18 minute read
Call Jan on 66816150.
The Lennox Head Day VIEW Club meets on the frst Monday of each month at the Lennox Head Community Centre with the meeting starting at 11am and includes an interesting speaker and concludes with a light lunch. An informal Coffee and Chat meeting is held on the third Monday of the month. The Club sponsors three students through The Smith Family Learning for Life scholarship program that provides educational items for disadvantaged Australian children. New members and guests are most warmly welcomed, and enquiries may be made to Enid 047187511 or Dawn 0466717435.
Meets on the second Tuesday of each month upstairs at the Lennox Hotel at 6.30pm for dinner at 7pm. Guests are welcome. “VIEW members support the education of disadvantaged Australian children by raising much needed funds for The Smith Family. Through fundraising activities and social events in local communities, members raise money that goes directly to The Smith Family’s learning and mentoring programs for disadvantaged. students.” Lennox Head Evening VIEW Club currently sponsors two Learning for Life students. Contact Sue Brennan 0409728814.
New members welcome to join our close-knit club where the emphasis is on community service in a fun environment. Meetings are on the frst and Third Wednesday of each month at Club Lennox starting at 6.30pm. Members do what they can, when they can to facilitate the needs of our club.
Meets 9.30 for 10 at Club Lennox, 10 Stewart Street, on the frst Thursday of each month. Visitors are welcome, also retired or semi-retired people wishing to join our nonservice club to hear interesting guest speakers and to join in trips and outings are invited along. Phone June Zentveld on 66871004
Lismore Base Hospital
Auxiliary is holding a ‘Made from The Heart ‘ Craft Market.
Saturday 29th April 2023 10am - 3pm.
Sunday 30th April 2023 10am -2pm.
At the Lismore Workers Club
Sports Club 202 Oliver Avenue Goonellabah..
Local Artisans and the Auxiliary. will have a showcase of wares.
Mother’s Day gifts and local crafts will be for sale.
We have a raffe 1st prize $500.00, and 2nd prize $100.00.
Please note: EFTPOS is not offered by all vendors. For more information contact Colleen 0401081747
Rehearsals are held during school terms on Mondays, 6.15-7.45pm at Southern Cross University. If you can play a concert band instrument: brass, woodwind, or percussion, please come and join us! All ages welcome. We have some instruments available for loan. For more information, Tel: 0432575911 visit: www. lismorecityconcertband.org. au, and our Facebook and Instagram pages.
LISMORE CWA being a CWA Member could bring to you and your life. We meet on the frst Thursday of each month at 9:30am for a 10am start. Our 2023 meetings commence in February. FOR MEMBERSHIP
IT’S ‘23’ SO COME AND SEE what being a member of the Lismore CWA DAY BRANCH could mean to you. We would like YOU to join us for the opportunity to be involved with a truly friendly group of fun, diverse & interesting women of all ages. You will make new friends who will support you, plus you’ll be part of contributing to the lives of Women and Children in our area through our fundraising endeavours. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT! Why not come along as a ‘guest’ to see how you feel and experience the difference.
INFORMATION call our President Allison Kelly on 0428 216 079. We also run CRAFT meetings each Friday. You’ll learn new things, once again meet new friends, and enjoy creating beautiful craft in great company.
FOR CRAFT INFORMATION call Vicki Boyle on 0437 465 642. WE LOOK FORWARD SO MUCH to meeting you.
MEDITATION and practice: This mindfulness-based meditation group sits on Wednesdays from 7:008:30pm. The evening includes meditation instructions, sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks and discussion. For further details, please contact Rosie - 0402 682 925
ZEN MEDITATION and practice
The Zen meditation group sits on Mondays from 6:30pm8:15pm. The evening includes instructions, sitting meditation, Dharma talks and individual interviews with the teacher. For further details, please phone: 0427778837 Website: https://www. kuanyinmeditationcentre.org/ Beginners and experienced meditations are warmly welcomed at both groups.
