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Boatharbour Landcare4lifestylers

Council’s Environmental Strategies staff participated in the Landcare4Lifestylers event, which took place on 20 May at a private property in Boatharbour. This event was specifically tailored for smaller acreage landholders who sought support in community connections, grant opportunities and regeneration strategies focused on wildlife habitat.

The venue, a formerly overcleaned parcel of land, has undergone a remarkable transformation through reforestation efforts.

Now, a flourishing 12-year-old forest, it stands as a testament to the power of restoration.

speakers representing the region. One particularly noteworthy topic centred around growing food in our backyards, inspiring attendees to explore sustainable food production methods within their own properties. Additionally, there was a special focus on native bee habitats, with informative displays and practical tips to create an environment that supports these vital pollinators.

Landcare4Lifestylers proved to be an invaluable platform for landholders to connect with like-minded individuals and learn effective strategies for regenerating their land for the benefit of wildlife habitat.

general manager Ray Smith on a submission to be put to Mr Dib and other ministers including the NSW Minister for Women, Jodie Harrison.

Cr Tiley spoke against the motion and did not want Mr Smith’s role promoted because his involvement had been private until now.

“I’ve been making something happen here on this matter for months,” he said.

“I’ve been talking to all manner of people politicians at all levels, the minister and others.

Cr Tiley said he had worked with Mrs Adams when she was mayor in Grafton and he had the same role in Maclean and she had been his that. He’s currently doing it as a private individual, but I’m more than happy to include a submission to Minister Jihad, as well as the Minister for Transport and the Minister for Women.

“And that’s well advanced and I don’t think that it needs a further resolution from this council to tell your mayor how he is to do this.”

Cr Tiley was concerned Mr Smith might be embarrassed if his involvement was publicised.

“It’s been in train for a long time and what was said last Friday was for the information of councillors,” he said.

“Cr Toms, today, has

2. Write to the NSW Surveyor-General (Chair) Ms Narelle Underwood and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, The Hon. Jihad DIB, MP to conduct the review.

3. To advise the Minister that there are no houses or infrastructure on the section of road named Shirley Way, that could cause confusion (or delay) for Emergency Services, if it was named “Shirley Adams Way”.

4. Seek approval from the Minister to have “Shirley Way” renamed “Shirley Adams Way” as resolved unanimously by Council (resolution 07.20.013) September 2020 and supported by the broader community.

Guests were guided through the forest by Jesse Vandenbosch from Big Scrub Bush Regeneration. Jesse shared the site’s history and provided valuable insights and strategies for those interested in embarking on their own bush regeneration projects.

The event also featured engaging talks from various

Thank you to the organisers, speakers and all those involved in making Landcare4Lifestylers a successful event. For more information, reach out to Boatharbour Landcare at boatharbourlandcare@ gmail.com or for other areas, visit Richmond Landcare to connect to your local group.

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