The Ludington State Park's guided snowshoe tours allow participants to learn about the park and get exercise in the wintertime.
Snowshoeing at Ludington State Park provides exercise, education BY KYLE KOTECKI VENTURE STAFF WRITER Sometimes it seems as though options are limited when it comes to outdoor activities in the winter, with many people opting to take a page out of the bears' playbook and hibernate until the first blades of grass start to peek up through the snow. The Ludington State Park offers a way for people to get up and moving in the cold winter months while also learning about northern Michigan's natural resources with guided snowshoe walks.
"I call them snowshoe guided walks instead of hikes, because some people see the word 'hike' and think it's going to be like a forced march or something like that. I like to make it more casual of a walk," he said. "When we're on the walk, we'll be talking about the natural resources and historic resources in the state park. When we're walking through the forest we'll stop and talk about the trees, tree diseases, the animals in the winter and what they're doing and we'll be looking for signs of animal activity in the forest."
Those who have never strapped on a pair of snowshoes Every Saturday in January and need not be concerned. the first three in February, park Wernette's mantra is: If you can interpreter Alan Wernette will be walk, you can snowshoe. leading free guided snowshoe "I'm a downhill skier, a hikes at 2 p.m. cross-country skier and a Wernette said the word "hike" snowshoer. Out of the three, may be a bit of a misnomer, the snowshoeing is by far the as the walks are laid-back and easiest," he said. "All you have appropriate for snowshoers of to do is pick your feet up and all skill levels. walk. You just walk like you 14 MANISTEE NEWS ADVOCATE
Snowshoeing is a beginner-friendly way to get out and explore the woods when the snow falls. normally would and you can walk in snowshoes. There's not a lot of mental strain while snowshoeing. In other words, when you come to a hill you don't have to worry about sliding into a tree. You don't have to worry about that with snowshoes because they're built to walk in; they're not built to ski in. They grip the snow as you're walking. Uphill, downhill — they're gripping. It's much easier.
"As long as they can pick their feet up and walk normal, they'll be fine." Wernette said the walks take little more than an hour to complete, and the route varies based on the conditions and number of people participating. "It's not a long walk. Again, we walk out mostly in the wooded dune area just to stay out of the wind, because there is a bitter cold wind coming off