In Memoriam: January - June 2019

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m e o r i M a m n I

A Tribute to Our Loved Ones From Obituaries Published January 1 - June 30, 2019

In Memoriam


Jowett Family Funeral Home & Cremation Services Honoring Life

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7223 South St.• Benzonia, MI 49616 • (231) 352-4121 Fax: (231) 882-5803 •

In Memoriam


Kubacki, Dolores Manistee, MI 3/1/1930-12/29/2018 88 years old

Ploeg, Irma Irons, MI 12/29/2018 78 years old

Fedder, Phyllis Manistee, MI 12/29/2018

McClellan, Byron Elberta, MI 1/12/1933-12/6/2018

Odland, Dr. Paul Kenneth 1922-12/17/2018 96 years old

Brewer, Barbara

Smith, Christopher Scott

Johnston, Stuart

Gutowski, James

Bachinski, Sandra

Fatke, Mike

Waitner, Peter

Schimke, Jerry

Benzonia, MI 12/16/2018 95 years old

Arcadia, MI 2/22/1962-12/24/2018

Manistee, MI 9/28/1951-1/1/2019 67 years old

Manistee, MI 3/10/1965-12/31/2018 53 years old

Manistee, MI 1/2/2019 55 years old

Kaleva, MI 1/10/1948-12/31/2018 70 years old

Howe, Kerry

Ludington, MI 8/27/1959-1/1/2019 59 years old

Oleniczak, Genevieve Manistee, MI 10/26/1920-1/3/2019 98 years old

Manistee, MI 10/29/1941-1/5/2019 77 years old

Chalmers, Donald

Dilts, Mary Mckinley

Acklin, Roy Neal

Kirchoff, Joyce (Lane)

Rosa, Shelley June

Benzonia, MI 2/13/1936-12/28/2018 82 years old

Frankfort, MI 3/2/1936-12/24/2018

Frankfort, MI 1/3/2019 79 years old

Frankfort, MI 7/27/1933-12/30/2018 85 years old

Beulah, MI 1/2/2019 64 years old

In Memoriam


Jensen, Lauren

Irons, MI 5/13/1950-1/8/2019 68 years old

Fatke, Mike

Manistee, MI 1/9/1963-1/2/2019 55 years old

Reed, Dorothy

Harvey, Dianna Freesoil, MI 7/30/1959-1/7/2019 59 years old


Peterson, Beverly

Tomaszewski, Geraldine Manistee, MI 6/3/1929-1/9/2019 89 years old

Pete, Lynn

Manistee, MI 1/21/1950-1/12/2019 68 years old

Dalke, Josephine

Koehler, Daniel

Skiera, Barbara

Kukla, Susan

Kulas, Rose Anne

Davidson, James Alfred

Knox, Thomas

Onekama, MI 9/13/1925-1/10/2019 93 years old

Manistee, MI 6/29/1941-1/9/2019 77 years old

Manistee, MI 1/4/1953-1/12/2019 66 years old

Ludington, MI 4/7/1926-1/7/2019 92 years old

Beulah, MI 12/1/1938-1/10/2019 80 years old

Manistee, MI 9/7/1930-1/11/2019 88 years old

Crystal Lake, MI

Walter, Joseph

Ocala, FL 1/12/2019 86 years old

Manistee, MI 1/16/2019 71 years old

In Memoriam


Swanson, Raymond

Waligorski, Eugenia Kaleva, MI 7/29/1927-1/15/2019 91 years old

Kukla, Susan

Manistee, MI 1/4/1953-1/12/2019 66 years old

Nowak, Carlene

Bennetts, Pamela

Gordon, Edith Katharine

Torrey, Ann Robertson

Wells, Cora Ann

Isham, Christie June Thompsonville, MI

Milarch, Betty

Arcadia, MI 6/27/1924-1/19/2019 94 years old

Hoxie, Joan Janet

Bear Lake, MI 10/24/1932-1/15/2019 86 years old

Roanoke, VA 5/10/1909-1/8/2019 109 years old

Frankfort, MI 1/18/1924-12/31/2018

Traverse City, MI 1/14/2019 75 years old

Manistee, MI 4/29/1926-1/19/2019 92 years old

Wellston, MI 2/23/1953-1/20/2019 65 years old

Thompsonville, MI 1/18/2019 76 years old

Davis, Gerald

Manistee, MI 9/7/1928-1/23/2019 90 years old

Schindler, Dorothy Bear Lake, MI 3/31/1938-1/24/2019 80 years old

Uren, Dorothy

Grand Ledge, MI 8/4/1925-1/21/2019 93 years old

Najdowski, Louise

Anderson-Kari, Barbara

Schultz, Danny

Reese, Lenora

Anton, Donald S.

