2016 JC intern introduction

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Major: Biology

Hometown: Gainesville, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? My idea of happiness is being surrounded by the ones you love and helping other through selfless service Which historical figure do you most identify with? I most identify with Teddy Roosevelt What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I believe that humility is the most overrated virtue. It is good to be humble, however an over abundance of humility can be detrimental. Which words or phrases do you over use? According to my friends I say “Good to see ya” a lot. I throw the word “like” into a lot of sentences and I really enjoy saying “Howdy” What is your most treasured possession? A necklace I received from my father in 6th grade that I haven’t taken off since then. Who are your real life heroes? My father has been a huge role model for me growing and continues to be as I transition into adulthood. What is your motto? “If you believe in yourself, you are halfway there.” ­Teddy Roosevelt What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? I hope to gain greater confidence and eloquence in my public speaking skills. I am looking forward to being in an office setting and gain greater event planning skills. I am most looking forward to learning more about autism and the research behind it.



Major: Management Information Systems

Hometown: Beijing, China / Frisco, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Healthiness among my family, happiness with those around me, and satisfaction within myself. Which historical figure do you most identify with? I actually don't know, but according to a Buzzfeed quiz, "You are peaceful, wise, regal, and have just the right amount of sass, just like Ashoka the Great!" Haha. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Courtesy, probably. Which words or phrases do you overuse? "Wait..." Which talent would you most like to have? Ultimate creativity! What is your most treasured possession? My stacks and stacks of old photo books and family photo albums. A picture really is worth a thousand words. Who are your heroes in real life? My parents are my biggest heroes. Everything I'm working towards today is for paying back my parents in gratitude. Their lives, struggles, and morals are the definition of admirability to me. What is your motto? "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything." What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? This will be one of my first more independent web development projects. I hope to build a successful DHQ website that is easy to navigate and easy on the eyes, while also learning more about the condition itself and the causes the great people at TJC work towards!



Major: Psychology

Hometown: Forth Worth, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness: Living in the mountains, with many good books to read. Also just being surrounded by my family and friends, I think that makes me the happiest I can be. Which historical figure do you most identify with: I don’t know if I identify with him exactly, but I’ve always really loved learning about Charles Darwin. I love how curious he was about the world. What do you consider the most overrated virtue: Patience might be the most overrated virtue. It is definitely necessary at times, but other times its better to stop waiting around for something to happen and to make it happen on your own. Which words or phrases do you overuse? “Like” and “literally” Which talent would you like to have? I’d love to be able to draw and paint! Definitely a talent I’ve never had. What is your most treasured possession? the diamond of the engagement ring that my grandfather gave to my grandmother. It’s very tiny but very sentimental to me. Who are your real life heroes? My parents, and my brother. What is your motto? It's cliché, but I’ve always loved the “If you fall off your horse, get back on” motto. I definitely think it applies to most aspects of life. What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC: I hope to further my research experience and learn more about the autism spectrum in general.



Major: Psychology

Hometown: Brownsville, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? My idea of perfect happiness is coming home and being able to rest without any worries, anxiety, or stress. What historical figure do you most identify with? I would say that I most identify with the American singer and songwriter Selena Quintanilla. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I consider hope to be the most overrated virtue. There is a difference in hoping things work out and trying to make things work out. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I overuse the phrase "keep pushing." I say this to myself, friend, and family when our environment starts becoming stressful. Which talent would you most like to have? I wish I was musically talented. Most of my friends can play instruments well and I wish I could play with them. What is your most treasured possession? My most treasured possession is the first teddy bear I ever owned. Who are your heroes in real life? The only hero in my life is my mom. What is your motto? A motto that runs in my family and that I always have in the back of my mind is "Family comes first. Friends come and go but family stays." What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? I hope to gain work and social experience. I also hope to build great relationships with those who I will work with.



