Bati Energy Business Plan

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May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen



Transforming Mother Nature’s Evergreen Love Into Life’s Evergreen Growth

An Opportunity For You To Contribute In Fight Against Climate Crisis And Make India Green With A Unique Competitive Endeavour And Ever Green Renewable Market


Author: Bhavesh J. Bati Cell: +91 958 606 7886 Email:

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

OBJECTIVES Executive Summary India SME Scenario Power Industry Scenario Introduction –Bhavesh J. Bati O&M Teams What Issues Shall We Resolve Services Features & Charges Capital Requirements Revenue Stream Table Projections of Sales Cash flow Info. (4 years) Modus Operandi TES_FSC Technology TES_FSC Advantages Feedback & Relationship 3CO + MDT What Does People Say? IMPACT Celebrate Life Thank You

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

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May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen

OBJECTIVES: SOCIAL OBJECTIVES: • Contribute Actively In Fight Against Climate Crisis Through Promotion Of Renewable Energy…Electrify 1000 Villages with Green Power by 2012 • Empower MSME Sector by to Become Self Sustained With Regards To Power Demands and Change the current faulty Power supply scenario by active participation and direct engagement with the sector.

CUSTOMER FOCUSED: MSME SECTOR • Provide Unparalleled 24 X 7 Customer service, with respect to all their power related Issues, queries, needs or demands… • Assist them with all the support there is at their disposal toward setting up captive power plants based on Renewable Energy. • Assist them in improving overall product quality and competitiveness through strengthening core infrastructure and offering Green Power Solutions… • Raise Global Warming Awareness in MSME sector through Energy Park and guide them to the path of growth with Constant focus on promotion of Renewable Energy… • Continuously work toward building new relations and strengthening existing relations.

CLIENT FOCUSED: GREEN POWER CORPORATES • Provide Clients with unparalleled access to their key target market for growth, MSME sector, which is right now dealing with unhealthy infrastructure, especially with power. • Provide Clients with essential feedbacks on their products, issues and required actions to help them come up with tailor made solutions to meet the energy demands of MSME sector of India. • Continuously work toward building new relations and strengthening existing relations.

FINANCIAL: • Revenue Targets: Gross income per annum from consultancy and commission to cross 10 Crore INR Mark in Fourth year operations. • Energy Target: to provide different types consultancy services and undertake Renewable energy projects of more than 100 MW of Total Established Capacity within Four years…

MARKETSHARE: • To achieve 10 % SME power service market within five years, through Mergers and Acquisitions of other Green Power Service Sector companies…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen


May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen




Hi, dear human friend, this is Bhaveshkumar J. Bati, an aeronautics drop out, starting up BATI ENERGY for the sole purpose of tackling the climate crisis, empowering the MSME sector of India and changing the way energy effects our growth. The tagline with BATI ENERGY as you can see shows what I mean. The only Challenge faced by Renewable Energy WAS “being a bit more expensive compared to Conventional sources”, though it offers many other advantages to the society like, “being environmentally friendly, reduces Green House Gases, and it’s pure and natural”. But now things are changing, we have seen Wind Energy Growth in Indian and in the world. Now, government is promoting Solar by paying up to US cents 25/unit, (INR. 12/unit). Technological advantages are making RE sector more and more attractive in terms of “reduction in production cost, more and more efficient products and above all every-day innovations like sol_focus and CSP and Tower Technologies”. Still so strange to relate propeller type 3 - blade – rotor – design of windmills is dominant though internal parts, such as gear-box, control electronics, brakes, carbon-fibred composite structures, continues to feel innovation... Now silent and more potential design of VAWT is making many brains think more of RE energy… As stated by the Renewable energy world magazine, Economy is the strongest green driver Our Business Model Serves Five Main Purposes for stake holders… 1. Educating MSMEs across India about the Growth that can be achieved with Green Captive Power Plants, and the Support that is there from MNRE and other Domestic and International Bodies for them to take the green route. We will provide MSMEs with additional revenue streams through Carbon Credits, and arrange monthly seminars at “Bati Renewable Energy Park” 2. Partnering with all the Companies active in Green Power, and provide them with their key target market, through our MSME Focused Environmentally Friendly Marketing Endeavour. For this we will charge Companies with only 9% Commission on the cost of Project delivered to MSMEs… 3. Helping MSMEs be Self-Sustained and resolving the Power Cut and other issues associated directly with their Growth, competitiveness and Productivity, through promotion of Green Power, providing assistance at all the stages of delivering a Green Power Plant, from Design and Feasibility Studies to getting the Right EPC contractor and availing for them all the support and assistance, there is, in form of finance or other, from MNRE and other bodies. We will charge them with of 4% of total product cost as consultancy service charges…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


