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North Grove Brewers

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The beer board is always fresh and exciting at North Grove Brewers, a locally owned and operated craft brewery located in Montague. The new brewpub opened its doors on Jan. 8, 2020 and despite a pandemic-marred year, still managed to brew 226.5 barrels of beer, 45 including different brands. North Grove also managed to launch its distilling program and serve some quality food as well, helping to generate tremendous support from the local community through all the restrictions and regulations.

(Photo provided)

north grove brewers MONTAGUE, MI


Jon Becker | MiBrew Trail

Montague, a small charming town located a short 20-minute drive from Muskegon, prides itself on being a tourist destination during each of Michigan’s seasons. A new business, North Grove Brewers, launched a year ago by native son RJ Nordlund, quickly became a goto destination for locals and others when it opened its doors last January. Then a certain unprecedented and entirely unexpected thing happened. “We got about two good months in before the world went to hell,” said Nordlund, of the global pandemic. “Those first two months we were packed most nights, with 60 to 100 people in here.” It’s been a struggle to survive since, but Nordlund, relying largely on 16-ounce canned beers to go, deli sandwiches and a large outdoor Bier Garten with a fire pit, has no intention of packing it in. He said he has spent a lot of time brewing “all over the place” and remains cautiously optimistic that the promising start he and his business partners experienced at North Grove Brewers will re-ignite post-pandemic. “It’s been rough but we’re surviving,” Nordlund said. “After all of my years brewing

A Manhattan on the rocks (left) and a Manhattan Neat are among the specialty cocktails now being served at North Grove Brewers. (Photo provided)

elsewhere I finally got to a place where it was time to do my own thing. We’ve brewed 40 different styles of beer since we opened. We like to keep it fresh.” A big draw at North Grove Brewers is its spacious 4,000 square foot taproom, a gathering spot with arcade games, darts and pinball, where people can unwind with drinks, food and conversation. “We don’t call it a taproom though,” Nordund said. “We call it a clubhouse because we want people to enjoy hanging out there as much as we do. We’ve had a lot of good events in our Bier Garten. Montague is a summer tourist destination. If it wasn’t for COVID, we’d have finished our outdoor bar by now.” The brewery’s biggest seller is its Downfall IPA (8% ABV), a citrusy-tasting brew with a nice, malty body. “It has big, bold flavor with a nice balance to it,” Nordlund said. “It’s so good we’ll probably brew it twice a year. With our other beers there is no such guarantee.” That’s because Brew Master Nordlund and his assistant Brew Master don’t like trotting out the same beers over and over again. They don’t distribute, allowing them the creative freedom to experiment and launch news brews regularly. “We’re not tethered to a distribution, which is a great thing,” Nordlund said. “We change it up in our taproom all the time. We keep the board all over the place.” They do a lot of Lagers and Belgium Ales. Big Red Vienna Lager, a clear crispy thirst-

16 beers on tap & also bottled beer!

One of the brewery's beers is called Simple Madness IPA. Patrons enjoy the comfort, camaraderie, quality beverages and tasty deli food at North Grove Brewers. Owner RJ Nordlund credits his staff for helping create a close, family-like atmosphere where patrons can feel at ease and safe. (Photo provided)

quencher with a bit of malt flavor, is The Brewpub does an occasional a popular choice. Nordlund expects bottle drop of their home-made a new brew they are launching, whiskey Nordlund describes as “realObie Oats, an Imperial Oat Stout, to ly smooth. We usually have 10-20 be a big hit as well. bottles available.” “It’s awesome,” he said. “It contains Nordlund’s business partners, Jason a lot of chocolate and caramel and Jaekel, Billy Darke and Greg Peyer, the yeast gives it a bit of a coconut are pivotal players in the fledgling flavor at the end.” enterprise — as is Chris Sawson, The North Grove team, ever the Nordlund’s bar manager and innovators, has also expanded their distiller and Dylan Picard, assistant offerings into the world of spe- brewer and cellerman. cialty cocktails. The brewery has a Jaekel manages the kitchen and 75-gallon still capable of producing also co-owns West Michigan 50 gallons of product, currently a Hopyards, the source of nearly all Rye-like whiskey and moonshine. the brewpub’s hops. They call Darke “We do Moonshine Monday and the “Mayor of Montague” because Whiskey Wednesday,” Nordund he knows everyone in town. Peyer, noted. “Those are the only nights Nordlund’s father-in-law, resides in in which we offer cocktails, but in Wisconsin but he is a great source the future we may offer simplified of help because of his many years cocktails on other nights.” of home brewing experience. “ We change it up in our taproom all the time. We keep Volume 1 | Winter 2021 the board all over the place. ”

Shipwreck Di S tillery CASEVILLE, MI • 989.550.7083



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