While the Lismore Library is under repair, you can fnd a Pop-Up Library at 146 Molesworth Street (Was Williams Shoes), for all your reading, watching and information needs. The library has a fresh collection of donated community books, DVD’s, Puzzles and more, with weekly programs and events. The library is open 7 days a week and more information can be found at www.rtrl.nsw. gov.au
President: Don Abrahams 0437576837
Vice President: Bob Greig 0404860504
Email: lismoremcs.contact@ gmail.com
Opening Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9.00am – 3.00pm We are a community based non-proft organisation. Everybody is welcome: men, women & people with a disability of all ages. We encourage social inclusion. Our aim is to promote the mental, physical & emotional well-being of people in our community.
Shed Activities
Members work on their own projects
Mentoring is available
General woodworking
Welding & light engineering
Repair & restoration of items for the public
Constructing projects, of items for the public
Constructing projects for preschools, hospitals & other organisations
Assembling fatpack
Minor maintenance work for the elderly & disabled
Working with the disabled
Talking with other members or simply having company
Memberships: $40-year
Attendance Fee: $3 tea/coffee
Location: 15 Industry Drive East Lismore
Lismore Orchid Society now meets 3rd Wednesday each month, 1:30pm to 4:00pm at Goonellabah Community Centre in the Goonellabah Public Library, 27 Oliver Ave Goonellabah . . .’ Contact Bev on 0400326289
GROUP: Next meeting 17th of March 2023. The Lismore Parkinson’s Support Group meet every third Friday of the month. New Location at South Lismore Bowls Club, 25 Wilson Street, Lismore. Starting at 10am12pm. All members of the Parkinson’s Community, family and friends are invited to come along and share in a positive, confdential, and supportive setting. Tea and Coffee will be available for a gold coin donation, BYO snack platter to share. A wonderful thank you to all that turned up. For further information phone Marie 0448871290.
Meet at the Goonellabah Community Centre every second Thursday starting at 9am where we have morning tea followed by games bingo how etc we play cards Monday and Friday and play bowls Tuesdays and craft every second Tuesday afternoons come and join our friendly group you will be very welcome.
Please join us…... Weaving, Spinning, Felting, Dyeing, Knitting, Crochet, Workshops, Chat….
Craft & Ideas. From 10am, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of each month. (Formal business meeting is 10.30-11.30 every 1st Friday)
McLeans Ridges Hall Cnr Cowlong and McLeans Ridges Rds (off Bruxner Hwy) Morning Tea provided. Bring your lunch (and a mug)
Contac: Kim- 0423935060 Linda- 0419489987 Email ~ lismorespinnersandweavers@ gmail.com
LISMORE TARGET RIFLE CLUB for .22 calibre rifes, meets Wed nights from 6.30pm & the 1st & 3rd Sat of each month from 1.00 pm. Air rife shooting for .22 & 177 air rifes will also be available at the Saturday shoots. For more information, please phone Derek on 66282082 (ah).
CLUB Community Bingo
Tuesday night 7.30pm start. 20 games of bingo + progressive jackpot Neilson Street East Lismore. Everyone Welcome
Social Tennis is played at East Lismore Tennis Club, Cnr Neilson St & Oakley Avenue every Tuesday from 8am. We invite social players of all abilities to join us, we are a mixed group who enjoy a morning’s tennis without the commitment of competition. Feel free to call in or phone Fay Ross 0412910487 for more information. Everyone welcome.
Fun, interactive, music sessions for young children [birth to school age] and their parents/ caregivers in a relaxed setting on Tuesdays starting at 9:30am during School Terms. Children will be introduced to music, creativity and more. They will develop gross motor skills, as well as socialise with others in a loving, shared family environment. Morning tea with snacks included. Mainly Music at Lismore Anglican Parish Centre, 10 Zadoc Street, LISMORE. T: 0266213200
Have you retired or just about to, from the workforce?
Are you looking to exercise your mind and body and keep both well oiled?
Well, Lismore U3A [university of the third age} could be just the place for you. This worldwide organisation has been running in Lismore for the past 30 years and thousands of local people have benefted from its programmes. It’s a great place to meet like-minded people and make new friends. The last three years have been diffcult for us as they have for everyone, and we are on a recruitment drive to meet and greet you!
