ADMINISTRATION Rev. Allen Cooney – Headmaster Jeff Jones – Grammar School Principal Jason Clapero – Upper School Principal Lonnie Tvrdy – U.S. Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Tamera Stombaugh – U.S. Dean of Student Life CONTACT INFORMATION GRAMMAR SCHOOL, grades K-5 520-529-7080 6450 North Camino Miraval, Tucson Arizona 85718 UPPER SCHOOL, grades 6-12 520-797-0107 9500 North Oracle, Tucson, AZ 85704 Facebook: Pusch Ridge Christian Academy Twitter: @PRCATucson ANNUAL MAGAZINE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS WRITTEN CONTRIBUTIONS Rev. Allen Cooney David Mehl, Board President Lori Abrams, Assistant Guidance Counselor and Librarian CONCEPT and EDITING Rachael Hallett Kathy Elliott GRAPHIC DESIGN Tomlinson Marketing & Design PHOTOGRAHY CONTRIBUTIONS Mark Fleming 2016-17 PRCA GOVERNING BOARD (L to R) Merritt Cain, David Mehl, Liz Mehl, Todd Vanden Branden, Jon Bickerton, John Rosenberg, Ron Hutchings, Deborah Bury
To the PRCA Community,
Dear Friends and Families,
God has shown his blessings to our school in incredible ways this year. There is a visible and clear enthusiasm within our faculty and staff that conveys excitement about our mission “to teach our students to become like Christ through a classical Christian education within a covenantal community.” The love of the Lord Jesus Christ is apparent in our teachers and they share that love as they relate to students.
What do we mean when we desire our children to grow up? We surely don’t mean that we want them to grow merely older in years. We all know people who ‘don’t act their age,’ people who’ve grown older yet haven’t ‘grown up.’
Enrollment has increased throughout this year and looks like it will continue to grow. We attribute this to the impact that a truly Christian education makes in the lives of our students. PRCA continues to strive to be excellent in academics, fine arts and athletics. We value teaching our students to live a well-rounded and balanced life, rooted and grounded in Christ. As the PRCA School Board, we are very thankful for the leadership of Headmaster Allen Cooney. Together with Principals Jason Clapero and Jeff Jones, Allen is continually building the curriculum to develop an ever-more meaningful educational experience for our students. Scripture admonishes us to have courage and be strong because of the Lord’s great power. It is in His power that our school moves forward and prepares for ever-increasing challenges. Thank you for being a part of this vibrant PRCA community. David Mehl, PRCA Board Chair
What we mean by ‘grow up,’ I think, is to see our children mature to the fruitful fulfillment of their God-given intellectual powers and creative talents, their physical prowess and character virtues, their life’s calling and spiritual gifting. In other words, so that they fulfill the very purpose for which they were created and redeemed. This is why the beating heart of the mission of PRCA is ‘to teach our students to become like Christ,’ for this is the highest fulfillment of God’s purpose for them. And so, we seek to work every lesson, every practice, every rehearsal so that our students’ minds may be transformed, their hearts renewed, their souls restored, their bodies trained, their characters developed, and their skills honed on their path to “reach mature manhood (and womanhood), to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that [they] may no longer be children...” (Eph. 4:12-14) As the following pages will show, Pusch Ridge Christian Academy means to be a school where every child has the love, guidance and freedom of Christ to grow up in the way God has called them to grow – and flourish – in His likeness and image. Allen Cooney, PRCA Headmaster
Expeditionary Learning One of the great hallmarks of Classical education is captured succinctly in Sir Isaac Newton’s observation, “If I have seen further it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” At PRCA, we help our students to ascend such shoulders so that our children can delight and grow wise by the far vistas afforded to them by the greats of the past. One giant on whose shoulder PRCA seeks to stand are those of education pioneer Kurt Hahn (1886-1974) whose vision founded the “Outward bound” and “Expeditionary Learning” movement. Expeditionary Learning is challenging project-based learning done out in the field (as well as in the classroom), pursued alongside fellow students and expert collaborators, undertaking demanding problem-solving that is meaningfully beneficial to the world. It also becomes a spiritual quest of selfdiscovery for students. Children realize in their experience that God has made them for a purpose, that He has put more in them than they would otherwise have believed possible.
“The trips we took to Catalina Island, the Grand Canyon and Washington D.C. have been some of the best memories and the most incredible learning experiences of my life.” PRCA 9TH GRADER
Outward bound is a nautical term used to describe a ship leaving harbor (the classroom) and turning toward the open sea and far horizon (the wider community). Every child yearns to raise anchor, hoist sail, and explore new worlds. PRCA means to help them realize their God-given desire.