Drewyour, Darlene Lee

Manistee, MI 5/7/1936-1/14/2019 82 years old

Manistee, MI 12/31/1954-1/27/2019 64 years old

Manistee, MI 8/5/1930-1/26/2019

Beulah, MI 1/9/2019

Manistee, MI 3/11/1934-1/25/2019 84 years old

Traverse City, MI 1/21/2019 87 years old

In Memoriam


Hansen, Maxine M.

Arnold, John

Wheeler, Sonny

Novak, Delores

Lindeman, Lynn

Beulah, MI 11/20/1925-1/22/2019 93 years old

Scottsdale, Arizona 3/6/1931-1/30/2019 87 years old

Manistee, MI 5/29/1937-1/29/2019 81 years old

Manistee, MI 1/14/1936-1/30/2019 83 years old

Stronach, MI 11/24/1939-1/31/2019 79 years old

Washneske, Gordon

Rhodea, David

Grand Rapids, MI 8/17/1963-11/29/2018 55 years old

Manistee, MI 11/3/1939-2/3/2019 79 years old

Tod, William

Manistee, MI 1/14/1944-2/5/2019 75 years old

Wilson, Robert

Yankee, Beth Lu Mar

Kamaloski, Richard

Czarnekci, Philip

Kracht, Margaret Ellen

Larsen, Marian

Pelky, Norman Eugene

Stratton, Joel Allen

Smith, Steven

Waller, Freda

Haddick, John S.

Prentiss, Joan G. D

Manistee, MI 4/9/1928-2/7/2019 90 years old

Frankfort, MI 3/23/1993-2/1/2019

Manistee, MI 5/12/1955-2/6/2019 63 years old

Baldwin, MI 7/18/1947-2/9/2019 71 years old

Beulah, MI 1944-2/4/2019 73 years old

Brethren, MI 4/5/1932-2/10/2019 86 years old

South Bend, IN 2/4/2019 89 years old

Manistee, MI 7/22/1928-2/6/2019 90 years old

2/13/2019 89 years old

Tuscon, Arizona 10/30/1937-2/2/2019

Honor, MI 1/26/1938-2/5/2019 81 years old

Interlochen, MI 2/9/2019 88 years old

In Memoriam


Rider, Jay Anthony San Jose, Calif. 2/3/1964-12/22/2018 54 years old

Konicki, Ted

Rosa, Reverend Marvin 6/18/1937-

Doneske, Susan

Manistee, MI 8/29/1964-2/14/2019 54 years old

Kimball, Ann

Manistee, MI 4/26/1934-2/11/2019

Lindeman, Carol Ludington, MI 7/24/1953-2/17/2019 65 years old

Naples, FL 2/15/2019 89 years old

Goward, Tera

Manistee, MI 9/16/1963-2/12/2019 55 years old

Deaner, Albert Manistee, MI 2/23/2019 69 years old

Keeler, Beverly

Manistee, MI 11/30/1944-2/23/2019 74 years old

Bailey Jr, Russell

Boltach, Eleanore

Gray, Marilyn

Hamp, Eric P.

Loesch, Emmie Mable

Sattler, Bonnie Kaye



Manistee, MI 12/30/1920-2/20/2019 98 years old

Honor, MI 2/19/2019 100 years old

211 NORTH PINE STREET, P.O. BOX 38, | MCBAIN, MI 49657 | 231-825-8191

Honor, MI 2/22/2019 46 years old

Beulah, MI 12/21/1940-2/19/2019 78 years old

In Memoriam


Michales, Arlene Paw Paw, MI 6/9/1939-2/18/2019 79 years old

Pietrasik, Paul

Manistee, MI 8/29/1944-2/26/2019 74 years old

Doorneweerd, Ronnie

Tarbutton, George Manistee, MI 12/1/1940-2/27/2019 78 years old

Brethren, MI 1/18/1938-3/3/2019 81 years old

Kelly, Leo R.

