MiGreenState, Issue 2, Spring 2021

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Issue 2, Spring 2021 FREE


The secret to better cannabis highs? Eat your broccoli (and these other high-enhancing foods) Hops & Hemp: Cannabis cousin pairs well, but which beer is best with weed? Meet the new face of the cannabis industry: Your Mom

And much more...



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spring 2021| MIGreenState

in this issue on the cover

MiGreenState Director Ed Fritz

Editor Brad Massman

Advertising 8................................................Hops & Hemp: Pairing beers with bud 16..............................................The secret to better cannabis highs 22.............................................meet the new face of cannabis: Your Mom

Tony Garant

Contributors Jon Becker Elissa Esher Koral Fritz Joe Judd


Erin Glynn

5................................................Cannabis consumption events

June Potter

6................................................All in the family: dunegrass co.

Design & Layout

9................................................No more marijuana billboards?

Ariel Moreno

10..............................................small business spotlight:

Emalie Schuberg

Canna communication 12..............................................a win for canna-business: Safe banking act 14..............................................what to do when you’re too high 18..............................................Northern lights glass bowls over competition 19..............................................Pipe primer

Issue 2 | spring 2021

MI Green State Magazine is designed and printed in Big Rapids, Michigan For advertising rates and information call: 231-592-8334 or email: migreenstate@hearst.com

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Welcome to the spring edition of MiGreenState Magazine. We’re glad you found us. There’s always a sense of excitement, when the dormancy and sun-deprived days of a long Michigan winter gives way to blue skies and greening landscapes of springtime. MiGreenState Magazine is equally stoked about continuing to take you, our readers, through a revealing and diverse journey to open a window into the fascinating and eclectic world of the men, women and communities that comprise the state’s Cannabis Community. Take a peek inside, we think you’ll enjoy it. This industry continues to amaze as it maintains its explosive growth in our state. There are so many stories of people and plac-


es throughout Michigan that show our state’s entrepreneurship and innovation. Our mission is to help to tell some of those stories and to shine a spotlight on the lifestyle and culture of this growing community. We appreciate all the positivity you’ve sent our way following our inaugural Winter Issue of MiGreenState Magazine. All of us here have enjoyed contributing in whichever way we can to this new Michigan industry. We’ll continue to strive to be worthy of your support and attention. Sincerely, Ed Fritz Michigan Green State


did you know? $

Recreational marijuana sales reached nearly $440M in first year sales in Michigan. 4 | www.MIGREENSTATE.com

spring 2021| MIGreenState


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U c a t h l t e o t b a s p i

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Cannabis Consumption Events THE NEXT BIG THING IN MICHIGAN? KORAL FRITZ FOR MICHIGAN GREEN STATE WHAT’S THE NEXT BIG THING FOR MICHIGAN’S CANNABIS INDUSTRY? Although the pandemic has provided the cannabis industry with room to grow, the events of the last year have also reduced the ability of certain cannabis businesses to operate at their full potential in the Michigan market. Under the regulations in Michigan, both cannabis consumption establishments and cannabis events can operate subject to specific rules. While the laws have allowed for consumption lounges and events since 2019, the pandemic has made it extremely difficult to capitalize on these business opportunities. Restrictions limiting how business could be conducted and how many people could safely gather has meant that people are not coming together FRITZ in groups to consume cannabis. As businesses find ways to implement safety measures and public health improves, Michigan cannabis consumers and cannabis businesses alike will be excited to host the public in new lounges and at cannabis events. Especially as summer arrives, Michigan will see an influx of tourists, who can now purchase legal cannabis

Issue 2 | spring 2021

while visiting and legally consume at one of these lounges or events in the state.


ers then take next door to a separate facility to consume. This setup is a workaround to the rules that prohibit the lounges from selling cannabis products.

There are already a few consumption lounges operating or set to open soon, Consumption establishments are similar including the Rec Center located in Geneto bars and coffee shops in the sense see County. This business is credited with that patrons can visit the business and being the first operating recreational conconsume a particular substance while at sumption lounge in the state. It’s uniquely the establishment. Except with cannaset up like Punch Bowl Social in Detroit bis consumption establishments (a.k.a. and the Board Room in Washington, D.C. in cannabis lounges & cafes), customers must that the lounge offers the public a place to bring their own product to consume. The come play arcade and board games. Unlike lounges are allowed to offer food to guests, the other establishments, the Rec Center but the businesses are not permitted to doesn’t serve alcohol, but instead allows serve alcohol. guests to consume cannabis. In Marquette, the Cannabis Lupus Café is currently open While the regulations allow for medical and recreational sales while a licensed proprietor to its smoke lounge and dab bar should be offer a space for customers opening soon. to frequent where they can consume cannabis, the rules Consumption lounges have started to offer do not allow the consumpmonthly memberships. A customer pays tion lounges to sell cannabis a monthly fee to have access to use the products. This means that cus- lounge for certain periods of time or on a tomers must bring their own certain schedule. This offering will continue cannabis to the lounge with to be popular as more lounges open across them. The customers then the state. Detroit’s ordinance indicates the use the lounge as a safe, legal city will license up to 35 designated conplace to consume with others. sumption lounges. However, licensing in To make this a lucrative business option, Detroit is currently paused due to a lawsuit. the state will continue to see cannabis retail businesses (provisioning centers) WHAT ARE TEMPORARY MARIJUANA EVENTS? opening up next to consumption lounges. A temporary marijuana event is like a fesThrough this model, business owners can capitalize on selling products that custom- tival. The general rule for consuming can-

nabis in Michigan is that you can consume the substance inside a private residence. The law prohibits public consumption except at designated consumption establishments or temporary marijuana events. These events consist of members of the public paying a fee to access vendors selling cannabis products and other festivities. The other feature of the license is that event attendees can also consume cannabis publically. To host a temporary marijuana event, someone must secure a marijuana event organizer license from the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (“MRA”). Only individuals over the age of 21 may attend these events, and there are strict requirements with which the event organizer must comply. One requirement is that the organizer must submit an application to hold a temporary event at least 90 days before the first day of the event. This rule is meant to afford the MRA enough response and investigation time. The first event of this kind was set to occur in Hazel Park last April. However, organizers cancelled the event due to COVID-19. Yet, Michigan residents and visitors can expect to see more consumption lounges opening and licensed cannabis events occurring as facilities can open up to welcome larger groups of people. Koral Fritz is a licensed attorney and Professor of Cannabis Business at Lake Superior State University

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From left to right: cousin Chris Piedmonte stands with brothers Eric and Nick Piedmonte in front of the soon-to-open Dunegrass Co. adult-use cannabis facility. (photo credit: Joe Judd)


increasing on a seemingly monthly basis, Eric Piedmonte said he knew there would be some competition upon arrival in Big Rapids.