4. This will enable the Dreamer of “Mission Green Powered India 2030”, I mean myself to achieve a personal goal of “Rural Electrification of 1000 Villages “ and help me feel happy about the change brought about through firm action, instead of plain complaints…and it will be our contribution in fight against Climate Crisis… 5. Our Actions will help us provide Solid Feedback to our partners (MNRE and other Supporting Bodies; Corporates active in Green Power Field) about the Concerns of MSMEs in India that in turn will help them take firm actions to bring about more of CHANGE… as the Author of “The Alchemist” Hon. Paulo Coelho says “when we strive to become better the world around us become better too.” Once, start up of Successful operations across Indian MSME sector (Rural + Urban) we will eye on Empowering Rural India through Green Energy, and then move forward to seek global Market with our own New Technology Based Products. BATI ENERGY believes strongly in Healthy competition, and we have solid Competition as many Companies in Renewable energy like Suzlon, Vestas , RRB, and others, are providing end to end services to clients, for their main goal is to increase their revenues. We will help them with access to specific sector and in turn get their expertise to work for us. Thus the kind of competition mentioned won’t do any harm because; our solid defense lies in building long lasting partnership with them. In that way we will get required support from experts in the industry, and extend the benefit of expertise of those companies to our customers. There are many other companies specializing in excellent service to customers, for example, Zenith Energy, Energy Alternatives India and Energy Conservation Systems. Despite all their strengths, they are not targeting specific market, as we are aiming at MSME sector of India. We have solid Defense in context of lower Consultation Charges, innovative technologies of the moment. Our collaborative, cooperative and co-creative corporate mindset, MultiDimensional-Thinking process of our team members, inclusion of Spiritual Leaders in our management and operational teams will help us to achieve our Socio_Ecologycal and Economical Goals Out of 10 MSME (doing seasonal business) contacted in order to find out whether they will adopt to green power with so many advantages at their disposal, four of them said yes they will, and four said they were interested and two said nothing…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


INDIA'S SME SCENARIO: India has nearly three million SMEs, which account for almost 50 percent of industrial output and 42 percent of India’s total exports. A special role for SMEs were earmarked in the Indian economy with the advent of planned economy from 1951 and the subsequent industrial policy followed by government. By and large, SMEs developed in a manner, which made it possible for them to achieve the objectives of: 1. High contribution to domestic production 2. Significant export earnings 3. Low investment requirements 4. Operational flexibility 5. Low intensive imports 6. Capacity to develop appropriate indigenous technology 7. Import substitution 8. Technology-oriented industries 9. Competitiveness in domestic and export markets Courtesy:

Current POWER Industry Scenario: Any where I turn my eyes I can see nothing else but opportunities Clearly Visible across the globe in the power sector today… at the moment we are standing at a point when Climate crisis has become the talk of town, and unfortunately, Power Plants today Account for staggering more than 60% of the worlds total Green House Gases Emissions… now when power industry and political bodies are have already realized that they can not turn a blind eye to catastrophic scenario of Future, with the pace of change that is happening in the power industry… there is no way out but the GREEN POWER…and Efficiency… Talking about India, we have huge power deficits of around 15% of total demand, and Industries today are facing frequent power shortages, which creates opportunity for the Green Power… as reports appearing in media, most of the thermal power plants are seeing Coal Shortages, T&D losses are more than 35% due to illegal theft, which impacts on quality of power supplied to industries and households as well. According to a study Conducted by CII, The lack of supply of one unit of electricity results in loss of out put to the economy anywhere between Rs. 15-25. A Rough Estimates indicate that with the current unsatisfactory scenario of Indian Electricity Sector, Indian Economy is losing anywhere between 1-1.5 percent of GDP annually.

