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Thanksgiving meal Nov. 16, Christmas meal Dec. 7 at all fi ve Midland County senior dining centers Greater Midland hosts bingo on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays every month

Seniors at the Sanford Senior Center enjoy a Christmas meal hosted by Midland Kiwanis in 2018. (Photo Provided)

Thanksgiving meal Nov. 16, Christmas meal Dec. 7 at all fi ve Midland County senior dining centers

By Midland Daily News

Midland County Senior Services is offering in-person Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations this year at all fi ve activity and dining centers.

Registration is now open for both holiday meals: Thanksgiving on Wednesday, Nov. 16 and Christmas on Wednesday, Dec. 7.

Below are meal times and contact information for each center. You must call and make a reservation ahead of time.

Trailside Activity & Dining Center, lunch served at 11:30 a.m., call Nancy at 989-633-3790

Sanford Activity & Dining Center, lunch served at 11:30 a.m., call Dawn at 989-687-7888

Coleman Activity & Dining Center, lunch served at 11:30 a.m., call Tracey at 989-465-6216

Mills Activity & Dining Center, lunch served at 11:30 a.m., call Natalie at 989-633-3788

Greendale Activity & Dining Center, lunch served at 11:30 a.m., call Myra at 989-832-8683

All fi tness class participants on Nov. 16 and Dec. 7 are encouraged to join the class online if possible. If coming in person, consider parking across the street and/or carpooling due to the special meals taking place on those two days.

Cherie Smith, right, smiles after calling out “bingo” during a game led by Scott Tefft, left, Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at Trailside Activitiy and DIning Center in Midland. (Katy Kildee, Midland Daily News)

Great Midland hosts bingo 1st and 3rd Tuesdays ev y m th

Greater Midland Bingo Days are held on the fi rst and third Tuesdays of every month at the Greater Midland Community Center.

Doors open at noon, charitable game tickets start being sold at noon, and play begins at 1 p.m.

The public is welcome. Food and drinks will be available for sale.

For more details, contact

Amanda Ewald, 50+ coordinator, at aewald@greatermidland.org or 989-832-7937, x2270.

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