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Kalamazoo Craft Beverage Week Returns with a Bang

There are so many tasty and creative concoctions to choose from during Kalamazoo’s Craft Beverage Week, set to take place Jan. 29-Feb. 6.

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Jon Becker MiBrewTrail

As winter tightens its grip on Michigan, the healthy need to stay engaged becomes more pronounced than ever. Especially as more virus concerns surface and people’s mental and emotional well-being again gets put to the test. Who among us has not had their patience run thin by it all? Are we in danger of never even returning to so-called normal life? Experts say a social life is an important component of overall health but if you’re isolated and living in fear with little to look forward to in the way of fun that may be elusive-- to say the least. That’s why we at MI Brew Trail are thrilled to hear that Kalamazoo Craft Beverage Week is back bigger and better to help you get 2022 off to a rousing start. This weeklong (Jan. 26-Feb. 9) series of events celebrates the craft beverage industry. Formerly known as Kalamazoo Beer Week, the event’s name was changed last year so wineries and craft distilleries could be introduced to the mix. After holding a modified version of the event last year with hybrid activities like take-home pairing kits and virtual offerings, “We’re looking forward to having more events this year than last,” said Dana Wagner, director of marketing & communications for Discover Kalamazoo, a destination marketing organization for Kalamazoo County. “Since it wasn’t our typical event last year, it was really hard to make a splash with those changes, so we’re hoping this year people will be able to enjoy the expansion more.” The return of more interactive and in-person events embodies the spirit of an event that has taken place now for over 10 years. Patrons have an opportunity to meet the brewers, distillers and winemakers and learn the science and creativity that goes into developing their favorite adult beverages. Here’s a sampling of some of the scheduled events: Barre and Tasting and Yoga and Tasting at Kalamazoo Stillhouse. Gourmet S’mores paired with Saugatuck Brewing Beers at Centre Street Tap House. New Breweries of West Michigan Bus Tour. Pairing events with Final Gravity Brewing Company: Beer and Bacon, Wings and Beer, Beer and Sausage, Pastries and Beer. 4 course Mead Dinner with Valhalla Meads at LFG Gaming Bar. Annual Wing Throw down With Wing and Pairing Contest at Central City Tap House. Kalamazoo Beer Cup Blind Style Tastings at Old Burdick’s Bar & Grill. Meet the Brewer at Bell’s and LoSun Winterfest in the Bell’s Beer Garden. “People can also take advantage of lodging specials to enjoy multiple days and be within walking distance of many of the events,” Wagner said. Here’s a link to help you find lodging. https://www.kalamazoocraftbeverageweek. com/lodging/ Wagner said she’s looking forward to welcoming more visitors to the 2022 version of Kalamazoo Craft Beverage Week. “We have people who travel to Kalamazoo for the event, and last year that just wasn’t as feasible,” she said. “It’ll be nice to see our out of town visitors again.” Here’s to recommending your winter travels lead to Kalamazoo for its annual Craft Beverage Week, a chance for adult beverage enthusiasts to experience some of the finest craft beverage operations in the land.

MI Brew Trail |Winter 2022 Volume 5 | Winter 2022

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Celebrate Michigan winter with beer and rocks on the sheet at Stormcloud Brewing

Amy Sherman MiBrewTrail

Still trying to figure out how to embrace a Michigan winter? Interested in learning about a new and growing winter sport? Want to drink beers outside with friends while doing something fun in the cold? Look no further than Stormcloud Brewing. Not only do they serve up incredible beers and food, but they also have the only actual curling rink right out on their patio at this northern Michigan brewery. “The thing about curling is that anybody can do it,” said Rick Schmitt, owner of Stormcloud Brewing Company in Frankfort. “You don’t have to have advanced skills. And it’s a great way to celebrate northern Michigan in the winter.” Stormcloud Brewing Company is located just steps from the beauty and wonder that is Lake Michigan, in Frankfort, along the western coast of the state. All the appeal of one of the greatest of the Great Lakes also comes with piles of snow, strong winds, and some very cold weather. Turns out that Stormcloud is the perfect place to embrace a Michigan winter, outside, on the specially designed curling rink located right at the brewery. “We were kicking around ideas for the wintertime, something outside,” said Schmitt. He opened Stormcloud in 2013, together with head brewer Brian Confer. We discussed how they landed on curling as a winter activity offered at the brewery. “Reality is that there is already fat tire biking in the area, winter fun runs, and all those kinds of things. Utilizing our beer garden and creating something different was what we wanted,” he said. Stormcloud transforms their outdoor beer garden/patio into a functional, if not quite up to world championship standards, curling rink each winter. They started doing this eight years ago, in 2016, with the help of the Traverse City Curling Club and the club’s founder and president, Dr. Don Piche. “They became our mentors to the sport,” said Schmitt. “And we became more educated, and now we can do it ourselves.” “Can you get a hold of any rocks,” Schmitt asked Piche. “Could you send some people out to teach us how to do this?” The brewery got lots of help from Dr. Don, as he’s known around the Traverse City area. He became enamored with the sport way back in 2002, when he first saw it played during the Olympics. It took about 14 years for curling to then make its debut in Traverse City. When he first saw curling, Piche asked “What the hell are they doing, what is going on here?” After a couple of more Olympics, he knew he had to bring the sport to Traverse City. “I looked for anyone who knew anything about curling,” Piche said, and reached out to curling clubs around Michigan. “I think we can do this. I think these people can