We start 2023 with a choice of at least 30 classes, which include, Languages, Photography, Science, History, Qigong, Genealogy, and many others. We also have a social calendar each term. All our courses are listed on our website www.lismoreu3a.com. au U3A is entirely run by volunteers, with the committee and tutors coming from our membership. The joining fee Is $50 for 1 year and entitles you to attend any course you choose throughout the year; you can go every day if you wish. Why not peruse our site to see if there is a course that would be of interest to you. There is an online enrolment form that you can complete and any queries you have can be directed to our secretary, Pat, McLaren- Smith Ph. 6622 7408 We look forward to meeting you.
On behalf of Lismore U3A committee.
Probus Club Of Lismore Heights
Our mixed group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club in High St.
Our brief meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Senior’s lunch for $15 at noon is optional. Guests and visitors are welcome. Ring/text
Pam on 0418766247 for details of our other monthly social gatherings and outings.
Want to be part of an innovative, interesting, and inclusive networking group who meet fortnightly to share ideas, meet other professionals and work together to make a difference in your community?
Then Rotary Club of Lismore Networking could be the answer for you! Meets fortnightly at The Sherwood Hotel (75 Molesworth Street Lismore) on Wednesdays at 5.30pm. For more information contact Rita on 0413300578 or Gae 0412742095.
East Lismore Bowling Club each Thursday at 6pm. New members would be made most welcome. Further information available on 0428151934.
Interested in contributing to community? Local and international?
The Rotary Club of Summerland Sunrise meets every Friday at 7.05am for Breakfast at Options Cafe, Main St. Alstonville until further notice. Join us at Options please. Phone 0435 990 919 for more details.
Sprung!! is a registered charity and a not-for-proft community organisation that offers Dance, Theatre & Movement workshops, and training to people with disabilities. We are currently looking for volunteers to assist our organisation in a number of ways including supporting our Tutors and Disability Support Workers; transcribing; catering; professional skills; technical support and backstage support. Our workshops and performances run in Lismore, Mullumbimby, Tintenbar and Lennox Head expanding to Ballina and the Tweed. Any interested volunteers can reach us here and for general information please contact us on info@sprung.org.au
Meetings of the club are normally held on the second Sunday of each month at the clubrooms: 412 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill at 1pm. Visitors are welcome. The clubrooms are usually open on Sunday afternoons from about 1pm onwards. We are primarily amateur radio enthusiasts and welcome persons interested in radio, electronics, astronomy and similar subjects. For more details about the club and its activities see the club’s website: https://sarc.org.au/
Are offering a free 6 week group for women, called “Looking Back Looking Forward”
Are you a midlife or older woman who is taking stock of her life? Are you interested in exploring new directions for the future?
This group offers a supportive place with likeminded women to share ideas, experiences and look at new life options.
When: Friday 10th March –14th April 9.30a.m. 12.30p.m.
Where: The Women’s Health and Resource Centre, Uralba St., Lismore Leader: Pamela Craven, Health
Bookings: 66202999
Monthly meetings the 3rd Thursdays of each month at 11am. Contact Ruth Toyer on 0409844212 by Mondays, no later than 7pm. Numbers are required for catering purposes.
Fine art printmakers. Meet at studio space 224 Stokers Rd, Stokers Siding. Prints, gallery, workshops and more! E: cpmmurwillumbah@hotmail. com - T: Peter 0498399640 or Sue 0408493253. Find us on Facebook & Instagram.
Members and visitors are invited to join the group for activities and gardening tips most Sundays. Time 3-5pm (NSW time), street parking, BYO, covered footwear, comfy clothing, hat and water. Children ok with strict supervision. Covid plan operating. Enquires: phone Bob Johnson (02)66225792.
Meets at Black Rocks Sports Fields on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8.30am. New members are welcome to come and join us for a hit and a bit of fun. For any further enquires please call Jean on 0431606375. We will have a new starting time at the end of daylight saving. We play at Black Rocks Sports Field. New members are welcome. For further enquires please ring Jean on 0431606375.
Every Thursday morning 9.30am to 11.30am. Pottsville Community Hall, $5 per session includes morning tea. No joining fees. For enquiries, please call Jan 0431909760.