Laffleur, Edward Henry

Mellow, Mary Virginia

Moore, Teddy L.

Peterson, David Arthur

Rosum, Janie M.

Hadaway, Joan Lois

Johnson, Thomas East Lake, MI 6/7/1926-3/7/2019 92 years old

Ruthven, John

Manistee, MI 1/25/1927-3/4/2019 92 years old

Jones, Dorothy

Manistee, MI 3/17/1932-2/24/2019 86 years old

Rutowski, Dave

Dahlquist, Janet

Doyle, Truman R.

Henry, Fred

Stoner, Beverley May

Benzonia, MI 2/20/2019 96 years old

Frankfort, MI 2/25/2019

Manistee, MI 6/14/1948-3/10/2019 70 years old

Benzonia, MI 5/24/1936-2/22/2019 82 years old

Onekama, MI 9/29/1932-3/7/2019 86 years old

Manistee, MI 11/5/1940-3/9/2019 78 years old

Kaleva, MI 8/7/1966-2/27/2019 52 years old

St. Louis, MO 5/11/1929-2/19/2019 89 years old

Beulah, MI 3/10/1940-2/24/2019 78 years old

Valdez, Alaska 3/15/1963-3/1/2019 55 years old

7/31/1931-3/3/2019 87 years old

Zupin, Wilbur

Interlochen, MI 5/17/1947-2/24/2019 71 years old

Benzonia, MI 4/22/1927-2/26/2019

In Memoriam


Turkette, Harry

Yalch, Jayne L.

Blake, Kathleen Frankfort, MI 7/8/1942-3/11/2019 76 years old

Burns, Marie

Benzonia, MI 1/3/1935-3/11/2019 84 years old

Roberts, Curtis George

9/10/1938-3/9/2019 80 years old

Interlochen, MI 2/21/1948-1/20/2019 70 years old

Strickland Gyr, Marian

Olson, Monica

Ortiz, Marie

Zuchowski, Mary Ann Grand Rapids, MI 11/20/1936-3/20/2019 82 years old

Blahut, Barbara

Arcadia, MI 10/20/1913-3/20/2019 105 years old

1921-3/9/2019 97 years old

Brandt, Cody

Manistee, MI 1/25/1937-3/19/2019 82 years old

Glennwood, IL 3/19/2019 84 years old

Thompsonville, MI 5/8/1941-2/11/2019 77 years old

Manistee, MI 4/27/1988-3/18/2019

Plymouth, Wisconsin 10/8/1991-3/18/2019 27 years old

Cooper, Scott

Witucki, David Grand Rapids, MI 3/19/2019 54 years old

Bottrell, Jeffrey

Manistee, MI 5/5/1957-3/26/2019 61 years old

Joslin, Patrick

Jowett, William Jr

Weberman, Patricia Anne

Anderson, Richard

Hunt, Dale

Rutherford, Elizabeth

Beulah, MI 8/27/1957-3/19/2019 61 years old

Mesick, MI 12/17/1946-3/19/2019 72 years old

Manistee, MI 10/13/1952-3/26/2019 66 years old

Manistee, MI 9/2/1961-3/25/2019 57 years old

Beulah, MI 3/10/2019 52 years old

Decatur, MI 3/14/2019 87 years old

In Memoriam


Clark, Roger

Ludington, MI 5/12/1950-3/27/2019 68 years old

Bodick, Kay

Free Soil, MI 5/1937-3/20/2019 81 years old

Oser, Anita

Sandberg, Steven

Bourne, Whitney D.

Brown, Lawrence N.

Jones, Tammey

Santer, Arlene Ann

Lynn, Barbara

Cadillac, MI 8/5/1953-3/27/2019 65 years old

Benzonia, MI 3/25/2019 57 years old

Benzonia, MI 3/2/2019 73 years old

Honor, MI 1/18/1937-3/30/2019 82 years old

Cullowhee, NC 1937-2/3/2019

Willoughby, OH 9/18/1926-3/25/2019 92 years old

Manistee, MI 10/7/1938-4/2/2019 80 years old

Brian, Dorothy

Diesing, Wilma

Elias, Albert “Albie� J.

