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CVC Candidates make their fnal pitch to voters
The Northern Rivers Times has asked each candidate for Clarence Valley Council to make a fnal pitch to votes ahead of Saturday’s poll.
They’ve also been asked to provide how to vote information to give voters an idea of the shape of the council they would like to work in.
Andrew Baker
When frst elected to council in 2012 my outlook was quite simple. I wanted a better standard of governance and the governing body to focus on fundamentals - such as; fnancial restraint, the roads, water supply and sewer systems, food mitigation infrastructure, rubbish and the effcient handling of development and building applications.
Once elected; councillors were soon informed the previous two terms of council had simply borrowed – some $30 million – to cover spending every year in excess of income.
A bigger shock was to come soon enough when a state government audit revealed council was not Fit for the Future and required drastic action.
By the end of my second term on council in 2021 after nine-plus years, many tough decisions, cutbacks, a Special Rate Variation (increase) about half that originally proposed, council was assessed Fit for the Future.
That delivered this latest term of council a fnancially strong organisation with debt down to safe working levels and capacity to increase debt if necessary.
Having had those previous two terms as councillor until almost three years ago and having watched this recent term with great interest, I think I can offer much more yet as a councillor.
Des Schroder
A vote for me is a vote for experience. I’ve held executive director positions for more than 20 years at both state and local government level; the last 14 as a director at this council attending more than 300 council meetings before retiring three years ago.
Council is a huge diverse business of enormous complexity spending more than $150 million dollars a year, employing more than 500 staff, where you want to know you have put it in good hands.
I know our communities backwards every village, town and our city. I have cried with many of you in our villages as we recovered from the terrible fres in 2019, and the foods too, and I know how important safe roads are to all of us.
I have consulted with you, designed services and provided major infrastructure upgrades.
I have a strong relationship with the Aboriginal community and I pledge my ongoing support.
I don’t just watch I participate in our communities contributing more than
500 volunteer hours a year. I am vice president for the Jacaranda committee and a big supporter of our youth, I’m on the Country University and the CVAS Boards. In council I facilitated bringing Headspace and the PCYC to us.
My policies are simple I want to see a cohesive inclusive united council supporting all our communities; delivering services cost effectively with high staff morale; providing affordable and social housing; supporting our amazing youth and a strong cultural sector.
I understand the cost of living pressures on all of us and the importance of keeping costs down, and supporting a thriving small business sector.
Vote 1 - three up from bottom of the ballot for Des Schroder for Experience.
Justin James
It is no secret that one of my main focus points will be the Valley’s Small business and economy, promoting new business ventures in the Clarence Valley and to simplify business operations for those already established here. Our region boasts numerous exceptional attributes that are under utilised. We must spotlight these features to attract tourism and new residents, thereby fostering a thriving local economy.
It is however important to note that if elected, my commitment to transparency will be unwavering.
By implementing clear communication, fostering public engagement, making information accessible, practicing proactive disclosure, building a culture of openness, establishing feedback mechanisms, and upholding ethical standards, I aim to build trust and accountability between the council and the community.
Whether my perspectives are agreeable or not, I am dedicated to being open and transparent in all my dealings.
Lynne Cairns
My husband, Bob, and I lived in Grafton for 20 years and retired to Yamba 11 years ago.
With Bob’s engineering background in the Valley’s food mitigation and highway upgrades, along with my broad experience encompassing infrastructure, planning and natural resources, compliance, information technology, and aged care and welfare services, I’m well equipped to undertake responsibilities as a councillor.
I have advocated for people across the Clarence Valley, listening, engaging, and caring for our community.
People have sought my assistance, with formulating reports and letters.
I am strong, resilient, honest and open and possess good coping skills.
My key aims include improving community consultation, ensuring sustainable development and affordable housing in appropriate locations, responsible spending of ratepayers’ money, opposing special rate variations and lobbying for improved health services.
