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Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20
With all your excess energy, it’s easy for you to be busy all the time. You are unlikely to be bothered by problems. Despite feeling energetic and well-adjusted you approach situations carefully, it is your strength and stamina that complement your diligent approach, which invariably results in a successful outcome. You don’t only fnish your usual projects in an effcient and determined way; you get involved with even more tasks and show how capable and reliable you are. In the process, it’s important you don’t forget your loved ones. In your job there are positive outcomes to be had right now. You’re able to stick to your view point and effortlessly convince your colleagues and your superiors about your preferred way of working. Currently any team you’re responsible for turns out to be very successful because there is no competitive atmosphere to disrupt the implementation of your winning strategy.
Feeling strong, it’s easy to stand up for yourself when confronted by obstacles. This can lead to arguments if you don’t frst refect on getting your own way. Enjoying your work, you can focus on your tasks effortlessly. The mental stimulation involved will not be enough to satisfy the need to soothe your inner tension. Feeling resilient, you can help put your mind at ease and dispel any built up irritability with some healthy energetic exercise. Full of life you’re able to master the tasks with drive and determination, which brings brilliant results. Sometimes you don’t know what to do with all your energy. You rush headfrst into projects, which in the end you’re not able to follow through with. You should concentrate on using your potential in a suitable way. Otherwise you’ll achieve less than you’re capable of!
You’re careful and show persistence when dealing with problems. Your increased vitality and improved self-confdence has positive effects on everyone you meet. You’re able to complete any new tasks either alone or as part of a team. As expected, the suggestions you make are acceptable to others who tend to agree with you. Use this infuence to achieve your desires, remain steadfast, true to your aims and they’re likely to be met with approval by those people in your life that matter most to you. The effcient and considerate way which you’re conducting yourself at work is particularly commendable and can help you advance in your career. Be proud and make sure the people who matter most are aware of your achievements; you’re a high performer, which should be valued and appreciated. Success normally goes hand in hand with making sure you are heard!
Assert yourself and others follow your lead. You don’t have to be too concerned about getting your own way, the stance you take is overwhelmingly convincing with regard to most matters you have to deal with. So consider discussing everything that is important while you are in such convincing form. Be determined but not obsessive about certain issues, if you fnd some situations problematic then move on and take a different tack. Expand your feld of expertise you’re likely to succeed regardless. Show what you’re capable of and make the most of opportunities as they arise. Assert yourself as much as possible and bring others round to your point of view. Try to take care of as many negotiations and administrative responsibilities as possible - as long as you’re able to approach them with relative ease. Be aware - others may now try to take the credit for all your efforts!
Leo Jul 23 - Aug 23
LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22
Wanting to achieve is OK as long as whenever possible you include others and satisfactorily deal with their concerns. Don’t resort to angry outbursts if you’re criticized but consider if there is a beneft to be gained from the other person’s point of view that you can take into consideration and is likely to improve the outcome of your activities. Any excessive energy utilize in pursuit of healthy exercise, to help release tension or stress, avoid contact sports, jogging or Nordic walking is best. You’re really motivated; with so much energy you must direct it towards a positive goal. You’ll be surprised how much you achieve. But take care not to get involved in any contentious issues with colleagues. You’re not particularly good with anyone who objects to your methods; you’re easily wound up. If you’re behaving this way, you need to practice some self-control.
Your abundant energy together with the self-confdence and composure you display makes being successful both professionally and personally much more likely. You engage people in pleasant conversation which helps them to see your point of view. Use your new found enthusiasm to resurrect your interest in people or projects that you have neglected for a long time. Feeling very ft, you can easily be persuaded to improve your performance in the sports activities or exercise regime you enjoy most. You effortlessly take care of everything. You’re especially skilled in solving any awkward situations that crop up. When it comes to disputes amongst colleagues, you’re the perfect mediator and even in negotiations you’ll stand your ground. Take care of your personal affairs. Don’t postpone important decisions; decide what to do now! You can rely on your intuition.