When it comes to Michigan and the city of Big Rapids' ever growing cannabis industry, there's a company which looks to distinguish itself from all the others.

Coming to a town with so many marijuana shops either open for business or in the process of acquiring the license to do so didn't give the pair of brothers any apprehension; they expect to be in Big Rapids for the long haul.

Owned and operated by brothers Nick and Eric Piedmonte, Dunegrass Co., is on the threshold of opening its doors to the public for the first time with a soft open Wednesday and the official opening set for Saturday morning. officially opened their doors early this year. Taking over the location formerly known as the Big Rapids Hobby Shop, 801 N. State St., Big Rapids, this summer, the Piedmonte brothers have been working to ensure everything is just right when the time comes to let the first customer come through. The Piedmonte brothers are based out of Traverse City and own Grand Traverse (GT) Vapor in Cadillac, but they said they wanted to expand their business to Big Rapids for a litany of reasons.

Dunegrass Co. has the aim of bringing a Traverse City vibe to the inside of its soon-to-open Big Rapids store. (Joe Judd)

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"We've really leaned on the logistics and geography of our up north roots," Nick Piedmonte said. "It's a market where we felt like we could do a really nice job exporting that Traverse City culture and brand and bring some of that to Big Rapids." With the number of marijuana facilities

"We expected there to be more competition than obviously a capped market," Eric Piedmonte said. "It's going to take a little bit of time for the market to settle and establish itself for sure, but there's business to be had in Big Rapids and it's all going to flow through just a handful of retailers at the end of the day." Eric and Nick agreed that the number of shops that eventually open for business will be a moot point when the local market does, in fact, establish itself. When that time comes, Dunegrass Co. expects to be right there with the best of the best, flourishing after months of careful, patient and responsible planning. "Big Rapids is not the first no-cap municipality in the state of Michigan," Nick Piedmonte said. "At the end of the day, there's going to be three or four retailers that are successful, and then a lot of others hanging on by the skin of their teeth." In fact, that is precisely the reason why Eric Piedmonte said he wanted to stay as far away

spring 2021| MIGreenState

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from Perry Street as humanly possible, to avoid getting lumped in with various corporate storefronts also looking to make a splash in Big Rapids.

The Piedmontes say this is mainly to avoid confusion and offer transparency to the customer, while also making things a little easier and streamlined by not having two separate inventories and twice the amount of paperwork to keep track of.

It's this differentiation from what most of the cannabis-consuming population across Mecosta County has come to know and expect that the Piedmontes believe will eventually set themselves apart from anyone else.

"Oddly enough, you have a lot more product available on the adult-use side than you do on the medical side right now," Eric Piedmonte said. "Everything that gets grown on the medical side just gets converted to the adult-use side. We can give them a wider variety of product at the same price is what it boils down to."

Investing a great deal of resources in renovating, refurbishing and identity, Nick, Eric and family were in no rush to make their first sale. "We're not some strip-mall weed company -- we could have opened up six, eight, nine months ago, if we were in a strip mall where all you have to do is flip the lights on," Eric Piedmonte said. "We put a lot of thought into the branding. I think there's a lot of times where we 'zig' where a lot of our competitors 'zag.'" 'HIGH-END BEACHY FEEL' Walking through the front door and into what will soon be the main area where product will be put on display for purchase, it is immediately clear that a lot of crafting went into a building that's most recently been without an identity of its own.

Nick Piedmonte said one of the main things they've found is that there is no specific adult-use or medical grow facility; it all comes from the same place. The brick walls and hardwood floors found throughout the building are all original. (Joe Judd)

"It's the same product -- it just has a different colored label on it," he said.

From the hardwood floors, to the cherry oak cabinets and the building's original brick preserved on the exterior and parts of the interior, Dunegrass Co. has a warm, cozy, charming feel that's usually only found in antique stores nowadays.

The Big Rapids Dunegrass location will be the second of five that are expected to open in the region, with the first of these opening up in Manistee this past summer.

"It's kind of an homage to Traverse City; we

really like to bring this very high-end, beachy feel," Eric Piedmonte said. "(The brick) brings out so much character in the building Dunegrass Co. is an adult-use marijuana facility, and will offer discounts to medical patients in due course, rather than having a medical and recreational menu.

Cadillac, Marquette and Beulah are all expected to have a Dunegrass Co. sometime in the near future.

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Issue 2 | spring 2021

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Hops and Hemp: CANNABIS COUSIN PAIRS WELL, BUT WHICH BEER IS BEST WITH WEED? ELISSA ESHER FOR MICHIGAN GREEN STATE If you love cannabis and you love beer, you’ve probably discovered that, like sprinkles and ice cream, the two are often better together. The reason? The hops in beer have similar properties to cannabis, meaning beer and weed have a lot more in common than you might expect. Many will recognize the four key ingredients in beer: malt, yeast, water, and hops, but what less people know is that hops and cannabis are close cousins in the plant kingdom. These two plants share several terpenes in common, including myrcene, pinene, and humulene. Terpenes are what give cannabis and beer their flavor and aroma, which is why people use words like earthy, skunky, and floral to describe both weed and beer. It’s also why the aroma and taste of cannabis and beer naturally pair well together.

