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Returning to the gym
from Health Watch 9/23
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Returning to the gym — Strategies for social distancing, mask wearing
By Jill Moon
ALTON — If you’re used to blasting away on the treadmill at a 5.0 speed and at least that much of an incline, if wearing a mask — when unable to rely on six-feet of social distance — be aware of the effects that taking in more carbon dioxide can have.
“You could get light-headed. You could get dizzy. You could even become confused if it’s for a long period of time,” explained respiratory therapist Johnna Steller of OSF HealthCare.
For now, at the time of this writing, phase four of Restore Illinois, a pandemic reopening plan for the state, allows people to return to indoor exercise and recreation, provided numbers are limited to 50 or 50% of facility capacity. While the Illinois Department of Public Health does not specifically list gyms or fitness centers as a place where masks are required, regulations indicate masks should be worn in public when a physical distance of six feet cannot be maintained. Yet, Nautilus, in Alton, has consistently and effectively been able to create six feet — or more — between its members when they are at the 35,000-square-foot fitness facility.
Nautilus Fitness Center, 4425 Industrial Drive, in Alton, is locally owned and was established 35 years ago. It has grown into a 35,000-square-foot facility offering the latest in fitness trends and equipment.
“We have such a large facility, we have even safer social distancing. It’s very, very easy to social distance here,” said Nautilus Fit

Tips from the American Council on Exercise about working out in a mask
• If the mask restricts your breathing prior to exercise, it will not be good to wear during exercise. • Make sure your mask is big enough to cover your nose and face for proper protection. • The mask should feel comfortable and snug around your cheeks and nose. Try not to fidget with the mask while you are working out. • The advantage of a cloth mask is that it can be washed. Exercise enthusiasts who exercise regularly are encouraged to have a few masks so there is a clean, dry mask ready for each workout. Any laundry detergent will be fine for washing cloth face masks. • If you tend to sweat a lot when you work out (indoors or outdoors), perhaps bring a second mask with you and replace when it becomes damp. It is best to replace a damp mask (from workout sweat or outdoor humidity).
ness Center manager Susie Sweetman, who has been part of the Alton Nautilus family since she was 20 years old. “We have many different rooms and even our pool, you can social distance in. I think media has put such a fear in people. I talk to people at Schnucks, standing closer to me at Schnucks than they would here at Nautilus.
“I really give our members a thumbs up, I constantly see them disinfect their equipment after every use. Everyone has been wonderful. We’re a family up here. Everyone cares about everyone.”
She misses the senior members of the Nautilus family, though.
“What’s bad is people really rely on, like, say Nautilus, as a huge social thing, as well as for exercise. It’s a mindset.
“My dad is 95, I certainly understand it, but sitting at home alone isn’t good for them either, not when they are so used to coming here and being such a big part of our family. We miss them, our Nautilus family.”
Nautilus has always enjoyed a nice senior citizens base, offering the SilverSneakers program, which encourages older adults to participate in physical activities that will help them to maintain greater control of their health. SilverSneakers sponsors activities and social events designed to keep those age 65 and older healthy, while encouraging social interaction.
“We’d have eight to ten members walking, talking, carrying on and having a good time. It’s really affected that with those folks,” Sweetman noted. “I’ll be at Glazebrook Park walking and see them, and I tell them I miss them terribly.”
Nautilus has continued to hold some classes, all spaced at six feet apart. To find out the class schedule call Nautilus at 618-466- 9115.
“People are very cautious still, so our regulars, people like myself, are here,” Sweetman said, “but it’s certainly not normal for any fitness facility at this point in time. Nautilus members are very loyal members and appreciative that we are open.”
Couresty of Nautilus Fitness Center Alton | For Health Watch
Alton’s Nautilus Fitness Center staff, left to right, Kandice Sweetman, Bailey Watson, Nautilus manager Susie Sweetman, Shakira Grace and Jessica Jump, spaced six feet apart, since the exercise facility reopened under Restore Illinois phase four of its reopening plan since the coronavirus pandemic started. For more information and updates at Nautilus Fitness Center visit nautilusalton.com, follow on Facebook, call 618-466-9115 or email info@nautilusalton.com.

At small facilities, OSF’s Steller said people who plan to exercise should realize they might be asked to mask up and the effects of taking in more carbon dioxide. She warned even those who are extremely fit need to realize they will have to alter the intensity of workouts.
“When your muscles burn they create lactic acid and the lactic acid turns into CO2 (carbon dioxide), so that CO2 is going to increase more if you’re doing a higher level of intensity of exercise,” Steller explained.
Steller equated exercising while masked to the challenges posed by doing activities in higher altitudes. She said gyms and fitness centers need to educate clients not to overreact when they’re having difficulty breathing.
“They should be slowing down, stopping, catch
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ing their breath, and then going on,” Steller said. “If the mask restricts your breathing prior to exercise, it will not be good to wear during exercise.”
Steller suggested beginning at a lower level of exercise intensity than what you’re used to and then increasing exertion, always being aware of heart rate. Many regulars at their gym take pride in their fitness levels, so Steller said that staff can give gentle reminders that it’s OK to work out at a lower-level of intensity.
“People need to be reminded that this doesn’t mean they’re weaker,” Steller said. “It doesn’t mean their fitness level is less. It just means that it’s different, and as far as burning calories, usually when you are breathing heavier and your heart rate is going up — which will happen while with the mask — you’re probably going to burn more calories.”
Individuals with preexisting respiratory or cardiovascular conditions should make sure to monitor their heart rate while exercising with a mask. Steller said individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis and any other lung conditions should consult (via virtual visit or in person) with a medical professional for personal instructions.
For more information and updates at Nautilus Fitness Center visit nautilusalton.com, follow on Facebook, call 618- 466-9115 or email info@ nautilusalton.com. Center hours are 4 a.m. to midnight Monday through Thursday; 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday; 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday; and, 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday.
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