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


Frequent Breakdown and Tripping and Poor quality of power supplied results in Heavy Losses in Indian SME Resource Productivity, Heavy rejections and Poor quality of products affecting overall SME Competitiveness. And we want to offer unique solution toward this issue, with Climate Crisis in mind. Indian Govt. is trying its best toward coming close to its 11th plan targets and the policy frame work Encourages Green Power A lot. And I clearly see the Govt. will put unprecedented emphasize in the role of Green Power Companies toward achieving more than 7% GDP growth and push it further toward 9% Also in global perspective, nations’ appetite to be energy independent and thus remain healthy and functional economies would drive them toward Green Technology Adoption… As Power Engineering International Reports, There is Huge Interest in Solar Technologies in Middle East as they are competitive with coal when Crude remains above USD70 a barrel. we have been seeing crude at above this levels from quite a long time, which is in fact the result of Continues endeavors of OPEC countries and other Crude producing nations (as CRUDE is the main Economic driver there) to keep the Crude above 75 USD mark…Many global analysts forecast that crude will jump above USD 100 a barrel in the fiscal 2010/11… Renewable Energy World Review Issue 2009 – 2010 The year 2008 was the best yet for renewables. Even though the global economic downturn affected renewables in many ways starting in late 2008, the year was still one to remember. As Table 1, on page 22, shows, in just one year, the capacity of utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plants (larger than 200 kW) tripled to 3 GW. All forms of grid-tied solar PV grew by 70%. Wind power grew by 29% and solar hot water increased by 15%. Annual ethanol and biodiesel production both expanded by 34%. Heat and power from biomass and geothermal sources continued to grow, and small hydro increased by 8%. Since then, the four-year period 2005–2008 saw gains unprecedented in the history of renewables: grid-connected solar PV capacity increased six-fold to 13 GW; wind power capacity increased 250% to 121 GW, and total power capacity from new renewables increased 75% to 280 GW, including significant gains in small hydro, geothermal, and biomass power generation. Meanwhile, solar heating capacity doubled to 145 GWth; biodiesel production increased six-fold to 12 billion litres per year; ethanol production doubled to 67 billion litres per year; and annual renewable energy investment in new capacity increased four-fold, to reach US$120 billion (€85 billion). Globally, approximate technology shares of the $120 billion (€85 billion) in new capacity investment were wind power (42%), solar PV (32%), biofuels (13%), biomass and geothermal power and heat (6%), solar hot water (6%), and small hydropower (5%). wables-global-status-report-2009-update : Source

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


New capacity investment includes investment in new power plants, rooftop panels, and biofuels refineries (also called ‘asset finance and projects’), but does not include research and development funding or new manufacturing plant and equipment for the solar PV and wind industries. If these other categories of investment are included, total investment in 2008 likely exceeded $140 billion (€99 billion). [Note: A widely cited figure for 2008 by New Energy Finance is $155 billion (€110 billion) in clean energy investment, but that number includes further categories; for clarification, see Endnote 13 in the Renewables Global Status Report 2009 Update and the UNEP/SEFI report Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2009.] Other indicators of investment flows registered continued gains in 2008. For example, private equity investment and venture capital flows grew to $13.5 billion (€9.5 billion) in 2008, up from $9.8 billion (€6.9 billion) in 2007. And, development assistance for renewable investments in developing countries reached about $2 billion (€1.4 billion) in 2008, up from $500 million (€355 million) in 2004. Of course, investment flows have been affected by the financial crisis. Although the clean energy sector initially weathered the crisis better than many other sectors, renewable investment did experience a downturn after September 2008. According to New Energy Finance, total clean energy investment in the second half of 2008 was down 23% from the second half of 2007. Overall, renewable investments did not escape the general flight from risk. However, projects have continued to progress, particularly those supported by policies such as feed-in tariffs.

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen



DO? A B r i e f I n t r o d u c t i o n


Hello dear human friend, this is Bhaveshkumar J. Bati, an aeronautical engineer Drop-out. No regrets… I am so much concerned about Climate-Crisis, and don’t want to complaint about it, so I am actively doing things that will make a difference… BATI ENERGY is the purified product of my brain after thinking all the dimensions of fighting the climate crisis. I have chosen the most difficult, yet very exciting way of changing the way world think of energy, Every single breath that I inhale , every single beat of my heart and veins , every single scene of natural creation , every single smile of a child, dance of the trees and the rivers , songs of wind and desert and the birds, echoes of mountains , kiss of breeze on my cheeks , every single time she caresses and pampers my hair and head , every single time she whispers in my ears “ I love you” , I am becoming more and more obliged of mother earth , mother nature, and I am one of those who would die blissfully with smile on their lips in a war we shall wage for her love and glory and respect and freedom, …. -- B. J. Bati….. 14 February 2008…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


