1 minute read
A Big Shout Out to our local businesses
Ross Carruthers
IT’S THE FIRST Board Meeting of the Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch following Anzac Day and President Don Holland has the floor: ‘The first thing we need to do is thank the local businesses that supported us this year. They were absolutely-bloody-amazing!’

Well, how could you not agree. Where would community groups like ours be without our local businesses?
Whether it’s helping purchase defibrillators for the RSL premises, donating sausages and bread for the drop-in sausage sizzle, or a forty-pounder of rum for the Gunfire Breakfast on Anzac Day, our local businesses are there for us.
I know our RSL commemorative events would not be the same without the support of the local businesses. Approaching Anzac Day this year the Tin Can Bay IGA gave our Treasurer Peter Brogden a ring to say that they had a cheque for us – and ‘hey, if you need a hand over Anzac Day let us know and we’ll help out’.
I think this type of community spirit is especially evident in small towns like Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach. The community is happy to get involved as volunteers and do the hard yards and the businesses also do their share of the heavy lifting.
Also, how can we forget our local media like the Rainbow Beach Community News who support and encourage our monthly news articles. All I can say is, ‘Thank you for your service!’
Ed note: Thank you for your kind words! And for shining a light on our big-hearted local businesses and the wonderful community spirit evident in our towns.