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Fishers in south-western NSW are gearing up for the annual opening of the Murray Crayfsh season on Thursday 1 June.
NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Deputy Director General Fisheries, Sean Sloan said the popular freshwater crustacean is mainly found in the Murray and Murrumbidgee rivers and their tributaries in south-western NSW.
“Murray Crayfsh may only be taken during the months of June, July and August in the Murray River between Hume Weir and the Newell Highway road bridge at Tocumwal including Lake Mulwala and in the Murrumbidgee River between the Hume Highway road bridge, Gundagai and Berembed Weir, excluding Old Man Creek,” Mr. Sloan said.
“A number of rules are in place to protect this vulnerable species and assist with its recovery.
“It’s a highly anticipated time when the Murray Crayfsh season opens on 1 June for the winter months, and we want to ensure fshers can enjoy the season while abiding by the rules to make sure we can sustain this species for future generations.”
Mr Sloan said Fisheries Offcers will be patrolling our waterways ensuring water users are following the rules and abiding by the bag and possession limits.
“Recreational fshers can use up to a total of fve hoop/lift nets or open pyramid lift nets or combination of these nets per person to take Murray Crayfsh where permitted. The letters “HN” or “PN” and the user’s name, year of birth and postcode must be visibly written on each net’s foat,” Mr Sloan said.
“The daily bag limit for Murray Crayfsh is two and the possession limit is four per person, the minimum size limit for Murray Crayfsh, measured from the rear of the eye socket to the centre rear of the carapace, is 10cm and the maximum size limit is 12cm.
“Recreational fshers are also reminded they must not take ‘berried’ females, remove or possess the heads, tails or claws of crayfsh in,