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We’d love to hear from you!
I would like to bring something to everyone’s attention, particularly in light of the recent discussion about the cashless Gambling Card in the Media. The report stated that the RSL in NSW is resisting the Premier’s proposal. This is incorrect, the RSL and Service Clubs Association (NSW) may be the culprits, but not the Returned and Services League, NSW Branch (RSLNSW).
There has long been a misconception that the RSL (or the Returned and Services League) operates chains of clubs and has poker machine licences and income from them. This is not the case, I am a member of a local RSL sub-Branch, and I can assure you, we have no poker machines, no ties to any Clubs, we conduct raffles for members, and sell badges for ANZAC Day & Remembrance Day, and we also conduct the Memorial Services at the War Memorials.
If we approach Clubs NSW for a donation, we do so cap-inhand like any other Community Charity or Not-For-Profit (NFP) organisation and apply for grant money.
RSL sub-Branches were the forebears of the clubs, which started as the Social Club of a sub-Branch, and some subBranches do still own the land and buildings, but their only revenue from that is from the rent they charge the company that manages the Club, and there are not many of those left.
So, when you see something relating to RSL whether it be raffle tickets or ANZAC Day badge sales, ask which sub-Branch they are representing, if they can’t tell you!!
Beware!! If they name their sub-Branch you can be certain that the proceeds from the sales are used by the registered Charity (the sub-Branch), to support veterans in the local community, and are definitely NOT going into the coffers of a Club.
John Gordon Honorary Secretary Alstonville RSL subBranch
Jama Covid Study
The JAMA Network Open study says covid is still more dangerous than the flu, see NRTimes 2/3/23 page 68. I don’t totally agree with their Swiss study as for example we knew all along that hardly any children have died from covid worldwide, but they do die from the flu. Older and co-morbidity patients may have died from covid rather than the flu, but the article does not go into details of age, health etc.
The study says of the 5212 patients hospitalized with either covid-19 or the flu, 54% were more likely to die of covid than those with the flu. This could be due to 98% of Swiss people being vaccinated and because the vaccinations don’t stop people getting covid or transmitting it, there are going to be more people die of covid than the flu.
It also said that unvaccinated covid patients were twice as likely to die compared to flu patients. This could be due to unvaccinated covid patients being treated differently like lepers as I had an unvaccinated friend die in hospital, who originally entered hospital with health issues, then tested positive for covid so was put on a ventilator for 4 days where we couldn’t contact him.
So, what killed him, his health issues and/ or covid treatment?
Thus, I don’t agree with the Study as I believe the vaccinations are more dangerous than covid or the flu e.g. worldwide, there are too many people collapsing and dying playing sport, swimming or just dying in their sleep from SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) after having covid vaccinations that give blood clots, pericarditis and myocarditis. Also, as this newsletter says, https://stevekirsch. substack.com/p/howare-they-ever-goingto-explain Australia’s excess deaths are up by 22,837 just to September 2022, so there is something strange going on that our leaders aren’t telling us.
Lynette Evans NUMULGI
Firstly, this is not about politics as such or different policies. It’s about looking after the community we live in.
I’ve looked at the signs for the three main contenders for the Lismore electorate to see where they were printed believing that we should support our local industries particularly since the flood.
What I found in one case gladdened me and two cases disgusted me.
Alex Rubin’s’ posters were printed in Lismore 2480 by a LOCAL printery.
Janelle Saffins’ posters were printed in Revesby 2212 Adam Guises’ posters were printed in Smeaton Grange 2567.
This information is printed on the bottom face side of the posters that I have seen.
Why aren’t they all printed in this electorate to support our businesses and our economy? The three are all members of a major party so if one candidate can get them here why can’t they all?
Maybe it’s all about how much the candidates actually care for the electorate or care for their party.
And no, I’m not affiliated with any printery.
Col Baker Modanville
Profits Over Consumers
It is total BS that Australia Post is posting a loss as about year ago the then boss was handing out watches to executives for posting a profit.
Seems like the current CEO is incompetent to me and to cut the letter service from to two or three which it pretty much is anyway will do nothing customer is always right first rule of business and customers not shareholders need to be looked after in addition the banks should be banned from shutting branches for ten years at least their obscene profits all of them posting 5 billion plus profits whilst closing branches the banking royal commission a joke furthermore why is precent and AMX 2 putting ATM’s in where banks have closed or taken their ATM away shows people still love and want cash not Muppet credit and online banking only the lemmings want to go down this path not real people.
Alan Mosley Yamba
Trimming Trees
Essential energy contractors have been trimming trees in my neighbourhood recently and it got me thinking who pays for this service.
Contacted Essential and they informed me that all consumers pay indirectly.
They directed me to their Vegetation Management Plan (available on the net) Part 4.3 states that Essential may recover reasonable costs incurred when trimming vegetation. Unfortunately, they don’t enforce this as they are worried about getting people offside. Why should I pay when I’ve done nothing wrong.
If you choose to grow a tree under or near a power line, then surely you should have to pay to have it trimmed or removed?
This is both private property and Council or Government land.
My daughter has two electricity poles on her property leading from the main line to her house. Both poles have been condemned by Essential and she must pay for their replacement as they are “her” poles. And yet if she grew 100 trees under the lines Essential would come and trim them for nothing?
If there is any sense in this, it eludes me.
What happened to “user pays” looks like it applies to poles but not trees?
Col Baker Modanville