I will promote a healthy environment including opposition to all mining in the Valley and protection of our waterways and am against detrimental impacts on residents’ lives and livelihoods.
A high priority for me is to rebuild confdence and trust in our council, working collaboratively as a team, in the best interest of the community.
My preferences are 1. Lynne CAIRNS, 2. Cristie YAGER, 3. Melissa HELLWIG 4. Greg CLANCY and 5. Ray SMITH. https://www.facebook. com/LynneCairnsCVC/
Ray Smith
With more than 50 years of local government experience and a wealth of knowledge on local government legislation, regulations and procedures, combined with my continuing strong desire to serve my community, evidenced by my membership of Rotary over the past 30 years, I believe that I would be an effective councillor and, in a position, to contribute in a positive way to the future of the Clarence Valley.
My focus is on the future with a strong emphasis on achieving the objectives identifed in the Community Strategic Plan - The Clarence 2032 in the areas of Environment, Leadership, Infrastructure, Society and Economy. I have not shown preferences on my How to Vote card because I do not want to create a perception within the community that I have any pre-conceived alliances.
If elected I will work with the other eight councillors in a cohesive and collaborative manner.
The only promise I can make is that I will do my best on behalf of the Clarence Valley community and I will strive to reinstall faith and confdence in the council by being honest, open, transparent and accountable.
VOTE 1 Ray Smith.
Cristie Yager
I’ve run my campaign backwards. I let you get to know me; So, you knew who you’d be electing.
It has taken me eight months to participate, observe, listen and learn, fguring out what WE all need moving forward as a community.
Should I be elected I am going to ask my fellow councillors to.
• recognise the costof-living crisis, make decisions accordingly.
• support reintroducing community hall meetings, address community in person to discuss contentious and large projects.
• support in transforming dropin sessions into presentations followed by questions.
• support visiting contentious developments to see and experience, in person.
• request information put out to the community be simplifed.
• value fairness in the distribution of services and infrastructure maintenance across our entire LGA.
• help me hold council staff to a higher standard of accountability.
• make items of interest known to the community members of which proposals directly effect.
• support me in regaining the trust of our community.
• help bring back community spirit.
• consider the impacts their choices have on our environment.
• support acting on behalf of our community not our council.
• put community before corporations.
• people before profts. This is our Valley, this is our council, we must improve.
So please, vote 1 Yager.
Peter Johnstone
I am an experienced councillor with a year’s experience as Mayor.
My attention to detail, respect for others and intelligent contribution to debate has been observed directly by many in the community and can be seen by anyone on the recordings of meetings.
As a leader, I show compassion, kindness and empathy to others, and seek to develop and celebrate the strengths of others.
I am a keen participator in the community. An RFS frefghter who has fought fres in almost every part of the Clarence Valley and a continued next page committee member of a sporting club.
As a councillor I attended all the councillor visits to the smaller communities in the valley and as Mayor I attended every community event I was invited to - unless already committed to another event elsewhere.
As Mayor I have represented the Clarence Valley to state and federal politicians and agencies and formed excellent working relationships with the Mayors of neighbouring LGAs.
However, I have only just started and with more time I could do so much more.
Please give me your number 1 vote to ensure that I continue as a councillor.
If you are a future councillor, please vote for me as Mayor.
Debrah Novak
We should elect nine people who represent and embody the diversity and values of our unique Clarence Valley, from the coast to our hinterland.
As we navigate changes beyond our making, we need leaders who respect our past, are prepared and fexible for the future, and who are committed to listening and learning from our community to ensure everyone feels heard.
When elected, councillors pledge to uphold the Local Government Act, follow regulations and statutory requirements, complete mandatory training, and adhere to a strict code of conduct.
This professional framework supports our local democracy, enabling constructive debate, informed discussions, and the opportunity to guide the community through important policies and council decisions.