“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.” ARISTOTLE
Through challenging expeditions, students learn to emotionally and physically persevere through triumph and defeat without being shaken; they develop character virtues and discover how to humbly collaborate with peers to achieve worthy, common goals; and through these rewarding experiences they become more and more like Christ, increasingly fitted to answer God’s calling on their lives in their corner of creation, culture, and community.
Missional Learning Laughter. Squeals. Giggles. Joyful noises ring in our ears each day because of your generosity. Thanks to your gifts, the Grammar School had new playground equipment installed for the new school year. It has brought hours of joy and laughter to our young students. We’re grateful for this gift and for the many gifts that assist our students’ personal flourishing. We want them to blossom and grow in all the joy, goodness, and beauty of the Lord. At the same time, we want to instill grateful hearts who understand ‘to whom much was given, of him much will be required.’ Our hope is that as our students grow in character and virtue, they will become meaningful blessings to the community around them and fulfill our mission ‘to become like Christ.’ This is why PRCA is introducing ‘Missional Learning’. The word ‘mission’ has a strong heft to it. The word evokes inklings of a quest with adventure, a work with high purpose and real significance. Mission comes from the Latin ‘missio,’ which means ‘to send.’ Abraham was sent. Moses was sent. Isaiah and Paul were sent. Indeed, Jesus was also sent, and in like manner He has sent us into the world. “As the Father has sent me,” Jesus said, “even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21) Every grade (K-12) will learn to do good deeds of mercy and justice (Micah 6:8) and how to tell (evangelize) and defend (apologetics) the gospel of the Kingdom to one select group of people dear to our Lord. This might mean serving food to the hungry, visiting the elderly, caring for the children of prisoners, building a playground for underprivileged children, providing clean drinking water to the thirsty, advocating for the freedom of child-slaves, or building a house for the homeless; all the while, our students will learn how to truly and winsomely tell about ‘the Kingdom of Heaven that is now at hand’ to that grade’s adopted people. ‘To teach our students to become like Christ’ is the crown of PRCA’s education, and to be sent into the world as Jesus was sent is one more way we hope to fulfill our mission.
The Whole Person Why does PRCA encourage students to play sports, to perform on stage, to conduct lab experiments, to meditate on God’s Word, to travel to historic sites and to natural wonders, to serve the poor and needy, to discuss great literature, to create works of art, play beautiful music, and so on? The rich breadth of PRCA’s education is a reflection of our understanding of the rich breadth of our students. True education takes the wonder of the image of God in each child earnestly. Learning is not about ‘inventing oneself’ but ‘discovering who one has been created to be.’ Children need a school that helps them answer the mysteries about their lives: “Who am I? How have I been ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’? (Ps. 139:13, 14) For what exploits and adventures have I been created?” (Eph. 2:10; Esther 4:14) Every child has been endowed with a spirit in which he can worship God and delight in His presence. He has an intellect by which he can know God and discern truth. He possesses a moral heart able to love God and others, to delight in the good and shun what is evil. He has a will with a measure of freedom to choose God’s will – or break it. He enjoys an aesthetic sense that can gaze on the beauty of the Lord. And every child has a body by which he can experience God’s creation and express himself in it. Because each child is so wondrously made their education must also be wonderful. Now, the student, like God is not a collection of parts. He is a unity, a harmonious whole. Each student’s attributes are integrated and unified, therefore his education must be ‘wholistic.’ PRCA seeks to train, guide, teach and nurture the ‘whole child,’ uniquely made by God “in the way he should go” (Prov. 22:6), so that when he is older he will flourish to the glory of God.
“Pusch Ridge has exceeded our expectations and has come alongside each of our kids with compassion, not only for their educational needs, but their emotional and spiritual needs as well. We feel blessed to call PRCA not only our children’s school, but a place where they are truly seen as a unique gift from God, with a purpose and place in this world.” – PRCA Parent
2015-2016 Expenses Capital Assets
A couple of years ago, due to issues in the parental home, I was awarded guardianship of my granddaughter. She and I had always been very close, but my parenting skills were dusty at best.
Education & Athletics
Not knowing what else to do, I prayed for the wisdom and patience I would need to help her grow up.
2015-2016 Revenues
Pusch Ridge Christian Academy has been the answer to that prayer.
Tax credits made this incredible Christian education a possibility for us and we feel blessed every day that our path led us to Pusch. – PRCA Grandfather and Guardian
Administration & Office
The Lord has provided, and the challenges she has faced have been overcome, one by one. Seemingly, the most difficult challenge was finding a school environment that would suit her needs.
