Letters to Santa - Herald Review 2021

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Letters written to Santa from 3rd Grade Students at

Reed City G.T. Norman & Evart Elementary A Special Supplement to the Herald Review


Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Hopkins - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Corey Funeral Home

Smith Lumber Co

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Hopkins - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Hopkins - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Mrs. Gerbracht - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Corey Funeral Home

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Smith Lumber Co

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Smith Lumber Co

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Gerbracht - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Double Diamond

Smith Lumber Co

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Double Diamond

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Corey Funeral Home

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Corey Funeral Home

Schooley Auto Repair

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

7126 30th Ave. Evart 231-734-6705

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Gerbracht - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Corey Funeral Home

Double Diamond

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Mrs. Payne - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Smith Lumber Co

Schooley Auto Repair

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

7126 30th Ave. Evart 231-734-6705

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Smith Lumber Co

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Payne - 3rd Grade, Evart Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Smith Lumber Co

Corey Funeral Home

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Corey Funeral Home

Smith Lumber Co

415 N Main Po Box 506 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-2251

Po Box 545 Evart, MI 49631 (231)734-5513

Double Diamond

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Double Diamond

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021


Mrs. Bertram - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Double Diamond

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Double Diamond


Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com


Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Bertram - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Double Diamond

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216


Double Diamond

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801


19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021


Mrs. Bertram - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Ms. Hansel - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Double Diamond

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Double Diamond

6481 220Th Ave Reed City , MI 49677 (231)629-2501

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801


Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Ms. Hansel - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary


Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Family Optometric Center

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

Skips Pool And Spa 411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Ms. Hansel - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Mrs. Mendenhall - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Family Optometric Center

Skips Pool And Spa

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Skips Pool And Spa

Family Optometric Center

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021


Mrs. Mendenhall - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

Family Optometric Center

Skips Pool And Spa

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Skips Pool And Spa


Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Family Optometric Center

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216


Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Mendenhall - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Mr. Little - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Skips Pool And Spa


411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

Family Optometric Center

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance 217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mr. Little - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Skips Pool And Spa

Family Optometric Center

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

Skips Pool And Spa 411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Family Optometric Center

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance


Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Tebo - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Skips Pool And Spa

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Family Optometric Center

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

Family Optometric Center


Rich Sheldon - State Farm Insurance

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216


Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com

217 East Todd Avenue, Reed City, MI 49677 231-832-5801

Skips Pool And Spa 411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

Mrs. Tebo - 3rd Grade, G.T. Norman Elementary

Family Optometric Center

142 W Upton Ave Reed City, Mi 49677 (231)832-3218

Skips Pool And Spa 411 Dailey Drive, Reed City Mi 49677 231-832-4000

Ice Mountain Brand 100% Natural Spring Water

19275 8 Mile Road Stanwood, MI 49346 icemountainwater.com


113 S. Chestnut Reed City 832-3216



Letters to Santa • Supplement to the Herald Review • Dec. 2021

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