I see energy when I throw something. I see energy when I see garbage and dust and sun-light and wind. I see energy when I hear the news of tornadoes- floods, droughts and sort of natural calamities. And I see energy when I see smoke everywhere, and pollution every where. And when I see energy, be it natural calamities, or wind-solar-bio or garbage or pollution, smoke and smog, I think of converting it into something useful for mankind: Electricity…I think of storing it for future usage…I think of Hydrogen…and Quantum Dots To be honest I wanted to go in as an EPC contractor for setting up of Green power plants with my new TES technology, but the technology still needs R&D input and finances are a major concern. After trying for little more than a year, I have decide to start with Small steps… any way Understanding mother Earth, and keeping Her Green has been the main purpose of my life and will stay till I die… I am honest and desperate in the pursuit of my dream… Mission Green Powered India 2030, Rural Electrification of 1000 villages by 2012 , the mission that began on a journey, I embarked on with so much burden of family issues and tragedies and responsibilities on my shoulder, Since January 2007, I started traveling to places without any intentions and discovered the bitter truth of cut-throat competition that has separate teeth to show and to chew, I have met people of different casts and tribes, of whom they say that they live in poverty and I found they have the true happiness, despite the fact that they are made slaves with different strategies by different commanders and governments… I have met people who are famous and does whatever they think they can, lives luxurious life enjoying everything, even though they know and never admit in public that they are dishonest to their Environment , to the Planet and above all to the people who bleed and sweat in order to produce their wealth… they look gorgeous outside, but inside they are ugly selfish demons… ready to destroy everything if that can make them some money, ready CREATE WARS between casts and tribes and communities if that benefits them and increases their power and reputation… I have traveled to numerous villages often using Railways and in some case barefooted, with little or no money, sometimes with help from friends, often times with help from heavens,

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


I have found light in dark places, and black-out in glittering places, I have learned that if I have to serve Mother Earth, I have to serve her true children, people of rural community… No they are not poor nor backward, I know if I have to see my green powered India dream come true with respect to the time limit I have set, I need just one spark of enlightenment in Rural India… and my work is almost done… I Know I won’t be able to change the entire world, but I know even that, that I have changed my self and my work will change the lives of billions of people living in rural communities across the globe… I want to give them a chance to utilize their right to enjoy the most important discovery of mankind “Electricity”… I know my duties to the Great Mother Earth and I have devoted my life to her love …. Blessed be those who realize,,, that their life has a reason… Blessed be those who respect our only home…Planet Earth…

May Rays of Good Hope Beat in Everyone’s Heart…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen




Two spiritual leaders with at least 6years of direct experience in MSME sector, will formulate strategies toward Attracting MSME to take the green route, by green power plants; Evaluate the current scenario and future Trends in Indian MSME sector with focus on Growth achievable through Green Power; Organize seminars, meeting with focus on starting new relations and Strengthening Existing Relationship with Customers; will look in to details of demands raised and targets given by partner Corporates and work out strategy toward meeting the goals and mitigating risks


Two spiritual Leaders with at least 6-10years of experience in Green Power Sector, will formulate strategies toward attracting Corporate World active in Green Power sector; work out goals to be achieved by BATI ENERGY toward Strengthening Relationship with Clients by analyzing their demands and finding ways to do so; Evaluate Customer Acquisition targets for the CUSTOMER FOCUSED manager in respect with requirements of clients; organize seminars and meetings with focus on Starting new Relationship and Strengthening Existing Relationship with Clients


I will work with these four Executives to Ensure Client and Customer Satisfaction. I will work out strategies along with the Executive team, for current and future trends, marketing strategies financial requirement and allocation of funds, and work toward constantly improving customer and client satisfaction levels. Above all my job will be energizing entire team of BATI ENERGY to seek for the Best out of life…and to head the Green Power Rural Electrification programmes


We will have a team of 8 Engineers who have direct Experience of minimum 2 years, with MSME and/or Green Power Projects, they will go in field create new relationship with MSME and guide them about the solutions we offer to them. In response to our Total Commitment to Partners, Within six months of operations we will have an Inbound 24 X 7 operating Call Centre of 10 phones, that will gradually increase to 100 phones and inbound + outbound Voice + nonVoice , within two years… We will hire a Charted Accountant for our legal and Accounts related Requirements.

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen






Apart from Low Quality power supply and frequent power cuts, other hindrances with Indian MSME sector, in context of power is their insufficient knowledge of Power Plants in General and Green Power in particular. We have enormous quantities of Biomass lying unutilized or simply burned out… We have more than 300days of solar energy available. And most of the MSME units don’t know about the support available to them… if they know about it, they face difficulty accessing the support. According to me there are still a lot of things to be done in order to genuinely empowering MSME sector, like Creating a direct Approach Channel for all the Troubles they face and bringing in right solution at right time… There are many other hindrances as well, For Example Dealing with widely spread demon of corruption, starting from entry level into MSME sector to accessing of finance and at every stage of project implementation, but we have decided to jump in for the critical Need _Green Power and provide solution… Also we will put a kinda control on indiscriminate charges by Small players in Green power… have you heard of 2 million INR, For 10 KW wind capacity? I‘ve many times… Thus we will not only answer environmental and energy related issues but also provide direct employment to 100 persons, and indirect employment to almost 6 -10 persons per 50 KW depending on type of resources. (Total more than 10,000 new jobs with 100 MW +new installed Capacity