But beer doesn’t just taste great with weed. It can also enhance your high. Several studies have concluded that THC levels in the blood rise when cannabis is consumed with alcohol, meaning you’ll probably feel more high if you drink a beer before you smoke than you would without the alcohol in your system. This could be one of the reasons why, besides tobacco, cannabis is the intoxicant most commonly used with alcohol by those who drink. This also means it’s very possible to have too much of a good thing. For many consumers, especially those who are inexperienced with cannabis, alcohol, or both, consuming beer and alcohol together will amplify the intoxicating effects of these substances. A 2016 study showed that those who use cannabis and alcohol together are at least twice as likely to make irresponsible social decisions, drive drunk, or harm themselves while intoxicated. No matter what your level of

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experience is, consume prudently and responsibly. Summer holidays are just around the corner, so we wanted to know: How should cannabis consumers pair beer with weed? To find out, we asked the experts at Province Brands, an innovative, plant-based beer company that thinks about ways to balancing cannabis and alcohol to optimize fun, health, and safety every day. According to Province Brands Brewmaster Travis Dafoe, there’s a beer for every kind of cannabis consumer. Cheers!

1. IPA/PALE ALE Since hops and cannabis share several prominent terpenes, “hoppy” beers (i.e. beers in which the tastes and aromas of hops are prevalent) naturally pair best with cannabis. For this reason, Dafoe said IPA’s should be your first choice when looking for a beer to complement the flavors of weed.

“The best beer to complement the ‘skunky’ and ‘dank’ aromas of cannabis would be something equally strong and aromatic: an IPA or Pale Ale,” Dafoe told GreenState. “An IPA style beer is heavy on bitterness and hop aromas, which are great for masking and complementing the natural pungency of the cannabis plant.”

help you forget about that weed taste.” Dafoe added that stouts and porters are more filling than other beers, making them a great solution for another issue cannabis consumers face: the munchies.


For those less inclined to relish the strong flavor of cannabis, Dafoe recommends more flavorful beers that will override the bitter taste.

Like beer, a huge part of the cannabis experience is the environment in which you consume it. Since many cannabis consumers enjoy smoking a joint outside, Dafoe said a lighter beer may match the vibe more than anything else.

“Some stouts and porters have earthy, more natural notes that lend well to the natural green flavors of cannabis. These styles of beer are also much heavier bodied and pack a lot more flavor than other styles,” Dafoe told GreenState. “With a common drawback of smoking cannabis being the taste in your mouth, a heavier-bodied, more flavorful brew is exactly what’s needed to

“The environment you’re in can dictate the style of beer you’re thirsty for,” Dafoe told GreenState. “Cannabis is commonly consumed on beautiful days, like on a dock at your cottage, and when it’s consumed for some quick relaxation, a light, easy drinking beer can help you sink further into your surroundings. The best pairing for a warm, sunny day is a crisp, clean blonde ale or lager.”


spring 2021| MIGreenState

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with a higher tolerance or body fat percentage, for example, could have higher levels of the drug in their system, but be fully functional.

Legislators have introduced bills that would, if passed, outlaw the sale of synthetic urine and ban billboard marijuana ads.

“The people who keep focusing on blood, I think, are using that as a smokescreen,” Abel said. “If they really cared whether people are impaired or not, they would test whether people are impaired.”

The Senate has voted to ban the sale of synthetic urine and other products used to falsify drug tests.

Abel, a Detroit attorney and founder of Cannabis Counsel, a law firm, suggests the use of Druid – a video game-like app that tests impairment and motor function.

Synthetic urine is water mixed with additives such as creatinine, salts, uric acid and yellow coloring to replicate human urine, according to Quest Diagnostics, a New Jersey-based clinical laboratory that provides drug testing for employers across the country. The bill, introduced by Sen. Curt VanderWall, R-Ludington, passed the Senate 33-1. It’s pending in the House. “There is no legitimate use for these products other than to cheat on alcohol or drug screening tests and, therefore, they should not be available on the marketplace,” VanderWall said. Sen. Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor, was the only senator to vote against the bill. Despite legal recreational use of marijuana in the state, businesses can legally conduct drug screenings for employees or during the hiring process. The bill follows a rise in drug use and substance use disor-

Issue 2 | spring 2021

did you know?

A billboard for Premiere Provisions, a Big Rapids-based marijuana dispensary, is pictured in Mecosta County. Bills have been introduced to ban the advertisement of medical and recreational marijuana sales on billboards. (Pioneer file photo)

ders caused by the pandemic, according to the American Psychological Association. “I don’t really have an objection to them banning synthetic urine, but physical tests, I believe, are the wrong method to determine whether people are impaired at work,” said Matthew Abel, the executive director of the Michigan chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. These “physical tests” – such as urine, oral and hair tests – measure the blood-plasma

The system requires a sober, baseline test and can be readministered by an employer any time after to test possible impairments and delayed reaction times from drugs, alcohol or even injury.

concentrations of THC, similarly to the blood alcohol content of an alcohol breathalyzer test. THC is the principal psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces a high sensation.

“If someone is at a desk, what do we care if they’re smoking weed on the weekends?” Abel said. “And if they’re driving a truck, what do we care as long as they’re clean and sober while at work?”

The difference, however, is that blood-plasma concentrations of THC are an indicator of exposure, not impairment, according to a 2019 report from the Michigan Impaired Driving Commission.

Bills have also been introduced by Reps. Mary Whiteford, R-Casco Township, and Abdullah Hammoud, D-Dearborn, to ban the advertisement of medical and recreational marijuana sales on billboards.

That’s due to the varying ways THC is consumed and processed by the body. People

“We can’t have tobacco on billboards, so why can we have marijuana?” Whiteford said.

