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Exercise vigorously by lying on back stretching paws VERY high in the air. Get brushed etc. So, kinda same old routine but nothing came to mind that indicated me needing a visit to the Vet? e weather? IT IS very hot. Oooh, ‘Old Batsy’ Mum wants to get my luxurious glossy longish fur shaved to keep me cool? I tell you, this AIN’T gonna happen..my preference is to maintain my beguiling ‘cool’ long haired hippy-like winter growth look, (kinda like a YAK e ect) and rest in front of my fan as needed. But THEN, (oooh!) I heard Mum on the phone to the Vet.
“Yep, I still want earplugs for Leemo, but he’s missing. I’ll call you back.” EAR PLUGS?
She’s Lost the Plot & I’m most cross. A graceful spring from the top shelf and I was in front of her in seconds. ‘OK Mum, what’s the story? Well, OUT WITH IT!’ She did look startled at my Tarzan like smooth leap but patted me. ‘Leems, do you KNOW that older persons like me wake in the night to have a wee?’ (OMG, like I CARE?) ‘Well, I DO do this Leems; I tip-toe in my thick sox so not to wake you. But, you always wake up; when I tip-toe back THERE YOU ARE staring forlornly at your empty bowl like Tiny Tim in the snow. BUT, no more will I wake you; if you have earplugs I won’t wake you up at 2 a.m... you can sleep all night!
(Hmmm. Should I ‘fess up and confess I love 2am snackies? Nup, I’m an OLD & WISE cat so, for now, I’ll go climb a tree.) Nitey with schemy purrsies, Leemo
Six projects will share in $2.8 million under Round 1 of the Research and Innovation Grants component of the Regional Australia Level Crossing Safety Program (RALCSP).
Currently most level crossings in regional Australia are passively controlled with either Give Way or Stop signs, particularly where there is no reliable electricity source.
To address this, I’m pleased to announce the successful projects will trial a range of technologies including rumble strips and fashing posts, solar powered wireless technology and data monitoring.
One of the projects will also deliver research into improving how refective, bright and colourful signage is at level crossings as well as how to bolster the visibility of trains.
The results of the trials will be shared with the
National Level Crossing Safety Committee to inform ongoing activities under the National Level Crossing Safety Strategy.
The Research and Innovation Grants will deliver a total of $4.7 million over two rounds to support research and trials of low-cost, innovative level crossing safety technology and improvements.
It is a component of the $180.1 million RALCSP, which aims to improve level crossing safety in regional areas. To do this, the RALCSP is also providing funding to deliver infrastructure upgrades such as rumble strips or boom gates, improve data, and promote safe behaviours around level crossings.
I look forward to seeing these innovative grant projects get underway to deliver much-needed trials and research to advance level crossing safety in regional Australia.