Poets and writers on the Tweed meet every Tuesday at the South Tweed Sports Club 1.303.30pm. Beginners welcome. Phone 0755248035.
Probus Club, Coolangatta/ Tweed Heads. Be at Club Tweed at 10-00am on the frst Wednesday of the Month. Visitors and new members are very welcome.
Meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at South Tweed Community Center from 9-1pm at 18 Heffron Street Tweed Heads south all beginners welcome phone Moira on 0418686643. A friendly group of people with common interest in seeing, quilting and related craft.
Twin Towns and District Garden Club meets every second Monday of the month. Meetings Venue: Tweed Heads Civic Centre Auditorium next to Library, Brett Street, Tweed Heads. Guest Speaker JanuaryTropical Fruit World “Growing Tropical Fruit”
• We offer raffes, lucky door prize, presidents award, trading tables, cuttings table, members prize draw, Benching of plants and fowers and foral art both novice and senior. Begonia Society, Social Morning teas, bus trips and best of all friendship.
• Come along, bring a mug to share a coffee or tea with likeminded gardeners.
See you there, bring a mug. Gwen: 0468 872 199, (leave a message please).
The annual general meeting of the Wollongbar Probus Club will be held on 16th March at the Alstonville Plateau Bowls and Sports club, starting at 10am with morning tea. It will be followed by our changeover lunch at the same venue.
Yamba Day View Club’s monthly luncheons are held at Yamba Bowling Club on 3rd Monday of month, starting 10am for 10.30am. Acceptance and apologies to President Lyn 66463164 by Friday prior to luncheon for catering purposes. We hold a monthly social outing either for lunch or morning tea and visitors are always welcome.
Yamba Lions Club
Yamba Lions Club’s meetings are held 2nd & 4th Thursdays of month at Yamba Bowling Club, commencing at 7pm for 7.30pm. For further information, please contact the Secretary Peter 0417546097. Social outings also held at various time and visitors and new members’ welcome.
All Northern Rivers Northern Rivers
Are you interested in exploring the beauty that our region contains. The Northern Rivers Bushwalking Club offers a variety of activities for people of all abilities and ages in bushwalking, cycling, kayaking, abseiling, qigong and social interaction. Visit our Facebook page or our website nrbc.org.au for more information.
The Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRFC) is inviting Northern Rivers women to play an active role in empowering vulnerable women and girls in our region. The newly formed NRFC’s Women’s Giving Circle brings Northern Rivers women together to achieve equality and human rights for women and girls in our region and enable them to realise their full potential. Visit the Women’s Giving Circle nrcf. org.au/women’s-giving-circle/ on the NRFC website for more information and to join the Women’s Giving Circle. murbahcommunitygardens@ gmail.com - follow us on Facebook #MurwillumbahCommunity Garden
The NORTHERN RIVERS HASH HOUSE HARRIERS is a non-proft community group that is part of a worldwide organisation. The Hash House Harriers meet every Monday at 6pm for a run/walk from various locations around Lismore, Alstonville and Ballina. The run/walk lasts for approximately an hour, followed by friendship, banter and grub.
We are very friendly and welcome new members. For more details email: nrhhh@ freelists.org.
Covering Wollongbar to Ocean Shores.
Meets 2nd Friday of each month at Summerland Farm, Wardell Road, Alstonville. A general catch up & chat with the opportunity to join in a casual Q&A session with Rebecca, our Parkinson’s nurse. She will be there to answer any questions that you may have about anything to do with living with Parkinson’s or supporting or caring for a loved one. Maybe you want to know about symptoms, medication, treatments or services etc.
Rebecca is there to support us and help you manage your disease so that you live your best life. All those living with Parkinson’s Disease or those supporting them are most welcome.
Please RSVP Cheryl 0428286753.
Ccnsw Election Campaign
On the eve of World Cancer Day (3 February), three Northern Rivers residents who advocate for local people affected by cancer attended Cancer Council New South Wales’ (CCNSW) campaign launch “Here for Change” for the upcoming State election, at Parramatta.
