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Exercises for Seniors

Easy and Engaging Exercises for seniors

One of the misconceptions preventing people from adopting an exercise routine is that they worry it will tire them out. For many people, it's a super challenging activity that drains all your energy and strength. While it's true that you will feel a bit tired after exercise, a little rest and a few relaxing stretches can help you get back to work. On top of that, there are several exercises for seniors that give them the activity they need.

Benefi ts of Exercises for seniors

Physical activities have both physical and psychological benefi ts for humans. Regardless of your age, you can benefi t from exercise and physical activity. Well, it's a myth that older adults can develop injuries or health problems while doing exercises. Seniors need to move their bodies as much as young people do. But they just need to consider their health conditions before deciding on an exercise routine. Here are some benefi ts of physical activities for seniors. • Improves balance in seniors • Offers you more energy • Prevents developing

mobility issues • Supports heart health • Improves brain function and prevents problems like dementia • Offers active and independent life

Easy and Energizing Exercises for seniors

Here are some ideal options for older adults who don't participate in strenuous activities.

Water Aerobic

This activity has become quite popular in recent years. Water aerobics offers a fun and engaging time to seniors and is a great leisure activity. There is no risk of this activity as long as you can swim. Exercising in the water is ideal for people with joint problems and arthritis. This is because the buoyancy of the water doesn't put pressure on your joints. Besides that, you can also improve fl exibility, balance, and strength without getting bored and irritated. Some best aerobic water activities are: • Arm curls • Leg lifts • Standing water pushups • Aqua jogging • Flutter kicking

Before you think that Zumba might be too intense for you, hear us out. Zumba Gold is a modified version of Zumba that is much easier for seniors to try. In this exercise, your instructor will recreate the original Zumba moves, except they'll keep things at a lower intensity. You might have to sit for some exercise moves or lay to make things more interesting. If you think that you need low-intensity exercises, look for Zumba programs designed for beginners. Wall Pushups

While normal pushups are too difficult for seniors, wall pushups offer are difficult enough to give them a bit of a challenge. Wall pushups are truly ideal for people who can't do standard pushups, whether they are young or old. They are easy to perform and offer numerous health benefits. Wall pushups help build strength in your shoulder and chest. They help you build endurance, flexibility, and strength. The best part is that you can do it at home, but make sure to look at a few tutorials to do it accurately. Pilates

It's a low-impact exercise and is one of the oldest exercise routines. Seniors will need some help performing Pilates, as there's always a risk of falling for beginners. Additionally, this exercise emphasizes breathing, core strength, concentration, and alignment. To perform this exercise, you will need Pilate balls, mats, and other inflated accessories. This way, older adults can build strength without worrying about stressing their bodies which leads to injuries. There are several Pilates exercises that seniors can try. The best of them all is: • Foot slides • Mermaid movement • Steps ups • Side circles • Leg circle Walk

One of the easiest and least stressful physical activities is walking. For people with declining health, walking can become a challenge. So, it's important to walk based on your abilities and health. Generally, for an average person, walking 10,000 steps per day is ideal. But those who face struggle while walking can aim for fewer steps per day. Walking may seem like a simple activity, but it's a pretty effective way to lower your risk of heart problems, diabetes, colon cancer, and stroke. So, start walking from today. You can walk inside your house, around the perimeter of a familiar building, or on a moderate trail in the nearest park.

Bottom Line

You can incorporate a variety of exercises for seniors in your daily routine to start benefitting from them. Following an exercise routine will help you stay active and healthy and prevent health conditions such as heart problems and aging skin. If you don't have experience with exercise, enroll in a fitness program. There, the instructor will help you balance yourself while exercising. They will also help you understand the right exercises for you based on your age and health.

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