Importantly, electing councillors is not the end of your involvement. Local government operates as a ‘participatory’ democracy, unlike state and federal levels. You the people are our eyes and ears, and your voice is essential to shaping decisions, and ongoing input from residents is vital for addressing the issues that matter to you and our community.
I encourage everyone to remain engaged and continue sharing their perspectives on the future of our community whatever the outcome of this election.
I have not done:
• a ‘How to Vote Card’
• any deals to be elected
• any posters or t-shirts
Amanda Brien
I am standing for election to Clarence Valley Council because I believe in a connected and supported community.
I believe in approaching decisions with a focus on core values:
• reducing social isolation to support a safe, well and healthy community
• strengthening our local economy to support wellbeing
• strengthening planning for natural disaster risk to protect our community
• balancing economy and environment.
I have committed my life to the service of youth and families through education. Through my work in state government infuencing what education looks like for NSW kids and teachers, I have an understanding of what it means to listen and refect our different needs in the decisions our council makes for our community.
I bring perspectives beyond the Clarence Valley to help address issues with new ideas. I represent that authentic difference our community says they need.
If this resonates with you, when you vote, go to the last name on the list on the ballot paper and place the number “1” in the square next to “BRIEN Amanda”. Then place the numbers “2”, “3”, “4”, “5” next to 4 other names to make your vote count.
Greg Clancy I would ask for your number one vote on September 14 to allow me to continue my work on council in protecting the area’s unique natural values and in supporting the community.
I have achieved many things in my eight years on council despite often being a lone voice.
I was able to get a Biodiversity Advisory Committee established as was the inaugural chair.
I also chaired the Community Climate Change Committee and the Coast and Estuary Committee. I was deputy mayor and am a member of the Northern Region Planning Panel.
I had my notice of motion to divest from banks that support fossil fuels approved.
I lobbied for ending development on foodplains and supported a Biodiversity Committee motion to lobby the state government to transition from native forest logging to plantations. The logging motion was lost with me being the only councillor supporting it, but it raised the issue publicly and it will eventually happen.
I have responded to numerous emails and ‘phone calls from members of the community and will continue to be the voice of local people on council.
I have taken a strong stand on many issues and am not a ‘rubber stamp’ with respect to council decisions.
James Allan continued page 12 continued from previous page councillors to fnd ways to increase infll so there can be more affordable housing options. Affordable housing is a complex issue which council needs to investigate. choose to stand alone and who are authentic.
I have always been a leader, from sport to business and now as a member of my community who, through genuine care and a sense of civic duty, has spent years working toward an improved business landscape with the Yamba chamber of commerce.
I believe that the people of the Clarence Valley, whether you are a business owner, an employee, a retiree or a youth need leadership from their council.
A council who inspires its community to work together to become all it can be and a council who the community knows it can trust.
With me as a councillor this is what you will get.
Honesty, hard work and care for my fellow citizens, treating each individual the way I would expect to be treated is how I live my life and run my business and this is what I will bring to the table as a councillor.
I will work with my fellow councillors to do what is right, not what is easy.
I will work with the mayor and councillors to streamline DA approvals on small lots and speed up the building approval process.
I’m looking forward to these people being elected. They are a diverse, caring and interesting bunch who also appear to be mild and measured.
I suggest voting for (listed alphabetically) record of serving my community; I stood with our community to try to save the Ulmarra Ferry, and as a director on the board of Arts Northern Rivers, I played a key role in promoting and supporting the arts and creative sector.
There are many great councils all up and down the NSW coast, we must take pride in our town centres and ensure they are beautiful, safe and inviting, for our residents and for visitors alike, we must also protect the natural beauty of the region so that it can be enjoyed and adored for generations to come. Vote 1 for James Allan for a vibrant and amazing future.
Shane Causley I would like you to vote for me.
I am a local. I have lived in the Clarence Valley all my life. I know the area and understand local issues. I am a cane farmer from Warregah Island.