The campus is beautiful, but the staff, teachers, and students are what make Pusch so special. I knew from our first visit that it was going to be a good fit. It has been.
Payroll & Benefits
CFC Support
Tuition & Fees
At PRCA, our desire is to inspire and equip our students to become leaders of character who are prepared to influence our communities, our country and the world for Christ through selfless service. We’re invested in promoting a culture of honor, remembering and recognizing those who have gone before and those who are currently living lives of faithful service on the battlefield, in the mission field, and through daily dedication to one’s calling as unto the Lord.
Four PRCA eighth grade students were chosen to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during their recent trip to Washington D.C. The students wrote essays to compete for the honor. Below is an excerpt from Sophia Holcombe’s essay.
Our eighth grade students embark on a memorable trip commemorating our country’s past and exploring its present, spending time in Washington D.C., New York City and Pennsylvania. Students experience the wonder of our nation’s capitol, studying great works, visiting noteworthy museums and exploring national monuments. For some of our students this is only possible through your generous gifts.
“Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.” This inscription is engraved on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Every November, our students, parents and guests from the community are treated to a rich celebration of Veterans Day. Honor is celebrated through patriotic music, artistic presentations, historical reflections, and live interviews of men and women (some graduates of PRCA) who have displayed exemplary courage and perseverance in sacrificial service to our country.
Jesus said in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This is exactly what these selfless soldiers did. They fought for their country and gave up their lives. I want to lay the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier because I want to honor all the chivalrous soldiers who died for me and our country.
These events are highlights of a steady feast of instruction, encouragement and opportunity for our students to reflect on the cost and character required of great men and women, in order for freedom to ring.
God Bless the Soldiers
The Covenantal Community I started my PRCA education in third grade. My parents wanted my brother and I to have the best education available in Tucson, one that acknowledged that God is at the center of all truth and knowledge. I am so grateful for their sacrifices to make it possible, because the education I received was life changing. From an early age, I was surrounded by loving, Christian teachers, like-minded friends, and like-minded families, in a supportive, Christian community, where I was loved on, prayed for, and supported in so many ways. I was taught that hard work is valued and expected. Having developed a strong work ethic through the rigorous curriculum at an early age, it gave me many advantages over my peers in college. While I have been surrounded by many brilliant people, some who had higher SAT test scores and GPA’s than mine, PRCA gave me the tools and the training to know how to work hard, how to think critically, and how to communicate effectively. My education was instrumental in helping me with so many of my accomplishments. Most importantly, my identity is in Christ alone and I want to thank all of you who taught me that great truth. I am truly grateful for the community of believers---teachers, administrators and parents who worked so hard to give me such a great education, who have cheered me on, and who continue to pray for me to this day. You will always be family to me. PRCA Alumni, Gabrielle Courtney, Class of 2013
Both of our children attended public schools for many years, so we have seen several sides to education. Pusch Ridge has exceeded our expectations and has come alongside each of our kids with compassion, not only for their educational needs, but their emotional and spiritual needs as well. Every person we have come to know at Pusch genuinely loves Jesus, and they show that love to each child God has placed at Pusch. We feel incredibly blessed to be able to call PRCA not only our children’s school, but a place where they are truly seen as a unique gift from God, with a purpose and place in this world. We have such peace each day when we pass them from our care into the hands of the staff. Our kids are flourishing in this environment, and I have seen their love for Jesus and for others grow, along with the knowledge they receive from the excellent education. We have no doubt that this is exactly the right fit for each of our children, even though they are very different from each other. – PRCA Parent
Discipleship Coaching At the foundation of PRCA’s sports program is the principle of ‘Discipleship Coaching.’ Discipleship Coaching is the training and exercising of boys and girls, young men and women, not only in the fundamental winning skills and strategies of PRCA’s many sports, but that in and through them all, the young athletes are also working out their spiritual muscles and sinews to become true and courageous followers of Jesus Christ.
An excerpt from a note received by Athletic Director Lonnie Tvrdy, after a Lions’ football victory: “My son is a 15-year-old sophomore at Empire High School in Vail and we attended the game on Friday night. Congratulations to your team for a great win. After the game, my son said, ‘Dad, that team was so good, and yet so humble,’ and he commented on the players’ sportsmanship. He also said, ‘I believe that their coach is a preacher, because he really got into that prayer after the game.’ Two other families shared with us that they had the same conversations in their vehicles with their sons. As a parent, I felt the need to reach out and let you know that your program is having a far reaching effect throughout your community. The lessons that you are teaching your kids is evident in the way they presented themselves, and they, along with your staff, are having a positive impact on other young men. If we lived closer, I would be enrolling my son in your school on Monday.”
