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We must spotlight these features to attract tourism and new residents, thereby fostering a thriving local economy.
- Affordable Housing & Cost of Living
As a Councillor, my aim is to advocate for the development of affordable housing.
This means supporting initiatives that encourage the construction of new, affordable residential units and ensuring that existing housing plans continue to move forward.
This could include exploring options such as mixed-income housing developments, incentivizing developers through zoning changes, and leveraging state and federal funding for affordable housing projects.
- Transparency
As a Councillor, my commitment to transparency will be unwavering.
By implementing clear communication, fostering public engagement, making information accessible, practicing proactive disclosure, building a culture of openness, establishing feedback mechanisms, and upholding ethical standards, I aim to build trust and accountability between the council and the community.
Whether my perspectives are agreeable or not, I am dedicated to being open and transparent in all my dealings.
Cristie Yager
history of farming, trucking, and community involvement, I’m not a typical politician, but a parent, ratepayer, and business owner who understands the cost-ofliving crisis.
I am the founder of a local community group called Clarence Valley Garden Exchange, I am involved with CWA, an SES member and hold the public relations position within the Grafton Toastmasters branch.
My eldest daughter has assumed a management role in my South Grafton based business, allowing me to dedicate this year to learning about local government.
I’ve read an incredible amount of complicated and boring documents, every business paper and attended every council meeting.
I have chosen a grassroots approach to building my profle, preferring to meet people in person and attend local events. I have a strong work ethic, a growth mindset, I am determined to make a difference and happy to work hard to do so.
We need change and common sense sitting at the table.
I’m standing up as a candidate to be a strong local voice, advocating for our people.
Hello, my name is Cristie Yager, I will be 40 just after the September election and I’m a proud descendant of Clarence Valley pioneers.
I’m ffth generation to Ulmarra, born in Coffs Harbour and raised in South Grafton. With a long family
My values include selfsuffciency, traditional skills, and frugal living.
My focus is on ensuring a safe, affordable and happy future for our kids and grandkids.
Should I be elected, I plan to hold myself and others to a higher standard of authentic, accountable and honest leadership, with communication a key priority.
I aim to:
- Encourage sensible spending and saving
- Promote clear communication and honesty
- Rebuild community spirit and resilience
- Preserve our Valley’s biodiversity
- Advocate for our villages
I believe in putting community before corporations and people before profts.
It would be my pleasure to connect with you.
Find me on Facebook via my candidate page: Cristie Yager Clarence Valley Candidate 2024 this is where I take questions, share information, and let you know where I will be so we can meet in person.
James Allan we bought a second cafe and put down roots here. In 2020 I was named president of the Yamba Chamber of Commerce and spent three years in the role.
A genuine care for my community and enthusiasm for small business made my role both enjoyable and rewarding as I strove to improve business experience in my town. My time with the chamber also involved many dealings and close collaboration with the Clarence Valley Council, thus I have an acute understanding of how business relations with council can be improved.
In 2022 I was married in Yamba and recently my wife and I have had a beautiful baby girl, who will grow up in the Clarence Valley. Owning and operating two cafes has taught me a lot about business and all the challenges that go along with it.
I believe small business is the lifeblood of our valley and council must improve in many aspects of their relationship with small business.
Melissa Hellwig
My name is James Allan, I am 35 years old and have lived in Yamba for six years. Before moving to Yamba I lived in Brisbane and am originally from Inverell. I moved to Yamba when I, along with my brother, sister, mum and dad, bought Caperberry Cafe. We loved Yamba and the wider Clarence Valley so much that two years ago
By Samantha Elley
It was a very long process at the ballot draw last Thursday.
This is where the NSW Electoral Commission draws the candidates for the local elections out of a ‘magic’ bag to fnd out what order they will be placed on the ballot.
I say ‘magic’ because we were given a look inside the bag, to show it was empty before the various little containers with the names of candidates was put in it, to then be drawn out.
There was no false bottom in the bag either.
Two hours later all candidates for the Clarence and Richmond Valley local elections had been drawn and