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Murray Cod Fishing Season Opens - Friday, 1 December
Christmas has come early for Murray Cod anglers, as the season opens on Friday 1 December 2023, following the annual three-month breeding closure.
NSW Department of Primary Industries
(DPI) Deputy Director General Fisheries Sean Sloan said, Murray Cod are Australia’s largest freshwater fsh and an icon of our inland waterways, so there is no doubt that many anglers will be excited about the new fshing season opening this Friday.
“Now that the Murray Cod have completed their breeding over the three-month fshing closure, we’re expecting plenty of anglers to enjoy spending some time fshing for this iconic native species,” Mr Sloan said.
“Record numbers of Murray Cod produced and stocked during the 2022/23 season has helped bolster populations in NSW lakes and rivers after years of drought, bushfres and foods.
“More than 1.28 million Murray Cod were stocked into waterways across inland NSW during the 2022/23 stocking season.
“This amazing achievement by our fagship Narrandera native fsh hatchery is only the beginning, with solid numbers of juvenile Murray Cod currently in the hatchery pointing to a bumper year of production and stocking set to commence for the new season from 30 November.”
With the Murray Cod season commencing this Friday, and a big summer of fshing expected, NSW DPI Fisheries Offcers will be out on the water to ensure that recreational fshers adhere to the bag and size limits along with all other fshing rules that apply.
“Fisheries Offcers patrolling during the annual three-month closure have said that anglers have respected the closure during this period,” Mr Sloan said.
“Now that the season is underway again for another year, we ask all fshers to continue doing the right thing to ensure we protect, conserve and improve our fsheries resources for future generations.
“A daily bag limit of two Murray Cod per person and a total possession limit of four applies when fshing in any inland waters.
“Fishers are required to release Murray Cod which are smaller than 55cm, or bigger than 75cm, with the least possible harm.
“I encourage the public to report suspected illegal fshing to the Fishers Watch Phoneline on 1800 043 536 or via the online form located on NSW DPI Fisheries website.”
The NSW Recreational Fishing Freshwater Fishing Guide is available on the DPI website from NSW DPI offces and most places where NSW recreational fshing licenses are sold.
Production of native fsh for stocking at the Narrandera facility is supported with funding from NSW DPI and the Recreational Fishing Trusts.