Throughout the pages of Paul’s epistles the apostle likens the life of Christians to that of athletes in training. The saints are like runners in a race, boxers in the arena, competitors on the field. Paul exhorted Christians, like athletes, to give every ounce of effort, to fling aside every distraction, to discipline their bodies, focus on the finish line, and strain every fiber of their being to persevere through their trials and remain – come what may – steadfast in the contest. Every coach at PRCA is hired, trained, and supported to develop this close relationship between sports and spirituality so that he or she can better coach the whole student-athlete: the body and the soul, the heart and the mind. The physical training, the rigorous workouts, the focused practices, the intense exercises are not only for the joy of attaining excellence and victory on the court, field, pool or diamond, but so that all might strain further beyond these attainments toward ‘the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ’ where the eternal crown of glory is achieved.
80% of 2016 Seniors received scholarship offers totaling $8,530,027 Class of 2016: 90% entered 4-year college or university; 6% entered a 2-year college, 4% enlisted in the military. Scholarships offered averaged over $142,000 per student. 38% of college bound students are attending out of state schools, including Alabama, Baylor University, California Polytechnic State University, Wheaton, Hillsdale, Trinity Christian College, Master’s College, Northwest Christian, Texas A & M, New Mexico State, Seattle Pacific University, California Baptist University, Gonzaga, and University of Northern Colorado.
Class of 2017 National Merit Winners National Merit Scholars: Brenna Bumb, Commended Scholar, Aaron Steele, National Merit Semi-Finalist, Anna Vekony, National Merit Semi-Finalist.
“To teach our students to become like Christ is the crown of PRCA’s education.” PASTOR COONEY
Nadji Remer, a PRCA graduate, is a missionary in Bangladesh with L’Arche Mymensingh, which is a community of people with mental disabilities. She quickly discovered the hate and rejection the disabled face in a society that fears disabilities, and seeks to establish social and financial security for some of Bangladesh’s most vulnerable people.
After weeks of working on a piece of pottery in my art class, I completed my pot and planned to give it to my mom as a Christmas gift. My teacher commended my work and my principal even came to see my great accomplishment. However, after the praise, our teacher asked us to take our works of art outside to destroy them. We would grind them down to dust and make a new creation. I remember being filled with frustration, because of my immense pride for my piece. Yet, my teacher shared multiple examples throughout Scripture where God used brokenness to shape and refine His people. At the time, I was so frustrated that I chose not to destroy it, but rather hid it in my locker and turned in other broken scrap pieces that were not my own. During that day, I ran into Mr. Clapero who greeted me with praise, commending me on my faithfulness and obedience in destroying my pot. It was at that time that I heard God speaking to me and convicting me to turn myself in and face the consequences. After some internal conflict, I confessed to Mr. Clapero, and eventually to my teacher, who welcomed me in my disobedience with love and forgiveness. Later, he sat beside me as I broke my pot in silence. I’ve found myself cherishing the outcome of my decision to trust and obey, and the impact of it has continued to grow. As I share my experience with others, I am reminded of the reward for obedience to God’s plan and I know that God will be faithful to complete the work He’s begun in me. – PRCA Student, 11th grade
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” EPHESIANS 2:10
When Cooper Barghols came to PRCA as a 6th grader, he was in the midst of treatment for leukemia. Two years later he was cancer-free and eager to make up for lost time. As a senior, he was Student Body President, a National Merit Scholar, a Cola-Cola Scholar, a Foot Locker Scholar Athlete, and recipient of the Perseverance Pillar Award. Cooper is now a finance major at SMU and hopes to someday run a children’s hospital.