43% Percentage of adults nationwide who bought items from a dispensary in the past 30 days with a college degree

(Nielsen Scarborough) www.MIGREENSTATE.com | 9

SMALL BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT JON BECKER FOR MICHIGAN GREEN STATE In an industry known for its risk-takers, Michigan Green State would like to introduce you to Roberta F. King. The trailblazing West Michigan-based public relations executive walked away from an award-winning stable career spanning decades to venture into an unknown world: launching a firm dedicated exclusively to promoting Michigan’s new marijuana industry and the businesses in it. “I was restless,” King said of leaving her communication leadership role at Grand Rapids Community Foundation to launch Canna Communication in 2017 and her cannabis event business three years later. “After 13 years at the Community Foundation I was looking for a change, but going to another well-respected nonprofit based in West Michigan wasn’t what I wanted to do.” She had often thought about opening her own firm, but wanted her new venture to be special and different. Enter Canna Communications, her Michigan-based integrated PR & Marketing firm that works solely in the cannabis space. “As far as I know, I’m the only Michigan company that works exclusively in the marijuana industry,” King said. “It’s a very, very niche market and if not for adult-use legalization, I don’t know if I’d still be doing it.” Business was so slow at the start when King opened the business in August of

2017, “I took three weeks in the summer of 2018 to hike the Oregon section of the Pacific Crest Trail. That being said, I couldn’t imagine doing that now. My business is certainly full-time now.” As the owner and founder of Canna Communication, King brings a varied skill set to the table. Brand development, award-winning p.r. work, marketing and event planning is what she offers clients. They range from growers, processors, transporters and retailers, to industry support professions such as legal, accounting and insurance. “I have a great book of diverse clients that I enjoy working with, but as every entrepreneur knows, growing a business is slow and discouraging,” she said. “I enjoy finding solutions for communication issues my clients are facing.” Medical use of cannabis was legalized in the state in 2008. State-licensed sales of recreational cannabis began in 2019. The plant’s growing popularity has led to an increasing number of marijuana shops sprouting up across the state. This means owners and operators should have a competitive edge. You can’t simply open the door and expect customers to flock in. Not anymore anyway. “I think the one thing that is hardest for me to convey is the need for a strategy and communication plan,” King said. “Success will not just come from tactics—Instagram posts or ads alone. Businesses need a cohesive plan for success that includes marketing, social and all aspects of public relations. Companies turn to me for that advice and counsel.”

did you know? 10 | www.MIGREENSTATE.com

Roberta King Blazes Her Own Cannabis Path King went on to explain that, to some degree, in the early days of cannabis legalization, “Cannabis shops were destinations. There was no need to do more than open up and get a news story and people arrived. Now, it’s much more competitive and businesses need to work every day at attracting and retaining customers.” King believes in what she markets. She consumed marijuana in college and on and off as an adult. But she was wary of buying weed on the street back in the ‘80s and 90’s because you couldn’t be certain of what you were getting. “It was kind of a dicey proposition or I didn’t know the right people,” she said. “I have had a medical marijuana card for a few years and am developing senses about flower.” King doesn’t like to smoke, so she uses a PAX vaporizer which allows her to consume flower without smoking. “It’s like wine, beer or cheese, there are some very distinct tastes and smells to the plant. And it truly helps even things out when I’m edgy, can’t sleep or am in pain.”

panies are unavailable to cannabis. Adding to the pain is many cannabis businesses don’t know the communication strategy that they really need to focus on in the face of fierce competition. It’s harder every day to differentiate yourself from other cannabis companies.” Canna Communication is a solo venture for King, though she does work with others on websites and design, two areas she acknowledges are not her fortes. She’s a nationally accredited p.r. professional and holds a state license as a marijuana event organizer. Whether it’s bike rally, a music festival or a small, intimate gathering where people can sample company’s cannabis products, King has the expertise to make sure it’s done legally. Adding cannabis as a choice along with beer for attendees will attract new audiences and generate media attention, she said. “Temporary marijuana events are highly regulated and it’s not an easy process to be licensed, but it can be done,” she said.


What are the biggest challenges facing cannabis companies and how can you help overcome them? “Competition and a lack of tactical tools for business promotion makes marketing cannabis challenging,” King offers. “Without federal regulation, many marketing com-

Visit King’s business websites at https://cannacommunication. com and https://marijuanaeventorganizer.com When King’s not helping cannabis businesses with communication strategy or planning marijuana events, she enjoys running, hiking, traveling by bicycle and cooking vegetables. In her very distant past, she was named Oceana County’s Mrs. Asparagus Runner-Up, in 1989.

The state of Michigan does not have a limit for how much THC can be in a marijuana product. spring 2021| MIGreenState

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Issue 2 | spring 2021

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A Win for Cannabis Businesses:


ever since the last election, but the catalyzing move for bigger jumps in stock prices is going to be total federal approval,” Bassuk said.

On this 4/20, cannabis-enthusiasts had a lot to celebrate. The Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act was passed by the House of Representatives on April 20th. The bill would make it easier for cannabis companies to do business in states where sales are legal.

Cannabis stocks surged last fall after voters in New Jersey, Arizona and three other states cleared the way for expanding legal sales of marijuana. Medical and adult-use cannabis sales combined jumped 58% in the U.S. last year to about $19.2 billion, according to Cowen.

Even though the industry saw over $18 billion in sales last year, cannabis businesses are still often forced to deal in cash. This is because the federally insured banking system has not yet been opened to them–but, if the SAFE Banking Act passes, that would change. This is the tip of the iceberg in a monumental year for cannabis in the U.S. The cannabis industry is making strides in other ways as well. Since the November elections, several states, most recently New Mexico and Virginia, have taken steps to legalize marijuana sales for adult recreational use. Others, including New York, New Jersey and Arizona, have also gone that route. And more states are expected to follow suit. At present, one in three Americans live in a state where marijuana is legal, and a whopping 68% of Americans believe cannabis should be legalized on some level. “From a policy perspective, state by state, municipality by municipality, there’s more political will to legalize, which is going to help bring on more markets and add to the sales we have,” said Jason Wilson, banking and cannabis expert at exchange-traded funds provider ETFMG. The flurry of states legalizing

Recently, cannabis stocks have lost ground amid uncertainty over whether President Joe Biden will budge on his opposition to legalizing marijuana at the federal level. Biden has said he would decriminalize – but not legalize – the use of marijuana. In addition, a rally in cannabis stocks fueled by the same social media chat rooms that sent GameStop shares skyrocketing in January faded after peaking in mid-February.