SERVICES: IN DU S T RIA L C O N S U L TAN C Y RE N E WA B LE E N E RGY P RO JE C TS … As per requirements of Customers from 10 KW to 100 MW for single production unit of group of them Based on Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass Gasification, for heat and/or power E N E RGY E F F IC IE N C Y S T U DY A N D S OLU T IO N S … Total unit examination in order to find out where energy is being wasted, how to increase Plant Load Factor (PLF), and how overall plant efficiency can be raised to maximum level Possible; Waste Heat Recovery Projects; total Plant Management and enhancement of power quality through new technologies from IT or infra. C L E A N DEV E L OP ME N T ME C HA N IS M Total Services from Feasibility study of CDM Project Design Documents, Registration with UNFCCC, Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) and its marketing ; Carbon Trading through ERPA (Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement), Gold Standard registration.

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen



From feasibility study to finance and commissioning of power plants Provision of step by step guide and best possible EPC arrangements according to the fuel resources availability • Provision of all the support financial or technical from MNRE and other bodies • Provision of New Revenue Stream with Carbon Credits • Providing Companies active in Green power with key Market for growth • Solving problems of poor quality power and interrupted power to SMEs • Direct Dealing with Green Corporates and MSMEs • Branches in SIX MSME hubs in Gujarat, Punjab and Tamilnadu in first three years of operations, then expansion across India through company owned branches • We will have an Inbound Call centre for effective customer service, and Essential web marketing strategies.

CHARGES: (60% strictly advance cash basis for first two year of operations) • • • •

9% of project cost as commission from Corporates 4% of project cost for Power project Consultancy 4% of project cost for Feasibility study 4% of project cost for CDM registration and other services…











Office Space and SUV

34 Lakh + 12 Lakh 46 Lakh =

Solar PV rooftop and Battery +

1800 Sq. feet at Bhavnagar And a Tata Safari Dicor 2.2 Vx , 4x4. Laptop 4, Desktop 4 , Printer +Fax2 software, networking, workstation1 , 10 Landline phones , 10 Cell phones, Interiors, Table4, sofas4, Chair18, Fan4, ventilators2, Water tank 1000 litre2 , Water Jug 4, AC 2 , CFL lamps 8, dress code. 4 KW solar Panel , Testing Equipments

Contingency + unforeseen need

20% of total of above 20% of 80 Lakh )

15.6 Lakh

IT hardware and Software, Telecommunication. Office Furniture



May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

10 Lakh

10 Lakh

12 Lakh

93.6 Lakh

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


Variable Cost + Workin g Capital



Management Recruitment Wages

Advertisement in Local and National Dailies , Web President

2.5 Lakh

2 Managing Executives 2 Supervisors 1 CA 1 Motivational Trainer, @ weekly 1hr. training 8 Sales Engineers 1 Secretary Cum Relationship Officer 1 Receptionist 1 office boy, 1 girl Service Marketing

Utilities, Literatures, Food , other Expenditures

Motivational and Domain + Product Training Total

Advertising in State Dailies + internet Marketing + promotional Seminars Conferences Electricity Bill + Telephone Bill + Internet Bill + Water and Snacks + News Papers + Magazines + training literatures + other 6 weeks + 6 weeks (in 1st and 2nd half of year.)

40000p.m. X 12months =4.8 Lakh 2 X 35000p.m X 12 months = 8.4 Lakh 2 X 25000p.m X 12 months =6 Lakh 1 X 25000p.m X 12 months = 3 Lakh 10000 X 2 weeks X 6 months = 1.2 Lakh 10000 X 8 X 12months =9.6 Lakh 12000 X 12 months =1.44 Lakh 10000 X 12 months = 1.2 Lakh 2 X 6000p.m X 12 months = 1.44 Lakh 12 Lakh for 6 months.

42 000 X 12 months =5.04 Lakh

20,000 X 12 Week =2.4 Lakh 59.02 Lakh for 12 months

Total during First Year: 93.06 Lakh + 59.02 Lakh = 152.08 Lakh ~USD 350,000. (Aprox. Three Hundred and Fifty thousands USD) (1 Lakh =INR 100,000. )

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen

Q: A:




Start up JAN 2010 MAR 2010


JUN 2010

DEC 2010

Total JUN 2011

DEC 2011



Order book of at least 200 KW + 5 EPC partnered + other services Order book of another 400KW. Work started on feasibility studies of previous 100KW. + other 7 EPC partnered + other services Order book of another 600 KW capacity. Another 20 EPC Partnered. Commissioned aprx. 400 KW of installed capacity… Support Extended to MSMEs + other Services Least Possible Revenues Expected Order book of another 1 MW. Work started on feasibility studies of previous 400KW. + other 7 EPC partnered + other Services Order book of another 1 MW capacity. Another 20 EPC Partnered. Commissioned aprx. 1 MW of installed capacity… Support Extended to MSMEs + other Services Least Possible Revenues Expected Min 60 Lakh + 100 Lakh