What do we teach our students to reach for in this life? What should they hope for and aspire to? The short answer is: God, the Maker of heaven and earth. Why? Because in having God a child has all heaven and earth as well. This world is not enough. We need to reach higher still. C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, wrote: “Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth ‘thrown in’: aim at Earth and you will get neither.” Lewis continues, “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.” Indeed, God has made and called each child for a unique and special calling in this world. Our mission is to help our students discover their ‘Why’ and to equip them to fulfill the central purpose of their lives. “I attended PRCA from 2004-2008. Not only did I have inspiring teachers and good friends, but I was surrounded by the love of God. As a teacher now in a non-Christian school, I realize what a blessing it was to be so fully immersed in a Christian worldview. Being able to marvel in the beauty of creation and look at the world and understand that it’s fallen, but has been redeemed and is being sanctified, was one of the greatest gifts that my parents gave me.” – PRCA graduate, Class of 2008 “PRCA is a place where being taught and encouraged to read the finest books at an early age inspires a love of reading and knowledge, while teaching lessons of truth about God’s role of redemption in humanity. It’s a place where being trained in reading and performing the works of Shakespeare gives one the confidence to apply for an Honors College Study program where an essay on Shakespeare earns a scholarship to the London and Paris Humanities program. It’s a place where 5 years of Latin gives one the ability to pick up foreign languages easily in college or while traveling on mission trips and studying abroad. PRCA is a place that educates young people to become Christian leaders who will engage the culture for Christ and be prepared for the future.” – PRCA graduate, Class of 2013
And so, by the light of God’s truth, goodness, and beauty, we strive to help each student see that they are endowed by God with a: 1) spirit that can love and abide with Him; 2) a mind that can know the truth and reason rightly; 3) a heart that can behold true beauty and delight in what is good; 4) a will that can have the strength to stand and say, ‘Not my will, Lord, but Thy will be done;’ and 5) a body that can stride the world – with wisdom and virtue – and flourish in the thing they have been uniquely called to do. Long ago God assured His people: “I know the plans I have for you, plans for give you a hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11) With this confidence, PRCA aims to train up our students with the knowledge, the skills, and the character to reach for and attain the life they were meant to enjoy. The poet Robert Browning wrote, “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?” We say ‘amen’ to that.
Jordan Munro (’00) and wife Heather live in Seattle with their two boys Zane (4 ½) and Zeke (18 mo). He works at corporate Starbucks as a manager in operations services and Heather is a full-time mom and part-time barista. They enjoy the Pacific Northwest, but miss the Arizona sun. Garrett Cone (’03) recently accepted a promotion with Meritage Homes and moved to Scottsdale with his wife Cara (Dunmyre ’04) and their two daughters, Emilee (8) and Ella (5). Cara is enjoying staying home with their daughters. Cris McFarlin (’03) was recently employed to Senior Duty Manager at the Grand Floridian Resort in September 2016. He has been employed by Disney since graduating from NAU in 2007.
Elliot Munro (’03) is in management at Edgenuity, an educational technology company. He has now been cancer-free for 14 years! His wife Steph is the Executive Director at Graduation Solutions. Abbie is in 3rd grade, Jordan and Jacob are in kindergarten and Luke is 2. David Thomas (’03) and wife Ashley have been married for six years and have a son Landon (3 ½). David is the Director of AZ Power Tucson, a basketball club team. Ashley is in management at Wells Fargo Bank. Zach Abrams (’06) and wife Jessica live in Dupont, WA, where Zach is employed as a Project Manager for Centennial Contractors, serving in the Army Reserves and involved in the Navigator Ministry there. They welcomed their first child, Samuel Hugh, in August 2016.
Jose Montano, Jr (’06) married Stephanie in July 2016 and they reside in Sherman, TX. Jose is a Semiconductor Equipment Engineering Technician and Stephanie is a middle school science/math teacher and cheer coach. Connie Guerrero (’07) received her Bachelor’s degree in Family Studies and Human Development from the University of Arizona. She then earned a Master of Social Work at ASU and is working as a social worker while studying to receive her clinical license. Kristen (Linaman) Weleba (’07) and husband, Kyle, have been married for four years and their first child, Clayton, was born January 2016. Kristen teaches math part-time at PRCA while pursuing her Master’s degree in Professional Counseling, and is scheduled to graduate in spring 2017. Aaron McLeod (’07) and Abby (Maas ’12) were married in May 2016 and reside in San Diego. Aaron is in the United States Navy, preparing for a second deployment and Abby works as a nurse. Four other PRCA alumni were in their wedding. Jordan Van Keuren (’07) and wife Maria were married in 2013 and each serves their country in the United States Navy. Jordan is a Petty Officer Third Class, Surface Warfare Qualified and Maria is a Petty Officer Second Class. They are stationed in San Diego. This year, Heather Paddock (’08) moved from the desert to the beaches of Hawaii. She works fulltime in the Hawaii Air National Guard and part-time as an x-ray technician at the Federal Department of Corrections.