cannabis prompted analysts at Cowen to update their forecast for the U.S. recreational cannabis market to $41 billion by 2025, an increase of $1 billion from Cowen’s previous forecast. Including illicit and medical marijuana sales, analysts expect the total market for cannabis in the U.S. will climb to $80 billion by 2025 from a projected $65 billion this year. Another bright spot for the industry: robust demand. Adult recreational marijuana sales climbed sharply in the first three months of this year in California, Massa-

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chusetts, Illinois and a few other states that have been allowing such sales for at least a year. Sales in California, the nation’s biggest legal cannabis market, jumped 36.4% to $1.2 billion in the first quarter versus a year earlier, according to industry tracker Headset. In Michigan, sales skyrocketed almost fivefold to $232.07 million, while Colorado’s sales more than doubled to $439.7 million. All told, 16 states allow marijuana sales to adults now. Some of the recent converts, including New Mexico and New York, are not

expected to begin allowing sales until next year. All but a few states already allow some form of access for medical use.

The ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF, which has more than $1 billion in assets under management, has fallen 56.4% since Feb. 10. The ETF, which focuses on cannabis stocks, is still up about 80% from 12 months ago. Shares in some of the biggest marijuana companies, including Tilray, MedMen Enterprises and Aphria, have doubled this year.

Cowen’s analysts expect that Connecticut and Rhode Island will be next to legalize adult-use cannabis.

Meanwhile, the benchmark S&P 500 index is up about 11% this year and 52.5% above where it stood a year ago.

The industry is eager for changes to federal laws that limit cannabis companies’ access to banking and other services. Progress at the federal level would also help drive cannabis stocks higher, said Greg Bassuk, CEO of AXS Investments.

“If you look at just the last two months, you’ll see a lot of stocks have sold off pretty sharply,” said Garrett Nelson, senior equity analyst at CFRA. “We view this as a buying opportunity.”

“The environment has been ripe

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

spring 2021| MIGreenState


FAIL THEIR SECURITY INSPECTIONS? A failed security inspection can lead to hours of lost time and often hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost profits. So why do so many fail this critical step? POOR COMMUNICATION

Not having a dedicated security support partner can lead to missed deadlines, a lack of coordination between your vendors, and important details being overlooked—resulting in a failed inspection.


Proper support is critical to a successful inspection. It’s important to have a professionally trained cannabis security technician with the proper tools and materials on site during your inspection. This ensures that any last minute requests can be promptly addressed while the inspector is still on property.


Partnering with a security company that doesn’t have experience and a deep understanding of LARA regulations is a major contributor to improper installations and failed inspections.

MICHIGAN GROWERS, PROCESSORS, AND DISPENSARIES GET SECURE WITH TKS: TKS Security has helped Cannabis Growers, Processors, and Dispensaries throughout Michigan to pass inspections. Our highly trained industry experts engineer the right solution for your business and provide support to ensure you pass your inspection and stay secure.


Issue 2 | spring 2021

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Since focusing on your breath can seem nearly impossible when your high is giving you anxiety, paranoia, or a fullblow panic attack, it’s usually easier to focus your attention on a calming, repetitive task. This could be anything from taking a hot bath to watching your favorite sit com, so long as you try your best to stay as present as possible in it – focusing only on the task or scene at hand. The goal with this is to calm your mind, which, in turn, will regulate your breathing and make it easier for you to take longer, deeper sips of air.

There’s a fine line between riding high and getting lost in space. Whether you use cannabis for recreational or medical reasons, you probably know this all too well. One moment, everything makes you laugh, and the next, you’re 90% sure there’s a ghost in your bathtub. Sound like you? Don’t worry. That ghost is probably your shower curtain, and we’re here to help. It’s nearly impossible to overdose on weed, but if you’re uncomfortable with your high, you’re not alone. Many people experience anxiety, paranoia, nausea, dizziness, extreme brain fog, and/or even mild hallucinations when they’ve consumed more herb than their bodies are able to process normally. But once you’re this high, how do you come down? To find the answer, we consulted the experts – Heather Despres, spokesperson for Americans for Safe Access, Dr. Leigh Vinocur, member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, and the research of Dr. Ethan B. Russo, neurologist and Past-President of the International Cannabinoid Research Society. Here’s what they had to say:

WHAT TO EAT: While your first impulse might be to stuff yourself with carbs, remember that man cannot live by bread alone – especially when stoned. What you eat when marijuana is in your system has a big impact on your high. So, when the munchies strike, strategy is key. If you’re feeling anxious or paranoid because of your high, black peppercorn (chewed, sniffed, or shaken into a glass of water and swallowed) will subdue the psychoactive effects of THC and enhance its powers as a sedative. This is

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thanks to a terpene and in pepper called beta-caryophyllene, which, when combined with weed, produces a powerful sense of calm, according to a research article by Dr. Ethan B. Russo, published in 2011 by the British Journal of Pharmacology. One of the oldest and most popular remedies for flying too high is lemon juice. Like beta-caryophyllene, the reason for this is a terpene. According to Russo’s research, the terpene limonene that is found in lemons (and other citrus fruits) acts to calm THC-induced anxiety by increasing the serotonin in the brain. So, when life gives you lemons, save some for the next time you’re too high. On the flip side, if you feel overly sedated and need to become more alert, Americans for Safe Access recommends pine nuts. These little guys have a terpene called pinene in them that clears up the brain fog and increases awareness. And, since pinene is responsible for the unique scent of pine trees, you can also reap its benefits by sniffing pine essential oils.

WHAT TO DRINK: The answer to this one is short: water. Not only will water help flush THC from your bloodstream (and, of course, keep cottonmouth at bay), but the repeated act of sipping helps relieve anxiety, one of the most common psychoactive effects of consuming too much weed. “When people show up to the ER thinking they are dangerously high, they are usually just set down on a hospital bed and given a glass of water to sip on,” Vinocur said. “Water attacks the high on two levels – it gets the THC out of your system and also makes you feel calm through focused, repeated action.”