Foust, Theresa M.

Mayer, James

Milmine, Marie

Brethren, MI 4/14/1920-3/31/2019 98 years old

Frankfort, MI 7/20/1931-3/26/2019 87 years old

Manistee, MI 5/6/1947-3/31/2019 71 years old

Chelsea, MI 9/7/1921-3/24/2019 97 years old

Lake Orion, MI 3/22/2019 73 years old

Lansing, MI 7/25/1934-3/27/2019 84 years old

In Memoriam


Jennings, Jeanne

Raspotnik, Allan

Moss, Eldon “Pete� Frank

Jorgensen, Margaret

Jerumbo, Bernadine

6/15/1936-3/22/2019 82 years old

Irons, MI 11/25/1944-4/5/2019 74 years old

Rhodea, Janel

Taranko, Walter

Thorson, Dorothy Manistee, MI 6/16/1915-4/7/2019 103

Veach, Jeanne

Manistee, MI 10/1/1927-4/1/2019 91 years old

Jensen, Larry

Wellston, MI 10/3/1945-4/12/2019 73 years old

Hopewell Jr., John

Johnson, Ann Marie Thompsonville, MI 6/12/1959-4/9/2019

Kirt, James W.

Beulah, MI 11/8/1955-3/28/2019

Kissling, Eugene Theodore

Martindale, Lois J.