Cory Kirk (’09), a 1st Lieutenant in the Army, is a Blackhawk pilot assigned to Schofield Barracks, Oahu, along with his brother Nolan, (’11) who is commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. Nolan graduated in mechanical engineering from NAU, and will be married in May 2017. Brennan Smith (’11) graduated from the University of Arizona in 2015 with a Physiology Degree. She is currently working on a Master’s degree in Kinesiology and Biomechanics at the University of Kentucky and is employed as a GA in their Health and Wellness Department. Tyler Sasse (’12) graduated from California Polytechnic State University in December 2012 with a BS in Industrial Engineering and Psychology minor. He accepted a position with Trane as a Sales Engineer. After six months of training, Tyler will move to his permanent position in Los Angeles. Paige Shepperd (’12) married Carl Sallee in July 2016, after each graduated from Seattle Pacific. Paige is a nurse and Carl is enrolled in a PhD program near Portland. Christian Shepperd (’15) is a sophomore at the U of A and is a manager for the UA woman’s BB team. Libbie Turner (’14) will spend 6 weeks in the summer of 2017 on a mission trip to Indonesia to teach English as a Second Language. She is a junior at Grand Canyon University, dual majoring in Elementary and Special Education. Carl Peterson (’16) is majoring in engineering at Central College in Pella, Iowa. He auditioned and was accepted as a member of Central’s top choir. In May of 2017 the choir will be touring Germany and Austria for two weeks.
Gifts given from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Founders Society Members Anonymous (3) Brown, Carlton and Barbara Bury, David and Deborah Cooney, Allen and Huntley Ensio, Paavo and Marguerite Ensio, Jordan and Tera Fidelity Charitable Halle, Bruce T. Jr and Nikki Harris, Jerry and Amy Medusa Scientific LLC Mehl, David and Bonnie Mehl, George Trust Mehl, Wesley and Elizabeth Ray, Adam and Cindy Russell, Ivan Schwab Charitable Vick, Michael and Kristin PRCA Lion’s Council Members Anonymous Benedict, Jeffrey Bennett, William and Lorraine Cain, Jim and Merritt Cann, Jason and Amy Canyon Community Charities Cottrell, Ken and Sheryl Crane, Eli and Jennifer Davidson, Judith and Gary Davidson, Wade Davis Selected Advisers, L.P. Debake, Jay and Lynn Deboer, David
Denton, Henry and Sandra Donley, Kit and Paula Dunmyre, Rodney and Amy Farnum, Jeanne S. Fogltance, Jim and Marilyn Fry, Stephen Haines, Douglas and Laura Kaveloh, Scott and Julie LaMear, Bill and Becky McFarlin, Brandt and Barbara Myers, James QuikPrint Raytheon Corporation Matching Rosenberg, John and Susan Sawyer, Thomas and Christine Scholarship America Shepperd, Tyler and Rebecca Simpson Family Trust Simpson, Robert Southwest Energy LLC Sutton, Tom and Marie Target Corp. Thrivent Financial Tomlinson Marketing & Design TM Technologies, Inc. Tvrdy, Lonnie and Karen Webster, John and Monica Wilford, Douglas and Caroline Wilford, Marjorie PRCA Blue and Gold Circle Chadwick, Elizabeth Trust Chevron Matching Funds
Fidelity Charitable Hartman, Steven and Evelyn Malloy, Evie Melzer, William and Sally Moore, Gary and Lupe Munro, Scott and Holly Noller, James and Kristi Peterson, Eric and Ann Shannep, Bart and Marcella Target Tucson Orthopedic Institute Walker, Randy and Stephanie Winkler, C William Jr. Ziegler, Jon and Angela PRCA Sustainer Clapero, Jason and Valerie Fredlock, Jim and Jane Gellai, Andrew and Dorothy Gilchrist, Leroy and Linda Halvey, John and Jennifer Klemm, Wilhelm Linaman, Todd and Kendra Mansourian, Gregory Randall, Andrea Reed-Miller, Ruth Vanden Branden, Todd, Jana Wacker, Thomas and Carolyn PRCA Supporters Anonymous Anderson, Nancy Armstrong, Alan and Martha Bade, Andy and Stacy Baldridge, John and Carol Barker, Craig Berriman, Marion and Donna Caple, Gerald and Sharon Choi, Heather and Hoon Cromwell, Charles and Brooke Fazio, Michael and Merissa Fedor, William and Elizabeth Ganzer, Charles and Janice Garnand, Amy Graham, Karen Hopkins, Gregory and Keri Johnson, Wayne and Betty Kimes, Joe Kirk, James and Sarah