Major: Supply Chain Management

Hometown: El Paso, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Having a happy and healthy family and being able to do something I am passionate about for a living. Which historical figure do you most identify with? Manu Ginobili What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Patience Which words or phrases do you most overuse? "Awesome", "sounds good", "cool" Which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be able to dunk a basketball. What is your most treasured possession? A picture of my nephew that's about to turn 2 this summer. Who are your heroes in real life? My mom simply because of her ability to raise three children alone and constantly work 7 days a week from morning till night without ever giving up. My mom has inspired me to always work hard even when the going gets tough and I hope to make her proud by having that hard work mentality in whatever I pursue. What is your motto?"Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest. Until your Good is Better and your Better is Best." (Tim Duncan) What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? I hope to gain a lot of valuable experience and better understand the challenges that come from being a non­profit organization. I also hope to make a significant impact with everyone at The Johnson Center that will hopefully be felt even after the summer is over. Lastly, I hope to develop long­lasting relationships with the people at The Johnson Center.



Major: Nutritional Sciences

Hometown: Chandigarh, India / Austin, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness?: Would be to work hard on an everyday basis in research that can help; maybe in a small but significant way towards reduction of disease and illness among people. Which historical figure do you most identify with?: I think it would be Martin Luther King Jr. because he advocated equality of all people, always stood up for what he believed in and never gave up in times of difficulty. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?: Is blind faith in such religious thoughts that results in unnecessary pain to oneself or mankind. Which words or phrases do you overuse the most?: Be positive Which talent would you like to have? The talent I would like to have is the ability to learn multiple languages quickly and easily. My treasured possession: My family who loves and supports me unconditionally in all my personal and professional pursuits. Who are your real life heroes? My mom who maintained a perfect balance between both her professional and personal life. She was not only an excellent administrator at her job but also an excellent mom was always there to guide and support her children. What is your motto?: No pains no gains What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? "Through this internship, I hope to strengthen my research skills through working in qualitative nutrition based projects that can be the basis for future interventions for children suffering from autism spectrum disorders. Since TJC supports a very comprehensive approach, I also hope to learn more about the multiple domains of treating the problem."



Major: Psychology / Health & Society

Hometown: San Antonio, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness?: Having people around me I love and waking up to a career where I am making a difference. Which historical figure do you most identify with?: Audrey Hepburn What do you consider the most overrated virtue?: Pride Which words or phrases do you overuse the most?:What just happened?' Which talent would you like to have? Braiding Hair (wish I was better at that) My treasured possession: A rosary my friend brought me from Lourdes. Who are your real life heroes? Barbara Walters and my sister. What is your motto?: Keep a positive attitude and the rest will take care of itself What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? A better understanding of the specific carbohydrate died and i hope to learn from my fellow interns and colleagues.



Major: Psychology

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? My idea of perfect happiness would include spending time with good friends celebrating successes in everyone's family life, hobbies, work, and other activities. What historical figure do you most identify with? The historical figure I identify with is Clara Barton. She was a teacher, nurse, and the founder of the American Red Cross. Clara dedicated her life to helping others which I would like to do as well. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I think the most overrated virtue is moderation. There are times when you should not hold back and indulging might be the best option. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I often catch myself saying "sorry" much more often than it is necessary. I find myself saying it when there is nothing to apologize for. Which talent would you most like to have? If I could choose any talent I would like to be a skilled dancer and be able to dance in a variety of styles. What is your most treasured possession? My most treasured possessions are notes and cards I have received from others throughout my life. I think there is something very special about receiving a sweet handwritten note from a friend. I find these very meaningful and it brightens my day when I read them. Who are your heroes in real life? My hero in real life is my grandpa. He is incredibly hard working, friendly to everyone, and always has a great attitude. What is your motto? One motto I have is that everything happens for a reason. I view this as a reminder to myself that everything that has happened to me and everything I have done has taught me something and shaped who I am today. What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? Through working at The Johnson Center I hope to gain a greater understanding of developmental disabilities and learn how to better help children with these disabilities and their families.