Setterbo, Andrew James

Stoltmann, Kathleen

Bredbanner, Alverna

Cook, Brian

Kluesner, Clarence

Manistee, MI 6/23/1956-4/8/2019 62 years old

Mesick, MI 4/7/2019 90 years old

Frankfort, MI 4/8/2019 42 years old

Ludington, MI 10/19/1943-4/8/2019 75 years old

Traverse City, MI 4/13/2019 82 years old

Beulah, MI 9/8/1928-3/9/2019 90 years old

Bear Lake, MI 4/7/2019 86 years old

Manistee, MI 4/4/1924-4/6/2019 95 years old

Manistee, MI 4/10/2019 79 years old

Manistee, MI 7/17/1990-4/13/2019 28 years old

El Paso, Texas 9/14/1922-4/6/2019 96 years old

Lansing, MI 7/7/1930-3/19/2019 88 years old

Manistee, MI 4/19/1927-4/19/1927

In Memoriam


Buzzell, Alice Punta Gorda, FL 3/22/2019 86 years old

Dowdal, Judith Ann Frankfort, MI 1/4/1942-4/10/2019

Vodry, Betty

Wexstaff, Clara

Adolphson, Kenneth

Braden, Earl Richard


Grand Haven, MI 5/30/1928-3/31/2019 90 years old

Johnson, John

Kells, Carol Marlene

Kolenda, George

Palmer, Patty Fay

Manistee, MI 4/18/2019 74 years old

Manistee, MI 1/3/1927-4/19/2019 92 years old


Irons, MI 4/20/2019 77 years old

Frankfort, MI 4/12/2019 81 years old

4/20/2019 90 years old

Lacki, Bernard

Schimke, Henry Manistee, MI 6/4/1944-4/20/2019

Block, Gary

Manistee, MI 4/6/1937-4/11/2019 82 years old

Jeffreys, Kathleen Manistee, MI 3/18/1949-4/20/2019 70 years old

Brethren, MI 4/5/1927-4/24/2019 92 years old

Porter, Wayne

Willett, Sylvia

Bates, Maxine Lee

Blacklock, Ruth

Brown, Janice Kay

Manistee, MI 4/22/2019

Manistee, MI 2/26/1960-4/12/2019 59 years old

Manistee, MI 1/24/1935-

Honor, MI 4/7/1935-4/26/2019 84

Alma, MI 5/29/1925-4/24/2019 93

Tughan, Emily

Frankfort, MI 9/7/1942-4/26/2019 76

In Memoriam


Coddens, Frank Phoenix, AZ 4/14/2019

Edinger, Donald D. Jr. Frankfort, MI 4/26/2019

Matthews, Beverly Jean Benzonia, MI 4/23/2019 94

Tiff, Alice Marie Benzonia, MI 4/21/2019 93

Demaggio Jr., Frank 7/28/1962-4/30/2109 56

Block, Elaine

Mikula, Phyllis Manistee, MI 4/13/1935-5/2/2019 84

O’Neil, Joseph

Manistee, MI 7/9/1943-4/27/2019 75

Wolfe, Rosemary

Johnson, Wayne

Knight, Jack

Sheppard, James

Alban, Cynthia Dymond

Babcock, Clayton

Berish Sr., James

Manistee, MI 1/17/1926-4/30/2019 93

Irons, MI 3/5/1935-5/5/2019 84

Ludington, MI 12/11/1931-5/2/2019 87

4/27/2019 71

Kaleva, MI 4/23/2019 76

Rockford, MI 2/23/1934-5/6/2019 85

Comstock Park, MI 5/2/2019 80

St. Claire Shores, MI 12/7/1922-4/20/2019 96

Funerals as Unique as Your Life

Life is full of opportunities to show someone we love them. One such opportunity is the funeral or memorial service. Such a loving event celebrates the choices they made, the relationship you shared, and honors the memory of your loved one. | 305 Sixth Street, Traverse City, MI 49684 | 231-947-6347

In Memoriam


Frederick, Loyal

Gaylord, Peter Lynn Copemish, MI 7/2/1938-4/16/2019 80

Graf, Ronald

Bear Lake, MI 8/1/1956-5/6/2019 62

Mcgehee, Keith L.

Merriman, James

Odette, Paula Marie

Stortz, Joyce Ann

Menold, George

Schafer, George

Swidorski, Donald


Manistee, MI 3/19/1940-5/6/2019

Powers, Dorothy

Shreve, Robin Ann

Taylor, Riley

Manistee, MI 5/7/2019 73

Frankfort, MI 2/17/1953-4/30/2019 66

Cole, Al

Manistee, MI 11/10/1952-5/8/2019 66

Dubois, Veronica Long Frankfort, MI 9/27/1920-5/6/2019 98

Benzonia, MI 12/3/1930-5/1/2019 88

Erickson, Barton Manistee, MI 7/28/1932-5/11/2019 86

Goheen, Mark

Frankfort, MI 9/10/1932-5/5/2019 86

Kaleva, MI 9/11/1922-5/11/2019 96

Strandell, Shandi Leigh Benzonia, MI 1/15/1986-5/3/2019 33

Beulah, MI 9/21/1934-5/4/2019 84

Arcadia, MI 9/25/1949-5/4/2019 69

Spring Lake, MI 9/15/1931-5/7/2019 87

Bear Lake, MI 5/12/1942-5/7/2019 76

8/21/2014-5/4/2019 4

Reed, Dorothy

Watsell, Georgianna

Ludington, MI 1/7/2019 92

Bear Lake, MI 8/7/1938-11/24/2018 80

In Memoriam


Goodspeed, Pastor, Alto

Mezaros, Jeffery Wayne

Oleniczak, Floyd

Patterson, Marjorie W.

Richardson, Jerald Leroy

Royer, Lynn B.