Leon, Alberto Mangels, Arthur and Patricia McHugh, Charles and Kathryn Mifflin, Phil and Carol Ochoa, Dorthea and Peter Peterson, Eric and Ann Phelps, Frederick Rivers, Michael and Sandra Rollman, Elizabeth Schmidt, Kimberly Scott, Ed and Pat Sterling, John and Christy Stoltzfus, Daniel and Angela Tobin, Bill and Ellen Turner, Pat and Lisa Vekony, Andrea and Atilla Watson, Brian and Amy Wentzel, Walter Wilder, Michelle Wilma, Kay Wolff, Emanuel and Elizabeth Wright, William and Elizabeth PRCA Friends Grimm, Harold and Thelma Houser, Kevin and Shannon Jauregui, Gracie Jones, Joyce Kehl, Kenyon and Josette Kime, Karen G. Lebeau, Jennifer Lowery, Joe and Marie Mason, Richard and Linda Mendoza, Anthony and Jeannette Montoya, Cara A Muszala, Edward and Jennifer Phillips, William and Leota Rose, Philip Sherrod-Hast, Tina Lee Smith, William and Bonnie Taylor, Bernice Washington D.C. Trip Supporters Cann, Jason and Amy Denton, Henry and Sandra Towne, David and Sophia Scholarship Fund Supporters Aikman-Scalese, Anne
Ballmer, Doris Bickerton, Jon and Jennifer Bury, David and Deborah Cain, Jim and Merritt Hutchings, Ron and Sandy Kim, Kyoung McCormick, Eileen Mehl, David and Bonnie Mehl, George Trust Mehl, Wesley and Elizabeth Rosenburg, J.H. Schwab Charitable Spegman, Douglas and Patricia Sterling, John and Christy Stombaugh, David and Tamera Tolson, Tim and Marilyn Vanden Branden, Todd and Jana Vick, Michael and Kristin Athletics Supporters Anonymous Belle Rouge LLC Cain, Jim and Merritt Canyon Community Charities Chick-fil-A Colorado Christian University Cropp Insurance Agency Deboer, David Duran, Jamie and Monica Ensio, Jordan and Tera Fogltance, James and Marilyn Foss, Scott and Kimberly Grammonds, Michael and Eden Harris, Jerry and Amy Haynes, Doug and Kristen LaMear, Bill and Becky McGuire’s Jewelers Minerals Research and Recovery Northrop, Dwayne and Marcie Pepperdine University Ray, Adam and Cindy Rozema, Terry and Kathy Smith, Daniel and Connie Tvrdy, Lonnie and Karen Urological Associates of Southern AZ Vick, Michael and Kristin WalMart West Point Wonderful Giving
Fine Arts Supporters Anonymous Brown, Carlton and Barbara De Chazal, Ives and Amie Hartman, Steven and Evelyn Rhone, Hans and Teri Sawyer, Thomas and Christine Stoll, Morgan and Dawn Watson, Robert Campus Improvements Anonymous Deboer, David Kaveloh, Scott and Julie Russell, Ivan School Trips, Field Trips and Community Missions Medusa Scientific LLC Mehl, David and Bonnie TM Technologies, Inc Defender and Shield Security Fund Anonymous Gifts Atkinson, Rich Backer, Lew and Kathie Baldridge, John and Carol Beck, Robert Biggers, Edwin Blackall, Dennis and Laura Bowers, James and Judy Brown, Barbara Brown, Carlton and Barbara Brown, Carol Brunson, James and Sharon Bunch, Patricia Caple, Gerald and Sharon Coltrin, Ralph and Linda Cottrell, Ken and Sheryl Cover, Dan and Martha Crane, Eli and Jennifer Cropp, Terry and Marcy Dahl, Carolyn Davidson, Judith and Gary Davidson, Wade Dolan, Robert and Jane Donley, Kit and Paula Ensio, Paavo and Marguerite Febbo, Frank and Lucille
Foss, Linda George, Audria Gonzalez, Alicia Graham, Karen Grayson, Rebecca Griebel, Chris Halle, Bruce T. Jr. and Nikki Hamilton, Paula Henninger, Lenore Highsmith, Lee and Dorothy Hite, Nohemy Hodges, Tom and Janis Holthaus, M. Hopkins, Darlyne Hopwood, Jack Humphrey, David and Ruth Hutchings, Ron and Sandy Ingino, Bill and Sherry Jamine, Deanna Johnson, Lucy Jones, Pat and Ron Kehl, Wanda King, Bruce and Margaret Kubiak, Edna Leatha, Norm and Sherry Lenard, Wayne and Margaret Livernois, Eloisa Maddox, Winston Mangels, Arthur and Patricia McGibbon, W.A. and Nancy McManis, Sylvia McNeill, Catherine Mehl, David and Bonnie Mehl, George Trust Merino, Carmen Millard, Raymond and Carol Montoya, Oscar and Molly Newman, William and Lynda Noller, Claudia Oberhuber, Barbara Oliver, John Olson, Marcia Olson, Wayne and Tina Orzalli, Roger and Sharon Osmanoff, Renee Ottoboni-Gilmore, Geri Peterson, Dave and Judi Peterson, Sharon Peyton,Jerry and Georgia