Total of Two Years 1 Lakh = INR 100,000. (One hundred thousand INR)

TOTAL REVENUE(before any sort of deductions or payments) 0 Lakh 10 to 12 Lakh + 20 to 24 Lakh

+ 30 to 36 Lakh

60 to 72 Lakh in First year + 50 to 60 Lakh

+ 50 to 60 Lakh

100 to 120 Lakh in Second year 160 Lakh

Long Term Goals shall be fixed after the analysis of all the short term goals, achieved Break Even Point : Within TWO years…ACHIEVABLE With Spiritual and Righteous Ways of Operations…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


Projections Based on Assumptions: Sales Factor

INR 60,000 INR 25,000 INR 40,000

Other services = Feasibility study, CDM, GS, etc. etc. Per 10KW (Commission) Per 10KW (consultancy) Other Services

Cost of Goods Sold INR 2,000 INR 2,000

Per 10KW Per 10KW

transportation and others

Fixed costs INR 160,000 INR 20,000

/month /month

Installments Utilities

INR 50,000 INR 220,000 14% INR 11,000,000

/year /month /year

Insurance Advertising Interest on loan(s) Loan(s)

Variable Costs INR 16,000 INR 0 30% INR 40,000 INR 20,000 INR 20,000 INR 200,000

/month /month /month /month /month /year

Employees Owner's draw EmplBenefits Travell Maintenance other services Bonus

Down here if we sale or provide service for one single 100KW plant that means we would have provided sale/service equal to 8 different 10KW plants…and sales are thus numbered as 8.

Time Period

Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun 2010 Jul 2010 Aug 2010 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov2010 Dec 2010 Total Year 1 Total year 2 Total Year 3 Total year 4

Sale Quantity Number of 10KW capacity sales Commission Consultancy Other services… 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 10 12 10 14 12 14 16 14 18 18 18 20 20 20 24 22 24 28 24 28 30 28 30 32 30 32 38 190 198 222 (1yr X 1.6) (1yr X 1.6) (1yr X 1.8) =304 =316.8 = 399.6 486 505 718 778 808 1292

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

No. of Employees

10 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 40 60 80

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May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen


May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen


May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen



Office will be our main operating space where, spaces will be allotted to Representatives of 4 Wind, Solar, Biomass, and Biogas Companies… 2 power project financing representatives along with company staff. (Gradually increasing the number or representatives). We will advertise about our core competencies and call business persons in MSME sector for meeting, arrange seminars and conferences where in Product and/or Service OEMs will interact with MSME sector representatives. Also we will send our sales representative in the field with objectives to guide MSME sector about solutions we provide…in first two years we target to have network of 20 sales representative across India, and in five years 100 representatives across India with Branches in 14 cities at the MSME Hubs, We will have web presence and strategically carved internet marketing, including teleconferences and webinars and an In-bound call centre for effective customer service. We will provide end to end consultancy services to our customers and clients; we will sign MOU with Govt. of India, State Bank of India (10000 + branches across India), Indian Post for our strategic Marketing Endeavors, and promotion of Green Activities… The potential and opportunities are enormous, ideas are groundbraking, and we will March forward, with unmatched strength. In short, BATI ENERGY will be the only entity sought out by MSME India for total support on power problems and new captive power plant Projects.

OTHER IMPORTANT ASPECTS Future Projects…With Energy Park EARTH SERVENT POWER PLANT – project FSC-TES (I must keep some features of this project very strictly secret, you know…) • Power capacity 100 MW – 2000 MW of a single plant out put • Operating for @least 6000 hours a year.. …Based on newly invented & innovated technology(TES_FSC technology) in the domain of SOLAR UPDRAFT TOWER TECHNOLOGY • How TES technology differs from solar updraft tower technology? Principal of power Generation Remains Same, but DESIGN is what is a Significant Breakthrough in terms of achieving best viability… • Also I am in talks with Prof. Christos Papageorgiou of Greece to utilize his FSC technology as to make TES_FSC the best GREEN TECH ever in power generation…

