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Easter puzzles
1 Agreeably pungent (7) 4 Type of whale (8) 8 Opposite to forward (8) 11 Relating to the body (9) 13 Plan, outline (6) 14 Intact (8) 16 Improve (7) 17 Dispersion of people from their original homeland (8) 19 The 12 disciples (8) 20 Study of the history of words (9) 24 Small cooking measurement (8) 25 Docket (6) 27 Flooring material composed of marble chips in concrete (8) 29 Bivalve molluscs (7) 31 Sloth (7) 33 Invulnerability, insuperability (13) 37 Radioactive element named after a country (8) 41 Deliberately lose a game (5) 42 Blooper (5) 43 Chop nely (5) 44 Bell-like sound (5) 45 Thimbleweeds (8) 48 Extinct primitive bird (13) 51 Iterates (7) 54 Encase (7) 56 Tacit, undeclared (8) 57 Game played on a court (6) 58 Fresh (8) 59 Quality or feature (9) 63 Prehistoric stone monument (8) 65 US actress who starred in
Romancing the
Stone, – Turner (8) 68 Endurance (7) 69 Digital protection (8) 70 Christian festival (6) 71 Feeling (9) 72 Lets the air out (8) 73 Word blindness (8) 74 One who doubts what others believe (7)
1 Image (7) 2 Pear-shaped fruit with oily esh (7) 3 Subject (5) 4 23-down is a public — (7) 5 Apply pressure (5) 6 Buddy (5) 7 One of the teams playing this year’s 23down AFL match (9) 8 Shrubby climbing plant (14) 9 Popular 70-across sweet (9) 10 Pass rope through (5) 12 Ball game and contact sport (5) 15 Implore (7) 18 Fittingly (5) 21 Bound (4) 22 Bright blue gemstone, lapis — (6) 23 Day where people traditionally eat sh, — Friday (4) 26 Identify the nature of an illness (8) 28 Precipitation (4) 30 Rider’s footrest (7) 32 Beat (6) 34 Courage (5) 35 Remark (7) 36 Flu y 70-across mascot (5) 38 Practise (8) 39 Fold (6) 40 German demon from
Faustian folklore (14) 46 Rubber (6) 47 Norway’s capital (4) 49 Common 70-across activity for children, egg — (4) 50 Fasting period that ends with 70-across (4) 52 Another name for
Shrove Tuesday, — Day (7) 53 Attacker (9) 54 Plant with a strong fetid smell (9) 55 Bisect (5) 59 Loss of memory (7) 60 Visualise (7) 61 Combine (5) 62 Adaptable (7) 64 Select group (5) 66 Elephant horns (5) 67 Bondsman (5) 68 Cranial cavity (5)
1 Which burrowing marsupial is
Australia’s Easter mascot? 2 Which confectionery company manufactures the Crème Egg (pictured): Cadbury, Nestlé or
Darrell Lea? 3 Traditionally, Easter eggs were dyed red to represent what? 4 How is the date for Easter chosen?
59. Amnesia, 60. Imagine, 61. Unite, 62. Elastic, 64. Elite, 66. Tusks, 67. Liege, 68. Sinus. 38. Rehearse, 39. Crease, 40. Mephistopheles, 46. Eraser, 47. Oslo, 49. Hunt, 50. Lent, 52. Pancake, 53. Assailant, 54. Stinkweed, 55. Halve, 15. Entreat, 18. Aptly, 21. Tied, 22. Lazuli, 23. Good, 26. Diagnose, 28. Rain, 30. Stirrup, 32. Rhythm, 34. Nerve, 35. Comment, 36. Bunny, 1. Picture, 2. Avocado, 3. Theme, 4. Holiday, 5. Press, 6. Amigo, 7. Kangaroos, 8. Bougainvillaea, 9. Chocolate, 10. Reeve, 12. Rugby,
65. Kathleen, 68. Stamina, 69. Firewall, 70. Easter, 71. Sentiment, 72. De ates, 73. Dyslexia, 74. Sceptic. 44. Chime, 45. Anemones, 48. Archaeopteryx, 51. Repeats, 54. Sheathe, 56. Unspoken, 57. Tennis, 58. Original, 59. Attribute, 63. Megalith, 20. Etymology, 24. Teaspoon, 25. Agenda, 27. Terrazzo, 29. Oysters, 31. Inertia, 33. Invincibility, 37. Francium, 41. Throw, 42. Error, 43. Mince, 1. Piquant, 4. Humpback, 8. Backward, 11. Corporeal, 13. Design, 14. Unopened, 16. Upgrade, 17. Diaspora, 19. Apostles,
5. Peeps, often shaped like baby chickens and bunnies, are a popular Easter candy made out of what? 6. What popular Easter event is hosted by the White House each year? 7. And in what year was this event established: 1878, 1900 or 1908? 8. Coles have recently launched a savoury hot cross bun in what unconventional avour? 9. Traditionally, how many days in
Lent are marked by fasting from both food and festivity? 10. According to Christian tradition, which day of Easter must everyone aged 14 and up abstain from consuming meat?
cheese 9. 40 days 10. Good Friday Roll 7. 1878 8. Jalapeño and 6. The White House Easter Egg after March 21 5. Marshmallow Sunday after the full moon on or blood of Christ 4. It is the rst 1. The bilby 2. Cadbury 3. The
All blank squares must be lled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks.
984762135 763451829 215398764 872543691 539816472 641927583 396184257 427635918 158279346 1 9 3 63 9 9 4 7 4 8 5 1 2 7 9 2 3 6 3 5 1 47 5
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included, and each
letter may only be used once. No colloquial or Nforeign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in ‘s’. AIM A R 20 words: Good 30 words: Very good 40 words: Excellent