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Dr. Nash cautions people about the dangers of skin cancer

The staff of Nash Dermatology, including Shannon Ahrens, left, Dr. Jennifer Nash, center, and Dr. Chelsea Houthoofd, right.

(Photo provided/ Nash Dermatology)


For the Daily News

Dr. Jennifer Nash of Midland has some sound advice for patients who notice a strange-colored or especially slow-to-heal spot on their skin – have it checked by a doctor.

Too often, the local dermatologist said, people wait too long to have their skin conditions examined by a professional. And for some types of skin cancer, that can be dangerous.

“I definitely encourage getting things checked out sooner, rather than later,” Nash told the Daily News. “Melanoma, you want to catch at an early stage, when it’s easier to cure.”

Nash said skin cancer is the most common ailment she and fellow doctor Chelsea Houthoofd treat at Nash Dermatology, 2711 W. Wackerly St.

“By far, the most common thing we see is skin cancer and the ongoing checkups we do for skin cancer patients,” she said.

Nash opened her facility on Wackerly in July 2020, where exams, surgeries, biopsies and cosmetic procedures take place onsite. 6 “We were definitely excited about opening the new facility,” she said. “We were running out of space at our old place, especially as we were adding another doctor.”

Nash, 41, grew up in Saginaw, has been a board-certified dermatologist since 2010, having graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School. She and her husband, Michael, reside in Midland with their three children.

Dermatologists treat an array of other skin conditions – including acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema, cysts, moles and other skin tags. Her office also handles cosmetic requests such as hair loss, botox injections and the removal of acne scars.

“Some people get a lot of age spots, and sometimes they want some of them removed,” Nash said. “We do quite a bit of that, too.”

Being in the skin protection business, Nash said it’s important at this time of year to protect skin from the sun by either covering it with clothing or wearing sunscreen.

Dr. Jennifer Nash works with a patient. (Photo provided/Nash Dermatology)

From left, Shannon Ahrens, Dr. Jennifer Nash and Dr. Chelsea Houthoofd.

(Photo provided/Nash Dermatology)

“Over time, that’s the biggest danger – the sun.”

Less sun exposure can also slow the signs of aging that appear on the surface.

As with many medical fields, technology and scientific advancement are affecting dermatology. Nash said there are new laser devices to treat psoriasis and eczema, and platelet-rich plasma therapy is a relatively new way to help promote hair growth.

No matter what the treatment, Nash said she feels satisfaction in knowing she has helped a patient overcome a concern.

“It’s definitely satisfying to be able to help people and make a difference in their life,” she said, especially when a patient may have been to other doctors who haven’t been quite as successful. “It makes it all worthwhile. … You know you were able to help somebody who’s been struggling.”

When Nash is not helping her patients, she said her family spends time together at the children’s sporting events, boating in Northern Michigan during the summer, and skiing in the winter. September 2021 | Senior Scope

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