WHAT TO DO: According to Americans for Safe Access, taking long, deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth for an extended period of time is a fool-proof way to come down when you’re flying a bit too high. However, that’s often easier said than done.

“When you’re hyperventilating, the goal is to not lose so much carbon dioxide that you begin feeling dizzy,” Vinocur told GreenState. “Breathing into a paper bag will do this, but to really regulate your breath, you have to do something that takes your attention away from the paranoia. Even something as simple as listening to calming music can work. As long as the thing you do grabs your attention and you do it in a safe space, you should notice your breath regulating soon.” Lastly, there’s not much a good night’s sleep can’t fix. While you may still suffer from dry mouth the morning after you’ve consumed a lot of herb, and might find you’ve slept longer than you usually do (sometimes by a long shot), Vinocur told GreenState that weed hangovers are, while real, very rare, so odds are you’ll feel much more clear-headed the morning after your personal hempfest. “I’ve never had a patient who didn’t feel completely sober 10-12 hours after consuming marijuana,” Vinocur said. “You can try home remedies to speed up the process, but if you’ve really smoked a lot, the easiest thing to do is just sleep it off.” Elissa Esher is Assistant Editor at GreenState. Her work has also appeared in The Boston Guardian, Brooklyn Paper, Religion Unplugged, and Iridescent Women. Send inquiries and tips to elli.esher@hearst.com.

spring 2021| MIGreenState

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Issue 2 | spring 2021

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The secret to better cannabis highs?

EAT YOUR BROCCOLI (AND THESE OTHER HIGH-ENHANCING FOODS) ELISSA ESHER FOR MICHIGAN GREEN STATE Nothing is more beautiful than a full fridge when you have a case of the munchies. But while it might feel tempting – even right – to inhale every snack in sight each time you’re high, you may actually be depriving yourself of the highest quality high by doing so. How? Take it from the experts. In 2015, a study published by the American Journal of Translational Research showed that pairing foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, certain types of terpenes, and/ or cannabinoids with cannabis actually boosts THC absorption in the bloodstream. Since then, these kinds of foods have also been proven to enhance the effects of CBD, according to a study by the University of Minnesota. What this means for you is simple – if you want to get the most out of your high (or CBD regimen,) it’s time start strategizing your munchies. Always here to serve, we’ve done the grunt work for you. Here are the top 5 foods (and drink) to improve your high:

1) NUTS Among their many nutritional benefits, nuts contain high levels of healthy (i.e. unsaturated) fats. These fats help the body absorb more THC, faster, which significantly increases the intensity of your high, according to Clinical Nutritionist and Author Kelly Dorfman. Grab a handful of them

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after eating an edible, and you can speed up the time it takes THC (or CBD) to pass through the blood-brain barrier and start working its magic. “CBD and THC compounds are fat-soluble, so fat is their medium,” Dorfman told GreenState. “If you consume them with foods that contain fat, they will absorb better – just like vitamin E generally absorbs better if it is taken in the oil form.” For best results, Dorfman recommends sautéing your nuts in some good n’ fatty butter. Eating nuts before consuming marijuana (which has been proven to slow the heart rate of some individuals) can also help those with cardiovascular issues do so more safely. According to the Harvard School for Public Health, walnuts are especially effective in decreasing inflammation associated with heart disease, reducing blood clot risk, and preventing erratic heart rhythms.

suggests lathering your sweet potato with some fatty acid-rich butter, making it easier for your body to absorb THC and, subsequently, making your sweet potato-infused high a little bit sweeter.

3) TEA Feeling tense? Take high tea. Not only is the act of sipping tea soothing, but tea itself is full of antioxidants. When antioxidants attach to cannabinoids, they can enhance the sedating effects of THC, leaving you with an ultra-mellow high beneficial to those using marijuana for insomnia. For maximum chill, medical cannabis experts recommend pouring a cup of herbal tea (ideally peppermint, chamomile, or lavender) just after a smoke, or mixing your herb and herbs together in a quality cannabis tea.

Clinical Nutritionist and Author Kelly Dorfman told Greenstate that some in the cannabis 2) SWEET POTATOES industry believe tea may also be able to increase the lifespan of These scrumptious roots are your high, as well as strengthen good for more than roasting in the chemical compounds CBD brown sugar on Thanksgiving. They’re packed with vitamins and and THC. While this theory has yet to be definitively proven, minerals that boost your mood the concept is nothing new. by increasing serotonin producCannabis tea has been used as a tion in the brain. When these medicinal treatment in India for vitamins (especially vitamins E over 1,000 years, and is widely and B) and minerals interact with consumed there to this day to cannabinoids, they can heighten remedy fever, indigestion, and the euphoric effects of THC, prosunstroke. In Jamaica, it has even ducing a happy and alert high been used to cure asthma. If the particularly beneficial to those healing properties of cannabis using cannabis as a treatment for are, in fact, stronger in this form, depression. cannabis tea might help medical As with nuts, Clinical Nutritionmarijuana patients experience ist and Author Kelly Dorfman stronger, faster relief.

spring 2021| MIGreenState


If this theory is true, the sudden decrease in inflammation in the body would trigger a deep sense of relaxation – one that could be extremely beneficial for medical cannabis patients and those using marijuana for mental health.

While there’s little research on the subject, it’s virtually common knowledge in the cannabis world that eating a mango before consuming weed seems to increase the psychoactive effects of THC. Some cannabis doctors believe myrcene, a terpene found in mangoes, is the reason for this. Since numerous studies have shown terpenes can effect on the way we experience marijuana, these doctors believe it’s possible that, if myrcene is in the body prior to consuming cannabis, it can quickly carry THC and CBD through the blood-brain barrier and increase the number of cannabinoids in your brain’s CB1 receptor. Want to test this theory? Try eating a mango one to two hours before you take your next hit.