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


Advantages(data in respect with 1000MW plant) 1. cutting cost of raising poles to mount WTG over some height, coz you get uninterrupted air supply 24 X 340 (avg. 25day to repair and maintenance a year) 2. no need to worry about wind speed and whether it will flow or not , 3. Highly innovative Advanced Thermal Storage System 4. Approximate set up cost: INR 6000 – 6400 Crore (1.3 Billion USD) 5. O&M cost savings of 40 % compared to coal based plant for the same amount of installed capacity 6. Life time of plant: WTG lifetime: 25 yr... Plant structure life time 70-80 yrs...approximately 7. Electricity generation price around INR 2(Aprx. US cent 4.5) 8. Total money invested can be regenerated within five years 9. Along with power generation we shall be able to grow Jetropha to produce Bio-diesel worth estimated 160 – 200 Crore INR every year 10. Can be used together for seawater-Desalination to produce pure water… 11. It will also consume trash and municipal organic waste, inorganic waste , so it will make cities and villages clean, and on top of it will work like an air filter machine, which will absorb harmful elements from the air we breathe in, 12. It will have rain water harvesting system integrated so as not to put burden on the local community water supply 13. Just Imagine my Dear Human friend, How much crucial this project is for OUR dear mother Earth, Her Children means all the living Beings and for the happy and healthy future of mine and your children USE FUL LINK:


Gradually, we shall start paying for valuable feedbacks…feedback is the breakfast of Champions… Two officers will monitor all the Feedbacks collected through website, or through FEEDBANK and send important feedbacks to concerned authorities, These officers will report the actions taken based on Feedbacks by the concerned Authorities. Relationship Manager will develop the standards of Relationships to quantify how strong is relationship OF BATI ENERGY inside and outside the Company Culture, Relationship manager will interview new staff, will work toward development of Strong relationship and take measures to resolve relationship related issues

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


COLLABORA TION , CO-O PER ATIO N , CO CREA TION (3CO) In R & D , Construction, and in any other phase of Project development or company operations we are bound to face tough challenges and obstacles, since we are aiming at Bringing in CHANGE, so when needed, this 3CO will have to be implemented with following entities TERI (The Energy And Resource Institute) India MNRE (ministry of New And Renewable Energy) India DOE (Department of Energy- USA) All the Wind-Solar-Biomass companies across the world Gold Standard Foundation , Switzerland GTZ State Bank of India , IDBI , IFC , Indian Post , SME chamber of India EXPERT DANISH TEAM (and other teams like them ), who made it possible for the building of Bahrain Trade Centre, produce some of its own Electricity through Wind Turbines mounted on the Building Why? They said it’s possible to mount Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) over an exceptionally designed Building Of Bahrain world Trade Centre, while almost all the Other WTG manufacturers and companies said its just not possible…to do so You know what? I love breaking limits … on a righteous way …of course


Out of the box is just one aspect out of many part of MDT…for example Behavior, Psyche, spiritual thinking, respectful thinking,…in short MDT , is the main reason behind the success of scientists and philosophers and many leaders whom we shall remember for generations… I have identified the process flow of MDT, and this will become an integrated part of Training sessions that will be conducted to motivate and activate staff for the cause we shall be working on… This MDT will give birth to creativity and innovation…throughout BATI ENERGY

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


PEOPL E’S SAY What do you think of Gr een Powe r C onsultancy Se rvice Mark et in World a nd I ndia Today…? == Green Power Consultancy has a good scope. Government of India and particularly Ministry of Renewable Energy are outlining policies that are conducive to the growth of this sector. Energy demand is increasing by the day in India. The biggest contributor to external debt in India is oil imports. India is also a signatory to Kyoto Protocol. Therefore any energy produced in a clean manner gets will get a big boost. -Mandar Maheta : CEO at Data Point Computer Services , Vadodara, Gujarat , ehta

== Mandar is right. India is growing fast. I am doing a project related to German Wind Industry in world context, and for example Suzlon (Indian turbine leader) had a bigger jump last year, and what is very important is a key turbine provider in China - the biggest market. This cluster which comprises all actors from turbine manufacturers, project developers, component providers and so on, will grow very much in the following years - studies shares that until 2015, Asia will have the highest boost - so jumping in Green Power Consultancy business it is a strategic movement and a future long term successful investment - R om e o R EP T A: N e t w o r k & Development Director at SBS, Romania http://ro.linkedin.c om/in/romeorepta


Huge. I am too looking for 200kw power solution - Dr. Gau r av P radh an : Executive Member - ICT and Infrastructure

Committee at South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, CEO & CTO at TIMETUNNEL CONSULTING.

h t t p :/ / z n k ed in .c om / i n /g aur av p r ad h an

I totally agree with you Romeo. Environmental consultancy market will be huge in the next few years in India (especially with the government help) and other developing countries. ==

