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Nrlx Market Report


There was a yarding of 1,400 head, featuring a good supply of young cattle and steady cow numbers. The young cattle consisted primarily of weaners, with several pens of yearlings. The quality of the young cattle varied, as many weaners showed signs of winter’s effects. However, there were well-bred runs of weaner steers and heifers included in the sale. Most restocker cattle were bound for the Tablelands and Queensland. Restocker weaner steers were 10c higher, with premium prices for light-


weight, well-bred Angus steers. Steer prices ranged from 340c to 449c, averaging 398c to 407c/kg, depending on weight and breed. Weaner heifers, however, struggled to meet last week’s prices, selling between 220c and 344c/kg. Yearling steers for feeding or backgrounding sold from 322c to 352c/kg. The yarding of export cattle mainly featured cows, along with some grown steers and heifers. Grown steers saw little change, selling between 294c and 334c, while heifers topped at 297c/kg. The cow market remained frm, with 2-score medium weights selling between 230c and 259c, 3-scores averaging 267c, and 4-scores ranging from 275c to 294c/kg. Bulls reached a top price of 300c/ kg.

• Yearling Steers: Averaged 344.6c/kg, with a top of 406.2c/kg ($1104.68 to $1350.62).

MC DOUGALL & SONS SHEEP & LAMB REPORT (Week Ending 06/09/2024)

The livestock markets in Warwick and District continue to see steady numbers across both the cattle and sheep/ lamb sectors. With the arrival of spring, there has been an increase in spring lambs at the markets alongside solid trade and export cattle types. While the cattle market remains frm to slightly dearer, pork numbers have been lower, with most yarded stock being feed-on types. Overall, vendors are seeing strong returns, particularly in the fnished and heavier ends.

Cattle Market Overview

• Bulls: Averaged 285c/kg, with a top price of 355.2c/kg ($863.03 to $2478.00).

• Cows: Averaged 263.6c/kg, topping at 318c/kg ($1320.27 to $2464.50).

• Feeder Heifers: Averaged 306.2c/kg, topping at 396.2c/ kg ($1054.16 to $1698.71).

• Feeder Steers: Averaged 382.3c/kg, with a top of 415.2c/kg ($1438.67 to $1865.42).

• Heifers: Averaged 303.6c/kg, reaching 337.2c/kg ($1399.78 to $2444.70).

• Steers: Averaged 339.2c/kg, topping at 418.2c/kg ($2015.29 to $2740.65).

• Vealer Heifers: Averaged 285.4c/kg, with a top price of 358.2c/kg ($691.10 to $1198.19).

• Vealer Steers: Averaged 368.9c/kg, reaching a top of 412.2c/kg ($860.76 to $1193.98).

• Yearling Heifers: Averaged 334.8c/kg, topping at 396.2c/kg ($1251.11 to $1733.38).




Sale Date: 02.09.2024 - Number Yarded: 657

The Tenterfeld cattle sale saw an increased yarding of 657 mixed-quality cattle, with stronger demand leading to a generally dearer market, particularly for better-quality offerings.

Market Highlights

• Cows: The cow market was the standout of the day, with heavy cows selling up to 320 cents, medium weights reaching 305.2 cents, and light cows topping at 270.2 cents. The highest price for cows was $2,768.00, achieved by Tenterfeld High School.

The total cattle yarding averaged 307.2c/kg, with a peak price of 420.2c/kg ($1150.92 to $2740.65).

Sheep & Lamb Market Overview

• Lambs: Topped at $228, averaging $149.09/head, a $7 increase from last week.

• Hoggets: Topped at $160, averaging $102.06, a decrease of $21.

• Ewes: Topped at $104, averaging $71.23, down by $10.

• Wethers: Topped at $113, averaging $68.79, a $4 decrease.

• Lamb Rams: Topped at $155, averaging $121.69, a $2 increase.