Monica Wilcox and Nerida Dean, CCNSW’s Ballina and Tweed electorates MP Liaisons respectively and Ballina Cancer Advocacy Network’s Maureen Fletcher attended the launch to add the regional perspective. Maureen had advocated at the 2021 Regional, Rural and Remote Health Enquiry for equality of support for people during and after cancer diagnosis especially outside the large metropolitan areas. Then the enquiry went on to verify extensive unfair differences in health outcomes across NSW, including cancer.
These inequities and the fact that one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime drove CCNSW’s election priorities:
1) Increase investment in cancer prevention; 2) Improve detection and diagnosis of bowel cancer; 3) Introduce the highest standard of care for everyone with cancer and 4) Support people to live well during and after a cancer diagnosis so they can have a higher quality of life.
Monica elaborated “Northern Rivers is the second fastest growing region in NSW, adjacent the SE Qld metropolis and our specialist health care centre and yet we struggle with classic regional issues such as limited transport options. We are asking for change that ensures no matter who they are and where they live, people have equitable access to cancer prevention and treatment.”
Professor Sarah Hoskings, CCNSW CEO said “Here in New South Wales, we have some of the best health and cancer care and support but for many, there are still barriers to accessing timely and quality care and support. We must do more to improve outcomes, for everyone.”
You can pledge your support for people affected by cancer by signing Cancer Council’s Petition www.canact.com.au/ hereforchange
See www.bom.gov.au/australia/warnings
Northern Rivers District:
Mostly sunny. The chance of morning fog. Slight chance of a shower in the afternoon and evening. The chance of a storm in the afternoon and evening. Light winds.
Thursday. Mostly sunny. The chance of morning fog inland. Light winds.
Northern Tablelands District:
Mostly sunny. The chance of morning fog on and east of the ranges. Slight chance of a shower. The chance of a storm on and east of the ranges in the afternoon and evening. Light winds becoming westerly 15 to 20 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the evening.
Thursday. Sunny. The chance of morning fog on and east of the ranges. Light winds becoming west to southwesterly 15 to 20 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the evening.
New South Wales:
The chance of a shower or storm in the northeast, possibly severe. Fine and mostly sunny elsewhere. Hot in the west. Daytime temperatures above average, particularly in the west. West to northwesterly winds across the southern inland, tending northeast to southeasterly along the coast, and light and variable winds elsewhere.
Thursday. Hot and dry. Lengthy sunny period. Windy in the south. Daytime temperatures well above average in many parts, particularly in the east. Northwest to southwesterly winds, fresh across the south, strong at times over elevated parts in the southeast. Coastal southerly change moving across the southern half of the coast during the day.
Byron Coast:
Winds: South to southwesterly 10 to 15 knots becoming variable about 10 knots during the day. Seas: Around 1 metre. Swell: Southerly 1 to 1.5 metres inshore, increasing to 1.5 to 2 metres offshore. Weather: Mostly sunny day. The chance of a storm in the afternoon and evening.
Coffs Coast:
Winds: Southwesterly 10 to 15 knots becoming variable about 10 knots during the day. Seas: Around 1 metre. Swell: South to southeasterly 1.5 to 2 metres, decreasing to 1.5 metres during the evening. Weather: Mostly sunny morning. The chance of a storm in the afternoon and evening.
Gold Coast Waters:
Winds: South to southeasterly below 10 knots becoming east to northeasterly during the day. Seas: Below 1 metre. Swell: Southerly around 1 metre inshore, increasing to 1.5 to 2 metres offshore. Weather: Mostly sunny.
Ballina Mahjong
10TH MARCH 2023
Gail McDonagh 1, Jan Small
2, Coral Lavelle 3, Shirley Coleman 4,Lorna Simpson
5, Ronda Taylor 6, Janene
Jarvis 7, Jeanette Henwood
8, Sally Lowry 9, Lesley
Richie, Lisa Wong 10, Susan
Allan 12, Wendy Thornton 13, Susan Scott 14, Diana Auret, Janene Bird, Kathy Pickles
15, Valda McLerie 18, Pam
Farrell, Yvonne Weddup 19, Shirley Atkinson 21, Barbara
Ellan, Shirley Henry 22, June
Greenaway 24, Robyn McRae
25, Jenny Lang 26, Jan Henley
27, Cindy Smith 28
Mahjong is played on Friday at 12:30pm at the Ballina Bridge Club North Creek Road.
