The Northern Rivers Times
October 19, 2023
FIND A TREASURE: Second Hand Saturday hosts hundreds of garage sale events, where old collectible items including Vinyl records (pictured) have been sold in the past
By Sarah Waters A region-wide celebration to promote re-use over landfill is back with Second Hand Saturday kicking off again on November 4. Jointly hosted by Northern Rivers councils, North East Waste and NSW Environment Protection Authority, Second Hand Saturday hosts hundreds of garage sales across the region. Last year, more than 625 garage sales were held across Ballina, Byron, Clarence Valley, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley and the Tweed. Residents have until Wednesday, October 25, to register their garage sale and have it featured in the list of Second Hand Saturday events. Council’s Resource Recovery Education Officer Yvette van Amstel said garage sales were an important part of the circular economy
and encouraged the community to take part if they had any unwanted items lying about. “Over the past few years, Second Hand Saturday has saved literally thousands of second-hand items from heading to landfill,” Ms van Amstel said. “Instead, these items become someone else’s treasure, which is what the circular economy is all about. “Selling pre-loved goods and buying second-hand is a great way to earn or save some extra cash, keep items circulating within our community and reduce our impact on the environment.” North East Waste representative Linda Tohver said last year’s Second Hand Saturday event was immensely popular. “This will be the fifteenth Second Hand Saturday event hosted by NE Waste since 2005,”
Ms Tohver said. “In that time, we’ve seen all sorts of garage sale events - joint-street garage sales with neighbours, fundraisers for community groups and charitable causes, swap sales and ‘pay what you think it’s worth’ sales. “Second Hand Saturday is free to join, easy to register and gives buyers and sellers an opportunity to help reuse and recycle.” To register your garage sale for free, head to www. secondhandsaturday. before Wednesday, October 25 to ensure your event is listed in local newspapers and on the Second Hand Saturday website, Facebook page and mobile app. For more information visit www. secondhandsaturday. For any assistance phone Yvette van Amstel on 02 6670 2694.
Local woman wins $20,000 on favourite TV show By Samantha Elley Goonellabah woman Angie Woods is a big fan of the Channel 9 programme Who Wants to be a Millionaire. “I’d been wanting to go on it for years,” she said. “And I would watch it for years and my hubby would yell out ‘Love, your boyfriend’s on’.” Despite repeated attempts applying, nothing happened. “Two years ago…I applied and all of a sudden, I got an email and then six months after that, they said ‘We are going to video call you.’ “Then they said ‘Don’t call us, we will call you’. “I didn’t think anything more about it. “All of a sudden I got an email saying you’re successful.” Flights were booked, accommodation set and Angie and her daughter Kristy flew down to Melbourne. “My daughter paid for her own flights,” said Angie. “I’ve got four good friends in Melbourne. They all came to watch the recording of the show.” Angie had no dreams of winning big, she just wanted to have fun. This was the first thing she told Eddie during the Fastest Finger First round. Angie admitted to ‘her boyfriend’ that all the contestants had nicknamed themselves the RASCALS. “It’s the first initial of
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all our names,” she told him. “We are here for fun!” Angie explained she didn’t have any kind of plan to win the show. “I am not brainy,” she said. “There’s no such thing as strategy and it was just so much fun, and I’ve always loved Eddie and I finally got to meet (him).” Angie lost her husband in 2019 but when she went on the show some of his ashes were with her in a locket around her neck, which Eddie addressed. “Your wonderful husband of 21 years passed away in 2019 and you carry him around in a locket,” said Eddie. “Just for today, because he loved you as well,” Angie responded. He suggested she rub the locket for luck, and lucky it was. Angie walked away from the show with $20,000 after answering correctly the following question: ‘Which of these
singers is known as ‘The Godfather of Shock Rock’?’ A. Rob Zombie B. Alice Cooper C. Ozzy Osbourne D. Sid Vicious “At the end when I got that question, thank goodness they can edit…I knew it wasn’t Rob Zombie or Sid Vicious,” Angie said. “I thought it was Ossy Osbourne or Alice Cooper, I always bought his records back in the day. “I said ‘It might be Ossy Osbourne’ thinking out loud. “Eddie said ‘I can’t take might Angie, who are you going to pick’.” Then Angie remembered Alice Cooper’s shock tactics of biting heads off bats and she yelled out loud “S*&^, it’s Alice Cooper, s%^& I said s^&*!” Then Kristy was asked to come down to celebrate her mum’s win. Angie plans to spend her money travelling in Australia and do her Shirley Valentine tour.
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