5) BROCCOLI Finally, try eating your greens before you smoke them. Broccoli

You’ve probably noticed by now that each of these foods will affect your high in a different way. That’s why it’s important to know how your body responds to cannabis before getting fancy with your munchies. As a general rule, steer clear of mangoes if you tend to get anxious while high, and away from broccoli and tea if you tend to become too sedated. Now, eat up.

contains a high amount of a natural cannabinoid called beta-caryophyllene, which interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The result is a reduction in

pain and inflammation, and many veggie-loving cannabis consumers say it can also produce an increased sense of calm when paired with THC.

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There’s nothing proven, but some experts believe the natural effects of beta-caryophyllene may grow stronger when working with the cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Elissa Esher is Assistant Editor at GreenState. Her work has also appeared in The Boston Guardian, Brooklyn Paper, Religion Unplugged, and Iridescent Women. Send inquiries and tips to elli.esher@ hearst.com.

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Issue 2 | spring 2021

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The Northern Lights team celebrating with Marquette’s Downtown Development Authority

Northern Lights Glass

BOWLS OVER THE COMPETITION JON BECKER FOR MICHIGAN GREEN STATE It’s early in the Michigan Green State crew’s new adventure to blaze its way through the state’s budding cannabis industry, but one thing is already becoming abundantly clear: the people who work in it, from your budtenders, farmers and chefs, to the managers, owners and technicians, are thrilled that they now have a means to turn a passion into a livelihood. To them, legalization of the herb they tout for a variety of reasons is long overdue. Take Malia Cole, for instance. Like many of her fellow marijuana advocates, Cole has worked plenty of other jobs but didn’t get near

the satisfaction or “chill” she now embraces as owner of Northern Lights Glass Company, located near downtown Marquette. The glass pipe supplier and art gallery specializes in American-made products and making people happy. “That’s what it’s all about,” Cole said. “I’ve worked a lot of jobs. One of them was at a candy store and I knew when the customers left, they were leaving happy. It’s the same thing here. That’s the most enjoyable part. People come in wanting to be happy. I also like working with all the artists who sell their works here. “ The company owes its origins to Jay Hosch, who came to the Northern Michigan community

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spring 2021| MIGreenState

Pipe Primer


Chillum WHAT IS A CHILLUM? Chillums (often referred to as one-hitters) are small pipes that were first used by Hindu monks and holy men in India. It is believed that these monks have been using chillums for thousands of years, before tobacco was even introduced in India. Chillums have been associated with spirituality and meditation throughout Asia and Eastern Europe, but the chillum reached western popularity during the 20th century. Chillums grew in popularity for their strong and direct rips, usually more powerful than the average dry handpipe.

LOADING END Each user will have a different preference for how large they want the loading end. A larger loading end will allow for more product to be loaded at once, which can produce a larger hit. However, since there is no carb on the chillum, users have little control over the airflow. A screen can help with this problem some-

Issue 2 | spring 2021

what. Some chillums can only hold enough for one hit, while others can support three to four hits. Some users may prefer one-hitters, while users in group settings may wish to have a three or four hitter available that they can share with friends.

MOUTHPIECE The size of the mouthpiece and the size of the opening where the user inhales the smoke are two important features pipers should carefully consider before purchasing. Mouthpieces come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s crucial to find one that is comfortable for you. A small opening will slow down the smoke, but it may take some extra work to pull it through the device. Larger openings will cause the smoke to travel more quickly through the device, but screens inserted into the mouthpiece can help slow down the smoke. Screens can also prevent burned product from falling into the mouthpiece and ruining a user’s experience.

Bubblers Bubbler pipes offer portable water pipe function and filtration in the convenience and portability of a standard hand pipe. A glass bubbler is versatile and can just as easily function as a dry pipe - just don’t add water! Bubblers come in various styles and materials such as borosilicate glass and silicone. There are a variety of bubblers styles, such as the popular hammer bubbler, or mini bubblers. The flexibility of bubblers makes them a very desirable part of every smoker’s collection. People often choose a bubbler for their size and smooth hits. There are numerous styles of bubblers, and Smoke Cartel is here to offer you a variety of affordable and quality options. Bubblers often feature a bowl piece, or can be made with one built in. Smoking a bubbler water pipe is an interesting and unique way of consuming legal herbs. Many people believe that a bubbler is technically a bong as well, but we often consider them a separate category of water pipe. This is different in many ways and has its own unique set of benefits which are not available in a bong because of it’s diffusion, percs, and size.

HOW DO I CHOOSE THE RIGHT BUBBLER FOR ME? Choosing the right bubbler is a matter of preference, but we are here to help you make the right decision. Most people consider the size of their bubbler first and foremost. While usually compact, bubblers do come in a range of sizes. Another consideration is whether you want a bubbler with a joint, which accommodates a dry herb bowl or a dab nail like a quartz banger, or has a built in bowl - just for dry herbs. Bubblers also come in a variety of styles, such as a hammer bubbler, sidecar, or standing bubbler.

Sherlock Pipes Named and modeled after the iconic pipe used by Sherlock Holmes, Sherlocks are unique hand pipes that have been popular for a hundred years! Sherlocks are easily recognizable by their long, curved neck and mouthpiece, giving these pipes a unique aesthetic.

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back in 2010 from Colorado. Cole took over in 2013. “He wasn’t impressed with the lack of glass shops here,” Cole said. “In Colorado there was one on every corner. He decided to set up shop here.” All of Northern Lights glass products are carefully made in the United States. In addition to its signature glass products, the shop features uniquely designed pipes made of other materials including wood, stone, bamboo and even deer antlers. You can also find various bangers, water pipes, jars, rolling papers, vaping devices, rolling trays and other cannabis accessories for sale there. Like a “Blazing Susan.” “We do try to get as much local stuff as we can and all of our glass is strictly American-made,” Cole said. “We sell Blazing Susan’s, which like the name implies, is a spinning cabinet to keep your rolling trays, pipes and other accessories.” Since its founding, Northern Lights Glass has made it a guiding principle to refrain from offering inferior products made overseas and to be staunch supporters of Marquette’s local art scene. It offers space for local artisans to sell some of their works.