Major: BSA Biology, Psyhcology

Hometown: Singleton, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being able to find imperfect happiness in most situations. Which historical figure do you most identify with? Charlotte Perkins Gilman What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Self­esteem ­ or at least the version of it that’s pushed in schools, the workplace, parenting books, etc. We’ve stopped telling kids they are valuable and instead say they are special, even though being special, by definition, means that everyone else around you isn’t. I’ve noticed that people my age ­ including myself ­ often feel an overwhelming urge to be unique and ‘take the path less traveled,’ so much so that we forget to be themselves. The real you is valuable, no matter if your interests, personality, and beliefs are quirky or mainstream. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I use “no” to lead into the next sentence a lot, sometimes in the place of “um.” Which talent would you most like to have? Graphic design. What is your most treasured possession? My cat, Artemis. Who are your heroes in real life? Chantel Garrett, whom I admire for her advocacy work relating to early psychosis intervention. What is your motto? Always be honest with yourself. What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? I believe that the collaborative care model that Johnson Center uses in their care for individuals with autism can be applied to many other situations ­ mental health, chronic disease management, and even the general well­being of children in the community. I hope to apply the lessons I learn at the Johnson Center to my own career in community improvement and the expansion of mental health and healthcare services to under served areas.




Major: Communication Studies , Human Relations

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? What historical figure do you most identify with? In the third grade, I had to create a book report over the life and works of Princess Diana, Princess of Wales. After, she became someone that I tried to follow after. Her life and work taught me that no matter how successful you are, always use your own fortune for those in need. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? I don’t know if there is one. Personal virtues promote individual greatness. Personally, I don’t believe that a single trait or quality that makes one so great can be considered overrated. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? I say that “everything happens for a reason” way too often, but I strongly believe in it. What talent would you most like to have? There’s a form of dance in my culture called Bharatanatiyam. It is a type of classical dance that came out of the temples of Tamil Nadu. It’s such a beautiful form of dance that has survived through the traditions. It symbolizes the spirit of the body and is meant for spiritual expression. What is your most treasured possession? My family members, specifically my grandmother, would always bring me back a doll from whatever country or state she was in. They came in different forms and styles but my favorites were always the ones that lit up and sang songs in Hindi. They are still hanging around my room to this day, each telling a different story of it’s own. Who are your heroes in real life? My grandmother, she was a woman who walked with poise, class, and was always so welcoming of new friends and strangers. She taught me that kindness is not instilled in everyone and that it can only be learned. By being the best person you can be, you will positively touch those around you. What is your motto? I don’t have a motto, but I do have an inspirational quote that I live by. It stems from Ephesians 3:20­“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? During my summer here at TJC, I hope to gain an even better comprehension of children, specifically those who struggle with Dysautonomia and find my own place to help them feel comfortable and make them feel like they belong.



Major: Psychology

Hometown: League City, Texas

What is your idea of perfect happiness? My idea of perfect happiness is traveling the world with my partner. Health and stability in my family are also included in my perfect happiness. Which historical figure do you identify most with? I most identify with the Sufi poet Jalal ad­din Rumi. He emphasized peace, love, and spirituality in his beautiful poems. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Although I believe it is good to have a positive outlook in life, I consider the virtue of "everything happens for a reason" to be overrated. Which words or phrases do you most over use? I most overuse the phrase "Hi, how's it going?" as a casual introduction. What talent would you most like to have? I would like to have more confidence with my public speaking skills. What is your most treasured possession? My most treasured possessions are the trinkets that I have collected from my travels, and also those that my friends have given me from their travels too. Who are your real life heroes? My greatest heroes in life are my mother and father. They have taught me how to be independent, compassionate, and selfless by teaching through example. What is your personal motto? "Two roads diverged in a wood and I ­ I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." ­ Robert Frost. What do you hope to gain from a summer at TJC? I hope to gain work experience that I can apply while I pursue a career in therapy. I also hope to gain a greater understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder, and positively impact children's lives through service.

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