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Dig Out Your Dancing Shoes
SATURDAY 20 MAY was a great night to dance Old Time Dances with fantastic music. 50 patrons attended Goomboorian Memorial Hall and were delighted with a hot supper and tea/coffee to keep the nip in the air away. The Goomboorian Hall Committee ladies Pam and Jan managed the catering. The Cooloola Coast
Dances Group (CCDG) are pleased to be associated with them and to be keeping the wooden floored hall alive. The raffle prizes of a $50 meat tray and a $50 fruit and veggie tray were won by Bev Ward and Pam Simpson. As the spokesperson for the CCDG we are trying to give good quality raffle prizes to assist our patrons with making them smile and to allow
• Check with Council to see if there are any local laws which prohibit the lighting of fire on your property, the positioning of the fire, and if it must be contained within a brazier, fire pit, or similar device.
• Make yourself aware of any smoke nuisance laws and restrictions in the area. Council may issue fines for noncompliance.
Don’t forget your fire safety:
- Never leave children unattended around the fire;
- Never leave the fire unattended. Monitor the fire at all times, and to make sure it has been completely extinguished.
- When extinguishing the fire use water to put out your fire once you have finished with it
- never use sand or dirt to put out your fire as the fire will stay hot for a long time which could cause serious injuries.
- Do not put hot coals into garden beds or other areas where they may catch alight. For other tips for staying safe during winter head to the Queensland Government website www.qld.gov.au or check out more fire safety on the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service website www.qfes.qld.gov.au them to win prizes that they can appreciate. We try to promote local small businesses with pride. Thank you for the quality foods we raffle at present.
Our next Country Hall dance is Saturday 17 June from 7.30pm till 11.30pm. CCDG enjoys getting everyone to the dances as we are rewarded by the smiles and laughter our muso Chris Doyle brings to the dances. All are very welcome.
Next dance lessons are Saturday 3 June 3-5pm, by Mal and Karen.
For further information contact Julie 0428 824 115 on behalf of the Cooloola Coast Dances Group who are a non-profit group of retirees ensuring all moneys go to the paying of the band and hall hire.