I am a family man. I have been married to my wife Tracy for 29 years. I have two children and fve grandchildren.
I am passionate about the area we live in and will fght to have its natural beauty, and the relaxed lifestyle of our communities maintained. We need sustainable development; we don’t want development to overwhelm our infrastructure.
I will advocate for all the clarence valley, primary producers, small businesses, sporting groups and local communities.
I will advocate to have money invested in local communities to improve lifestyle and liveability.
I would like to see the Clarence River Way Masterplan 2, which was adopted by council in 2021, completed.
This is important for our smaller communities and helps showcase our magnifcent river.
If elected I will work with the mayor and
The way in which council communicates their activities to the public needs to be improved and I will work with the new council to improve this.
Openness and accountability should be forefront. The council should listen to the residence that live in the communities I will advocate to have our road network maintained to an acceptable level.
I am a hard worker, honest and willing to represent you on the new council.
I will work with all councillors and the mayor to bring positive outcomes for our communities.
Melissa Hellwig I’m going to be direct: people should vote for me because I value integrity above all.
I am a political moderate and good listener.
I may not have much wow factor–I am the kind of classic invisible, middle-aged woman that people often underestimate.
From a life perspective, I’m a bit of a contradiction and am not at all interested in parochial pigeon-holing.
I’m extremely local (since 1856) and madly passionate about the Valley yet only new back to town, having spent more of my life overseas and interstate than here.
I’m a super-practical farmer and yet idealist and sometimes artist. I like to keep ‘em guessing !
I lean towards new candidates over old.
I haven’t done a “how to vote card.” I chose early-on to try to remain fairly independent.
That said, I do have favourites. Those who provoke, who often
Allan, Cairns, Clancy, HELLWIG and Yager as your fve or part of your top nine.
Karen Toms
I have 16 years’ experience as a councillor for the Clarence Valley.
I am seeking your support once more so I can continue serving our community.
My passion is disability inclusion, and I am grateful for the dedication of each member of Council’s Access Advisory Committee.
We have worked hard to increase the liveability of our communities. There is so much more to do like providing better beach access for all, providing better footpaths, shared paths and bike lanes as set out in our recently adopted Active Transport Strategy.
I have focused on reducing debt and effciency savings, made tough decisions with councillor colleagues putting us in a place where we are now delivering replacements of the old assets no longer meeting the needs of our community. Treelands Drive
Community Precinct, a new accessible Aquatic Centre to replace the old Grafton pool and a modern 270-tiered seating auditorium Maclean Cultural Centre are all long-term community aspirations.
I have a positive attitude and have demonstrated my ability to get things done.
This term, council has delivered an impressive list of achievements that make me proud.
Our staff are our greatest asset, and I thank them for their contribution to our success.
Steve Pickering
I have a proven track
I worked with the City of Coffs Harbour to renew our Bulk Regional Water Supply Agreement, a review that was long overdue.
I have made personal representations to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Insurers’ Response to the 2022 Floods, the Federal Government Regional Telecommunications Review, and the NSW Productivity Commission investigation into Water Funding.
I am committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive community, making thoughtful planning decisions, and taking a measured approach to environmental issues. If re-elected, I will continue advocating for, supporting, and encouraging our artists and creators.
I will focus on improving communication with the community and completing key projects like the Grafton Pool, Treelands Drive Community Centre, and the Maclean Cultural Centre.
Once these projects are completed, we can shift our focus to future initiatives, such as water fltration, constructing the Nymboida Weir fsh ladder, enhancing active transport links for walkers, cyclists, and people with mobility aids, and ensuring all-inclusive beach access for everyone. I am civic-minded and driven to serve our community.
Vote 1 – Steve Pickering, and remember to choose at least four other candidates. For a strong, progressive, responsible council, vote 1 Steve Pickering.
Phil Provest and Alison Whaites had not submitted pitches by the paper’s deadline.