH), and a prolactin level. In addition, your doctor may order a day 3 FSH to check for ovarian reserve, especially if you are over 35. Approximately 40% of infertility arises from ovulation malfunction in the female partner. Another 40% of infertility arises out of inadequate or malformed semen production in the male partner. The second step is therefore a simple semen analysis that can be easily ordered by your gynecologist and performed at the local hospital or lab. This needs be done in a proper manner and instructions can be obtained prior to taking the sample in for evaluation. Men often have something called a varicocele, which can typically be surgically repaired by a urologist if they have inadequate numbers of sperm. Generally at least 20 million are necessary for conception to occur. Even if the man only has a few sperm you may still be able to have children through ICSI or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection that can only be performed by a highly trained reproductive endocrinologist. This is when a single sperm is directly injected into a single egg. The third step is performing an HSG to verify that both fallopian tubes are open and functioning properly. Prior infection with Chlamydia is the most common reason for tubal obstruction, but a ruptured appendix, prior abdominal surgery, and
endometriosis are also common etiologies. This is the main reason why IVF or In Vitro Fertilization was originally invented. The last basic step in evaluating infertility is a laparoscopy and requires in-hospital or at least outpatient surgical evaluation of the abdomen or pelvis. This is done by placing a camera directly into the abdominal cavity and visualizing the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. This is mainly to check for endometriosis. Although minimal and mild endometriosis does not typically hinder fertility significantly, moderate or severe disease definitely does and is a major reason for the inability to conceive. If endometriosis is present, the surgeon can usually excise or cauterize the lesions. A GnRH agonist can also be prescribed post-operatively if necessary. THERE ARE NUMEROUS CAUSES OF INFERTILITY AND THIS ARTICLE ONLY IS INTENDED TO GIVE A VERY BASIC APPROACH TO SOME OF THE MORE COMMON ETIOLOGIES. YOUR OB/ GYN CAN PERFORM MOST OF THESE STEPS PRIOR TO REFERRAL TO A REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGIST. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Mark Saunders, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Personal Care drsaundersobgyn.com
Dr. Mark Saunders is a wellrespected board certified obstetrician and gynecologist that has been practicing in the American Fork area for over 18 years.
MAY 2014
-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT
Can low hormones affect my sex drive?
ould you believe that a woman’s sex drive (libido) starts going down naturally between the ages of 30 to 33? It’s true, although we treat young newlyweds for the same problem. The hormone in question? Testosterone. There are several other hormones involved (estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA), but the biggest culprit is definitely testosterone. A man’s testosterone starts going down in his mid to late forties. Seems somewhat odd, doesn’t it—her hormones head south 10 to 15 years before her husbands. If the truth be known, a woman’s testosterone should not diminish when she is in her thirties. There are a myriad of reasons why they diminish (hormones in beef and chicken, medications, stress, pollution, previous use of birth control pills, the cleaning chemicals under your kitchen sink....), so we have to make up the difference by replacing them with bio-identical
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testosterone. Very small amounts of this hormone are used. Many women fear that they will start “growing a beard” or getting big muscles if they take testosterone. Nothing could be further from the truth. Bio-identical testosterone is safe and effective in restoring the lost sex drive in women and men, without the mentioned side affects.
low in testosterone tend to become much more passive about everything—they lack the drive or assertiveness they had when they were younger. Raising testosterone levels in women and men brings back muscle tone, sex drive, and general vigor and vitality overall. We call it the “hormone of enthusiasm”. In Italy, they call it the “Passion Hormone.” Take your pick. Either one will improve your outlook on life.
Although a woman has only a small amount of testosterone when compared to a man, it is extremely important for women. Men who are low in testosterone generally lack initiative, are moody, grumpier, and have a low libido. They also tend to gain weight more easily around the middle (the proverbial “beer belly”). Women low in this hormone will tend to be “flabby” instead of muscular, will be more prone to thinning of the bones (osteoporosis), and will have little to no interest in sex. In general, men and women
Robert Jones, D.C. The Wellness Institute Hormone Therapy
Having a healthy balance of hormones is critical to a fulfilling life—and this is our specialty. Our wellness program also includes nutritional analysis and modifications, whole-food dietary supplementation, personalized exercise programs, a blockbuster medical weight loss program if needed and education regarding your pH balance.
-------------------------------ADVISOR CLIENT CONTENT
Do You Want Lasting or Temporary Change? A
ll diets work. Do you believe it? So what is the problem? You have to stay on that regimen or as soon as you stop or resume whatever eating pattern you were engaged in, the weight will almost always return. The problem with diets is that they are temporary. To lose weight and keep it off there has to be a permanent change of eating patterns or modification of lifestyle. When we start eating, why do we stop? There are several answers to this question. Most people will respond, “Because I’m full.” How often is it because we are stuffed, uncomfortable, out of time, out of money etc.? As a society we are very blessed. We have food available everywhere. It is often a social event. We eat when we are happy, sad, sleepy, awake, bored, stressed, excited, alone, and with others—because it is mealtime and sometimes when we are hungry. For many people if they weren’t so hungry all the time it would be easier to lose the weight. How would you like to feel satisfied sooner, on less food, and not feel so hungry all the time like you do on most diets? At Utah Lap-Band we can help. To make lasting improvement in weight there has to be a significant change. If you or someone you know is significantly overweight and other attempts have not helped, the Lap-Band may be a tool for you to consider. Find out how this unique surgically implanted device can improve your health and your life and boost the control of your weight.
Darrin F. Hansen, MD, FACS Hansen Lap-Band DrDhansen.com
Dr. Hansen is a Center of Excellence surgeon for the LAPBAND procedure. This credential is given to surgeons who maintain the highest standards for bariatric patient care. With over ten years of weight loss surgery experience in Utah and over 1000 LAP-BAND procedures combined with ongoing advanced training and techniques, patients have the best chance for excellent results.
MAY 2014
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Ride for Cynthia High
Sunday June 1, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. Ride begins at Timpanogas Harley Davidson 555 S. Geneva Road in Lindon A charity ride is being held for a former patient of Dr. Berg’s named Cynthia High. In October, 2013 Cynthia was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive brain tumor and has a prognosis of 3-8 months to live. Cynthia will leave behind her husband Thayne and six children with the youngest being three. If you would like to be a part of the motorcycle ride or for more information, please go to Facebook.com/GreyMattersToTheHighs
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MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
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