You possess a higher than usual level of pent up anger that needs dealing with in a constructive way, if you don’t want to suffer from the consequences. Ease up on the talking and avoid putting others on the defensive. If you require help from others be more patient and diplomatic in the way you approach them. Even if you personally feel on top form , be prepared to take things at a more leisurely pace otherwise you may suffer setbacks from unnecessarily taking on far more than you able to handle. You’ll encounter a situation at work this week, which will irritate you immensely. Try to remain calm! Often the worry is not worth it. Nearly always most conficts are over just as quickly as they started. At the same time you shouldn’t be too complacent! If there are fundamental problems, try to phrase your opinion in an objective and carefully considered manner.
For the slightest of reasons you lose your temper and as you might normally expect are unable to keep your normal level of composure. Mistakenly or not, you’re under the impression that people are purposely setting out to annoy you. Once this happens you fnd it diffcult to regain your self-control. Co-operation and compromise is the key to get you through what appears to be a confict laden period. Spare yourself any stress, seek approval and appreciation rather than putting at risk their normal support. It’s important to give way in potentially argumentative situations or you’ll fnd any progress you’ve previously made is eroded. Concentrate on things you have to do and you’ll be problem free. Be watchful; nobody should think you’re being complacent! However, your work situation isn’t everything; use your spare resources to create a better work/life balance for yourself.
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
Practice more self-restraint, far too easily you feel you’re deliberately provoked, even over the slightest matters. Without warning your excess energy erupts in a bad temper. Obviously this isn’t acceptable to those you know, selfdiscipline and compromise is essential. Such relentless behavior results in problems both at home and at work. Watch out that these excesses don’t become a noticeable feature in other areas of your life. You need to be more self-aware and make sure that it doesn’t. Are your colleagues annoying? Does your boss demand too much? Do you feel provoked? Naturally if this is the case, take long deep breath before making any wild assumptions or accusations; if you want to maintain a good working relationship with others. Eventually you’ll manage to overcome your problems and be able to tackle any especially demanding tasks.
Impressing others with a certain level of competency, you’re able to demonstrate that taking on new and challenging tasks is a good test of your abilities. You want to show exactly how capable you are and demonstrate your enthusiasm to those who matter most. Aside from your working environment, catching up with leisure and sports activities provide you with high levels of excitement, satisfaction and fun. An even bolder approach reveals possibilities to improve involvement on the romantic front. You’re in the lucky position of being able to make use of all your skills. You’re enthusiastic and with such an inspirational attitude, you’re appreciated by your work colleagues and those who matter most. Your unfailing energy and all together considerate ways make you a popular coworker. Keep going like this, it could soon contribute to the advancement of your career.
AQUARIUS jan 20 - feb 18
You are capable of being extremely productive and making a success of whatever you do. However be careful of over-reacting if you feel threatened; you tend to respond badtemperedly or even insensitively. Hold yourself back if confronted and refrain from making enemies or from the temptation to deliberately provoke others, behavior like this is very unproductive and likely to cause you unwanted problems. Step back from time to time and use your energy both purposefully and thoughtfully! With such a high level of energy you easily make unfounded accusations and jump to wrong conclusions. Try to calm down and stop being so irritable, it only serves to cause confusion amongst those you work with. If possible, over the next few days, concentrate on tasks where you can work alone. If that’s not possible, refrain from coffee and other stimulants. Stay calm!
You feel fghting ft, on top form, as you experience vibrant energy running through your body! That’s why it is a great time to tackle any tasks you have put off recently. If you don’t have existing projects, it is a good time to start something new. Prepare yourself in anticipation for something good to happen shortly. It is even possible for you to feel overwhelmed by so many opportunities coming your way. Take advantage of this crucial phase and make the most of it!! Once you’ve got your project off the ground, you meet with approval from others. You can make things happen and be enormously effective. The advantage you have that makes you a winner is the pleasure you derive from the projects you undertake. You’re able to accomplish your goals and show consideration for others. You have an excellent sense of what to do and say in certain situations and which ones to avoid. You should rely on that sense!