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Red Cross Evacuation Centre training day
TWENTY-FIVE PEOPLE attended the Red Cross Evacuation Centre training day on 5 May.
Gympie Regional Council’s Disaster Management team provided the opportunity and Red Cross Facilitator Allison Langevad explained the roles and procedures that would come into play if/when our hall gets activated by emergency services as an evacuation centre.

Participants had to imagine a centre and designate areas for each activity on paper, learn what roles each of the emergency and support services perform, and find out what local volunteers could be asked to do. Participants will receive Certificate 1 in Evacuation Centre Management from QFES.
Further training is planned, including Psychological First Aid. If you would like to be included in the next training day, please email cirssecretary@gmail.com or call our office on 5486 3355.
Red Cross evacuation centre training underway.
Comedy Workshop
TALK ABOUT LAUGH! They may have been short in stature and few in number, but wow, were they ever funny! Congratulations to the comedy workshop participants Ze, Walter, Sheryl, and Elisa.
We heard tales tall and true: from dolphins getting high on puffer fish to hiding up trees from crocodiles and other predators, from slapstick to fun playing with words. The acts were hilarious. Comedians Mick Neven and Nicky Wilkinson from Funny Coast Comedy educated our participants and entertained us as well with their own routines.
Our participants went from nervous rehearsal to buzzing with confidence by the end of the show. We had hot soup, warm risotto, cold beers and chilled Prosecco, a lot of laughs, and a great night had by all.
Thanks to Gympie Regional Council who assisted the project through funding from their Get Local Community Grants Program. Council also ran a comedy workshop in Gympie during Youth Week and we are hoping to host a Laugh-Off between our ‘oldies’ and their ‘young’uns’, sometime in the near future. Watch this space.

Market Update
WE HAD A rain-interrupted market in May, so while we had fewer outside stalls, the inside stalls had a bonanza.
Winners of our two $100 boards were Kerin B and Adam J. Thanks to Maree Heron for a superhuman effort in selling the two $100 boards.
Book sales are increasing and we had some great collections donated so come into the CIRS office to browse. Book sales organiser Pam is about to cull our shelves (and she is ruthless!) so pop in and see what is thrown out. You never know, one woman’s trash is another’s treasure. Book donations are always welcome. CIRS is located in the Rainbow Beach Community Centre next door to the Library. We are open Mon to Fri 8.30am to 4pm. Ph 5486 3355.
COMING TO THE big screen near you! Our CoolaFlix coordinator Sheryl Anderson will be contacting local community groups interested in hosting their own film night fundraisers.
To kick off our CoolaFlix project, CIRS will be the community group with the first FREE film screening on 8 July. More details next month.