Private Note: Very interesting question!! - Tiphaine Camus : Project Manager, Smith Street Solutions / Noether Associates, China…

we have a technology from USA for MSW (municipal solid waste)/waste to energy, we are looking for a JV partner for India, Gujarat area. If interested please email me at Regards, -Amit Patel: Clean - Tech Consultant / International Project Development, ==

Dallas / Fort Worth Area

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


It has great opportunity but all depends on awareness education and its feasibility in practical terms -Jinesh Shah: Merchant Banking at Trust Capital Services (India) Pvt Ltd , ==

Mumbai ,

== There is Enormous potential for the Green Power consulting firms in USA at least. I am not sure about India. I am working in USA for last eight years and have also started my own small environmental consulting firm. Check Let me know if you need any help in this industry in US market. Regards, -Shrirang Golhar: Design Engineer at Espey Consultants, Inc. Dallas / Fort Worth Area

I think the market in green initiative in India could get a boost with the PM announcing a major initiative to harness I believe 20000 MW of solar energy by 2022. I also read that a national commission is soon to be setup to facilitate R&D in that sector. - Arjun Shrinath: System Integration Engineer at Bose Corporation ==

Greater Boston Area

India will be one of the world's biggest markets for Green Consultancy very soon - vikash mittersain: managing director at Mitter global , Mumbai ,


unless we have an enabling environment, it will be difficult for it to thrive and prosper. That means govt policy and support measures should enable green, CDM to take root and grow. Govt should tax the polluters and use the money to clean up so that poor benefit. Same thinking can be extended globally -Santhanam R.: Consultant at Consortium of new age agripreneurs , Delhi == ==

A great opportunity -Ashok Gulati : Business Consultant ( Renewable Energy )

== Green energy consulting businesses are becoming big business globally. As increasing demand on greener products, renewable energy consultants will increase market size. There is huge scope for consultancy in carbon credits trading and auditing clients existing power sources as well as source of energy loss and advising energy options to the clients‌ -Srini Chakwal: Managing Director, Redclays Capital, Charlotte , North Carolina

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen




SME Empowerment :

Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises,(MSME) shall be provided with Green Power Solution and they will be genuinely served by BATI ENERGY, solving their current problems with poor quality power supply and frequent power Cuts affecting their overall productivity and Competitiveness


Rural Electrification :

1000 Villages are targeted to be electrified with Green Energy by 2012… think of the Lives that will be saved by availability of Electricity in Hospitals; Think of the Effects on Rainwater harnessing and storing through availability of water; think of the Waste that will be converted to Electricity, and Education will be provided in Healthy Environment, and with other growth, Employment opportunities will be generated within the Rural Areas


Employment Opportunities

BATI ENERGY will be responsible for generating direct employment opportunities to 100 persons within four years, and more than 10,000. Opportunities shall be generated indirectly in Green Power Management, Raw Material Mfg. and Supply, with more than total of 100MW of Green power installed Capacity within four years…


Climate ChangeAwareness

All the 1000 Villages and MSMEs Served will be partnered to Raise Climate Change Awareness in Respective and neighboring Rural Area of the Villages and MSMEs in Question… Your support + Our Commitment = Total Growth… May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen

CELEBRATE EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE!!! Hi how are you? How is the smile of your face and dance of your eyelids? How are the beatings of your heart and joy of your sweethearts? How are dreams of your days and winds of your night? How do you like running behind a kite and how do you wipe tears of your might? How do you know what is your reason on the earth and why do you have a joyous and painful birth? Have you ever asked why stars glimpsing in the sky? And ever you wonder the motto of success is but try? Will you be my friend; we will smile till the end and will grow with trees to have a mighty stand. And at the shore of an ocean and in the caves, Have you seen god dancing with braves and the waves? And wait a little and ponder little more is that worth doing, if it's to make you bore? And how can you say that time is to pass? It will pass, and leave you alone, knows green grass. I am aeronautical Engineer And I Dream to fly high With friends like you, and alone will die, before I will die, says my heart to me what I have dreamt and what I have to see. I will fulfill all those and all I will see. A poem by me

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen


May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen


MAKTUB (It Is Written)

Bhaveshkumar J. Bati Proprietor: BATI ENERGY

(To Be Transferred under Pvt. Ltd. Banner as Soon As suitable Partner is available to work for the cause….)


May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen

May Mother Earth Bless Us And Forgive us All - Amen

Thank You, Bhavesh J. Bati, Proprietor : Bati Energy Address: 30-ST , Railway Station, Dist – Amreli , Moti Kunkavav – 365 450. Gujarat , India Email : Bati.Will @Gmail.Com Phone : + 91 958 606 7876 / 86

May Love and Peace Be In The Universe Forever – Amen


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