Manistee, MI 10/28/1940-5/17/2019 78

Benzonia, MI 5/8/2019 65

Manistee, MI 8/2/1932-5/20/2019 86

Benzonia, MI 7/10/1927-5/15/2019 91

Honor, MI 8/21/1930-4/19/2019 88

Beulah, MI 4/21/2019 77

Sauer, Marshall

Benzonia, MI 1/18/1933-5/10/2019 86

Ploeg, Irma

Olson, Helen Barbara

Brzeski, Robert

Knox, Thomas

Fortine, Donald Lee

Mills, Carl

Rowe, Dacota

Beach, William

Manistee, MI

Irons, MI 12/28/2018

Bear Lake, MI 11/18/1932-1/3/2019 86

Onekama, MI 5/4/2019 71


Honor, MI 5/18/2019 78

Manistee, MI 12/30/1939-5/21/2019 79

Manistee, MI 11/19/1996-5/25/2019 22

Mesick, MI 9/13/1928-5/28/2019 90

Vandenbussche, Helen Marie

Lewis, Betty

Meister, Wayne

Phillips, Alice

Dalke, Josephine

Honor, MI 5/15/2019 88

Manistee, MI 9/22/1925-5/29/2019 93

Kaleva, MI 9/10/1938-5/27/2019 80

Manistee, MI 2/21/1928-5/23/2019

Manistee, MI 9/7/1930-1/11/2019 88

In Memoriam


Herkelrath, Dennis

Randall, Michael

Charters, Clarence Frankfort, MI 7/12/1934-5/24/2019 84

Eichel, Robert

Brethren, MI 1/18/1942-6/1/2019 77

Norman, Kitty Sue

Holman, Susan

Pruess, Charles

Gebott, Bradley

Rose, Rogene

Walker, Laura

Pierport, MI 3/7/1952-5/31/2019 67

Bear Lake, MI 1965-5/27/2019 54

Beulah, MI 9/24/1965-5/29/2019 53

Kalamazoo, MI 12/23/1952-5/30/2019 66

Manistee, MI 7/14/1933-6/5/2019 85

Troy, MI 9/3/1940-5/29/2019 78

8/9/1930-5/28/2019 88

Ludington, MI 9/17/1923-6/4/2019 95

Lemponen, Eva

Millard, James

Rozell, Clarens

Donley, Christine Harriett

Geerlings, David

Kaleva, MI 9/18/1921-6/8/2019 97

Manistee, MI 2/1/1931-6/8/2019 88

Scottville, MI 4/8/1924-6/7/2019 95

Gone, but not forgotten

Arcadia, MI 3/21/1943-6/4/2019 76

Manistee, MI 3/22/1943-6/8/2019 76

In Memoriam


Hill, Dr. Philip E.

Master, Michelle Nicole

Sobaski, Debra

Cowger, Lawrence


Ludington, MI 6/24/1958-6/8/2019 60


Bukowski, Caroline

Saunders, Tammie Brethren, MI 11/4/1969-6/15/2019 49

Slaughter, Bruce

Manistee, MI 11/19/1951-6/14/2019 67

Bailey, John Honor, MI 6/9/2019 76

Interlochen, MI 6/8/1924-5/10/2019 94

Dean, Wilson

Franklin, Mary Jane

Hartoon, William

Laffleur, Robert James

Wallace, Mary Virginia

Lott, Charles

Skocelas, Jerome

Tughan, Keith

Manistee, MI 8/28/1935-6/11/2019 83

4/8/1930-6/6/2019 89

Urban, Lottie

Manistee, MI 7/16/1923-6/8/2019 95

Waligorski, Garrett Manistee, MI 8/17/1980-5/30/2019 38

Manistee, MI 12/23/1934-12/23/2018

Wellston, MI 6/19/2019 53

Brethren, MI 8/28/1943-6/11/2019 75

Manistee, MI 9/24/1969-6/12/2019 49

Gladwin, MI 4/4/1938-6/16/2019 81

Skocelas, Robert Eastlake, MI 5/24/1935-6/9/2019 84

Ely, Fred

Brethren, MI 7/13/1923-6/8/2019 95

In Memoriam


Lokovich, William Ludington, MI 4/1/1924-6/21/2019 95

Keillor, Dale A. 5/8/1965-3/25/2019

Wallace, Mary Virginia 6/19/2019

Gilbert, Dr. Janet

Hagen, Dr. George

Hanmer, Willard George

Jones, Ardith Imogene


Beulah, MI 12/24/1926-6/10/2019 92

Lindgren, Sally M.

Moss, Eldon Frank

Wantz, Sylvia Johnson

Veine, Clifford

Frankfort, MI 6/21/2019 66

Beulah, MI 3/9/2019 90

Ocala, FL 1/27/1932-6/17/2019 87

Frankfort, MI 12/24/1936-6/18/2019 82

Eastlake, MI 1/1/1934-6/25/2019 85

In Memoriam


DO NOT STAND AT MY GRAVE AND WEEP Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night. Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. (Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I did not die!) - Mary Elizabeth Frye

In Memoriam


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