Enquiries for new players phone Vanessa on 66874181.
Casino Social Golf Results
The winner last Sunday was Gary Skennar with 27 stableford points from Garry Randal with 26. The putting trophy went to P.Piccoli with 15 putts and D.Roberts won the players draw. Nearest to pins: 8th, 9th, 13th & 14th, C.Hatfeld. 10th, J.Rankin.11th & 12th, T.Jenkins.15th, P.Piccoli. 16th, M.Rankin. 18th, B.Yates. Next Sunday’s Event sponsored by The Barn Clydesdale motel is yet to be decided and visitors are welcome to play with hit off from 6-30am till 7-30am.
CASINO WOMENS BOWLS RESULTS back: R. Skirrey, J. Creighton & H . Lavelle def R. skirrey, D. Grice & M. Hellyar
Other rink winners were:
J. Carthew, N. Moran & M. Mead def C. Doyle, J. Cooke & A. James Kerry, D. Skinner & K. Jonsson def T. Maxwell, J. Dwyer & I. Watson Come & join us in this great sport, ladies play on Wed & Fri mornings from 9am to 1pm at the Casino RSM Club.
P.Waters 15 d L.Hardy 3
D.Scott 16 d G.Drew 10 RICOCHET CROQUET :
J.Hannigan R.Chapman 12 d
B.Wellings D.Scott 9
N.Watts 10 d N.Barnes
N.Poynting 9 R.Allen P.Doyle 11 d P.Scott
J.Doust C.Edlund 11 d
P.Waters B.Waters 10.
O.B.E Club Golf Croquet Championship Final.
N.Watts J. Doust 7 d
J.Saunders B.Wellings 4. TWILIGHT CROQUET :
D.Jones C.Edlund 5 d
M.Russell C.Woodlands 4
L.Hudson L.Wesley 4 d C.Gale
N.Alfonso 4 J.Saunders 5 d F.Duncan 2
J.Huxley L.Whiteman 6 d
M.Rennie 5
M.Russell 7 d J.Saunders
N.Alfonso 2
L.Wesley 4 d C.Woodlands 4
C.Gale 7 d J.Hamilton
C.Edlund 5
L.Hudson J.Saunders 5 d
D.Jones J.Hamilton 4
C.Edlund F.Duncan 3 d
L.Whiteman N.Alfonso 3.
PENNANTS: Byron Bay 4 d Casino 2 Cherry Street 3 d Alstonville 3
TOURNAMENTS : Margaret Mitchell Memorial Association Handicap Doubles Championships Murwillumbah
1.D.Turner / M.Campbell,
2. M.Gidding / R.Hughes,
3. L.Turner / J.Hughes,
4.G.Clarke / L.Parker, 5.
A good feld played the single stableford Thursday winner T Duff, 2nd T Patch, 3rd R Gacioppa, free game J Nilsson, chicken/ ball winners M Fairfull, M Bruggy, B Collyer, S Dawson, B Waterson, E Reddell, J Savins, D Vagne, R Rodda, S Smith, S Toms, T Beemster. Nearest pins 3rd/12th R Rodda, 6th/15th J Sauer.
This Thursday will be another 18 hole single stableford evfent commencing with a shot gun start at 8.30am don,t be late. as usual till then good golfng Max
J. Burbridge, J. Carral & E. Schumacher
Runners Up from Casino Womens recent Gala Day
Wednesday 7/3 Results
Winners for the day had a very close game & won on a count
W.McFie / G.Porter, 6. E.Frater / P.Raphael.
Norma Watts, Joan Doust, Barbara Wellings, Joan Saunders.
O.B.E Club Championship Winners & Runners Up. CORAKI VETERANS
Our Club Fours Championship 2023. Semi-Finals played 08-0323 - B. Cameron, L. Vidler, B. Montague, V. Hart defeated M. Gibson, G. Marczan, M. Carey, T. Cselka. S. Rose (Sub), I. Bale, K. Townsend, P. Freeman defeated J. Fernance, A. Viney, E. Gollan, K. Robson. Final to be played 15-03-23