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Cattle numbers were consistent with 932 head yarded with the market frm to a shade dearer for some descriptions. The market for the lighter trade and the cows showing the most improvement, whilst the other categories were frmly supported by the restockers and feed on buyers. Processors are still flling their orders as long as the stock suits their demands.
Vealer steers av 311.6c/kg topping at 356.2c/kg or $720.29 to $946.90
Vealer heifers av 225.6c/kg topping at 322.2c/kg or $505.14 to $998.82
Feeder steers av 326c/kg topping at 365.2c/kg or $1174.53 to $1527.36
Feeder heifers av 250.4c/kg topping at 290.2c/kg or $840.94 to $1499.61
Yearling steers av 326.3c/kg topping at 370.2c/kg or $1065.63 to $1429.17
Yearling heifers av 247c/kg topping at 310c/kg or $790.40 to $1613.92
Steers av 279.7c/kg topping at 323.2c/kg or $1622.83 to $2349.34
Heifers av 258.7c/kg topping at 270c/kg or $1394.25 to $1908.20
Manufacturing steers av 223.2c/kg to return $870.48.
Cows av 216.8c/kg topping at 245.2c/kg or $1255.59 to $1910.66
Bulls av 261.6c/kg topping at 300c/kg or $1534.67 to
Sheep and Lamb numbers were back with 1379 head meeting the market, with the prices stable for most descriptions. The bulk of the stock yarded was in the lamb categories with some good runs available. Mutton saw a few better types
Lambs topped at $122 to av $78.61 ($2up)
Hoggets topped at $100 to av $47.81($19 down)
Ewes topped at $100 to av $38.14($12 down)
Wethers topped at $100 to av $51.57($11up)
Rams topped at $100 to av $76($14up)
Lamb Rams topped at $75 to av $48.92($5down)
Ewe lambs topped at $0 to av $0 ($0)
Sale total averaged $67.28 a fall of $3/head week on week.
Sows sold from $80 to$110, Boars from $80 to $110, stores from $40 to $170
Ducks sold to $32.50, Ducks trio to $17.50, trio to $35, Turkey stags to $17.50, Turkey hens to $30, Hens to $17.50, Roosters to $15
Written By: Ross Ellis
Agents today yarded 1379 head for the weekly sale 75% being lambs/hoggets with the remainder mutton, with some good lines of ewes and a run of fne wool wethers. The market remained frm for the lambs, cheaper for hoggets and ewes , stronger for wethers and rams , slightly down on a limited number of lamb rams. Lambs topped at $122 to average $78.61($2 up), hoggets topped at $100 to average $47.81($19 down), Ewes topped at $100 to average $38.14($12 down), Wethers topped at $100 to average $51.57($11 up), Rams topped at $100 to average $76($14 up), Lamb rams topped at $75 to average $48.92 ($5 down). The total yarding of 1379 head averaged $67.28 a drop of $3/head week on week.
Warwick State High School sold Texel lambs 54kg to restockers for $118
Gradenfoe Past Co sold Dorset x lambs 45.6kg to GR Prime for $103
Bazley Family sold Suffolk x lambs 56kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $105, Ewes to Take IT Easy Meats for $100, rams to restockers for $100
Nioa Past Co sold Dorper lambs 57.8kg to Thomas Foods for $108
Arolla Past Co sold Australian White lambs 54.2kg to Thomas Foods for $104, 53kg to Eversons for $100, 52.8kg to GR Prime for $109, 46.2kg to Leslie Lamb for $95, Ram lambs 54kg to Self Meats for $75
Alaringa Rural Enterprises sold Dorper lambs 56kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $108, 40kg to Highchester Meats for $66, ewe hoggets 65.6kg and 57kg to Eversons for $60.50, 4th ewes to restockers for $60, ewes to Thomas Foods for $55 and Eversons for $41.50
Kim Nielsen sold 1stx ewes shorn to Thomas Foods for $60
Martin Roberts sold Dorper x lambs 53kg to restockers for $100, 51kg to Warwick Meats for $92, 43.3kg to Warwick Meats for $65
Robert Deans sold Dorper lambs 42kg to Grants Quality Meats for $90
Mick & Katrina Gibbs sold Dorper lambs 44.7kg to Leslie Lamb for $99, 40kg to Luck Meats for $110, ram lambs and hoggets 51.5kg to Self Meats for $66, Rams to Self Meats for $68