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Plant protection guides out now for citrus and temperate fruit growers
Citrus and deciduous fruit growers across NSW continue to be supported through NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) latest plant protection guides, now available online.
The plant protection guides are developed by NSW DPI experts, sharing articles on current research and challenges to the industry, as well as up-to-date technical information on crop protection.
NSW DPI Citrus Development Offcer
Andrew Creek said the ffth edition Citrus plant protection guide provides up-to-date information on all aspects of managing pests and diseases in a citrus orchard.
“The guide covers updates on all of NSW DPI’s citrus projects, including citrus intensifcation, canopy
Public consultation is now open to help inform the next 4 years of investment under the Future Drought Fund (FDF).
The FDF is the Australian Government’s key investment to build drought resilience and provides $100 million each year to help farmers and regional communities prepare for the impacts of drought.
The Australian Government is seeking feedback on the draft Drought Resilience
Funding Plan and management, irrigation and rootstock selection, and climate vulnerability assessment; many of these projects are funded by Hort Innovation,” said Mr Creek.
Dr Dave Monks, Research Horticulturist said that the citrus tree crop intensifcation project (part of Hort Innovation’s National Tree Crop Intensifcation in Horticulture program) was one example of how NSW DPI’s research is contributing to developing robust information and tools to help growers improve production decisions.
“We are changing citrus tree canopies with strategies including trellis production, planting densities and pruning to understand their effect on the relationships between fruit density, canopy volume and saleable fruit,” Dr Monks said.
NSW DPI Temperate Fruits Development
Offcer Kevin Dodds said the Orchard plant protection guide provides updates on projects and continues to support orchardists through key pest and disease decisions.
“The guide is a respected and valuable reference for temperate fruit industries within NSW, with this edition including articles on protected cropping in cherries, apple scab management, and water and crop management strategies for temperate fruit orchards when water is limiting,” said Mr Dodds.
“As we enter a period of El Niño these water management strategies
Consultation now open for future drought funding
changes,” Ms Farrant said.
“It’s important that the work we do to prepare for future droughts is informed by engagement with those at the forefront of impacts caused by drought and climate change.
will become increasingly relevant to optimise water usage and reduce wastage, through planning, monitoring and prioritising management decisions.”
The Orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits in NSW is available online at scan the QR Code
Investment Strategy for 2024-2028. This will help inform new FDF programs from 2024. These documents were informed by stakeholder feedback to date as well as the recent Productivity Commission’s Inquiry Report into the effectiveness of the FDF.
Assistant Secretary of the Future Drought Fund, Kim Farrant said drought is an enduring part of the Australian landscape and woven into our stories of living life on the land.
“Preparedness is becoming even more important as our climate
“The public consultation process will ensure everyone has an opportunity to put their views forward on how best to help Australian farmers and regional communities build resilience and prepare future climate risks.
The Citrus plant protection guide 2023-24 is available online scan the QR Code
“I encourage stakeholders to get involved to ensure we have the priorities right for drought resilience funding going forward.”
Feedback will be sought through the department’s ‘Have Your Say’ platform and public face-to-face events to be held across Australia.
The consultation process opens on 20 October and closes on 6 December 2023. Submit feedback via: https://haveyoursay. agriculture.gov.au/futuredrought-fund