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Nrlx Market Report
Week Ending Friday 26 May
Agents yarded a total of 847 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday 24 May. Young cattle were well supplied and there was a fair penning of cows. The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of vealers and weaners, along with a small offering of yearlings. Quality of
A mixed quality yarding came forward for Grafton’s fortnightly Fat Cattle Sale
There were some good quality lines on offer with all categories well represented. Not all the usual processors
Cattle and Sheep numbers were around the mark as previous sales the only difference seeming to be a fair amount of lighter stock coming onto the markets. The pain is still being felt as the values are falling as we move into the period of the year when a fair amount of stock come onto the markets. Consumer demand and export rates are falling as we gather momentum.
Vealer steers av 308.1c/kg topping at 378.2c/kg or $792.51 to $1331.87
Vealer heifers av 255.5c/kg topping at 328.2c/kg or
Agents yarded 2758 head for the weekly sale with the increase in numbers leading to a fall in the market across the board. The lambs today were more in the light and unfnished types which may have brought on the downturn. The Southern markets are also infuencing prices as the volume of stock coming onto the market combined with interest rate rises and the onset of winter leading to growers looking to offoad stock rather than feed on through winter. Late crops are also infuencing the availability of feed.
Lambs topped at $167 to average $90.61($37down), the young cattle was mixed with some well bred steers and heifers throughout the sale, along with some plainer cattle that were showing the affects of Winter. The largest percentage of young cattle were acquired by restockers with only a small number going to process. operated on the Export Cattle with prices again falling 1020c/kg for both Cows and Bullocks. Some good quality restocker Steers and Heifers also met limited competition with most sales between 200-300c/kg. Store condition or poorly bred stock were very hard to shift.
Cow prices held frm on last week averaging 187c/ kg and reaching a top price of 225c/kg. Heifer prices were marginally easier with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 210c/kg and topping their category at 314c/kg. Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 229c/ kg and reached a top of 290c/kg.
Friday 26th May 2023 - Property Auction, 10:00am, Booroo Quarry - South Grafton Bowling Club
Thursday 1st June 2023 - DLP Special Store Cattle Sale, 9:00am, Grafton Saleyards
Saturday 17th June 2023 - Clearing Sale, 10:00am, 510 Bucca Road, Bucca NSW
Sale Highlights
Grafton Fat Cattle Sale 23rd May 2023
A/c Scott Mackey sold Brangus Bullocks 243.2c/kg
$654.14 to $1056.66
Feeder steers av 292.9c/kg topping at 318.2c/kg or $1246.36 to $1554.99
Feeder heifers av 231c/kg topping at 250c/kg or $867.68 to $1255.40
Yearling steers av 303.2c/kg topping at 370.2c/kg or $898.29 to $1238.77
Yearling heifers av 253.4c/kg topping at 350.2c/kg or $796.75 to $1593.41
Steers av 281.6c/kg topping at 319.2c/kg or $1676.82 to $1991.98
Heifers av 210.9c/kg topping at 234.2c/kg or $926.42 to $1452.04
Cows av 176.8c/kg topping at 215c/kg or $989.36 to $1732.25
Bulls av 197.4c/kg topping at 274.2c/kg or $1051.04 to $2062.42
Sheep & Lambs saw 2758 head hit a very depressed hoggets topped at $93 to average $64.17($par), Ewes topped at $100 to average $42.54($35down), Wethers topped at $105 to average $96.62($18up), Rams topped at $50 to average $15.71($34down), Lamb rams topped at $179 to average $58.40($15down), Sale total of 2758 head averaged $80.12 a drop of $35/head average.
Vermont Past Co sold shorn 1stx Dorset lambs
51.8kg to Eversons for $147
Cooinda P/S sold Dorper x lambs 47kg to GR Prime for $139, 47.5kg to Jock Young Meats for $150, 45.8kg to Gr Prime for $142, 52kg hoggets to Eversons for $65
Rory & Kathy Frost sold 48kg Dorper lambs to Leslie Lamb for $150, 44kg to Leslie Lamb for $140, Ewes to Thomas Foods for $75, rams to Eversons for $10
Gradenfoe Past Co sold cfa Merino ewes with a averaged 802kg - $1,950.46 p/hd
Bull prices saw a drop with 25 head sold averaging 203c/kg and 626kg. Steer prices fell with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 272c/kg and reaching a top of 350c/kg. Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 291c/kg and topped their market at 378c/kg. A large number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 258c/kg and reached a top of 266c/kg.
Ramsey & Bulmer and T&W McCormack will hold a store sale at the NRLX on Friday 2 June with 1,200 head expected. Bookings are welcome!
A/c S & P Wratten sold Brahman Cross Bullocks 255c/ kg averaged 688kg - $1,755.25 p/hd
Alc Geoff Jones sold a Charolais Cross Cow 228.2c/kg weighed 780kg - $1,779.96
A/c P & W Feneley sold a Charolais Cross Cow 218.2c/ kg weighed 645kg - $1,407.39
A/c Rick Cavanough sold Simmental Cross Steers 254.2c/kg averaged 318kg - $810.26 p/hd
A/c SJ & TJ Elks sold Angus Steers 274.2c/kg averaged 157kg - $430.89 p/hd
A/c LR & VB Franey sold an Angus Heifer 258.2c/kg weighed 345kg - $890.79 market, the saving grace being the heavier fnished end of the market propping up the fall occurring in the light and feed on stock.
Lambs topped at $167 to av $90.61 ($37down)
Hoggets topped at $93 to av $64.17 ($1 up)
Ewes topped at $100 to av $42.54 ($35 down)
Wethers topped at $105 to av $96.62 ($18 up)
Rams topped at $50 to av $15.71 ($34 down)
Lamb rams topped at $179 to av $58.40 ($15 down)
Sale average of $80.12 was $35/head cheaper than last sale.
Boars sold from $75 to $146, Sows from $114 to $352, Pork from $81 to $191, Stores from $48 to $168
Hens sold to $21, Roosters to $18, Pullets to $16, Ducks to $17.50, Ducklings to $9, Turkey stags to $25, hens to $18 third wool to Thomas Foods for $65
Arolla Past Co sold Aussie White lambs 56.6kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $160, 45kg to Jock Young Meats for $130
Jack Dwan sold Dorper lambs 41kg to Eversons for $75, ewes to Eversons for $40
Martin Campbell sold Poll Dorset 4tooth wethers to Thomas Foods for $100
Alaringa Rural sold Dorper ewes to Thomas Foods for $75
Winston McNamara sold Dorset lambs 62kg to Thomas Foods for $167, hoggets 65kg to Take IT
Easy Meats for $93, 65kg ram lambs to Take IT
Easy Meats for $90
Charlie & Leeanne Mc Carthy sold Xbred lambs 45kg to Uniplaza Meats for $96, 33.3kg to GR
Prime for $50
Western Australian Hass avocado producers will soon be able to export to Thailand.
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt said this was a signifcant market access win for avocados, with an estimated market value of approximately $10 million.
“Improving market access for the Australian avocado industry is a priority for the Albanese Government,” Minister Watt said.
“The Australian avocado industry has recently experienced substantially lower prices on the domestic market due to