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Council Seeks Community Input on Draft Ageing Well in the Tweed Strategy 2024−2029

The Tweed Shire Council is inviting community feedback on its new Draft Ageing Well in the Tweed Strategy 2024−2029, which aims to ensure the region is well-prepared for the expected doubling of residents aged over 65 in the coming years.

Open for public consultation until Friday, 15 November 2024, the strategy outlines how Council will support the ageing population in living active, healthy, and connected lives while addressing challenges such as housing affordability, healthcare services, and social isolation.

The Draft Strategy was developed by the Council in partnership with specialist consultants, the Phillips Group, following community engagement in March 2024. This included workshops during the 2024 Tweed Seniors Festival, a community-wide survey, and consultations with local service providers and organizations.

The community-wide survey received an enthusiastic response, with 178 residents offering feedback and ideas that have informed the draft. Once fnalized, this Strategy will serve as a roadmap to guide the Council’s actions to support residents aged 55 and over.

A Blueprint for an Age-Friendly Community Council’s Director of Sustainable Communities and Environment, Naomi Searle, emphasized the importance of community feedback, given the growing proportion of seniors in the Tweed area.

“Seniors make up a signifcant portion of our community, with more than a quarter of all residents aged over 65 years—double the state average,” said Ms. Searle. “Based on current projections, the number of residents aged over 65 is expected to double over the next 25 years. We need to be prepared to address the challenges ahead and ensure the Tweed remains an age- friendly community.”

The Draft Strategy outlines a vision for an age-friendly Tweed, where older individuals feel safe, supported, and connected, with access to opportunities to remain active and engaged.

The Council is now seeking feedback from the community to ensure that the proposed actions align with the social, cultural, economic, and environmental needs of the ageing population.

Key Actions in the Draft Strategy

The Draft Ageing Well Strategy includes a total of 21 key actions, focusing on four main areas:

1. A Safe and Friendly Tweed:

• Establish a Seniors Advisory Group.

• Advocate for senior safety and crime prevention initiatives.

• Upgrade public infrastructure and equip frontline workers with senior-related information.

2. A Connected and Engaged Tweed:

• Improve public transport options for seniors.

• Develop programs that offer social opportunities and new skills training.

• Create an information roadshow to connect seniors with essential services.

3. A Resilient and Informed Tweed:

• Offer workshops to help seniors transition to retirement.

• Create a social connection program directory and new skills training for healthy ageing.

• Develop a roadmap for ageing to connect seniors with the information they need.

• Implement a climate change education and preparedness program.

4. A Healthy and Vibrant Tweed:

• Increase the visibility of seniors through advocacy and support.

• Develop partnerships with local businesses to support age-friendly initiatives.

• Strengthen connections between health and aged care providers.

• Create a ‘Living Library’ to build understanding and inclusion.

• Promote access to community gardens, Council meeting spaces, and work towards joining the World Health Organization’s global network of age-friendly cities and communities. Have Your Say Community input is critical to ensure the fnal Strategy refects the needs and aspirations of the Tweed’s growing senior population.

Residents can provide their feedback on the Draft Ageing Well in the Tweed Strategy by visiting the Your Say Tweed website at yoursaytweed.com.au/ ageingwell to view the document and submit feedback online. Hard copies of the Draft Strategy are available at Council’s customer service centres and libraries. Written submissions can be mailed to Joanne Watters at PO Box 816, Murwillumbah NSW 2484.

For more information, visit the Your Say Tweed website, or contact Council’s Community Care team at (02) 6670 2400 or via email at communityservices@ tweed.nsw.gov.au.

The community’s participation is essential to help shape a future where Tweed remains an inclusive, supportive, and vibrant place for people of all ages, particularly as the population continues to age.

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