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If you find yourself in this popular tourist town and you’re not into smoke, make sure you check out the gallery portion of the operation. Jewelry, crafts, photography, t-shirts, paintings and stickers are just some of the wares you’ll see for sale. The company is not a smoke shop, so it doesn’t sell marijuana--or CBD products for that matter. But it does cater to a diverse crowd of cannabis consumers who want their own unique pipe to fill and fire. “Our customers are all over the map,” Cole said. “We have nurses and other professionals—which is great. What people do on their off time is their own business, as long as it doesn’t affect their work. We have people 70 to 80 years old who are so excited because it’s legal and they’re growing it at home. We still have 18-year olds with medical cards and other customers who quit for a long time, but legalization has brought them back.” As a “smoker forever,” Cole is comfortably chill as a business owner in this growing industry. “This is the least stressful job I’ve ever had,” she said. “It’s a great job.”

Malia Cole putting finishing touches on their new sign

spring 2021| MIGreenState

Northern Lights carries chillums, spoons, steamrollers, and even a standup sherlock by a local woodworking artist.

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Meet the new face of the cannabis industry:

Your mom


consumption of alcohol. Kathryn Cannon, a plant integration specialist who works with patients using medical marijuana, said it could be a healthier alternative for parents seeking ways to wind down in the future – baring in mind that, for parents in certain social demographics, the weight of the stigma surrounding parents using cannabis may override its anxiety-relieving effects.

Since the start of the pandemic, cannabis use has skyrocketed. Americans spent $18.3 billion on cannabis products last year – 71% over what they spent in 2019 – meaning we the people needed a lot of weed to cope with 2020. According to a recent survey, many of those people are parents.

“More folks, parents included, are considering cannabis to relax. In many states, cannabis is a safe and legal alternative to alcohol or prescription medication,” Cannon said. “But speaking about cannabis use can be easier for some parents because there is transparency around cannabis use in the family or a strong culture exists around the cannabis community. Quite the opposite can be true – some parents unfairly face more stigma than others for using cannabis based on their social situation, and the resources they have to support them.”

A Harris Poll published this December showed 52% of respondents with children under age 18 said they had either begun consuming cannabis or increased their consumption of cannabis since the pandemic began. That’s why Judy Yee and her team started Moms for Mary, a community blog in which mothers can share their experiences using cannabis while raising children. Their mission: use cannabis as a way of enhancing, not retreating from, good parenthood. “In the same way that airlines tell you to secure your oxygen mask before helping children and those around you, I believe that responsible cannabis use is a form of self-care which leads to being a better partner and parent,” Yee said. “It’s our aim to inspire those who are curious to discover how the plant can improve their overall well-being and contribute to ending the unfair stigma surrounding parents and responsible cannabis usage.”

Since the negative view of parents using cannabis continues to be prominent in certain communities, even in states where it is legal, Yee, founder of Moms for Mary, says she is uncertain whether there will continue to be as much interest in cannabis use among parents as “normal” life resumes.

dinner, which helped me compartmentalize my day – it was like a marker that the work day was winding down and my personal time was ramping up. That structure not only gave me something to look forward to, but also helped me unwind and de-stress while staying alert and functional.”

Kikoko customer wrote,

Yee believes the uptick in cannabis use by parents this past year is due to the unprecedented challenges they have faced. Juggling homeschooling, working from home, and running a household constantly filled with people, Yee said cannabis can be a welcome stress-reliever for women on the brink of burn-out.

On top of the increased demand for cannabis, Yee, who is also the CEO and Co-Founder of a cannabis beverage company called K-Zen, said cannabis has also become more accessible for parents in the past year. Not only are more cannabis dispensaries delivering since the start of the pandemic, but many businesses are focusing on discreet products such as edibles and cannabis-infused drinks that are more easily, and safely, enjoyed at home.

“Almost overnight, moms like me found ourselves juggling crazy, virtual school schedules, working from home, taking on the role of caregiver, teacher and earner all at the same time. The pursuit of being a ‘good mom’ during the pandemic seemed laughable and completely unrealistic,” Yee said. “I try to carve out time in the evenings to enjoy a cannabis beverage as I prepare

One such company is Kikoko, a top-selling, female-owned cannabis product brand whose primary consumers are women 34-55 years of age. Amanda Jones, Kikoko’s Co-CEO, says they’ve seen demand for their products rise in the past year, in large part because their teas, mints, and tinctures are all smoke-free products parents feel comfortable consuming around kids. One

“There is still some stigma associated with Jones added that another factor contributcannabis use among parents,” Yee said. “One ing to the success of their products this past of the moms we interviewed in our Moms year was that parents are looking for alternafor Mary blog series talks about how day tives to alcohol for stress-relief. drinking is socially acceptable, and often “There were so many memes flying around encouraged, for moms, but daily cannabis about the increase in wine consumption consumption can spark judgement of every here in California, that I think an alarm went move and parenting misstep. I think, once off among moms,” Jones said. “This helped parents have incorporated cannabis into them become open to low dose cannabis their daily routine and see the benefits, it alternatives to help them with stress, sleep- will be challenging for them to go back to lessness, and the focus needed to homeslife without cannabis. That said, as the world chool. And, because alcohol is a neurotoxin begins to open up, parents may go back and cannabis is a neuroprotective, moms to the habits and coping mechanisms they and dads have been able to wind down and used before the pandemic.” enjoy being with their children without the Elissa Esher is Assistant Editor at GreenState. risk of a hangover.” Her work has also appeared in The Boston Of the parents surveyed in the recent Guardian, Brooklyn Paper, Religion Unplugged, Harris Poll, 57% said their cannabis use and Iridescent Women. Send inquiries and tips to elli.esher@hearst.com. had reduced or completely replaced their

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“I love Kikoko products because I don’t smoke and I can be super discreet around my daughter. I don’t really hide when I eat a Kikoko mint or sip some Sensuali-Tea… I let her know that this is an adult product just like I do when I drink wine.”

spring 2021| MIGreenState


Know a dispensary? Email MiGreenState@Hearst.com to learn more about featuring your dispensary on Michigan Green State.

Issue 2 | spring 2021

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