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Big Hearts Trust

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Hearts On Tour


With the support from the Scottish Government, Big Hearts is coordinating local efforts to support the Gorgie and Dalry communities throughout the Covid-19 disruption.


Opening a new chapter in our ambitions for South West Edinburgh, the charity of Heart of Midlothian FC has been providing fi nancial aid towards the local Covid-19 recovery efforts. In the early stages of the pandemic, Big Hearts was selected by the Scottish Government to act as ʻCommunity Anchor Organisation’ for the Gorgie-Dalry area of Edinburgh.

Crisis grants

As such, Big Hearts is working with local networks to support members of the local community most vulnerable and in need of help. 14 small nonprofi t groups in the surroundings of Tynecastle Park have been awarded crisis grants. With a total of £20,000 in funding distributed, Big Hearts helped deliver various grassroot projects encouraging physical activity, promoting social connections or improving access to online support and educational resources.

Local recovery

Amongst the initiatives supported is the ʻThe Forget Me Notes’ community choir. “The grant allowed to run our dementiafriendly Zoom community choir twice a week over 10 weeks. People joined from the Gorgie/ Dalry community and further afi eld. Older people and those living with dementia have been able to come together, sing, share memories, and feel a little less isolated through these diffi cult times. Feedback has been excellent, with people saying that singing together has really lifted their spirits. We are very grateful to

Big Hearts for this vital funding.”


The Gorgie/Sighthill ward, where Big Hearts operates, holds the highest rate of child poverty across the city (35% vs 22%).

Since 2018, our charity has been addressing the growing challenge of food insecurities and social isolation in low income families. Our School’s Out! project has provided thousands of free meals for local school pupils during the summer and winter holidays. However in 2020, our charity decided to run School’s Out! over fi ve consecutive months, with door-todoor deliveries of food essentials and activities. Over 1,600 relief parcels have been distributed to date, thanks to the continued support from Cash for Kids, Tynecastle High School and the Community One Stop Shop.


“During the fi rst week of lockdown, the mother of Ethan and Sofi a, 8 and 11 years old, got in touch via Facebook asking for help with food. The family had been previously identifi ed as vulnerable, due to fi nancial insecurities and experience of mental health issues, with the siblings attending our School’s Out project. Big Hearts delivered a bag of groceries the following day. Having an informal chat by the car helped Ethan and Sofi a’s mum unload her worries: staying at home and away from their school friends was diffi cult for the children and they did not want to leave their bedroom anymore. Over the following 12 weeks, we provided relief parcels to encourage the family to engage in positive activities, like baking or arts and crafts. Big Hearts ordered a tablet for them to stay in touch with the outside world and attend our weekly online chats. The visit from Big Hearts became a happy routine in the household, with Ethan and Sofi a’s mum calling it ʻa ray of sunshine’ during diffi cult times. Chatting with our staff was the only face-to-face support she received throughout lockdown whilst getting the free activities had helped keep the spirits up, and for this she will always be grateful.”

0131 603 4926 @bighearts @bigheartscommunity Big Hearts Community Trust – Registered Charity SC 037311

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