MI Brew Trail |Winter 2022 Volume 5 | Winter 2022

help us out.” Curling clubs in Kalamazoo, Lansing, Detroit, Lewiston, Midland, Leelanau, and Calumet all came to help the Traverse City cause. “It’s a small community, this whole curling world,” he said. “When you get involved you get to know everybody in a short amount of time.” In April of 2014, the fledgling Traverse City Curling Club held an open house, and over 500 people showed up. From there, they’ve grown, and in addition to helping Stormcloud grow their curling presence, are planning on a multi-million dollar facility that should open in the fall of 2022. “Stormcloud has been a great supporter of our club,” Piche said. The organization hopes that with their new facility they’ll be able to connect with both older and younger curlers and increase the number of league players as well. “It’s really a unique community,” Piche said about curling. He’s loved watching how the Stormcloud curling team has grown, and how they’ve now expanded out of their home sheet to some of the Traverse City Curling Clubs tournaments and activities. Also, to be honest, he’s super happy to play at Center Ice, inside, and not outside in the elements at Stormcloud, although he loves the atmosphere, and clearly the brews on tap there. “Let’s just have a cold beer,” Piche said. “I don’t care if you’re old, or young let’s just get the damn rock down there and close the button. It simplifies life.” Known for their Belgian-inspired ales, Stormcloud distributes beer throughout the state. Rainmaker Ale is their flagship ale, a Belgian Pale Ale that is very nicely balanced between the sweetness of the malt and the bitterness of the Michigan grown hops. Personally, I’m a fan of Nightswimmer Stout, a big, bold dark beer that hits all the right notes, and is especially spot-on for the cold winter months. In addition to their pub in Frankfort, Stormcloud also has a tasting room at their production facility just outside of town. Beer and curling go together like peas and carrots, and not just at Stormcloud. The sport has a distinct tradition of sharing libations both during and after a match. Adding on a full-fledged curling rink was kind of a big deal for Stormcloud. “We were creating an activity that didn’t exist otherwise,” said Schmitt. “Just like anyplace, whether it’s music or some other event that would bring people to your business.” Typically, a regulation court is around 150 feet long. The one at Stormcloud is a bit shorter. The brewery now has several employees who have been educated on curling rules and etiquette, and they work hard to manage not just the “sheet”, but also the multiple leagues and learn to curl segments they host on a weekly basis. Currently, there are 4 leagues that play on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at the brewery. Stormcloud offers lessons that are open to the public, with reservations, on Saturdays throughout the winter, at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. You’ll get 90 minutes on the ice with an instructor, with time to learn all the rules about this growing sport. The brewery will have all the equipment you’ll need, including helmets for safety. “We provide the helmets since you are on the ice,” said Schmitt. “We also provide big rubber bands for your winter shoes, so you have a little bit of stability.” He recommends coming dressed for the weather, meaning Michigan cold. “We really are at the mercy of Michigan weather,” he said. You can also book private time on the ice for up to eight people during the week, or do drop-in curling on Sundays from noon to 1 p.m. Just like with beer, there are a bunch of terms used in curling that are unique to the sport. Throw a few of these around to sound like you might know what you’re talking about, although out on the “sheet” (the strip of ice you play on) no one really cares, as long as you’re respectful and having a good time. The targets that you’re aiming at, found on each end of the sheet, are known as “houses”, with four rings, and the center bullseye, which is called the “button”. You’ll be sliding “stones” made of granite across the ice, and if you’re lucky you might get a taste of LSD, or “last stone draw”, where you have the last throw of the match. If you want to get a complete education on curling terms and rules, check out the World Curling Federation’s website. “Broomstack” is one tradition of curling

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that is still respected today. After a winner is declared, all the participants stack their brooms up and celebrate each other, and the great play that just happened on the sheet. “That’s where the magic happens, the Broomstack,” said Piche about the curling community. “If you get to know them, and what do they value, that is where the community gets deep.” The winner always buys beers for their competitors. In fact, some teams may be known for throwing a match for a round of drinks, but you didn’t hear that from us. “It’s a Scottish game, and there is a lot of etiquette in the game,” explained Piche. “It is a lot like golf, there is a lot of relationship etiquette. You stand behind who’s throwing, you don’t move when someone is bringing out the rock. We had no idea, but we started hanging around these people who knew about it.” Piche was quick to explain that the effort, time and money that Stormcloud has put into their curling rink was actually kind of ridiculous. “There is no way that they could ever sell that much beer to justify it,” he said with a laugh. It sounds like it’s money very well spent for Stormcloud. “It’s just been so well received and it’s unique, and there’s a community component to it,” said Schmitt. “Everyone is outside and together, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.” “It’s been a great collaboration,” said Piche. “They have a heck of a good time over there at Stormcloud.” Stormcloud Brewing Company 303 Main St., Frankfort, MI 231-352-0118 www.stormcloudbrewing.com

Dr. Don’s Curling Tips

• Don’t take yourself too seriously, the game is meant to be fun. • Be respectful of the people around you, and the rules and customs of the game. A brief review prior to hitting the ice is a good idea. • Wear rubber-soled shoes. Materials like Vibram and leather do not play well with ice. • The week prior to your lesson or match, be sure to do a lot of squats. Your body will thank you later. • Be a good fan, and cheer others on. • If your team wins, drinks are on you. • Go out there and have a great time, and don’t try to be the expert.


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