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Tell us what you would like from October Business Month

Succeed in Tweed is shining a spotlight on the Tweed business community during October. Coinciding with the NSW Government Small Business Month, and important to you as a business operator. We have created a poll to assist in the development of the program, including the format of events you are just compliments in disguise. I’ve also never forgotten the seasoned advice of an old footy coach of mine, that: “No one ever kicks a dead dog!”

1 - 31 October, Council’s Succeed in Tweed program will provide opportunities for businesses to network, develop or brush up on skills and capabilities and to celebrate success.

Additionally, what might seem earth-shatteringly disappointing when you’re 13-years old becomes a very distant memory in no time at all. Having to get through some turbulent struggles inflicted by others can actually help to fast track, if not refine your sense of what you consider acceptable in life. Strangely enough, and it is something that doesn’t usually occur to us until we’re much older, but like Wayne Gerard Trotman once discerned, “People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not.”

Threat is overwhelmingly the trigger for bullies; be that a threat caused by a skill or quality you might possess that they don’t, or something you appear to be that they simply are not, or could never be.

Bernard Shaw touched on something almost irrefutable when he once observed, “Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.” So, instead of congratulating you for something that may well deserve praise, the bully will scorn and ridicule you out of sheer jealousy.

Fittingly, as something for us all to ponder with regards to the overarching influence of cause and effect, author Lynette Mather once noted, “What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the only surgeon who could save your life?”

We will be working with businesses large and small, local chambers, industry associations and other not-for-profts to highlight the crucial role our business community plays in our local economy.

To assist in the development of the Business Month program, we would like to hear from you on topics that are of interest would be most interested in attending and times that would suit your business. This will enable us to create and deliver a program which adds value to businesses in the Tweed.

Simply click on the link and complete the poll by 5 pm Friday, 25 August. Once we have received your feedback, we will coordinate a series of workshops and create a calendar of events with our local business partners.

Supporting our local economy to thrive Through the Succeed in Tweed program, we look forward to working with you to create a successful series of events which align with our Community Strategic Plan to support our Tweed economy to thrive and generate sustainable economic opportunities to sustain our long-term future.

The NSW Government’s theme for the month is My Small Business with the focus on owners and operators to take time to work on their businesses.

Closer to October, we will be adding events to Council’s business website. QR code to the survey bellow.

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