Pierce, Roger and Sue Racy, Adam and Cindy Rexroat, Pat and Carrie Reynolds, Ken and Donna Rhind, Kent and Gabrielle Rollman, Rick and Liz Romero, Diana Rosema, Mark and Kris Ruckman, Vicky Schull, Jack Shadle, Dorothy Sileven, Steve Silva, Aecio Simpson Family Trust Simpson, Robert Staly-Mason, J. Stough, Charles and Diane Tompkins, Bob and Jeannie Vanden Branden, Dave and Gayle Vasquez, Mandel and Rosemary Vick, Michael and Kristin Ward, Rita Watson, Fred and Linda White, Richard and Sharon Wilford, Marjorie Wilma, Kay Zebio, James Memorial and Tributes In loving memory of: Imagen Sramek, Carol Cook, Tom Armour, and Dr. Charles Ganzer Gifts given from 7/1/15-12/31/16 Anonymous Brubaker, Alan and Susan Bury, David and Deborah Chakmakian, David and Martha Deppe, Neil and Judith Dove, Grace D. Foster, Harry and Susan Leffel, Russell C. Maxfield, Robert and Sandra McMenamy, Jon Struse, Bryson T. III
2016 X-Games Sponsors Title Sponsor: Dove Mountain Attraction Sponsors: Canyon Community Bank Anonymous HSL Properties Anderson Financial Meritage Homes Valley ENT, Dr. Adam Ray The Minerals Group Wesley and Liz Mehl Thrivent Financial
VIP Tent Sponsors: Bill and Becky LaMear Hilton El Conquistador Resort ACSTO Community Partners: Nakoma Sky Bill’s Home Service Company Dr. Linaker Orthodontist Insight Home Southwest Investment Advisors Bart and Marcella Schannep
Tucson ENT Chiropractic USA In-Kind Sponsors: Diesel Promos Empire/Caterpillar Party Professionals Titan Trash and Recycle Mountain View Tours Good News Communications Monroe Concrete Coatings and Remodeling
Thank you to each of you who contributed to PRCA through Arizona Tax Credits.
Well Done
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do. – Hebrews 6:10
Daniel Dunning Choir Director
Mary Revie Registrar/Blackbaud Administrator
Mandy Rhodes Teacher, 8th Grade Core
7 YEARS Carol Mifflin Business Office, 13+ Years of Service
Caleb Clinkingbeard Teacher, HS Science
Elizabeth Warner Teacher/HS Math Dept. Chair & Computer Science
I came to work at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy in February 2003 as the Business Office Manager. During my 13 ½ years, the Arizona Tax Credit program grew, and my last couple of years I worked with parents to educate them on the power of tax credits, and it was the most fulfilling and satisfying work. Every parent wants give the best of everything, especially education to their babies. The opportunity to show families the real possibility of a private school education for their precious children was pure joy! I loved it, but retirement was calling. Phil and I have been married for 60 years in April 2017. We have 5 children (one is in heaven with the Lord and more alive than any one of us); 21 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren. My time is spent with family, gardening, making quilts and volunteering at Living Hope Centers.
Shannon Houser Guidance Assistant
Karen Kime Teacher, MS Science
John Weatherford Teacher, HS Technology, Yearbook
Lisa Wood Teacher, HS Science Dept. Chair
Not pictured Larry Drees (Transportation) 10 years of service.
But, whenever possible, I still take time to tell others about the power of the Arizona Tax Credit for Christian Education.
9500 North Oracle Road Tucson, Arizona 85704-8523
We believe that every child who wants to attend a Christian school should have the opportunity to do so. Your generous support helps make their dream a reality. You can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for donations up to $2,173 for married couples and $1,087 for single AZ taxpayers. You can let the state decide how to spend your taxes, or you can help give a true Christian education where students are equipped with real knowledge and wisdom, true character and virtue, and good habits and skills, in order to be meaningful blessings to the world.
It’s never too late...You can help give a student the education you wish you had and it won’t
cost you anything extra.
480.820.0403 |
Last year, your tax credits helped fund over 80% of our PRCA K-12 students!