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Hero student saves classmates on bus
By Samantha Elley
It could have been a scene from Speed, the 1990s Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock classic about a runaway bus with a bomb on it.
On Wednesday, November 22 a school bus was parked at Casino High School, at the end of a normal school day.
There was no one in the driver’s seat when suddenly the large
However, in this story there are no Hollywood stars, Los Angeles streets or a bomb, but there is 14 year old Casino High School student vehicle started to roll.
Izzy Miller and her very brave action as she dived behind the wheel of a huge bus to save her classmates.
“I was on the bus, not my bus, I was talking to my friends on there,”
Izzy said to Channel Nine’s Today.
“And the bus driver gets out of the bus and the bus starts moving.
“It started going towards the shop across the road and it was heading straight where the petrol tanks were.
“Everyone was freaking out…I ran up the front of the bus and steered it away from getting hit.”
Izzy effectively saved the lives of her 20 school mates who were on the bus, as well as a couple of customers at the North
Casino Mini Mart filling their cars with petrol, oncoming cars and a couple of pedestrians.
Owner of the mini mart, Erin Witton said it could have ended catastrophically and made sure she thanked Izzy for her brave act by awarding her a certificate and $100.
“I was able to show my personal appreciation to Izzy and her family for her selfless and quick thinking act of courage and bravery,” she said.
“I truly believe Kevin Hogan (Federal MP) needs to jump on this and get this girl a welldeserved community bravery award.
“All the team at North Casino Mini Mart are in debt and just super thankful to this beautiful young lady.”
Izzy’s story has gone viral to numerous national media outlets and the story has even made international news, with an article in the New York Post.