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love you later

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Briston Maroney

Briston Maroney

Luckily, I got the chance to sit down with lead singer Lexi Aviles and talk about all the things that make her the musician that she is.

Hello! Welcome to SXSW, how are you enjoying Austin and the fest?


Lexi: I love it! I love Austin, this is my second year at SXSW and it’s already better! I think last year was kind of like, getting a feel of everything and so this year is already better. I’ve already met some really cool people and seen some familiar faces which was cool because last year I didn’t know anyone and I feel like Austin is really good at making you feel welcome.

Well that’s good! We try our best!

Lexi: Yeah! So that’s been really cool. I mean we just drove into Austin yesterday - last night - tonight is our first showcase and we have four but, it’ll be fun. We don’t have many shows planned other than the showcases. We’re doing an acoustic session with Nylon so that’ll be cool, we’re especially excited about that!

I mean, there’s no shortage of things to do during SXSW!

Lexi: Totally. Other than that we’re just gonna be hanging out and mainly just meeting people and connecting.

Well that leads into my second question. This is your second year at SXSW, obviously like you said before, so do you feel like you’ve got the reins on things or that you know what this is all about?

Lexi: No!

You’re just as clueless as the rest of us?

Lexi: Yes! Totally clueless but also I feel like playing last year has helped me realize what I want to accomplish, which in the long run it’s not playing a ton of shows like 500 times a day, it’s mainly just playing a few shows, putting all my energy and creative energy into those. Also it’s just about meeting people and networking and making those connections. SXSW is just cool because literally everyone from all over the world comes here and loves the same thing, and that’s music. I just think it’s so cool and so I try to look past all the like “how many showcases are you playing?” or like “Well are they official?”

It’s all about quality not quantity right?

Lexi: Yeah, totally. That’s how I feel!

So, speaking of quality and not quantity. You played the Observatory in Orange County! Lexi: Yes! That’s my hometown, so that was crazy!

Yes! So how did it feel to play such a big venue and see so many faces there just for you?

Lexi: It was very very crazy! I mean I grew up going to that venue like 3-4 times a week since middle school, seeing so many of my inspirations. I saw Glass Animals, The Japanese House, The Neighbourhood, The 1975. I’ve seen literally everyone that I adore there and so it was honestly so insane to be able to play that venue!

It honestly looked so insane!

Lexi: It was! It was so much fun! The best part is we booked it ourselves so we got to choose the openers and those were some of my favorite bands and some of the people that I genuinely adore.

And you played the same stage, so that’s very cool! So speaking of amazing shows, you just bought your very first van! Will you be playing more shows now that you have it? Lexi: Well actually, fun fact about the van. Do you know this fact?

I’m pretty sure, but tell it anyway!

Lexi: Ok coo! Well, Heart Eyes is named after Coin right? Well we bought Coin’s old tour van!

That’s so dope!

Lexi: Yeah it’s pretty cool! Joe is a great guy. We spent multiple hours at the DMV together and had some great QT (quality time) so that was cool. So yeah it runs smoothly but there’s this one little thing though that happens on the road after we break, it makes a weird scratching sound. We haven’t crashed though and we got an oil change so we thought maybe that would work.

Maybe you should get that checked out!

Lexi: Maybe, but to answer your question; Yes, 100% we will play more shows. SXSW is like our first trip in the van but, we’re trying to get an opening slot or something this summer for a tour so that’s kind of the goal. We don’t really want to do a headlining thing just yet so we can plan as much as we can and play in as many cities as we can in 2019.

Yeah that would be great! So, one thing about your shows that sets you apart from everyone else is the aesthetic.

Lexi: Thank you. We love like, glam and I guess putting a twist on it. I’ve always loved being different and standing out, I think that’s very important in my artistry especially. I mean I really love 80’s everything: 80’s movies, 80’s music, 80’s fashion.

Honestly a lot of that is poured into my artistry and I think the whole cowgirl thing came on for the first EP that I released in July and I also think moving to Nashville has kind of spurred it on, like I started saying “y’all” and it just feels right now.

Right? Once you start saying it you can’t stop!

Lexi: Yeah, so coming from California I think my music does sound like you could drive on the Pacific Coast Highway and blast it and roll the windows down but then it’s also like, I play in Nashville and I have to appeal to the crowd and so I’ll be like “yeehaw” and then I’m like, oh this feels good! But also the whole 80’s thing, it just kind of one thing and I think that’s why it’s unique. It’s not like I’m trying to just be this one thing, I just like all these things and I’m doing it!

Yes, and it fits! I looks good and a lot of people like it! Speaking about your set, you’ve got that sparkly backdrop.

Lexi: And the disco ball.

Yes, and the disco ball. But, since you have an affinity for sparkles, I just wanted to know, if you could describe your music as a color of sparkles what would it be?

Lexi: A color of sparkles? Ok, I’d have to go with like, teal-ish.

Teal? Any particular reason?

Lexi: No, actually a sea foam green sparkle. I don’t know why! Just feeling it?

Lexi: I think that’s what I feel.

I mean sometimes you just gotta feel it right?

Lexi: Yeah, I don’t know. I think it’s also the suit I got recently and I just love it! It’s very different too. I think also, pastels are starting to become less of an anime thing and more of just a thing. Less of like a Hello Kitty vibe.

So, last question. If you have anything to share with the readers of Heart Eyes Magazine about music, about life, anything, what would it be?

Lexi: I’ll say, mostly to artists just starting out or people just thinking about starting music and feel like they don’t have it all together, that doesn’t matter. If you have a dream go for it! And also especially being a girl and being young, you just can’t let people tell you no and then take it personally and take it as a no. There are so many opportunities, there’s so many people out there that want to help you and that believe in you, you just have to keep going on until you find those people or those people find you. Mainly you just have to believe in yourself and then people will catch on and people will be like “wow this girl or this guy has passion and really wants to do this for the right reason” and people will catch onto that. You just have to put out what you want and you’ll get it!

Lexi: Yeah, totally! There’s no certain formula on how to be an artist. Not even for music! I know a lot of creative fields where there’s no set way to do things so, just do you and do it well.

Great life motto! Well, thank you for stopping to talk! Good luck tonight and the rest of this week!

With all the vibrancy and spunk that one person could possibly have, Love You Later is definitely one to watch. As this is only the beginning for the band, make sure you keep your eye out for new things on the horizon but while you wait be sure to buy and stream all of their music and catch them on any tours that you can because they are definitely worth your time.

Interview by Hailey Hale

Photos by Caleigh Wells

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