• Rams: Topped at $350, averaging $108.19, up by $24.

The total yarding of 2130 head averaged $125.56, a rise of $3/head compared to the previous week.

Pork Market Overview

The pork market saw a slight drop in numbers, with only 70 head available.

• Sows: Topped at $390.

• Pork: Reached $238.

• Light Pork: Ranged from $180 to $200.

• Stores: Sold between $70 and $227.

Poultry Market Overview

Poultry numbers remained steady:

• Goslings: Sold for $50 per group.

• Quails: Reached $17.50 per group.

• Chicks: Topped at $45 per group.

• Hen & Chicks: Sold for $50.

• Hens: Topped at $20.

• Steers: A small yarding of mixed-quality steers topped at 375.2 cents, with Angus steers in the trade category reaching 446.2 cents, making them highly sought after. The top steer price was $1,857.24, achieved by the De Jager Family Trust.

• Heifers: Heifers sold to a high of 330.2 cents, with the best heifers averaging 320.6 cents. The highest price for heifers was $2,294.89, achieved by Applebutt Partnership.

• Bullocks: Bullocks sold to 342.2 cents, with the top price reaching $2,181.53 for NM & K Rhodes.

• Bulls: Bulls topped at 287.2 cents, with the highest price being $2,690.40 for Geroma Partnership.

• Vealers: Vealers reached a top price of $899.64, achieved by Madeline Wait. Category Averages:

• Vealers (Light Steers): 412.2 cents, averaging 374.8 cents

• Yearling Steers: 446.2 cents, averaging 390.0 cents

• Yearling Heifers: 329.2 cents, averaging 301.4 cents

• Roosters: Reached $30.

• Pullets: Topped at $37.50, with some fetching up to $60.

• Guinea Fowl: Sold for $70.


The Pig and Calf yards also saw the sale of horses, with mini mares reaching $300.


A total of 2130 head of sheep and lambs were offered to both local and export markets, with lambs and hoggets accounting for 70% of the yarding. Heavy and trade lambs experienced frmer prices, while lighter lambs, particularly those off ewes, saw a slight dip. Mutton followed a similar trend, with the heavier end remaining frm, but lighter stock slightly weaker. Rams made a statement, with ex-stud Dorper rams reaching $350.

Individual Sales Highlights

• Will Bazley & Vanessa McDonald: Dorset x lambs (53kg) sold for $202 and $200 to Eversons, with 48.2kg lambs fetching $191.

• Sally Cadalora: Aussie White ewe lambs (46.1kg) sold to restockers for $187, and 44.2kg lambs to McMahon Bros for $166.

• David Lindsay: Xbred lambs (56.6kg) sold for $227, and 50kg lambs fetched $193.

• Stuart Timms: Sold Dorper ex-stud rams to restockers for $350.

• Brad Bull: Dorper wethers sold for $75 to Thomas Foods and hoggets to restockers for $71. This week’s sheep and lamb market refected strong demand, particularly for heavier, fnished lambs, with the overall market showing resilience across the board.

• Heavy Steers: 350.0 cents, averaging 344.1 cents

• Light Cows: 270.2 cents, averaging 226.3 cents

• Medium Cows: 305.2 cents, averaging 240.3 cents

• Heavy Cows: 320.0 cents, averaging 299.2 cents

• Bulls (600kg+): 287.2 cents, averaging 256.5 cents

• Bullocks (540kg+): 342.2 cents

Top Prices

• Bullocks: $2,181.53 - NM & K Rhodes

• Steers: $1,857.24 - De Jager Family Trust

• Cows: $2,768.00 - Tenterfeld High School

• Heifers: $2,294.89 - Applebutt Partnership

• Yearlings: $972.32 - D & K Battistuzzi

• Vealers: $899.64 - Madeline Wait

• Bulls: $2,690.40 - Geroma Partnership

Next Sale

• 30th September 2024, 9:00 am Start

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